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Did Your Fall Preview Result in Disappointment?

In summary, Jeanie's open house had poor turnout and only 7 people showed up with only $77 in sales. She spent over $40 on groceries and made many reminder calls, but only one person came to the show. Her neighbor cooking show had much better turnout with 2 bookings.
Okay, I hate to post this but I'm disgusted after I had my fall preview today. My recruit and I sent out 90 invites and only 7 attended with $77 in sales and no bookings. We tried to call everybody, but lots of people said "I'll do my best to be there" and some we couldn't reach (out of town). Anyway, this is the last open house/ preview I'm going to do. I spent over $40 on groceries and paper goods. I cooked the Chocolate Pecan Lattice Tart, Powdered Sugar pound cake cupcakes, veggies & dip, a breakfast casserole, coffee and juice. And in the process of making reminder calls, one of my Sept hosts postponed her show until December. Ugh! I sure am disheartened. Please post your results and I hope everybody does much better. I worked so hard to put this together because my recruit just got home from her son having back surgery and couldn't help much until this morning. I just don't know what I could have done to make it better.

Sorry to hear about the turn out! My last Spring Preview had only 8 show but fortunately it was an $800 show! I mailed out 50+ invites and 100 emails!
I'm hoping my Fall preview has a better turn out next month!
I am so sorry about yout icky experience. I have never done an open house/preview show...maybe I shouldn't, huh?
Timing is everything!!I had no one show to my spring show and 1 outside order. It was so frustrating. I have never had an open house go so badly. It was even a mystery host show. I am doing it again! So far I have $100 in outside orders and 7 confirmed yes. I am making reminder calls tomorrow hoping to get more orders and more guests.
Think about when your host book and take one of those days or put a bug in your customer's ear. Find out what days are good for them.
It's like a lottery sometimes open houses are winners and sometimes they are not. Think about the benefits. This spring when no one showed, my house got clean, my family ate some good food, and I learned the importance of reminder calls!
I'm having my neighborhood PC cooking show this Wednesday. My neighborhood is new-still in the first phase(about 50-60 homes). I knocked on doors and introduced myself and told everyone that this is a great way to meet all the neighbors. I got some good response from the invite. Hopefully, many of them will show up this Wed.
Hi all!

I decided to hold two Mystery Shows this weekend. The first one was tonight at 7:00 and the next is tomorrow at 2:00. I must admit I did not call everyone whom I invited. However, of those I did call, I did hear 'Yes' a lot.

Holding two in one weekend was the best idea! That way when I called, I would remind them of the show and ask which day would work best for them. About half said Saturday and half said Sunday. If I limited myself to one show, I would have had half the guests!

Today's show is currently at $300, but I think it will go higher. Best of all, I got two September bookings!

I am really looking forward to hearing how my downline did with this idea. Two of them are also holding two shows this weekend!

Hi everyone!I would love some ideas for a fall open house. I'm having my first one next month so I'm not really sure how it will go. I addressed about 40 invites today so I'm hoping it will work out. I just started in March though so I don't have a huge list. I am having 2 shows though hopefully to help make it one big one. My family is about 2 1/2 hours away so I'm going to have a brunch with them on Sunday and hope for some sales there then my real open house is on Tuesday. Anyways, long story short, I could use some tips since I've never had an open house before. Thanks!!
How can I remind my neighbors about my show if I don't have any of their phone #s? I kinda remember some who said yes, but I wouldn't want to knock on everyone's doors again for a reminder. I thought about placing a sign in front of our neighborhood entrance. What do you all think?
Be careful about posting signs. The officials are cracking down on unpermitted signs (the will charge for any darn thing!). The fines range from $5 to $100. You can post a sign on your property and any of your neighbors that agree to it. But not on Stop signs, light posts or on any city easement (property i.e. the side of the road).

However, that is what I did when I've held my open houses. I wanted to draw in the drive-by traffic. I must say that in 3 years of business and hosting at least 1 open house a year, I haven't had good success with them. The most people that I ever had show up is 2. I still do them because I hear of you guys having great success and I think to myself it CAN happen. My husband just shakes his head and says, "why do you want to do that to yourself again?" I always say I'll never do another one, but then end up talking myself into it every year!

