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Facing Frustration in Business: 16 Years of Uphill Struggles

In summary, the situation is this; the consultant who had been a director before the "new rules" but didn't have the qualifications after promoted to Advanced Director, and now her sales don't count in my first line, only toward the total required. She doesn't count as an active consultant in my line. I have to build my line again to get the $4000 in sales etc. Now my
Gold Member
I am so ticked. I have been in this business for 16 years and it has steadily gone south since Doris sold it. When she was at the helm we had someone at the home office who knew what it was like out here in the field. Since the new rules have been put in place, the farther you are down on the totem pole the less you matter. If you know what is good for you and your business you will NOT help your consultants promote to director! I can control what I do but I surely cannot make anyone else work if they do not want to. The situation is this; I had ( notice I said HAD) a great consultant in my downline who was selling from $4000 to $6000 per month. She had been a director before the "new rules" but didn't have the qualifications after. Then she promoted! Which promoted me to Advanced Director. Yeah, right? NO!! Now her sales don't count in my first line, only toward the total required. She doesn't count as an active consultant in my line. I have to build my line again to get the $4000 in sales etc. Now my position depends on HER maintaining directorship as well as increased sales, etc. Well, long story short, she cannot maintain directorship because she has people who will not work, which means I cannot maintain as an Advanced Director. You would think things would go back to where they were right? But NO! I lose my title(big deal) and the best consultant all in one swoop! Now she is not even in my line. She has been in my line for 11 years! I guess that is how they will keep the Nationals where they are and they rest of us can just deal with it.
Re: Rant!!If she doesn't maintain as a director, then she automatically reverts to your personal line. You don't "lose" her.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Re: Rant!!You are mistaken. She has already been taken out of my line.
Re: Rant!!
Drew said:
You are mistaken. She has already been taken out of my line.

That sounds really weird. Where does she go then?
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Re: Rant!!We don't know yet. We will probably know about the tenth of the month when everything gets updated.
Re: Rant!!She does not leave your line. I know this for a fact. If she loses her title she reverts back to your personal cluster and again counts for your personal cluster sales of 4000.
Re: Rant!!
Drew said:
You are mistaken. She has already been taken out of my line.

She's out of your line while she's still listed as a director, once she's back down to a TL, or a SC - then she'll be listed as back in your line. She will maintain the title and status of director for 3 months following her promotion, even if she is paid as a TL or SC, before reverting back.

I'm not mistaken.
Re: Rant!!When you promote to AD and you lose your status as that then the person who was the director in your line bypasses you.. You do not keep that person or their line.. this is what she is talking about... even though the person was not maintaining her directorship either but they let you hold on to the title for 3 months which the AD does not get to count her or her line as her requirements... just wait you will see this happening more... and then you will be on here to rant too...
Re: Rant!!
crissy11 said:
When you promote to AD and you lose your status as that then the person who was the director in your line bypasses you.. You do not keep that person or their line.. this is what she is talking about... even though the person was not maintaining her directorship either but they let you hold on to the title for 3 months which the AD does not get to count her or her line as her requirements... just wait you will see this happening more... and then you will be on here to rant too...

That just does not make any sense. I'm sorry, but I think there is too much emotion surrounding this particular case to try to reason with the parties involved.

IF neither one maintains their promoted title, it all reverts back. The one promoted to AD also retains the title and status of AD for 3 months following the promotion - even if they are paid as a D for those 3 months. No one bypasses them during that time, unless they have someone who promotes above D, and maintains that status.
  • #10
Re: Rant!!
crissy11 said:
When you promote to AD and you lose your status as that then the person who was the director in your line bypasses you.. You do not keep that person or their line.. this is what she is talking about... even though the person was not maintaining her directorship either but they let you hold on to the title for 3 months which the AD does not get to count her or her line as her requirements... just wait you will see this happening more... and then you will be on here to rant too...

But...when that director loses her title then she will go back down into the former AD's line...right?

So, if the AD loses her title, and her D has her title for 2 more months, then the AD does not have the D in her line UNTIL the D bumps down as well.

