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Effective Weight Loss Options: NutriSystem vs. Jenny Craig with TPC Recipes

In summary, Nutrisystem seems to work really well. Jenny Craig - I have done. The food, especially the frozen food (you have options), is AWESOME, DELICIOUS, LOVED IT. The drawback? SOOOOO very expensive. Weight Watchers - I eat what I want, I just need to re-learn portion control. L.A. Weightloss, my mother did that one last year (Its now "Pure Weightloss), sucked. also expensive but just to much weighing food and paying attention to every morsel. I hope this helps you!
Gold Member
I have tried e-diets.com and lost 10 pounds in one year. Ok, but not great! Weight Watchers is available for meetings and such, but I'm really not interested. I've been thinking about NutriSystem, although I'm leaning towards Jenny Craig however there are no centers in my rural area.

:confused: Does anyone have any ideas of how to apply our TPC recipes (from I'ts Good..; Spin on Salads; Salad RC; etc.) into a weekly menu plan (according to calorie levels) PLUS snacks? :chef:
VeronicaW said:
I have tried e-diets.com and lost 10 pounds in one year. Ok, but not great! Weight Watchers is available for meetings and such, but I'm really not interested. I've been thinking about NutriSystem, although I'm leaning towards Jenny Craig however there are no centers in my rural area.

:confused: Does anyone have any ideas of how to apply our TPC recipes (from I'ts Good..; Spin on Salads; Salad RC; etc.) into a weekly menu plan (according to calorie levels) PLUS snacks? :chef:

Nutrisystem seems to work really well. My bo lost over 40 lbs last year (with exercise) and my co worker (also a man over 40) has dropped over 30 in less than three months. (He's a daily walker). But the food is freeze dried.

Jenny Craig - I have done. The food, especially the frozen food (you have options), is AWESOME, DELICIOUS, LOVED IT. The drawback? SOOOOO very expensive. I used my tax refund last year and the food is outrageously expensive (at least $100 a week).

I, like others on here, have gone back to Weight Watchers. I eat what I want, I just need to re-learn portion control. I hate the meetings because I think they're goofy, but I'm going for accountability with the weigh ins and I need a little encouragement.

L.A. Weightloss, my mother did that one last year (Its now "Pure Weightloss), sucked. also expensive but just to much weighing food and paying attention to every morsel.

I hope this helps you!

I did WW a few times. Eventually I drop out. I tried WW on my own with another cheffer and we paid $10 a week to weigh in, the winner kept the money. I dropped out before Christmas, and she later did.

Now, I've joined the gym. The other cheffer got a trainer. We're both still goal minded about weight loss. I know what I need to eat, and portion control is a biggie for me.

I figured I am spending the money on the gym, I am going. Start out slow, and gradually work up> I can't afford the gym and WW, so since I dropped WW so often, I am trying a new approach.

2008 for me, is physical fitness and debt reduction!!
To loose weigh after I had Luke I used Lindora Online. It was very easy for a diet to me - I was not hungry. And they give you charts to choose from to eat and all. I just bought the book and followed it. I need to buy a new book b/c that is what I plan to do after this baby too. You eat 3 meals and 3 snacks. It is a low-carb diet. There is a 2nd book that I never got that teaches you how to change your eating to keep the weight off.

Go to the Online Store and then Support Tools & Accessories and you can find the book to do it at home. I bought the food scales off Ebay and the ketosticks from Walmart cheaper(then I did not use htem, ha).
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Is it like Atkins or South Beach? I've been reading about it on their website and its very cryptic as to meals and such. I was hoping my local library had the book but they do not.

I may stop out at Barnes and Noble tonight and see if they have it. Were you hungry?

Thanks! Dena
I was not hungry and that was what I liked best about it. The first 3 days you go STRAIGHT protein to get into the diet. Those were the hardest for me.

I would say it is closest to Atkins but then I do not know a lot about South Beach.

They have a chart that has the different groups of foods on it. It will tell you how many points you can have per day(I guess that is like WW). It will tell you how many points out of each category you can have and what each food in the category is counted for. You go through the chart and pick what out of the categories you want to eat to add up to your points. It tells you the portions to eat - that's where the food scales come in. I like it that way b/c you know what you can eat and do not have to figure out what to eat. It even has the snacks down in category for you.

It has pages that you date and can fill in what you eat to keep up with it and then if it does not seem to work, you can go back and evaluate what you did to see what you can do different to work better.

I do think it works better if you use the keto sticks. My husband used them and lost faster. Those first 3 protein days are to get you in "ketosis" which is when your body will loose more weight in that state. You do 1 protein day a week to stay in it. And more if you need it. I got mine from Walmart in the pharmacy - I think they were about $10.