At any rate...Good luck with yours!
  • #10
Thanks! I didn't know that about the signs. Does that apply to "garage/yard sales" signs too that are posted in front of neighborhood entraces?

Well, this is my first neighborhood/open house. Like I said, our neighborhood is still in its first phase. We've met a few people on our street, but I thought this would be a great and easy way to meet everyone else. I met this lady who just moved into one of the houses and she made a comment about how the neighbors around her stays pretty much to themselves. I felt bad that no one had welcomed her and her family yet. So, we just started talking and she even has a daughter that's the same age as mine. She's said that she would come to the show. I was glad that I knocked on people's doors...I've met some nice people.
  • #11
pcjeanie said:
Okay, I hate to post this but I'm disgusted after I had my fall preview today. My recruit and I sent out 90 invites and only 7 attended with $77 in sales and no bookings. We tried to call everybody, but lots of people said "I'll do my best to be there" and some we couldn't reach (out of town). Anyway, this is the last open house/ preview I'm going to do. I spent over $40 on groceries and paper goods. I cooked the Chocolate Pecan Lattice Tart, Powdered Sugar pound cake cupcakes, veggies & dip, a breakfast casserole, coffee and juice. And in the process of making reminder calls, one of my Sept hosts postponed her show until December. Ugh! I sure am disheartened. Please post your results and I hope everybody does much better. I worked so hard to put this together because my recruit just got home from her son having back surgery and couldn't help much until this morning. I just don't know what I could have done to make it better.


Jeanie, Please don't let your feelings be hurt. ((( hugs ))) to you! I'm thinking this is a really tough time of year for people. Everyone is just trying to squeeze out the last moments of their summer vacations with their families. I'll bet once school starts, if you were to invite smaller groups for coffee and coffee cake or biscotti you might get better results?

How did you like those recipes (Chocolate Pecan Lattice Tart, Powdered Sugar pound cake cupcakes)??? Any tips or comments?
  • #12
ChefLisa said:
Hi all!

I decided to hold two Mystery Shows this weekend. The first one was tonight at 7:00 and the next is tomorrow at 2:00. I must admit I did not call everyone whom I invited. However, of those I did call, I did hear 'Yes' a lot.

Holding two in one weekend was the best idea! That way when I called, I would remind them of the show and ask which day would work best for them. About half said Saturday and half said Sunday. If I limited myself to one show, I would have had half the guests!

Today's show is currently at $300, but I think it will go higher. Best of all, I got two September bookings!

I am really looking forward to hearing how my downline did with this idea. Two of them are also holding two shows this weekend!


Lisa, did you do a full demo or just put food and product out? I like the idea of back to back shows!
  • #13
Chef Kearns said:
Be careful about posting signs. The officials are cracking down on unpermitted signs (the will charge for any darn thing!). The fines range from $5 to $100. You can post a sign on your property and any of your neighbors that agree to it. But not on Stop signs, light posts or on any city easement (property i.e. the side of the road).

However, that is what I did when I've held my open houses. I wanted to draw in the drive-by traffic. I must say that in 3 years of business and hosting at least 1 open house a year, I haven't had good success with them. The most people that I ever had show up is 2. I still do them because I hear of you guys having great success and I think to myself it CAN happen. My husband just shakes his head and says, "why do you want to do that to yourself again?" I always say I'll never do another one, but then end up talking myself into it every year!

At any rate...Good luck with yours!

Why not invite other home business people (purses, jewelry, toys, crayola) to set up in your home too - advertise it as a "shopping boutique" and let them invite guests and customers to your house. You'll be likely to get new customers from their guests - everyone eats :)
  • #14
I did not do a full demo. I had the food ready for them. I told them they were my guinea pigs because I was testing some of the new recipes on them. I made the Chocolate Pecan Lattice Tart and the Portobello-Chicken Panini. I loved the tart, but I need major practice for the panini. I think today I will still make the tart, but I will make the Harvest Chicken Salad.
  • #15
After reading these posts....I'm not sure why my Open House is always a success! Right now, my Fall Sneak Peek is at 20 in attendance, $500 in sales, and 7-8 bookings (one is still deciding on signing or just booking and signing at her show) I really don't do anything much different - but I'll run thru what I do, and then you can decide for yourselves if there is something different...
3 weeks before the date - I sent out an email invite to around 100 people (all past hosts and regular customers)
2 weeks before, I followed up with a mailed invite to about 75 people
1 week before, I sent an email reminder
1 day before I did a phone blitz and called as many as I could to remind them!

