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Rant Deer Season Brings Out Idiotic Behavior in My Neighborhood - A Frustrated Rant

In summary, And apparently that brings out the morons in my neighborhood!:mad: seems like there is no ordinance against this type of thing in the town they live in, so the neighbors are just going to have to put up with it.
And apparently that brings out the morons in my neighborhood!:mad:
I went outside to get Haley off the bus from Pre-K and my neighbors are hanging deer from the tree IN THE FRONT YARD!!!! They obviously got two deer today b/c they are hanging them both. Now I wouldn't be so irritated if we lived out in the country but we live right in town. The real kicker of all of this is that the idiots that got the deer don't even live there! It is their MIL's house! What the hell are they thinking? When the kids get out of school they have to walk home, (we don't have bussing for kids in town) they will have to walk right past it! Not to mention all the stray cats are going to go crazy. The tree is like five feet from the sidewalk! :mad:
That is just gross! I think I would be upset also having to look at it.
That is discusting!!! Obviously, they're NOT thinking!!!
I would call the city officials. There must be an ordinance against that.
...!!.... I don't even know what to say to that! How disgustingly gross! I've never even seen anyone in Texas do that! :D...now, no hateful remarks anyone, I live in Texas!
In PA, the hunters that stay in hotels them hanging infront of the hotels.
I always stuck mine in the barn.. :)
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  • #7
Well I called the police Dept. They told me that while they agree that it is in bad taste there is no ordinance against it so there is nothing they could do. While I think it is gross I know that others do not and that is fine. I just wish they would use their head. I know that the son in law is doing this at my neighbors house to keep his kids from seeing it. (They are the same ages as my girls) What about my kids and all the neighbors kids?
I just wish people were more considerate of there neighbors.
Almost 20 years ago, at my sisters house, when my neice and nephew were in Kindergarten and First grade (so that would be 5 & 6), they got off the bus to see a deer hung out with a Red Nose on it!!!

Yep, their neighbor Bubba (name says it all) hung his deer off his front porch, but he painted the nose RED, and my neice and nephew and about 20 other kids from neighborhood thought Bubba killed Rudolph!!! The kids were terrorized, all moms and dads wanted to Kill Bubba!! He had little ones at that time, but he took it down before his kids could see it.

There almost was a revolt!!

I also hate the mentality that goes with some hunters!!

But I'd rather they get them with a gun then me with my van!!

Well I would point that out to them (that your kids are the age of his...) - nicely of course!

I can't believe that they don't have an ordinance about that. :grumpy:
  • #10
I can't believe there is no ordinance about it either....that's insane....Thank goodness my neighborhood isn't old enough to have tall enough trees to hang dead carcasses from....
  • #11
some people's children...Think of it as an opportunity to educate your own kids about what NOT to do.
  • #12
:eek:Rednecks! HA! HA! I live in a town of hunters (husband too) and I sure haven't see that here! Out in the country parts yes but not in town. That would be a little hard on young children that don't understand yet.
  • #13
I grew up seeing that every hunting season. Between my brother and my dad they get deer every year. They could at least put it in the back yard out of public view.:yuck:
  • #14
I'd go out and politely ask your neighbors to please find a spot in the BACK YARD for that kind of thing and that it is upsetting to the children. See what they say. Maybe they are just stupid and need these kinds of things pointed out to them.
  • #15
I'd be over there so fast their heads would be spinning by the time I was done!!!!

My friends sister and husband murdered a deer one year and video tapped it being cut up, I just don't understand why they would have done that.
  • #16
I've lived with deer hunters for the past 21 years..I am used to it now, but personally I can't even hit a bird with my van without feeling bad...Ha ha
My kids all hunt, but my hubby and other family members have taught them the right way, and we use the meat! We live in a nice development now, but if they have to hang, we put them in the garage and try to hang them at night and then get them out of there before too many can see it! Just what I like to see first thing in the morning when I open the door into my garage from my kitchen LOL
My whole area above my desk/office area has been taken over by stuffed wildlife...deer, turkeys, beer and fish...Guess they won out over me!!! LOL

Some people just have no "class" when it comes to things...there are more proper ways to take care of those things
  • #17
I can see where this would bother some people. It wouldn't me. It's nothing for us to see a neighbor with a deer hanging out in our neighborhood. I guess I do not see it being any different than them riding around all night with it on the back of their truck "showing it off." It doesn't bother me since my FIL and BIL run a Deer Processing Business. And Russell worked in it while we were dating. I have seen many deer "dressed" and our kids will grow up with it too, so, it will not be a problem with them to see it.