This is probably really confusing to you. lol Hope I am semi clear on my questions.
  • #11
Re: Rant!!From the "horse's mouth" so to speak: (Policy Guide)

Reversion (formerly Relinquishment)
If a Director (or above) fails to qualify (be paid-as) for Director
for three consecutive months, she will “revert,” that is, move
back into her upline Director’s Personal Cluster and lose her
title. This change is effective the 1st of the month following the
third consecutive month of not paid-as a Director.

• The reverted Director will keep her direct and indirect
recruits (unless one of those recruits promotes to Director
and then normal passing by rules take effect).

• The reverting Director can regain her Director (or above)
title by meeting the normal requirements for Director.
In order to repromote to Director or above, the reverted
Director (who is now a Team Leader, Senior Consultant,
or Consultant) must have $4,000 Cluster sales, plus four
active lines with two Senior Consultants, and $750 in
personal sales. In addition, he or she must have the number
of qualified Directors and organization sales required for
the applicable title.

• When the reverted Director repromotes, the upline Director
is in the Rebuild program (see Rebuild rules above).

Important note: Every Director and above must maintain a
Personal Cluster, and if she does not, after three months of not
meeting her Personal Cluster requirements, she will revert to
Team Leader or below.

• Example 1: Director Robert does not meet Personal Cluster
requirements ($750 personal sales, $4,000 Personal Cluster
sales, and four active lines with two Senior Consultants) for
June / July / Aug. On Sept. 1 he reverts to Team Leader,
Senior Consultant or Consultant (based on his performance).

There are more examples, etc on page 30-31 of the Consultant Policy Guide.

But if I'm reading the OP correctly, Drew is the AD, and her 1st line Director is no longer a director at the moment....so Drew will become a Director again *if that's her only 1st line director*, and the original director will become part of Drew's line again. says right there in black-and-white.
Becky's right. So take a deep breath, and you'll see. If you still aren't sure, call someone and ask for clarification.

Crissy- I think what you are talking about is if DREW was the one losing her status, and the 1st line director did not....or someone promoted around her. I don't think that's what she's talking about here.
  • #12
Re: Rant!!As long as the director maintains her/his director title (at least) no one will bypass the D. If the director loses her title, those that are director or above would be reassigned to the upline. I think this is what happened in this case.

The director who has a director in her downline has the title of AD. If the total sales are $12K and both directors maintain their requirements she keeps her title of AD. If they don't, the original director must keep her title of D or she loses the downline D and her team.
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Re: Rant!!She has her title one month longer than I do so she is reassigned to an upline. Just haven't figured out which one yet. I guess when you are in this situation for yourself you will see that one rule just over rules the other rule. They are all there in black and white. the fact remains, I have worked for this company for 16 years and my check was the lowest it has EVER been. I made more the first month I worked than I did for August. I am still taking care of my duties as a director and trying to work my business, but I have lost my enthusiasm. I find it hard to tell other potential recruits that this is the best direct sales company anymore.
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Re: Rant!!
That just does not make any sense. I'm sorry, but I think there is too much emotion surrounding this particular case to try to reason with the parties involved.
What would your reasonable solution be, pray tell!
  • #15
Re: Rant!!
Drew said:
She has her title one month longer than I do so she is reassigned to an upline. Just haven't figured out which one yet. I guess when you are in this situation for yourself you will see that one rule just over rules the other rule. They are all there in black and white. the fact remains, I have worked for this company for 16 years and my check was the lowest it has EVER been. I made more the first month I worked than I did for August. I am still taking care of my duties as a director and trying to work my business, but I have lost my enthusiasm. I find it hard to tell other potential recruits that this is the best direct sales company anymore.

How many recruits do you have? I think it stinks that this has happened, and I agree it doesn't make any sense, but that would motivate ME to get out there and get to recruiting if you are missing that paycheck! You never know when that next person will be the one generating tons of sales.
  • #16
Re: Rant!!Wow, that's scary. What if you met the Director requirements? Wouldn't that start the 3 month clock again, thus keeping her in your line? I believe that if you're director, then you can not be bypassed or lose her and her team. I may be wrong, but that's the impression I had.