I do not know if the local stores have the book or not. You could probably find one cheaper on Ebay - I plan to look there since I have until May before I will have my baby and start dieting.

If I could find my book, I could tell you more about it but I have searched and searched and cannot find it anywhere in my house. And I know it is there b/c my husband did it for a little time sometime last year.

I think I lost 10-12 lbs in around a month or a so with it. I was lucky and lost most all of my baby weigh without having to diet and just had to to get those last few off.

If you have any more questions let me know and I will answer what I can remember.
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  • Thread starter
  • #7
Is there a chart that tells you how many calories per day, like according to age, height, current weight, wanted weight loss? :confused:
VeronicaW said:
Is there a chart that tells you how many calories per day, like according to age, height, current weight, wanted weight loss? :confused:

You don't count calories - it is a low carb basis not a calorie basis. They give foods points and you use their point system. I do not remember how you calculate what points you are allowed to have. I THINK there was a questionare that did it. I know there was a way you did it in the book but cannot remember exactly how it worked. I know my points were different from my husband's points.

There is a chart that does the whole thing for you on the food and points.
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I find it amazing how fast men can lose weight compared to us! It just MELTS off of them!
  • #10
Denarella said:
I find it amazing how fast men can lose weight compared to us! It just MELTS off of them!

I was so MAD when he lost more than I did faster. I very competitive and it irked me!!
  • #11
I am doing BFL and also recording everything and finding support through sparkpeople.com

We even have a Pampered Chef group!
  • #12
So hard for foodies to lose weight. I love to bake. It's a mindless activity for me, but I feel like I'm doing something rather than sitting on my butt posting on CS or watching T.V.
Never done any programs except Weigh Down Workshop. Lost lots of weight. Otherwise, I exercise nearly every day, including strength training twice a week (pilates sculpt). I try to eat mostly fruit and veggies, rarely eat meat and limit my dairy. But then, there is the baking.
  • Thread starter
  • #13
OK, after spending most of the day pouring through all my PC cookbooks, here is a Menu Plan Master List.

What do you think? Is it possible to come up with a Menu Plan (& rotate it) with just PC recipes?

Most of these I know my family would be willing to try, the others I left them for my lunches. That was part of the problem with e-diets. I made a meal for my family and a separate one for me -I don't like that. :grumpy:

I love to cook and bake, so I would really enjoy cooking what we all will eat! :chef:

I am so much an "Italian Wanna-Be", I will not give my pasta and bread! :p So no & low carb are pretty much out of the question.


  • TPC Menu Plan.pdf
    8 KB · Views: 336
  • #14
JAE said:
So hard for foodies to lose weight. I love to bake. It's a mindless activity for me, but I feel like I'm doing something rather than sitting on my butt posting on Chef Success or watching T.V.
Never done any programs except Weigh Down Workshop. Lost lots of weight. Otherwise, I exercise nearly every day, including strength training twice a week (pilates sculpt). I try to eat mostly fruit and veggies, rarely eat meat and limit my dairy. But then, there is the baking.
This is the problem! I can't stay out of the kitchen, and I have a love affair with food! I have been a Cook since I was very young(as soon as I could read a recipe!) - love to cook, and love to feed people. I love to improvise, and come up with new recipes.....Tonight, I did a Baked Shrimp Scampi Parmesan- I took 3 recipes, and morphed them into one. It was incredible! (if I do say so myself!) and my DH and DS both gave it 2 thumbs up - served it with angel hair pasta with parmesan and olive oil, and California Blend veggies. But let me tell you, if you want to make GOOD Shrimp Scampi, you need to use butter and olive oil, with a good amount of parmesan.Since Christmas, I have purged the house of JUNK - processed, high fructose, hydrogenated oil filled junk is all gone.....but last night I made chocolate chip cookies. We do eat 5-9 fruits and vegetables a day - we never have a meal without them , and we eat them for snacks too - but it's all of those recipes I NEED to try....and I have 2 guys who expect homemade baked goods on a regular basis. Oh - and when I go out to eat, I don't want to order the blandest, safest thing on the menu - I want something that is going to knock my socks off with flavor and creativity!At this point, the best that I can hope for is to feed my family the freshest, most nutritious, highest quality food that I can, and exercise on a regular basis. I may never be the weight that I want to be, but at least I'll be as healthy as I can be.
  • #15
I used Weigh Down too! A lot of people don't like Gwen, but I loved the book and the tapes. I lost 30 lbs. before so easily! I'm getting ready to read the book again.
  • #16
2008 is my year to lose this weight! I'm motivated and so is my dh (who's doing it to support me!) so the other night we were flipping through the channels and ran across a show called "You:eek:n a diet". It's with Dr Oz from Oprah and another doc. They tell you to keep 3 specific ingredients out of your diet, try and walk 10,000 steps a day (buy a pedometer) and exercise briskly for 30 minutes each day.

