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Deciding to Continue or Stop: My Struggle as a New PC Consultant

In summary, the conversation is about a new consultant struggling to get bookings for her Pampered Chef business. She has only had one successful show and is considering giving up after her 30 day trial period is up. Other consultants suggest reaching out to friends, family, and people outside her immediate circle, as well as utilizing online training courses and participating in booths and fairs. They also suggest hosting a Grand Opening and offering catalog shows as an alternative. The consultant's aunts who had previously agreed to host a show have backed out, and she is feeling frustrated and disappointed. Others encourage her not to give up and to think creatively in order to succeed.
I am very new to PC. Signed 3-16 my 30 days are up April 22 and I have only had one show that was worth 700. I can't get anyone else to host a show so am seriously considering giving up! I know it says to call people, but I have nobody to call. Is there another way to get bookings? :(
Have you asked your hairdresser? Nail salon? Daycare? Banker? Friends? Family? Groups you are in?

Tell people you are new and your goal and they will usually help you out.
Have you made a list of everyone who you at least know their first name? Have you talked to everyone of these people?
It's so worth it! Just try to think a little more on it. You really can't get a feel for the biz after just one show and this beginning experience. It can be tricky to get started at first if no one will host for you, but if you can get past that and find some hosts, then you'll get new leads, fresh faces and potential bookings.Did you sit down and really go through and list all the people you know--your list of 100? Did you try to hold a Grand Opening?Call everyone you know. It can be intimidating at first, but if you think of this business as a great opportunity to treat people to a fun evening, time with their friends, they learn a new recipe, get to eat (who doesn't like that!), and they get free stuff! Get excited about it, so that when you talk to them they feel that excitement.Go to Consultant's Corner and do the online training courses, they'll help boost your confidence as well.Don't forget about friends and family who live out of state. They can still do catalog shows. You just mail out catalogs and order forms, supply a SASE for them to send the forms back (or just do it over the phone). If your friends don't want to commit to hosting, ask them if they would pass around some catalogs and see if their friends are interested in learning a new recipe and getting some free products. Maybe they can take catalogs around to work/their social groups and people will want to order. You let your friends know that all it takes is just $150 in sales for it to count as a show and that qualifies them for free shipping and the host special of the month...but if they collect $200 or more they'll get a lot more!Have you spoken with your recruiter/director about your struggles? Maybe they can help you get some additional ideas.
A $700 first show is great! Ask you upline if there are any booths or fairs you can work to get leads.
I second the booths/fairs/expos! Defintely get your name out there! This business is soooo worth it! Definitely try doing a Grand Opening too!! My last two consultants did Grand Openings and had $1000 in sales and got like 8-10 bookings!! It's sooo worth it! Hang in there...you just have to ask everyone!!
Do you hand out flyers to your neighbors, host your own show, or ask distant friend to host a catalog show.

If you don't mind me asking, what happened to the other three shows you submitted with your agreement? Do you actually have them or make them up?
  • Thread starter
  • #8
I live in a small neighborhood where nobody talks to anyone because of issues with the homeowners
As far as my other 3 shows, they were tentative and my aunts have since decided not to host one right now
I truly understand your frustration. To me it sounds like you are extremely dissapointed and are hoping for a magic cure for no bookings. I hate to say it but there is not one. Thinking outside the box and getting out of you circle are key. fairs/ booths and expos are great. Did your Aunts give you a reason for backing out? Maybee you can help alleviate their fears and questions. Remember they are not doing a show for you. You are doing a show so THEY can get free Prod. Have you mentioned HWC? Many people may say they do not care or need about Free prod but you can bill it as a fun night out with proceeds going to the ACS.