Now, the red nose thing was AWFUL!
  • #18
The Furry Guy's aunt had a PC show years ago before I became a consultant. The consultant was a friend trying to get her business started. The aunt's husband had spent the morning hunting. As the ladies were leaving the PC party they were treated to the sight of a good-sized carcass hanging in the tree in the front yard. While the site of a carcass in a tree doesn't bother me and wouldn't have bothered my son, I can understand why you're upset, buckeyefan08 and others. It could be disturbing if it isn't something you've been regularly exposed to. On the other hand, Lisa/ChefBear, Bubba deserved to get a load of buckshot in his own behind.
  • #19
I live in an area where everyone here is considered a "redneck" and right now the town is in full-bloom hunting season. It doesn't bother me and I haven't ever heard that it bothered anyone else or their kids...but around here...it is the norm.
I can understand that it is considered gross and offensive to some. And I also can say that I would say "ew gross" to it being hung in the front yard.
Now the thing about hunting season that DOES bother me is when the local convienience stores run out of coffee cups and lids and gas. It took 25 min the other night to put $20 in my SUV, just a little over a 1/2 tank. I gave up trying to put gas in it. The thing of it is...this isn't the first year of hunting, and it won't be the last, you would think they would be better prepared.

And yes, the Rudolph story was very bad. Very cruel thing that man did.
  • #20
The thing that would anger me the most is that the guy is doing it at his MIL's house so HIS kids don't see it. Hello!? What about the kids that live in MIL's neighborhood?? Not acceptable.
  • #21
Yuck!! I have deer that are in my back yard. My house is backup to a State Park. The only time I see them dead is when they are hit by a car.:cry:
  • #22
Wow, I obviously don't live in a hunting community since the idea of this is crazy to me! And we have city ordinances about everything - you can't even park on the street in front of your house overnight in our town - so there is no way a neighbor would be able to hang an animal carcass in the front yard. (I'm grossed out by the idea of that!)
  • #23
koima said:
Wow, I obviously don't live in a hunting community since the idea of this is crazy to me! And we have city ordinances about everything - you can't even park on the street in front of your house overnight in our town - so there is no way a neighbor would be able to hang an animal carcass in the front yard. (I'm grossed out by the idea of that!)

Well I do live in a redneck community up here in B.C. and I still think hanging a dead animal up for all to see is disgusting:yuck: I am sure you can't do that around here in the city limits, but then again I have never seen anybody do it:rolleyes:
  • #24
As gross as that is, bumming around this county for all these years, I wish I could say it surprised me.Don't them people have a garage or at least a tree in the back yard?Do you live in the village or the township? If it's a township they don't have much power to enact laws. If it's the village, then both the people on the police force have plenty of other things to do, unfortunately ...
  • #25
That is just tasteless. I would ask them nicely to put it out of view.
  • #26
I was thinking about this thread a bit more and I have an idea for you. The best way to get someone to do what you want is to make them think it was their idea...not quite sure how you will go about doing that. BUT...if you are going to ask him to move it from the front yard to the backyard go about it like this...flattery. The next time you see him outside, congratulate him on his kill, talk about what a nice size it is and ask him what all he is going to do with it (and say something like, yeah I bet that butcher is busy, when can he get you in?). But flatter him. Making a kill to some men is like when Tom Hanks got the fire started in that one movie he was in and he danced and danced and danced all proud of himself. For some men, this is a rite of passage. So if he got a buck and it has more than 6 points on it, tell him it is a nice looking deer and congratulate him. feed his ego then draw the conversation into why is it here? Oh, so your kids can't see it. Yeah I know what you mean...my kids were taken aback when they saw it hanging here. Maybe the backyard is a better place, etc.
Anyhow...just trying to help!!
  • #27
There may not be an ordinance now, but speak up, attend a city council meeting and express your concern for this. This just may be something that has not come up before, but by making your statements to the city officials about it you can atleast say you fought for what you think is right.
  • #28
That just sounds nasty! Won't it start to attract bugs, etc. like dead bodies do on CSI?
  • #29
If you talk to council about this, let me know so I can pass it on to the appropriate peeps!
  • #30
Being a hunters wife, I will let you know that they are doing it on purpose to bost and brag to the miserable hunters who are driving by that Didn't get a deer that day. My hubs always cleans his in the front yard at his grandaddy's house. It is in the country and on a dirt road, but still, disgusting. I can't take it. I think its cruel and unecessary since there is ground beef in the grocery freezer at the stores. I refuse to eat deer meat and the two occassions that his parents tricked me into eatting it, I about threw up. I agree. It's extremely poor taste.
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  • #31
pcchefjane said:
That just sounds nasty! Won't it start to attract bugs, etc. like dead bodies do on CSI?