I don't do a Mystery Host Show - I did one once and it was my least successful Open House...What I do is advertise great giveaways and booking incentives.....I do drawings every 15 minutes (and make sure everyone's name gets drawn!) for products I have gotten free or as 60% off or 50% off host items through out the year....This year that included SA, Stoneware, Cookware, an EAD, Hot Pad Trivets, Chef's Tongs, QS Pitcher, Chillzanne, and other miscellaneous stuff. Anyone who brought a guest received a mini serving spatula, and for everyone who booked a show - they will receive a Celebrate! Cookbook at their show!
When people arrived, I gave them a lapboard with a S/S catalog, a list of discontinued items, Customer Care Card, and an order form.
I had all of the new products displayed on a table, covered up with a tablecloth, and I directed everyone around it (NO PEEKING:D ) to the kitchen, where I had several recipes from the new SB ready for them to sample & vote on.
I had a short presentation(15-20 minutes) about 1/2 way thru the open house - mostly talked about the PC opportunity and passing around the Empowering Women Magazine, talked about all of the great opportunities for hosting this Fall Season, and then unveiled the new products and handed out Fall Catalogs, and went over some of my favorite new products.

Then I just told people to play with the new products, have more to eat, and when they were ready to check out and book their Fall Show, I'd be at my computer ready to help them.....I had Host Packets, Recruiting Info, and SB cookbooks by me, and as everyone checked out, I asked them these questions:
1. Did you have fun & enjoy the food and new products?
2. When were you thinking you would like to host your own show?
3. Would you like some info about doing what I do?
Then I thanked them for coming, and gave them each a SB cookbook for coming!

I will attach everything that I used for this open house - none of it is original - all of it is stuff that I have taken and tweaked for myself! The customer care card and also the questions I do at the end are thanks to Cindy Wynne - a Director from Ohio who I had the opportunity to watch in action, and who was so willing to help and give me pointers!


  • Show Survey.doc
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  • Guest Care Card.doc
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  • sneak preview doc.doc
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  • #16
its_me_susan said:
Why not invite other home business people (purses, jewelry, toys, crayola) to set up in your home too - advertise it as a "shopping boutique" and let them invite guests and customers to your house. You'll be likely to get new customers from their guests - everyone eats :)
I've done them this way and done them alone and have never had more than a handful of people show up.

But I am having another on the 10th. I've included an invitation with my email newsletter this month (over 350 on that list - some out of town) and I am sending out about 100 invitaitons in the mail plus a sign in the yard.

I have also asked my downline to come (it can at least be a training event) and bring guests too!

I am billing it as come see the new products and try some new recipes - do some early Christmas shopping... I'm also offering some great deals and promoting the Stoneware sale.

I'll let you know how it turns out. Again this time I am tellling myself if I don't get the people I won't do it again...:rolleyes:

BTW: I've already gotten one booking from the email I sent out yesterday.
  • #17
Just did my open house too....Friday night..DON'T GIVE UP ON THE OPEN HOUSE......I did it as an impromptu stop by between 6-10 p.m.....I sent out 120 invites, bonus of being a realtor, you can get street address labels easy enough.....and I had 10 people show up....I didn't ask for an RSVP....I sent out reminder cards about 1 week prior.....but my show is at 400 and climbing. Last time I forgot beverages, but this time, I had PLENTY, so the house was full until 1:00 a.m......LOL.....AND we have 4 new neighbors, but only one came......

Do NOT give up on it.....send out a slew of invites.....and keep holding them, make them a fun gathering for everyone.....My 1st one was only 5 people....my second was 8 people, so everyone is starting to catch on that they don't HAVE to order, just come by, see everyone and have something to eat and drink......

I will do another at the beginning of Nov. for the holidays.....everyone is starting to enjoy the "laid back" atmosphere.......