I garuntee if you think outside the box and don't get bogged down by what is not working you will succeed!
  • #10
OH NO! Don't give up! You can do it. I am a new consultant myself and it was hard at first, but keep going with it. It definatly pays off. I just received my first comission check and let me tell you..........so worth the time I put into it, and not to mention the free products you can earn and the PC dollars. I agree, think outside of the box. If you have children, talk to their teachers (heck, even if you don't have kids, go by a local school), church ladies, stick a flyer up for an open house at your local grocery store, just be polite but persistant and you will get the bookings. I promise!
  • #11
Have you looked to your director for support? Also look in the files section for a document called "82 ways to get bookings" and "100 Creavtive ways to advertise your businss".
They might lend some help.
  • #12
Oh no don't give up... I am also a fairly new consultant and it is definitely well worth it. I have to agree with everyone who said to think outside of the box. I would check with your director/recruiter and talk to them I'm sure they will have some very helpful info for you. This site is also great. Look through old posts and just read up. Also do the trainings on consultant corner very informative. When you speak with your upline ask about booths fairs expos and everything to try to get your name out there. Once more people find out about you it will pick up. Try hosting a grand opening and invite EVERYONE!!! Good luck
  • #13
Ok, here's what I give my downline when we are going to do a cluster booking blitz.
Name three people for the following categories:
Friends of your siblings ( 3 for each sibling)
Friends of your parents
Friends of the mother in law or significant others mother
people you do business with (post office, grocery store, daycare, etc)
People in the food industry (sit down or fast food)
friends of your friends
siblings of your friends
people you went to high school with you WANT to reconnect with
People you worked with at your last job
people who attend your church
people you are in the same service organization with
your kids friends parents
people from your christmas card list
out of state relatives
spouses of your spouses workplace
people you know who are in a service organization
people you know who are coaches
email contacts who haven't hosted before

If you can come up with 3 for each category, you've just added over 50 contacts! If you have more than one child or sibling, you have more! It is stepping out of your comfort zone but let me tell you, it can pay off!
Also, host your own show and call it "Getting the neighborhood ready for the season" even if the neighbors don't all get along, stage it as an open house for a few hours and they won't have to tolerate each other at the same time.

You can also do an online email catalog show. Your email contacts can go to Pamperedchef.com, browse the catalog and then email you with an order. You can then put it into Pampered Partner and direct ship if they are far away.

Above all, just don't quit! If you do the above and make contacts, and don't get an immediate YES then ask if you can contact them again in the future and then do it when it's time.

Good luck

Related to Deciding to Continue or Stop: My Struggle as a New PC Consultant

1. Should I quit my Pampered Chef business or keep going?

This is a common question for many consultants who may feel like their business is not progressing as they had hoped. The answer really depends on your individual goals and circumstances. It's important to evaluate your business and determine if it aligns with your goals and if you are putting in enough effort to see results. It's also helpful to seek advice from your upline or other successful consultants to see if there are any strategies you can implement to improve your business.

2. How do I know if my Pampered Chef business is worth continuing?

There are a few factors to consider when determining if your business is worth continuing. Firstly, evaluate your sales and income to see if it's meeting your financial goals. It's also important to assess if you are enjoying the work and if it fits into your lifestyle. Another factor to consider is the support and resources provided by Pampered Chef. If you feel like you are not receiving the support you need, it may be worth reevaluating your business.

3. What if I'm not seeing the results I expected in my Pampered Chef business?

If you are not seeing the results you expected, it's important to analyze your business and determine where there may be room for improvement. Are you consistently booking and hosting parties, following up with customers, and utilizing social media to promote your business? It may also be helpful to attend training and seek advice from successful consultants to see if there are any strategies you can implement to improve your business.

4. Is it normal to feel discouraged in my Pampered Chef business?

It's completely normal to feel discouraged at times in any business, including Pampered Chef. It's important to remember that building a successful business takes time and effort. It can be helpful to set small, achievable goals for yourself and celebrate each success along the way. It's also important to reach out to your upline or fellow consultants for support and encouragement.

5. Can I take a break from my Pampered Chef business and come back to it?

Yes, you can take a break from your Pampered Chef business and come back to it. Life circumstances may change, and it's understandable if you need to step away from your business for a period of time. Just be sure to communicate with your upline and customers, and when you are ready to return, reach out to your Pampered Chef support team for any updates or changes that may have occurred during your break.

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