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Countdown to National Conference 2015

In summary, Jasmine is preparing for National Conference by reading over her questions, making a list of things she wants to learn, and planning out her wardrobe. She is also emailing the HO to ask about the dress code.
Staff member
Today is May 6. There are 71 days until National Conference (hereafter known as NC).If you’ve never gone to NC before, you’re in for a real treat. They treat us well. I’ll be sharing travel and NC tips in the coming days. A few of the more important things I may mention more than once. Feel free to ask questions. Feel free, too, to add any hints or tips you can think of. There are things on CC that you can download. You might not need them all, especially if you've been to NC before. It doesn't hurt, though, to read things over. After all, things might have changed since last time.
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  • #2
Today is May 7. There are 70 days until NC.Much of your National Conference trip will be tax deductible. Be sure to keep track of everything. Now, while taxes are fresh in your mind, is a good time to set up whatever system you'll use for categorizing your NC deductions.You'll only have a few team meetings between now and NC. Write down anything you want to discuss with your teammates so you can ask at the meetings. How have they handled their receipts/deductions? What do they usually do during down time? Do they usually move about as a group or will you be mostly on your own? Do they usually choose expensive restaurants, mid-range meals, or cheap & cheerful cuisine? Your roommates and travel buddies will be good sources of info.
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  • #3
Today is May 9. There are only 68 days until National Conference!Begin now making a list of the things you hope to learn at NC. If you’ve never been before, think about what you most want to know. Write down your questions. Read them over frequently. This will plant them in your brain, and you’ll be more likely to recognize an answer when you hear it. That’s one of the best things you can do to prepare your mind for NC. It will also help you to decide which workshops to choose if you haven't already registered.
raebates said:
Today is May 9. There are only 68 days until National Conference!Begin now making a list of the things you hope to learn at NC. If you’ve never been before, think about what you most want to know. Write down your questions. Read them over frequently. This will plant them in your brain, and you’ll be more likely to recognize an answer when you hear it. That’s one of the best things you can do to prepare your mind for NC. It will also help you to decide which workshops to choose if you haven't already registered.
I am still waiting to hear if anyone on my team will be joining me! I am excited, but it would be better with people I know going as well!
Even if no one from your team can go- you will make friends fast at your workshops and the functions. I always try and introduce myself to whoever I'm sitting next to. I end up learning from them or them from me. Bummer I can't go this year.
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  • #6
Jasmine, no matter what you won't be alone. I went to National Conference by myself several years ago and had a great time.
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  • #7
Today is May 11. There are only 66 days until National Conference.If the only clothes you have that would be appropriate for NC aren't comfortable, you need to do something. You can have the clothes you already have altered, or you can buy new. Just remember that it can take lots of time to find clothing that fits your body and your budget. That is, of course, unless you’re one of those people who easily wears just about anything. If that’s you, don’t tell me. I’m afraid it would alter my good feelings toward you. LOL!Remember that comfortable doesn’t have to mean sloppy. I know your ratty shorts, tank top, and flip flops are comfortable; they just aren’t appropriate for NC. Clothes that fit well, and that includes shoes, can be business-like and still be very comfortable.It probably won’t surprise anyone that I already have my NC wardrobe planned out, right down to the unmentionables. That reminds me—make sure your unmentionables are comfortable, too. Ladies, a bra fitting between now and NC is a wonderful gift you can give yourself. A well-fitted bra is comfortable and can make you look even more fabulous.Note: I haven't seen anything yet about a dress code. If I remember correctly, there hasn't been an official dress code for a few years. (I've emailed the HO but haven't heard back yet.) The important thing to remember is that you're at a business conference. If jeans are allowed, make sure they're nice-looking jeans. If shorts are allowed, make sure they'd be welcome in a place of business and not just the gym. You get the idea.Update: I just got the following response from the home office.

There is no dress code per se at Conference. Typically business casual will do for the meetings and something a bit nicer for the awards ceremony (nothing formal required). Let us know if you have any other questions.
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  • #8
Today is May 12. There are 65 days until NC.If your loved ones are questioning your desire to go to NC, do your best to include them in the excitement. Have them help you brainstorm about things to take, things to ask, things to see . . .On the other hand, use CS to talk incessantly about NC. Yes, I said to include your family, but they probably don't want to hear constant chatter about it. However, do make sure they know that you'll miss them; you'll bring them souvenirs; and they'll benefit from the extra money you'll make because of the business boost you'll get.