I tried Deal or No Deal and it went OKAY, needs to be tweeked though.....

I got one booking, and THAT was what it was all about, getting the bookings, I didn't think ANYTHING about sales and was SHOCKED when everyone started putting in orders.....LOL.....
  • #18
Don't feel so bad... its a tough time of year, people are focusing on back to school and all that stuff. Its no excuse for being rude, but be glad you had a few show up. You just never know what it could lead to... ANd you know what, Call the people who couldn't make it and offer to send them the mini catalog, or ask if they want to place an order, or do a "First to See" show of their own. Make this into a positive for you! I always tell myself if something goes crappy, that its good training. (Hugs)
  • #19
ChefBeckyD said:
After reading these posts....I'm not sure why my Open House is always a success! Right now, my Fall Sneak Peek is at 20 in attendance, $500 in sales, and 7-8 bookings (one is still deciding on signing or just booking and signing at her show) I really don't do anything much different - but I'll run thru what I do, and then you can decide for yourselves if there is something different...
3 weeks before the date - I sent out an email invite to around 100 people (all past hosts and regular customers)
2 weeks before, I followed up with a mailed invite to about 75 people
1 week before, I sent an email reminder
1 day before I did a phone blitz and called as many as I could to remind them!

I don't do a Mystery Host Show - I did one once and it was my least successful Open House...What I do is advertise great giveaways and booking incentives.....I do drawings every 15 minutes (and make sure everyone's name gets drawn!) for products I have gotten free or as 60% off or 50% off host items through out the year....This year that included SA, Stoneware, Cookware, an EAD, Hot Pad Trivets, Chef's Tongs, QS Pitcher, Chillzanne, and other miscellaneous stuff. Anyone who brought a guest received a mini serving spatula, and for everyone who booked a show - they will receive a Celebrate! Cookbook at their show!
When people arrived, I gave them a lapboard with a S/S catalog, a list of discontinued items, Customer Care Card, and an order form.
I had all of the new products displayed on a table, covered up with a tablecloth, and I directed everyone around it (NO PEEKING:D ) to the kitchen, where I had several recipes from the new SB ready for them to sample & vote on.
I had a short presentation(15-20 minutes) about 1/2 way thru the open house - mostly talked about the PC opportunity and passing around the Empowering Women Magazine, talked about all of the great opportunities for hosting this Fall Season, and then unveiled the new products and handed out Fall Catalogs, and went over some of my favorite new products.

Then I just told people to play with the new products, have more to eat, and when they were ready to check out and book their Fall Show, I'd be at my computer ready to help them.....I had Host Packets, Recruiting Info, and SB cookbooks by me, and as everyone checked out, I asked them these questions:
1. Did you have fun & enjoy the food and new products?
2. When were you thinking you would like to host your own show?
3. Would you like some info about doing what I do?
Then I thanked them for coming, and gave them each a SB cookbook for coming!

I will attach everything that I used for this open house - none of it is original - all of it is stuff that I have taken and tweaked for myself! The customer care card and also the questions I do at the end are thanks to Cindy Wynne - a Director from Ohio who I had the opportunity to watch in action, and who was so willing to help and give me pointers!

Thanks for the run down on your prep work! I will try and do exactly what you did and hopefully get a great turn out with 130 evites and and 60 mail invites then follow up with reminders and calls!
  • #20
I'm so sorry about your fall preview show! I tell you I know how you feel! I had mine last weekend-both Sat. and Sun. I sent out a lot of invites, but not as many as I've seen suggested. I got a lot of the going away, getting kids ready for school, really busy right now replies...but I did manage to get 300.00 doing it. I had a booking already with one of my neighbors and I was worried she would cancel, but I've got so many people wanting to place fall orders I can kid with her that she's not allowed to cancel! Out of all the invites I sent about 7 showed. I take the blame though, I didn't invite a lot of my past customers ( I was trying to make it just for my hosts as a special party) and I could've done more to just make it more exciting.... I felt like it sneeked up on me and I really wasn't as prepared as I hoped. I only do open houses if I feel like that's the only way I'll have a chance to get the sales/bookings I want. I've done 2, and neither one were that great! I understand how terrible it is to work so hard and to get hardly anything out of it...but just tack it up as experience and look to the next show!! Big Hug! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Thanks for all your ideas and encouragement. I did get something out of it - tried new recipes and everyone liked them. I especially liked the chocolate pecan lattice tart and it was very easy and turned out pretty. I'll definitely do that one again soon. Now my challenge is to turn my small amount of orders into a show by month-end.