It's too cold here for bugs! But you made me laugh!!!:D

When I went to pick Payton up from school they had taken it down by the request of the police chief. Apparently the bus driver had the principal call because of the other kids on the bus. (The principal talked to me at the school) She said that the chief simply went over there and explained that with the deer being a buck the kids thought it was a riendeer (sp?) and were very upset including the neighbor girl. (That would be Haley) DH said they came over and appologized while I was at work and said they just never thought of it that way. (Whatever!!) Anyway I don't know where the deer are but they aren't in the front yard. I didn't go over there in the first place b/c we've had issues in the past and I never thought that they would do anything to "help" me out! Who knew?!?
We are a very hunter friendly area and I don't care if they hunt and hang them, that was not the issue. I just thought it was very tasteless to hand them in the front yard in the middle of town, we do live in a development type area. I did talk to the neighbor on the other side of me, he is a city councilman, he said he would bring it up at the next meeting. As for the police being too busy to deal with this... it's their job and therefore they should and will make time for it. They just didn't really have a leg to stand on. They just got lucky that the neighbor was willing to comply to their request b/c that is all it was... arequest.

Moral of the story... Just b/c you had problems with your neighbors in the past doesn't mean you always will. I think that is a great thing to keep in mind during the holidays!
  • #32
I'm glad they straightened that out. And I was (kind of) joking about the police ... it has always amazed me how small that department is!Poor little kids thinking about "Rudolph!"
  • #33
Lisa, in order to keep the peace in the future be sure to go over and thank them (even if DH did, already) for being so considerate of Haley.

I've lived in a hick town for over 3 years, and have never even heard of this practice! Granted, I don't hunt, and don't talk much about hunting, but I think I would have noticed if a) a dead deer was hanging in someone's tree, or b) soem redneck was driving around with a dead deer hanging off his truck (actually, come to think of it, I did see this once - when we were still living in California!).
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  • #34
I never thought of thanking them. Thanks for the tip! I also thought about a small gift (maybe some baked goods) closer to Christmas, a little peace offering. I would love to get along with ALL of my neighbors.

I didn't take offense, we have a really small dept. We got a new chief though and he makes it work. We had pretty quiet summer and he handels things really well. He's clearing out the riff-raff slowly but surely.;)
  • #35
tabnat80 said:
Being a hunters wife, I will let you know that they are doing it on purpose to bost and brag to the miserable hunters who are driving by that Didn't get a deer that day.

Yea! Speaking of bosting...have you ever notice that when you are pregnant and you are out with your husband how he sticks out his chest and stands straight up with a smile on his face? He's saying, "yea I did that, that's mine"! LOL!:D My husband and I always joke about this. And since his friend just had his first on the way we saw that in him too. Too funny LOL!
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  • #36
That is hillarious Jennie!

Related to Deer Season Brings Out Idiotic Behavior in My Neighborhood - A Frustrated Rant

1. What should I do if my neighbors are hanging deer in their front yard in town?

If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe with your neighbors' actions, it's important to address the situation calmly and respectfully. Consider talking to them directly and expressing your concerns. If that doesn't work, you can also reach out to your local authorities for advice or assistance.

2. Is it legal for my neighbors to hang deer in their front yard in town?

Laws regarding hunting and displaying game animals vary by state and municipality. It's best to check with your local government or law enforcement to determine if any laws are being violated.

3. Can I do anything about the stray cats that may be attracted to the hanging deer?

If you're concerned about the safety of stray animals, you can contact your local animal control or humane society for assistance. They may be able to remove the deer or take appropriate action to ensure the safety of the animals.

4. How can I approach the situation without causing conflict with my neighbors?

It's important to approach the situation calmly and respectfully. Consider talking to your neighbors and expressing your concerns in a non-confrontational manner. If that doesn't work, you can also involve a third party, such as a mediator, to help facilitate a peaceful resolution.

5. What can I do to prevent this from happening again in the future?

If you're concerned about similar situations happening in the future, you can reach out to your local government or community organizations to see if there are any regulations or guidelines in place for hunting and displaying game animals in residential areas. You can also communicate your concerns to your neighbors and try to find a mutual solution that works for everyone.

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