Career Solutions once told me that a director could have an ED in her line.
  • Thread starter
  • #17
Re: Rant!!I checked the PC web site to be sure before I answer. I have had 30 new consultants join my line, 29 earned New consultant Rewards, 15 were listed in my line in August. I recruited one new consultant in July and two in August. I still have three potential sc in my line but we go back to the "can't make them work" thing. I offer incentives and semd emails and make calls to encourage. I offer one on one training for those who want it. I also work a full time job which takes 55 hours a week of my time.
  • #18
Re: Rant!!Drew, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I can understand how frustrating it must be to both of you. However, you sound like an awesome Director, and losing you would probably be difficult for everyone still in your downline. I certainly hope, in the end, you decide to stick with PC, and continue to encourage everyone who joined under you.
  • #19
Re: Rant!!Drew, have you explained how the structure works to your team - especially the SC teams? I have had a consultant ask me to do just that at my next meeting. She said that they don't understand how it all works and if they knew maybe I wouldn't struggle to be paid as D - so far I've kept my title but am paid as TL more than D.

I will do that at our next meeting but in the meantime I am training new SC teams that they all need to submit every month but that if one needs to skip a month they should tell the other so that they can always submit the same month to benefit the SC and the team. We'll see if that makes any difference. I have 5 SC teams and only get paid as D about every third month because they don't submit like they say they want to.
  • #20
Re: Rant!!I am bouncing from a TL t0 AD... from AD to TL ( not D in between) depending on what others do. So as our national just keep making more and more. the rest of us make less.
When all the pieces fit you can make an awesome paycheck!!
  • #21
Re: Rant!!I'm a bit worried here...So once you promote to AD...is it really that hard to maintain D? How many SC lines do you have apart from the D line. Also, if you meet D requirements and your new D does too....but you do not meet the organizational sales, what happens? You keep the new D in your line and are paid as a D...right?

Not being offensive but rather trying to learn more as I'm on the edge of AD...and this thread is confusing and worrisome.

Drew I saw that you mentioned you had 3 additional SC lines. What about you pclinskie?

Thanks for any insight.
  • #22
Re: Rant!!I can definitely understand your frustration, and understand the problem. You can never make anyone do anything. Sorry you are having to go through this.
  • #23
Re: Rant!!
Jolie_Paradoxe said:
I'm a bit worried here...So once you promote to AD...is it really that hard to maintain D? How many SC lines do you have apart from the D line. Also, if you meet D requirements and your new D does too....but you do not meet the organizational sales, what happens? You keep the new D in your line and are paid as a D...right?

Not being offensive but rather trying to learn more as I'm on the edge of AD...and this thread is confusing and worrisome.

Drew I saw that you mentioned you had 3 additional SC lines. What about you pclinskie?

Thanks for any insight.

Ad requirement is 4 lines, $12K in total sales, I think personal sales of $750 and the director in downline submits all D requirements.

If you submit $4K with 2 SC lines & 4 total lines with required personal sales you are paid as D if the downline D doesn't make it or if you don't hit $12K.
  • #24
Re: Rant!!WOW... Not sure if I want to promote past Director. Sooo much to keep track of! Hey, Director is no small feat, either, but for me, personally, it may be more manageable.
  • #25
Re: Rant!!
AJPratt said:
WOW... Not sure if I want to promote past Director. Sooo much to keep track of! Hey, Director is no small feat, either, but for me, personally, it may be more manageable.

I'm just going to take it one step at a time. who knows what may change in the future.
  • Thread starter
  • #26
Re: Rant!!It is a lot to keep up with, but if a consultant in your line promotes, you don't have a choice. three months are just not enough time. I guess there isn't enough time if you don't find the right people.
I have explained to my downline what is necessary for me to maintain. I have some people on my team who really care and do everything they can to help. Then there are others who will say they are going to turn in a show and it never shows up. I do not understand that! I mean it's not like I won't know.....
I checked on using a leave of absence but you can't use it in the third month. Like you will know in the second month that the consultant isn't going to make director the next month!! What is that? It is just a way to take what you have worked for and leave you with a lot of work to do all over again.
  • #27
Re: Rant!!OK, I'm going to be really frank here.I frankly do not CARE about my a/d maintaining her status! If I'm going to have a good month in sales, I'm going to do it to benefit MY bottom line, and hers is the last thing I care about!Shows fall through. Things happen. If your consultants are going to be consistent in their sales, you need to explain what's in it for THEM and not what's in it for YOU. They are not motivated to help YOU they are motivated to help THEMSELVES. Help them set goals. Tell them what they can do to move their business forward.
  • #28
Re: Rant!!First, Drew....thanks for sharing. I can ONLY IMAGINE how you're feeling. I can totally understand your frustration and upset over this. I would be feeling the same, I would think. Sorry this is happening, and I can only imagine how intense you feel because of your long standing history and experience as a PC consultant. I'm lucky I didn't start too long ago so have nothing different to compare. I joined shortly before the career change and so it's all I know. That makes it easier for me. Once change occurs, I bet I'll be feeling similarly. I am hoping you can promote to D asap so that you do NOT lose that line. That would be heartbreaking. :( I agree with Beth that you should share your goals with the team. They'll step up to the plate if they know what's happening. Who CAN'T pick up 10 $15 orders to become active?