  • #22
Thats the spirit!!!
  • #23
Thanks! I didn't know that about the signs. Does that apply to "garage/yard sales" signs too that are posted in front of neighborhood entraces?

Yes, it does apply to garage/yard sale signs. Any sign actually. Piano lessons, For sale by owner, Direct TV...etc. I thought it was something only in Phoenix, but we've moved to San Antonio and they ran the same news report here. The report showed people taking down the signs and then going to the addresses on the signs and letting them know about the ordinance. Check with your city, but I assume most places will have something about signs. I would hate for you to be fined for something so trivial (the fact that they would fine is silly).
  • #24
I've only tried one open house and had no one show up:)! At that time I was new at the business and didn't have a large customer base (only my friends and family). I did make flyers and passed them around the neighborhood (about 100) - but not one person responded. I also made a lot of food, but luckily my family liked it all!

I also advertised a drawing every 15 minutes for prizes. Mine was scheduled on a Sunday afternoon. It is a lot of work, and I haven't had the courage to try at all again; however, if I did I would do it on a week night. I think people just like having the weekend for family. The weeks are just so busy anymore. I would actually do it two nights that way people could choose when they want to come.

Like I said I don't know if I will try it again. I prefer to work booths at fairs. You get a lot more interested people when they can see the products in front of them then trying to get them to your house. I did a booth in June and so far have booked 8 shows, with a lot more intested in this fall. I will be calling all of them this week and next now that school is back in session. Then I hope to book from them and keep my business growing!

Good Luck!
  • #25
Very Pleased with mineI sent out about 30 emails and handed out about 20 flyers. I had 7 show up. I was VERY pleased b/c I was expecting no one to show up. My sales are at $432 right now and I have about 5 catalogs due back by Thursday. I hosted it as a show under my mom's name and entered bookings people wanted to do from the new catalog that way I can use the booking benefit. In all I have about 6 bookings from talking to outside order people. One booked two weeks from yesterday b/c she was so excited. I think it was a great success! My goal was to just qualify as a show for the booking benefits and I exceeded that. Everytime I have worried, God has blessed! I will defenitely do it next change over. Also, I just did the Rocky Road Brownie Squares that I displayed on the 3-tier Stand and a vegetable tray that I put in a Chillzane, only cost me $11. I made tea and lemonade in Quik Stirs.

Much luck and God Bless to all Open Houses!
  • #26
Mystery HostI had my Sneak Preview/Mystery Host Open House on Friday. I had several outside orders and 14 in attendance. Show sales are a little over $1,200 right now - only one booking though :(

Had fun and it was a great opportunity to try out the new recipes.

Lori Williams
Future Director (just signed my 6th recruit today - need to qualify 3 more to promote :)
  • #27
Thanks. I just hope people in my neighborhood remember. I have 1 RSVP and a few who told me that they'll try to come when I handed them the flyer. Please pray for me...I really need the sales and bookings.
  • #28
I was wondering...Is it better to have the food cooked before people arrive at an open house/neighborhood show or have a cooking demo? This is my first. What does everyone who attend an open house expect?...I know food, games(?), prizes(?). I want to make sure that it's a relaxing time for everyone and that everyone is comfortable. This is probably the first time most of the neighbors are going to meet each other. Any ideas?
  • #29
Then I would suggest doing some things ahead of time. You could do a quick pull apart bread demo later if it felt right.
  • #30
ILOUANGOUDOM: Can I suggest something? Call everyone you invited and tell them, "I can't believe I forgot to tell you this, I heard about this conest and thought it would be so much fun!! I am having an ugly pot holder contest. SO, bring your ugliest potholder, we'll all vote on it and whoever has the worst will win a prize." It could be a Seasons Best. I tell them, if its the ugliest, I'll buy them a new one.
  • #31
Thanks for this thread - I needed to vent about my poor open house. My recruiter warned that they weren't too sucessful for her. I should have listened. I sent out over 100 invites, made as many reminder calls as possible and emailed reminders the week before. I had 9 people in attendance - everyone who said "yes" was there. The show sales are just over $300. I have one possible catalog show and one possible booking. I'm just bummed. My Mom & I were up until 3am the night before baking flatbread and I cooked (just made the dips and sticky caramel mini-cakes) everything else beforehand. It took me almost and hour to set up the hall. If my sisters, nieces and Mom wouldn't have been there, I would have been totally embarassed. I kept my chin up and talked about PC positively the entire show - then cried all the way home. I was just bummed. I had higher hopes/expectations. Then I got frustrated and decided to make customer care calls tonight to try to get more Sept bookings - ended up with 15 "Nos" in about an hour. I'm a bit "PC" blue today. I don't know what more I can do! Thanks for listening!!:(
  • #32
I just received a great email from my director today. It's called 24 bookings in 24 hours. Here it is:

What? Yes, 24 bookings in 24 hours.

On Friday, I got a voicemail from a Party Lite woman that had been to visit a networking group that I belong to. The message went something like this.

Hi Yvette.. this is ______ from Party Lite. I was calling to see if you would be interested in being one of my preferred hosts. I have a challenge to book 24 shows in 24 hours. I'm booking dates between now and December 12th. For booking your show with me in this 24 hours you'll be entered to win a $100 shopping spree with Party Lite. We have a new book and a holiday line for you and your friends to shop from. Our host bonuses in the next months are awesome! Please give me a call back at xxx xxx xxxx to be one of these preferred hosts. My challenge ends at 9pm on Saturday night. Thank you!

So, I called her back. I've been toying with having a party for months now. Would I have called her to book? Nope. It was one of those some day, maybe, if I get around to scheduling it things. What inspired me to call her? First and foremost to help her out. I wanted to be a part of HER WIN! I wanted to be on that winning team- it was exciting to think that I could help her forward that goal. Yeah, being entered in the $100 was nice but I don't normally win things so I didn't think that would happen.

So, I called her and booked my show. Then I asked her some questions. Who gave you the challenge? She told me SHE GAVE HERSELF THE CHALLENGE. How neat! She told me why.. and she inspired me. I was absolutely enrolled in her goals.

I encourage you to set a goal for yourself like this. It's an outrageous, HUGE goal. That was also what had me call. If she had said, I was challenged to book two shows in 24 hours, i would have thought "let someone else do it." Imagine if you did this for your business? For some of you, it would fill your calendars to the end of the year! For others, it would be half of what you want to do. Either way, wouldn't it be cool to spend 24 hours doing this goal and then having your calendar booked.

Thought I would share w/everyone. I'm going to do this, but I'm offers a free set of Professional Cookware which I won from my shopping spree!

Good Luck to everyone!
  • #33
Thanks Anne. The only thing is I don't have any of my neighbors' phone #s. I went around the neighborhood and knocked on doors, intoduced myself and gave them flyers. I asked everyone to RSVP by today. I've only received 2. Since I can't contact anyone, I'll probably just do a drawing for those who make it. Thanks for the great idea though. I'll try that next time.
  • #34
My advise is don't give up on open houses! Once you have a bigger customer base, and do it the same time every year, your customers will plan on coming. Make it fun too; different from a traditional show. (not that shows aren't fun:p just have it be different) Mine last night was a bingo/sneak peek. It was a blast; I had 18 come, with almost 500 in sales. I've had a loyal group that's been coming to these bingo's, and they keep bringing new friends. I also had some newbies come to the bingo last night. I almost ran out of food!
Anyway, just keep trying--that's my motto. And it's really paid off. Last night was double my last open house attendance. And tons of fun!
  • #35
Good Advice Lacy!
I think the consistency has something to do with it! The people who come to my open house every year are hosts & customers whom I have developed a friendship with over the years.....so they aren't just coming to the "Open House" - they also bring pictures of their kids and grandkids, and want to see how my son has grown, and catch up on our lives. One lady at my open house was laughing and reminiscing about how sick I was at her show 3 yrs ago (morning sickness all day long!):D
They know to expect a fun time, lots of great food, and great giveaways - and they bring their friends! But this is something I have developed over the years - like everything else with PC - Perseverance = Success!
  • #36
pampchefrhondab said:
I just received a great email from my director today. It's called 24 bookings in 24 hours. Here it is:

What? Yes, 24 bookings in 24 hours.