So, that's the diet that my dh and I are following. Oh, the ingredients to stay away from are: High Fructose Syrup, Anything that says ENRICHED and anything with Hydrogenalated Oil-DON'T EAT!!!

So, we looked in our cupboards and found that 90% of the food we had in the cupboard have those ingredients listed. we went grocery shopping and read labels. The first time EVER!!! (i'm turning 30 on Friday and really need to get this weight off). We're now eating healthier and in 1 week today, I've lost 6 1/2 pounds!!! Oh, one other great thing is the doctors say if you do this, you will lose (I want to say 3-5 inches, but I could be wrong on those numbers) in 3 months. Just in time for my cruise!! I'll let you know how we do!

We're also watching Biggest Loser Couples and doing our weekly weigh ins on Tuesdays. (I weighed myself early to see if what I was doing was working!)

Good Luck everyone!:D
  • #17
PampMomof3 said:
2008 is my year to lose this weight! I'm motivated and so is my dh (who's doing it to support me!) so the other night we were flipping through the channels and ran across a show called "You:eek:n a diet". It's with Dr Oz from Oprah and another doc. They tell you to keep 3 specific ingredients out of your diet, try and walk 10,000 steps a day (buy a pedometer) and exercise briskly for 30 minutes each day.

So, that's the diet that my dh and I are following. Oh, the ingredients to stay away from are: High Fructose Syrup, Anything that says ENRICHED and anything with Hydrogenalated Oil-DON'T EAT!!!

So, we looked in our cupboards and found that 90% of the food we had in the cupboard have those ingredients listed. we went grocery shopping and read labels. The first time EVER!!! (i'm turning 30 on Friday and really need to get this weight off). We're now eating healthier and in 1 week today, I've lost 6 1/2 pounds!!! Oh, one other great thing is the doctors say if you do this, you will lose (I want to say 3-5 inches, but I could be wrong on those numbers) in 3 months. Just in time for my cruise!! I'll let you know how we do!

We're also watching Biggest Loser Couples and doing our weekly weigh ins on Tuesdays. (I weighed myself early to see if what I was doing was working!)

Good Luck everyone!:D

This is how my family eats. It's a little work at first, but now it's just second nature for us. Added to that, we don't eat anything with MSG, or nitrates/nitrites, and try to stay away as much as possible from food dyes.

Only thing is, I haven't lost any weight eating this way. We exercise 3-4 times a week - so that may be the key for me.....
  • #18
plug: checkout our sister http://www.livingfemale.com they have an area for weightloss and biggest loser competition
  • #19
PampMomof3 said:
2008 is my year to lose this weight! I'm motivated and so is my dh (who's doing it to support me!) so the other night we were flipping through the channels and ran across a show called "You:eek:n a diet". It's with Dr Oz from Oprah and another doc. They tell you to keep 3 specific ingredients out of your diet, try and walk 10,000 steps a day (buy a pedometer) and exercise briskly for 30 minutes each day.

So, that's the diet that my dh and I are following. Oh, the ingredients to stay away from are: High Fructose Syrup, Anything that says ENRICHED and anything with Hydrogenalated Oil-DON'T EAT!!!

So, we looked in our cupboards and found that 90% of the food we had in the cupboard have those ingredients listed. we went grocery shopping and read labels. The first time EVER!!! (i'm turning 30 on Friday and really need to get this weight off). We're now eating healthier and in 1 week today, I've lost 6 1/2 pounds!!! Oh, one other great thing is the doctors say if you do this, you will lose (I want to say 3-5 inches, but I could be wrong on those numbers) in 3 months. Just in time for my cruise!! I'll let you know how we do!

We're also watching Biggest Loser Couples and doing our weekly weigh ins on Tuesdays. (I weighed myself early to see if what I was doing was working!)

Good Luck everyone!:D

Kristi, my fear is that if I lose the 15lbs (minimum) before the cruise I'll pack it back on during the 5 days!!:eek: So, look for me on the walking track early am on the boat!
  • #20
I am wanting to work on a better me and my DH too. On Sunday we got ourselves an Elliptical machine. Love it so far. It is hard, but am sure it will get easier.

I have a friend on the sparkpeople.com and loves it!! Checking it out today!!
  • #21
amy07 said:
Kristi, my fear is that if I lose the 15lbs (minimum) before the cruise I'll pack it back on during the 5 days!!:eek: So, look for me on the walking track early am on the boat!

Look at it this way, If you loose it and gain some back at least you are not gaining on top of what you did not loose, and you still come out better!!! :D
  • #22
amy07 said:
Kristi, my fear is that if I lose the 15lbs (minimum) before the cruise I'll pack it back on during the 5 days!!:eek: So, look for me on the walking track early am on the boat!