BlueMoon said:
I'm just going to take it one step at a time. who knows what may change in the future.

This is not at all addressed to you or your post Drew and not at all personal.

Marghi -

Don't let this get you wary of promoting. Being a D is awesome...you help others start their biz, you see them succeed and grow. One of the best perks of them all is hearing their excitement and express how much a blessing PC has been in their lives. You also get the added perks of overrides on your check, bigger discount, FREE NEW products....LOTS of reasons to go for it. Your recruiter and/or director can help you get there if that is where your interest lies. DO not be hesitant in going for it!

When you get to D, then you can study the details of the next promotion and decide if you do want to take that next step. But I think just like any new promotion, it's shaky until you get the team numbers more secure.

So, if you promote to TL....you risk losing the title if one of your 2 do not submit...so you look to have 3 or 4 to ensure the title. Same with D...when you promote...you look to have an additional 2 or 3 direct and an additional 2 or 3 who are SC lines. Until you do have that structure in place with the additional lines...you'll want to be sure you have the structure for TL in place. I imagine that as AD, I'll be looking to be sure I have the additional lines to ensure D status. I'll probably be a yo yo in title until the new D can get her structure in place. :D

Once you promote and work on having a strong team to maintain the status, then you shouldn't be losing any of your lines. If you are TL, SC or C....that's when one of your lines can by pass you.

As a D, maintaining the position should help you avoid the bypass. Not everyone who joins will have goals that meet or match your own....part of the beauty...it's their biz and their goals. That's why you continue to recruit and have extras....so that you aren't pushing your agenda and they aren't being pressured.

Work your biz....set your goals...support your team with THEIR goals, and plan for the mishaps. Just like we say to add an extra show or two to the number of shows we want, because cancellations do happen....you have to add an extra line or two in case inactivity happens.

But I believe that if you have a superstar who does promote to D or above and you do not remain as D, that's when the bypassing, etc happens. So, if you hold back from promoting to D and if you happen to just recruit 1 person who ends up exploding and promoting....you'll still lose that line because you chose not to explore promoting to a D.

Besides, those who want it will succeed with or without you. There are so many resources available that you aren't necessary. :D Again, you can support and help them get there quicker....but you aren't required.

I haven't had the chance to experience being an AD and so can not tell you from experience the ins and outs of losing teammembers or seeing the big drop in pay. And I hope you guys will pat my back and encourage me to continue if the day comes that I come to cry or vent. I believe it will be tough in the get go, but I won't discourage my teammates to not promote...just like I look for support from above and the company to help me with my goals, I want to do the same for my team. Insisting or discouraging teammates to work the biz according to my desires is pushing my agenda all the same.
  • #29
Re: Rant!!
BethCooks4U said:
Ad requirement is 4 lines, $12K in total sales, I think personal sales of $750 and the director in downline submits all D requirements.

If you submit $4K with 2 SC lines & 4 total lines with required personal sales you are paid as D if the downline D doesn't make it or if you don't hit $12K.

Thanks for answering Beth. More specifically:

if I do hit D requirements...then I keep the line, right?
  • #30
Re: Rant!!Ok...I just have to point out the irony. It's kind of amusing!

In this corner, we have a D griping about the fact that the team is not producing and helping maintain a title....being defended by the fact that the team is not here to support the D in keeping the title. It's the recruit's biz!

In the opposite corner (Lost My Career Sales), we have recruits griping about the fact that a D did not do their job and let them know what was happening with the recruit's biz.

Both the same point. Each is responsible for THEIR own biz!