On Friday, I got a voicemail from a Party Lite woman that had been to visit a networking group that I belong to. The message went something like this.

Hi Yvette.. this is ______ from Party Lite. I was calling to see if you would be interested in being one of my preferred hosts. I have a challenge to book 24 shows in 24 hours. I'm booking dates between now and December 12th. For booking your show with me in this 24 hours you'll be entered to win a $100 shopping spree with Party Lite. We have a new book and a holiday line for you and your friends to shop from. Our host bonuses in the next months are awesome! Please give me a call back at xxx xxx xxxx to be one of these preferred hosts. My challenge ends at 9pm on Saturday night. Thank you!

So, I called her back. I've been toying with having a party for months now. Would I have called her to book? Nope. It was one of those some day, maybe, if I get around to scheduling it things. What inspired me to call her? First and foremost to help her out. I wanted to be a part of HER WIN! I wanted to be on that winning team- it was exciting to think that I could help her forward that goal. Yeah, being entered in the $100 was nice but I don't normally win things so I didn't think that would happen.

So, I called her and booked my show. Then I asked her some questions. Who gave you the challenge? She told me SHE GAVE HERSELF THE CHALLENGE. How neat! She told me why.. and she inspired me. I was absolutely enrolled in her goals.

I encourage you to set a goal for yourself like this. It's an outrageous, HUGE goal. That was also what had me call. If she had said, I was challenged to book two shows in 24 hours, i would have thought "let someone else do it." Imagine if you did this for your business? For some of you, it would fill your calendars to the end of the year! For others, it would be half of what you want to do. Either way, wouldn't it be cool to spend 24 hours doing this goal and then having your calendar booked.

Thought I would share w/everyone. I'm going to do this, but I'm offers a free set of Professional Cookware which I won from my shopping spree!

Good Luck to everyone!

Oh I am definately doing this! So my question is whether this would be more successful if I waited til the end of the week (Friday), or if I should just go ahead and do it tonight (Tuesday). Also, wouldn't it be so fun to invite all 24 of your preferred hosts to a party just for them in mid-November, pull the winner of the shopping spree, have a few other gifts to raffle off, do the Pampered Pool raffle thing, and make it a fun night just to honor and thank them? You could even do it as a mystery host show, each person bringing $100 and getting a share of the host rewards once put together. Then the $100 spree winner would be able to order her stuff, and you could use the host rewards discount so it would save you money.. it sounds SUPER FUN! :D anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself, but I really think this will help me out alot.. I'm calling those I have numbers for, and emailing those that I don't.. totally awesome and I'll get back to you all on how it goes!
  • #37
One thing that I have found to help out my open houses is~ I give tickets/enteries in to my prize drawings. I give a ticket for RSVP'ing even if they can't come, So many tickets for sales, so many tickets for bringing a guests, booking a show, etc. Then I give alot of things away. Free product, discounted total, SB cookbook, I try to give at least half the people in attendance a FREE gift of somesort. I also do an evening open house and a Sat morning show. That way more people can attend. I usually have a good turn out. Katie
  • #38
pchefinski said:
Oh I am definately doing this! So my question is whether this would be more successful if I waited til the end of the week (Friday), or if I should just go ahead and do it tonight (Tuesday). Also, wouldn't it be so fun to invite all 24 of your preferred hosts to a party just for them in mid-November, pull the winner of the shopping spree, have a few other gifts to raffle off, do the Pampered Pool raffle thing, and make it a fun night just to honor and thank them? You could even do it as a mystery host show, each person bringing $100 and getting a share of the host rewards once put together. Then the $100 spree winner would be able to order her stuff, and you could use the host rewards discount so it would save you money.. it sounds SUPER FUN! :D anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself, but I really think this will help me out alot.. I'm calling those I have numbers for, and emailing those that I don't.. totally awesome and I'll get back to you all on how it goes!
*sigh* I called my clientele and ALL of them said "NO" and "please take me off your contact list".. LOL i'm not joking. well, i did leave 2 messages. it sounds unbelievable, but maybe I've got the booking plague or something. :eek: guess i was all excited for nothing! But I have my best friend doing a catalog show for me and a girl from church doing one in october (which hers will probably be nice b'c everyone at her work has been asking her to do one every october so they can order their christmas stuff through her). i really thought that would help me fill my calendar between now and Christmas. Ah well, back to the drawing board!
  • #39
pchefinski said:
*sigh* I called my clientele and ALL of them said "NO" and "please take me off your contact list".. LOL i'm not joking. well, i did leave 2 messages. it sounds unbelievable, but maybe I've got the booking plague or something. :eek: guess i was all excited for nothing! But I have my best friend doing a catalog show for me and a girl from church doing one in october (which hers will probably be nice b'c everyone at her work has been asking her to do one every october so they can order their christmas stuff through her). i really thought that would help me fill my calendar between now and Christmas. Ah well, back to the drawing board!