I hear ya! I love the walking track idea!! We may have to set that up!!!:D
  • #23
I have had 2 back to back children and have put on about 30 extra lbs. My problem now is that I get so busy watching the kids that I end up skipping meals. So then once I notice I haven't eaten, I'm starving and I binge on anything and everything unhealthy. I also have been thinking about either Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem, but the COST!! My goodness. So...I am going to try Slimfast. I did this once before and lost SO much weight. It's good if you're always in a hurry and forget to eat.
  • #24
I just started working for Jenny Craig in November and love it. I am doing the program too. The food is really good. I wish PC would have more healthy recipes. Why does everything have to have cream cheese, whipped topping etc.? LOL!
  • #25
Kathytnt said:
I just started working for Jenny Craig in November and love it. I am doing the program too. The food is really good. I wish PC would have more healthy recipes. Why does everything have to have cream cheese, whipped topping etc.? LOL!
Is it free for you since you are a walking advertisement when you lose? Or at a discount at least I hope! good for you Kathy!
  • #26
Ps. I forgot to add I am trying to lose 10-20lbs by April (my 35th b-day celebration in VEGAS). So I started walking 3-5x a week and doing slim fast for lunch and low carb the rest of the day.
  • #27
I am just gonig to miss you - I will be in Vegas at the end of March

We do get a discount and is is part of our Wellness program. Sure help that the food tastes good. I just won a recipe contest for their new cookbook too. I am s excited. You take JC items or free foods and create a recipe. I will be in their new cookbook :chef:
  • #28
Oh bummer, would have been nice to meet up with you! Good luck with JC! Keep us posted on your progress!
  • #29
I would encourage you to stick with Weight Watchers...they have a great online program (I live in a very rural area too). Nurti System uses allot of pre-packaged food. I think focusing on controlling food you will always have would be easier than relaying on food that comes pre-packaged, and its probably not as good for you. Us "eat a little to much of the wrong things" girls need help in getting types of foods and portion sizes right.
Does this make sense?
  • #30
As a Jenny Craig consultant I can tell you that the food tastes really good. It does teach you portion control and you are not meant to live on Jenny Craig for the rest of your life. Although we have maintenenace clients come in to pick up their faves on a regular basis. I think both Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers are both great programs. It just depends on what you are looking for. JC seems to work wll for people that ned help initall with portion control and that are really busy and don't have a lot of time or inclination to cook. We gradually taper you off the teach you how to plan meals on your own.

WW has two great program Flex and Core. I personally think Core is healthier but that is my preference. I have seen to many people use points for a Skinny cow rather choose a more nutritous option like fruit or protien. .

Some people like group meetings some people like a more personal approach. The key is finding what works for YOU!

Both JC and WW are the only two clinically proven programs out there and they both encourage maintenance programs.

Related to Effective Weight Loss Options: NutriSystem vs. Jenny Craig with TPC Recipes

1. How does NutriSystem compare to Jenny Craig in terms of effectiveness for weight loss?

NutriSystem and Jenny Craig are both popular weight loss programs that offer pre-packaged meals and support for individuals looking to lose weight. While both programs have been shown to be effective for weight loss, studies have shown that NutriSystem may lead to greater weight loss in the short term, while Jenny Craig may be more effective in maintaining weight loss over a longer period of time.

2. Which program is better for someone living in a rural area without access to a Jenny Craig center?

If you live in a rural area without access to a Jenny Craig center, NutriSystem may be a better option for you. NutriSystem offers a convenient online program that does not require in-person meetings, making it accessible to individuals in remote areas.

3. Can you provide any tips for incorporating TPC recipes into a NutriSystem or Jenny Craig meal plan?

Yes, you can easily incorporate TPC recipes into your NutriSystem or Jenny Craig meal plan by using them as substitutes for the pre-packaged meals. Look for recipes that fit within the calorie range recommended by the program and use them as a lunch or dinner option. You can also use TPC recipes as snacks throughout the day to add variety to your meal plan.

4. Is Weight Watchers a better option than NutriSystem or Jenny Craig?

It ultimately depends on your personal preferences and weight loss goals. Weight Watchers offers a more flexible approach to weight loss, allowing individuals to choose their own meals and track their food intake using a points system. NutriSystem and Jenny Craig, on the other hand, provide pre-packaged meals and structured meal plans. It may be helpful to research and compare each program to determine which one aligns best with your needs and lifestyle.

5. Can I expect to lose a significant amount of weight using e-diets.com?

E-diets.com may be a good option for individuals looking to lose weight at a slower pace. While you were able to lose 10 pounds in a year, it may not be as effective as other weight loss programs. If you are looking for a more rapid weight loss solution, NutriSystem or Jenny Craig may be a better option for you.

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