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Discover Your HWC and RUFTH Contributions | Tracking Timeframe Explained

I think that's right CyrstalLast I looked, I was pretty close on the Round Up. Guess we'll see what May brings. I might just email HO and ask for the dates, I want to make sure that if I'm close I get it.
Silver Member
I was reading that when you get to NC you get certain colored thingys to hold your badge based on how much you have contributed to HWC and RUFTH. How can you find out how much you have contributed? How is the timeframe tracked?
You can run the Donations report in PP/P3 for customer round up amounts. Then go through your supply/personal orders and add what you've rounded up. And run a top sell list for just the RUFTH category to determine how many trivets you've sold, and add $2 for each of those.For HWC, you need to run a top sell for the HWC items and count $1 each, then add any FR amounts for HWC FRs. If I remember correctly, the note from HO didn't give an end date, but last year it was the end of May (possibly June).
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Thanks bunches!!
But how do THEY found out that I personally donated $250 of my last paycheck to the American Cancer Society?What about the fundraiser shows from my upline that are part of a "mega show" for our regional food bank, or the time volunteers invested in volunteer days?Guess those things don't really matter?
HO only counts donations through HWC shows and product sales towards the incentive. If they asked for other things people have done, unfortunately, there would be some bad apples who make things up in order to get the lanyard.
Besides that, HWC month is about PC's fundraiser for the ACS - so although it's always a good thing to donate time and money to causes such as this - they aren't part of the HWC campaign, so why would they be counted as part? So, yes, those other things matter - but they are irrelevant to this campaign.It's about how many HWC products you sell, and HWC fundraisers you hold. That's it.
Wow - I have sold 39 trivets since last June 1st!
My customers LOVE the trivets. I can't wait to see the new one they intrpduce in September!
I thought Round Up counted towards it as well... not just HWC sales and fund raisers
dannyzmom said:
Wow - I have sold 39 trivets since last June 1st!
My customers LOVE the trivets. I can't wait to see the new one they intrpduce in September!

WOW Carolyn!
  • #10
Whoo Hoo - I sold 70 trivets so far!!
  • #11
Isn't it since September 1st when the new trivets were available??
  • #12
pampermejolene said:
I thought Round Up counted towards it as well... not just HWC sales and fund raisers
Round Up counts toward that total. not toward HWC.
  • #13
While I'm very happy HWC supports the American Cancer Society, I am walking in two Relays in May and so any fund-raisers I hold in May will benefit that.I do hope to sell a lot of HWC products regardless ... at least enough to turn in as its own show, but if I do, it will be a fund-raiser for Relay.Had a lot of people round-up, but didn't sell too many trivets, though one host did get it as a free product.I agree they can't keep track of everybody's donations, or support every cause, but it would still make things easier for me, for tax purposes, to track that stuff in P3. Not sure if there's a way to do that, however.
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  • #14
Correct me if I'm wrong but there are multiple lanyards...

blue - Round Up from the Heart contributions only (must be $150+ in RUFTH only)
pink - HWC items only (must be $150+ in HWC sales)
brown - Combines RUFTH & HWC (must $150+ in combination, but not more than $150 in each)
yellow - Food Bank Coordinators
  • #15
Di_Can_Cook said:
While I'm very happy HWC supports the American Cancer Society, I am walking in two Relays in May and so any fund-raisers I hold in May will benefit that.

I do hope to sell a lot of HWC products regardless ... at least enough to turn in as its own show, but if I do, it will be a fund-raiser for Relay.

Had a lot of people round-up, but didn't sell too many trivets, though one host did get it as a free product.

I agree they can't keep track of everybody's donations, or support every cause, but it would still make things easier for me, for tax purposes, to track that stuff in P3. Not sure if there's a way to do that, however.

Just thinking outloud here, but you could easily create an expense category of your own intitled donations or something of the sort. You could key in whatever amount you donate there to keep track.
  • #16
I think that's right Cyrstal
  • #17
Last I looked, I was pretty close on the Round Up. Guess we'll see what May brings. I might just email HO and ask for the dates, I want to make sure that if I'm close I get it. Or at least the combo one!
  • #18
crystalscookingnow said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but there are multiple lanyards...

blue - Round Up from the Heart contributions only (must be $150+ in RUFTH only)
pink - HWC items only (must be $150+ in HWC sales)
brown - Combines RUFTH & HWC (must $150+ in combination, but not more than $150 in each)
yellow - Food Bank Coordinators

OK, color me officially confused:

* Round Up: Does this mean $150 total in rounded-up dollars (might have a shot at that if I had 150 total customers since signing up) or $150 contributed, including round up trivets? Also, when a host selects one does RUFTH get $2 anyway?)
• Pink .... does this mean $150 in commissionable sales from a fundraiser or just $150 worth of pink items?
• Brown .. again, total donations or comissionable sales?
• Yellow ... oh, never mind ... I thought you said "contributors" and was going to ask if that counted everybody who volunteered in some fashion, and wondered how they'd figure that out.
  • #19
Di_Can_Cook said:
OK, color me officially confused:

* Round Up: Does this mean $150 total in rounded-up dollars (might have a shot at that if I had 150 total customers since signing up) or $150 contributed, including round up trivets? Also, when a host selects one does RUFTH get $2 anyway?) Rounded-up Dollars, $2 from trivets whether purchased as a guest, host or with FPV
• Pink .... does this mean $150 in commissionable sales from a fundraiser or just $150 worth of pink items?I *think* this is from $1 donations from sales of products AND fundraiser amounts
• Brown .. again, total donations or comissionable sales? Combo of RUFTH & HWC but not more than $150 of one category - using above descriptions
• Yellow ... oh, never mind ... I thought you said "contributors" and was going to ask if that counted everybody who volunteered in some fashion, and wondered how they'd figure that out.

This resets each year. Usually it's June 1 - May 31st, but I'm not sure on the ending date.
  • #20
Actually, last year the lanyards were Sept. 1 through May 31. And, yes, the pink was for sales of pink products, or HWC FRs, or both combined.
  • #21
chefann said:
Actually, last year the lanyards were Sept. 1 through May 31.

And, yes, the pink was for sales of pink products, or HWC FRs, or both combined.
September??? Man, I'm probably not even close then. That's a bummer.
  • #22
OK, so if I sold 103 trivets, I'd get the RUFTH lanyard?
  • #23
Yes, because that would be $206 total donation.
  • #24
National Conference Recognition ~ what can I get at NC?I know this file was uploaded on another thread...but thought it was appropriate here too.


  • National_Conference_2008_Recognition_Plan[1].doc
    55.5 KB · Views: 300
  • #25
I sent an e-mail to HO asking the question about dates. Here's what I received in return:

Unfortunately, the dates have not been published yet, but I would assume it’s the same dates as last year, September 1, 2007-June 5, 2008 for RUFTH and May 1-June 5, 2008 for HWC.
  • #26
From what I understand, these lanyards are only given to those attending NC. I have read about many of you selling lots of fundraising products - are you all able to attend NC to receive your award? I also have read about those who are just not able to attend NC and might qualify to earn a lanyard but never receive it. Seems like HO should award consultants with what they have earned and have an extra perk for NC attendees.
  • #27
The lanyards aren't a reward, as much as they are recognition for the accomplishment. There are a lot of little things like that at Conference that are not given out unless you attend: incentive trip buttons and trinkets, years of service buttons, charitable program lanyards, career club pins, etc. They're perks of attending conference, but not really worth shipping to consultants who don't attend.
  • #28
cochef said:
From what I understand, these lanyards are only given to those attending NC. I have read about many of you selling lots of fundraising products - are you all able to attend NC to receive your award? I also have read about those who are just not able to attend NC and might qualify to earn a lanyard but never receive it. Seems like HO should award consultants with what they have earned and have an extra perk for NC attendees.

The only one they will send to you is your career club pins...the lanyards are just a "perk" if you attend conference.
  • #29
Thanks for the information Crystal - that is just what I was looking for!!
  • #30
I just ran my reports and I have $78.56 in donations for RUFTH and I have sold 4 trivets. So my total is $86.56. I need to kick some serious butt in May!!!!!

Related to Discover Your HWC and RUFTH Contributions | Tracking Timeframe Explained

1. How can you find out how much you have contributed?

The easiest way to find out how much you have contributed to HWC (Health and Wellness Credits) and RUFTH (Research and Understanding for Time and Health) is to check your progress on your NC (Next Chapter) page. This page will show your current level, total contributions, and any rewards you have received.

2. How is the timeframe tracked?

The timeframe for HWC and RUFTH contributions is tracked by the week. Each week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. Any contributions made during that week will count towards your total. The tracking system is based on UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), so the week may appear to end on a different day depending on your time zone.

3. What is the significance of the colored thingys on the badge?

The colored thingys (called "badges") on the badge represent your level of contribution to HWC and RUFTH. The more contributions you make, the higher your level will be. Each level has a different colored badge, with the highest level being a gold badge.

4. Can you contribute to both HWC and RUFTH at the same time?

Yes, you can contribute to both HWC and RUFTH at the same time. In fact, it is encouraged to do so as they are both important aspects of improving your overall health and wellness. You can track your contributions to each separately on your NC page.

5. Are there any rewards for contributing to HWC and RUFTH?

Yes, there are rewards for contributing to HWC and RUFTH. These rewards include badges, as well as the opportunity to unlock special features and bonuses on the NC website. Additionally, by contributing to your health and wellness, you may also see improvements in your overall well-being.

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