Soo sorry to hear about that! At least you tried! Which is better than I can say about myself! I really want to but I need to get over this phone phobia problem I have and am thinking about getting this self help tape to do it! Good luck at your upcoming shows!
  • #40
Oh it was a terrible time starting to get on the phone.. once I started, I thought it would get easier, and it did a little, but I couldn't believe the responses I got. Well, that takes care of my existing clientele.. I need fresh meat! lol
  • #41
Fall Preview Results:

Invited all 153 on my email list. Had 21 come and 2 outside orders. Total sales $1037 so far and I'll close Friday. 3 bookings. 5 recipes made. 1 VERY tired consultant :eek:
  • #42
Awesome job! I was tired after my open house too - I find it very hard to be both the consultant and the host at the same time,
Congratulations on your sales and your bookings!
  • #43
Holy crap!
  • #44
I second that Anne!

Mine is at $557 right now. I am sending it off tomorrow, so, it should close at about that. I am proud of myself for that! $90.00 in free stuff plus commisision.
  • #45
AJPratt said:
Holy crap!
I third that! That's great! I hope for those results with mine in a few weeks. It's also a "Stoneware Workshop." After I try making the caramel apple bread pudding this weekend and if it goes well, that may be my main demo. I did this same theme last September and had a $1000 show. I'm excited!!
  • #46
My results
75 invites e-mailed
40 invites mailed (some got both)
4 people showed up
3 of those people were related to me
$200 in orders of discontinued product at show
2 show bookings at show
1,000,000 calls made to people to bump up my sales
$837 final show sales including two sets of Gen II cookware from DH's aunt
2 more bookings = 4 bookings

I don't think my show was that bad for only having 4 people show, and for not selling ANY new products!
  • #47
gilliandanielle said:
My results
75 invites e-mailed
40 invites mailed (some got both)
4 people showed up
3 of those people were related to me
$200 in orders of discontinued product at show
2 show bookings at show
1,000,000 calls made to people to bump up my sales
$837 final show sales including two sets of Gen II cookware from DH's aunt
2 more bookings = 4 bookings

I don't think my show was that bad for only having 4 people show, and for not selling ANY new products!

Awesome results Gillian and Jodi! Congrats on a great fall preview! I'm crossing my fingers I have a decent turn out ~with 126 evited and 60 mailed invites. Will let ya know how it goes after the 17th!
  • #48
gilliandanielle said:
My results
75 invites e-mailed
40 invites mailed (some got both)
4 people showed up
3 of those people were related to me
$200 in orders of discontinued product at show
2 show bookings at show
1,000,000 calls made to people to bump up my sales
$837 final show sales including two sets of Gen II cookware from DH's aunt
2 more bookings = 4 bookings

I don't think my show was that bad for only having 4 people show, and for not selling ANY new products!

I KNOW that is an awesome show......$837 in sales & 4 bookings? I don't think anyone could call that "not so bad" - that's awesome!
  • #49
WOW! That's great!

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