He He
  • #31
Re: Rant!!Laurie- you are so right girlfriend! We are all responsible for our own biz. As a great friend in the company has said "We are all the CEO and President of our business". It is our responsibility. Thanks for throwing it out there Laurie.
And from an AD- I LOVE where I am at. Every month I am not sure if I will be paid as an AD but i know over time the stability will come. I love working with my team and --here's the key---those who WANT to work. I love helping people work toward their goals and I love helping people build their belief in themselves.
I personally do my best to make sure my personal sales are where they need to be to cover pretty much all of my basic living expenses (this is my hubby and I's sole source of income) and the rest is a bonus and provides for extra things in life.
I am a HUGE believer in personal responsiblity (thank-you Jack Canfield for introducing it to me!!! read his book The Success Principles) and I literally take full responsibility for whatever happens in my business- personal or organizational. I don't blame PC, the new career plan, the economy, etc. for the results in my business- good or bad.
I look at myself and what I have done. I am the only one who is responsible for the good, the great and the ugly in my biz.
This is sooo not directed at anyone personally, it's simply my way of belief and I wanted to pass it along since I have found it to be very, very freeing. It has allowed me to grow in ways that I had never thought possible. It allows me to view things differently and be way more creative. It also holds me accountable and allows me to respect others in a whole new wonderful way.
Again, I would highly suggest Jack Canfields book The Success Principles and if nothing else, read the chapter on Personal Responsibility. You might be shocked at how it can transform not just your business but your life.... :)
  • #32
Re: Rant!!
letmepamperu13 said:
Laurie- you are so right girlfriend! We are all responsible for our own biz. As a great friend in the company has said "We are all the CEO and President of our business". It is our responsibility. Thanks for throwing it out there Laurie.
And from an AD- I LOVE where I am at. Every month I am not sure if I will be paid as an AD but i know over time the stability will come. I love working with my team and --here's the key---those who WANT to work. I love helping people work toward their goals and I love helping people build their belief in themselves.
I personally do my best to make sure my personal sales are where they need to be to cover pretty much all of my basic living expenses (this is my hubby and I's sole source of income) and the rest is a bonus and provides for extra things in life.
I am a HUGE believer in personal responsiblity (thank-you Jack Canfield for introducing it to me!!! read his book The Success Principles) and I literally take full responsibility for whatever happens in my business- personal or organizational. I don't blame PC, the new career plan, the economy, etc. for the results in my business- good or bad.
I look at myself and what I have done. I am the only one who is responsible for the good, the great and the ugly in my biz.
This is sooo not directed at anyone personally, it's simply my way of belief and I wanted to pass it along since I have found it to be very, very freeing. It has allowed me to grow in ways that I had never thought possible. It allows me to view things differently and be way more creative. It also holds me accountable and allows me to respect others in a whole new wonderful way.
Again, I would highly suggest Jack Canfields book The Success Principles and if nothing else, read the chapter on Personal Responsibility. You might be shocked at how it can transform not just your business but your life.... :)

I love everything you've said here. Thank you for posting! :thumbup:
  • Thread starter
  • #33
Re: Rant!!
If your consultants are going to be consistent in their sales, you need to explain what's in it for THEM and not what's in it for YOU. They are not motivated to help YOU they are motivated to help THEMSELVES. Help them set goals. Tell them what they can do to move their business forward.
As I said, I have been in this business 16 years. I have done over 1300 shows and have recruited over 100 consultants. I have been a director for a major part of those years. I have supported and rewarded my downline in order to motivate them. I do the Open House show giving the new consultant not only the sales but the bookings. It is ridicules to assume that I have only been telling them what I want for myself and not helping them to further their businesses. I helped one consultant promote to director! That's what started this mess!!
  • #34
Re: Rant!!
letmepamperu13 said:
Laurie- you are so right girlfriend! We are all responsible for our own biz. As a great friend in the company has said "We are all the CEO and President of our business". It is our responsibility. Thanks for throwing it out there Laurie.
And from an AD- I LOVE where I am at. Every month I am not sure if I will be paid as an AD but i know over time the stability will come. I love working with my team and --here's the key---those who WANT to work. I love helping people work toward their goals and I love helping people build their belief in themselves.
I personally do my best to make sure my personal sales are where they need to be to cover pretty much all of my basic living expenses (this is my hubby and I's sole source of income) and the rest is a bonus and provides for extra things in life.
I am a HUGE believer in personal responsiblity (thank-you Jack Canfield for introducing it to me!!! read his book The Success Principles) and I literally take full responsibility for whatever happens in my business- personal or organizational. I don't blame PC, the new career plan, the economy, etc. for the results in my business- good or bad.
I look at myself and what I have done. I am the only one who is responsible for the good, the great and the ugly in my biz.
This is sooo not directed at anyone personally, it's simply my way of belief and I wanted to pass it along since I have found it to be very, very freeing. It has allowed me to grow in ways that I had never thought possible. It allows me to view things differently and be way more creative. It also holds me accountable and allows me to respect others in a whole new wonderful way.
Again, I would highly suggest Jack Canfields book The Success Principles and if nothing else, read the chapter on Personal Responsibility. You might be shocked at how it can transform not just your business but your life.... :)

Excellent post!:thumbup:
  • Thread starter
  • #35
Re: Rant!!And btw, I cannot do $12000 in sales, help my consultants turn in enough shows to keep all those necessary lines going and help the director keep her title so that I can keep mine. It would seem like if she was paid as a sc then she would count in my line with sales and as a sc. But it doesn't work that way. As long as she has the title , no matter how she is paid, she doesn't count in my line.
As far as promotion goes, you don't have a choice in that either. If someone in your line promotes to director, you are an advanced director....at least for a time. Then you are on your own. Start over or drop it, that is your choice.
  • #36
Re: Rant!!Don't you still have to sign the Director Agreement or is completely automatic these day? Or did that agreement go away with the new career plan? In the old days, you could decline directorship, for instance if you felt your team wasn't strong enough to maintain or you didn't want the responsibility.
  • #37
Re: Rant!!
Becca_in_MD said:
Don't you still have to sign the Director Agreement or is completely automatic these day? Or did that agreement go away with the new career plan? In the old days, you could decline directorship, for instance if you felt your team wasn't strong enough to maintain or you didn't want the responsibility.

I believe you still do sign the agreement, but once you sign to be D, can you decline to be AD?
  • #38
Re: Rant!!Ok I am confused.
So you promoted to AD and then your director didn't meet her requirements.
Do you have two sc lines that allowed you to at least be paid as a director? Or did you drop to TL?
I am still not seeing where she bypassed you unless you dropped to TL, and then she met D requirements and you did not meet AD sales requirements?
Break it down step by step because I am a little slow on the uptake.
  • #39
Re: Rant!!
Jolie_Paradoxe said:
Thanks for answering Beth. More specifically:

if I do hit D requirements...then I keep the line, right?

Right. As long as you keep the title of D you can not be bypassed. It's when you lose that title that trouble comes.

As an AD you just need 4 personal lines and the D line is not one of those. You don't need SC's at that level and above. I think that's where some people get in trouble. Their D promotes but then isn't strong enough to qualify as a D every month so the AD is paid as TL because she didn't have the 2 SC or above lines to be paid as D and then that happens 3 months in a row and the AD loses D too. Or the $12K isn't reached to keep the AD title and the 2 SC lines aren't in place so even though the D kept her title the AD didn't meet the requirements of either AD or D. ...and then the bypass rule takes effect.

They said they made this simpler...
Last edited:
  • #40
Re: Rant!!
BethCooks4U said:
Right. As long as you keep the title of D you can not be bypassed. It's when you lose that title that trouble comes.

As an AD you just need 4 lines and one can be the D line. You don't need SC's at that level and above. I think that's where some people get in trouble. Their D promotes but then isn't strong enough to qualify as a D every month so the AD is paid as TL because she didn't have the 2 SC or above lines to be paid as D and then that happens 3 months in a row and the AD loses D too. Or the $12K isn't reached to keep the AD title and the 2 SC lines aren't in place so even though the D kept her title the AD didn't meet the requirements of either AD or D. ...and then the bypass rule takes effect.

They said they made this simpler...

Actually, the D line cannot be one of your 4 personal lines as an AD.
  • #41
Re: Rant!!
ChefBeckyD said:
Actually, the D line cannot be one of your 4 personal lines as an AD.
Thanks for clearing that up. I misunderstood that part. :eek:
  • #42
Re: Rant!!Let me see if I understand this.....

Drew Promoted to AD when one of her consultants promoted to D. She had AD title for 3 months, but never fully met all of the AD requirements and dropped back down in title. Her recruit met requirements for 2 months and therefore held the title for 4 months. At that point, the recruit had "passed her up" and she lost her forever.
Am I understanding this correctly? I am glad that you are pointing this out. I really want to be a director, but something that my Executive keeps telling me is that I need to get my personal sales up b/c in the beginning, I will need to expect for most of the $4000 in sales to come from my own personal sales.
  • #43
Re: Rant!!It's smart as a D to hit the $4,000 (or the bulk of it) from your personal sales. This way, all you need to "worry about" is having the team structure in place every month to hit D stats in full.
  • #44
Re: Rant!!that is right... so you must completely rely on other people to turn in their shows and work or it is all for nothing as you demote and lose..very aggravating when you have to depend on others for your paycheck... and I know....recruit...recruit...recruit.... but eventually someone has to sell..
  • #45
Re: Rant!!
Liquid Sky said:
It's smart as a D to hit the $4,000 (or the bulk of it) from your personal sales. This way, all you need to "worry about" is having the team structure in place every month to hit D stats in full.

This is what I try to do each month. Missed it in July, but most months I try to do the $4000 pretty much myself.
  • #46
Re: Rant!!
letmepamperu13 said:
Laurie- you are so right girlfriend! We are all responsible for our own biz. As a great friend in the company has said "We are all the CEO and President of our business". It is our responsibility. Thanks for throwing it out there Laurie.
And from an AD- I LOVE where I am at. Every month I am not sure if I will be paid as an AD but i know over time the stability will come. I love working with my team and --here's the key---those who WANT to work. I love helping people work toward their goals and I love helping people build their belief in themselves.
I personally do my best to make sure my personal sales are where they need to be to cover pretty much all of my basic living expenses (this is my hubby and I's sole source of income) and the rest is a bonus and provides for extra things in life.
I am a HUGE believer in personal responsiblity (thank-you Jack Canfield for introducing it to me!!! read his book The Success Principles) and I literally take full responsibility for whatever happens in my business- personal or organizational. I don't blame PC, the new career plan, the economy, etc. for the results in my business- good or bad.
I look at myself and what I have done. I am the only one who is responsible for the good, the great and the ugly in my biz.
This is sooo not directed at anyone personally, it's simply my way of belief and I wanted to pass it along since I have found it to be very, very freeing. It has allowed me to grow in ways that I had never thought possible. It allows me to view things differently and be way more creative. It also holds me accountable and allows me to respect others in a whole new wonderful way.
Again, I would highly suggest Jack Canfields book The Success Principles and if nothing else, read the chapter on Personal Responsibility. You might be shocked at how it can transform not just your business but your life.... :)

Thanks...I worried about whether to comment or not but then did not want anyone new to be confused or discouraged. I'm glad you posted your experience because I believe that there are positives and negatives with all we do in all areas of life. It's good to seee a positive perspective as well to weigh in with this specific negative experience.
  • #47
Re: Rant!!
beckyjsmith said:
Ok I am confused.
So you promoted to AD and then your director didn't meet her requirements.
Do you have two sc lines that allowed you to at least be paid as a director? Or did you drop to TL?
I am still not seeing where she bypassed you unless you dropped to TL, and then she met D requirements and you did not meet AD sales requirements?
Break it down step by step because I am a little slow on the uptake.

I was confused too which is why I had asked about the SC lines and D's losing lines and about being bypassed. I was having trouble figuring out how the D had an extra month.
  • #48
Re: Rant!!
BethCooks4U said:
Right. As long as you keep the title of D you can not be bypassed. It's when you lose that title that trouble comes.

As an AD you just need 4 lines and one can be the D line. You don't need SC's at that level and above. I think that's where some people get in trouble. Their D promotes but then isn't strong enough to qualify as a D every month so the AD is paid as TL because she didn't have the 2 SC or above lines to be paid as D and then that happens 3 months in a row and the AD loses D too. Or the $12K isn't reached to keep the AD title and the 2 SC lines aren't in place so even though the D kept her title the AD didn't meet the requirements of either AD or D. ...and then the bypass rule takes effect.

They said they made this simpler...

Thanks Beth!
  • #49
Re: Rant!!
crissy11 said:
that is right... so you must completely rely on other people to turn in their shows and work or it is all for nothing as you demote and lose..very aggravating when you have to depend on others for your paycheck... and I know....recruit...recruit...recruit.... but eventually someone has to sell..

Recruiting and growing is good and less stress for you in the long run, but yes the sales have to be there. Both your personal sales and those on the team. If you are selling and recruiting, then you'll meet your sales requirements and your structure requirements. As your team grows, then it's not as worrisome for you or your team if some choose not to work. Ideally, everyone should be at least hitting active status monthly....but realistically, it doesn't always happen. It depends on what's going on in their world, what their motivation is that month, what action they take.

3-2-1....so often stated, but just plain ol' true. Without the 3, there is no 2, which means there will be no 1.
  • #50
Re: Rant!!
Originally Posted by BethCooks4U
Right. As long as you keep the title of D you can not be bypassed. It's when you lose that title that trouble comes.

As an AD you just need 4 lines and --> this is wrong -->one can be the D line <--. You don't need SC's at that level and above. I think that's where some people get in trouble. Their D promotes but then isn't strong enough to qualify as a D every month so the AD is paid as TL because she didn't have the 2 SC or above lines to be paid as D and then that happens 3 months in a row and the AD loses D too. Or the $12K isn't reached to keep the AD title and the 2 SC lines aren't in place so even though the D kept her title the AD didn't meet the requirements of either AD or D. ...and then the bypass rule takes effect.

They said they made this simpler...

Jolie_Paradoxe said:
Thanks Beth!

You caught that I made an error, right? The D line is not counted as one of the AD's required 4 lines. ...going back to change my original post so I don't confuse others.
<h2>1. How has the business changed since Doris sold it?</h2><p>Since Doris sold the business, there have been new rules put in place that have made it more difficult for consultants to succeed. There is also a sense that the company is less connected to the needs and struggles of its consultants in the field.</p><h2>2. How do the new rules affect consultants' ability to promote to director?</h2><p>The new rules place more emphasis on maintaining certain qualifications in order to promote to director. This can make it harder for consultants to reach that level, especially if they have a downline that is not actively working to support them.</p><h2>3. How does the performance of consultants in a downline affect an Advanced Director's position?</h2><p>The performance of consultants in a downline can have a significant impact on an Advanced Director's position. If a consultant in the downline does not maintain directorship or meet sales requirements, it can affect the Advanced Director's own qualifications and position within the company.</p><h2>4. Can a consultant who has previously been a director still promote under the new rules?</h2><p>Yes, a consultant who has previously been a director can still promote under the new rules. However, they must meet the new qualifications and maintain them in order to continue as a director.</p><h2>5. How does the company ensure that Nationals maintain their positions while others struggle?</h2><p>The company has implemented rules and requirements that make it easier for Nationals to maintain their positions, such as allowing their downline's sales to count towards their own qualifications. This can make it more difficult for other consultants to reach the same level of success.</p>

Related to Facing Frustration in Business: 16 Years of Uphill Struggles

1. How has the business changed since Doris sold it?

Since Doris sold the business, there have been new rules put in place that have made it more difficult for consultants to succeed. There is also a sense that the company is less connected to the needs and struggles of its consultants in the field.

2. How do the new rules affect consultants' ability to promote to director?

The new rules place more emphasis on maintaining certain qualifications in order to promote to director. This can make it harder for consultants to reach that level, especially if they have a downline that is not actively working to support them.

3. How does the performance of consultants in a downline affect an Advanced Director's position?

The performance of consultants in a downline can have a significant impact on an Advanced Director's position. If a consultant in the downline does not maintain directorship or meet sales requirements, it can affect the Advanced Director's own qualifications and position within the company.

4. Can a consultant who has previously been a director still promote under the new rules?

Yes, a consultant who has previously been a director can still promote under the new rules. However, they must meet the new qualifications and maintain them in order to continue as a director.

5. How does the company ensure that Nationals maintain their positions while others struggle?

The company has implemented rules and requirements that make it easier for Nationals to maintain their positions, such as allowing their downline's sales to count towards their own qualifications. This can make it more difficult for other consultants to reach the same level of success.

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