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  • #9
Today is May 13. There are 64 days until NC.If you haven’t already, start a file. I keep 2 NC files--1 in a file folder, the other on my computer. This is where I keep all NC materials--confirmations, receipts, lists, etc. I use the computer file for anything I don't want to waste a lot of paper on. The folder is for anything I might want to take with me (like a hotel confirmation, registration confirmation, etc.). Getting organized now helps me to stay organized all the way through NC.Speaking of information, always double-check. It's easy to get used to relying on your director, your recruiter, your teammates, or your friends here at CS for information. We're good, but we're not perfect. The best source of information is the HO. Make sure you're reading what they send and what's posted on CC.
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  • #10
Today is May 17. There are 60 days until NC.I like to look my best at NC. Since I have colored hair in a fairly short style, that means making sure that my cut and color are reasonably fresh. I've already set my appointments for the next couple of months so I can make sure I'm feeling cute for NC.If this is a concern for you as well, you might want to make your appointment now. Make sure your stylist will be available when you need him/her.I also want to remind you to do what you can to make sure you feel good. NC is physically and mentally stressful. It's good stress, but it's still stress. You have just over 10 weeks to prepare yourself. Here are my suggestions: Make getting rest a priority. If you're not well rested when you arrive, you're likely to struggle. After all, there are lots of things to do, so you might be staying up late and getting up early. Most people don't sleep as well in a strange bed. Most of us will be sharing a room with others, which can impair your sleep. These won't be as much of an issue if your sleep bank is full to begin with. Start walking. There is a lot of walking at NC. Get moving now so you won't feel like you've been hit by a truck on day 2. Eat well. Fueling your body with good food in the weeks ahead is a good way to make sure you're healthy and energetic when you arrive at NC. You know what that means. Eat your veggies. Go for lean proteins and whole grains. Avoid overly processed foods. Avoid empty calories. Who knows? It's possible that these will become good habits that will become part of a healthy lifestyle that lasts long after this NC.
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  • #11
Today is May 19. There are 58 days until NC.Ken Davis shared these ideas on a blog. He was talking about how to get the most out of the conferences he does, but I think they translate well to NC.Make these resolutions to help you maximize your experiences:1. Resolve to RelaxSo many times we go into new situations tense and defensive, fearful of change and concerned about what people will think. We assume a negative posture that stifles creativity and inhibits learning. Anticipate a great experience
Believe that you will learn something helpful
Don’t set yourself up to compete. You have nothing to prove. Learning is not competition it is
absorption. Become a happy Sponge Bob Square Pants. Soak it up!2. Resolve to Disarm We put it this way, “Leave your guns at the door.” All those little tricks and stories and shortcuts that you usually use when the pressure is on; the candy stick, shoot from the hip easy way out solutions that keep you from trying new things, leave them at the door. Open yourself up to learn new techniques. Risk by exploring new ideas. When you leave the conference you can pick up your guns and take them with you. You may not need them anymore. OR, you may find them more affective with the new material you have learned. By leaving them at the door you will resist the temptation to depend on them and miss out on learning something new. [I’d like to add something here. The basics are always going to be the basics, so also leave your “I’ve heard that before/I’ve tried that before” attitude at the door. Be open to trying out the tried and true. It got that way for a reason.]3. Resolve to connectDive in. Introduce yourself to instructors and other attendees. Ask questions, offer insight. Eat and talk and laugh with other people. TURN YOUR PHONE OFF! In twenty years of doing workshops I can count on one hand and half of one foot the number of people who said they got nothing out of it. ALL OF THEM remained isolated and refused to get involved with the people around them. Some felt they knew it all. Usually those were sent by someone who knew they didn’t. Others never disconnected from phone - computer - business, so even though they were physically at the conference, mentally they never left the office.4. Resolve to commit I ask our students to commit to what we are teaching just for the length of the conference. Long enough to try the principles, get past the discomfort of doing something NEW, and experience the difference it will make in their performance. Once they leave, I give them permission to dump the whole thing and shoot me with the guns they left at the door, BUT BY THEN THEY ARE HOOKED.The new grip suggested by a golf pro seems intolerable until you commit to practice it until it becomes natural. Only then will you hit the 250 yard drive or sink the 15 foot putt.Try these resolutions the next time you are at a conference.
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  • #12
Today is May 20. There are 57 days until NC.We have just under 2 months before NC. You'll probably have several shows in that time. You'll do host coaching. You'll make lots of calls. Start taking a critical look at what you're doing, why you're doing it, and how it's working. Here are a few reasons I can think of for taking a close look at your business before NC.1. You'll know what areas to target when you're asking questions and taking workshop notes.2. You'll know what's working well. You're likely to be asked for tips and advice while at NC. By really studying your business, you'll know what to tell those who ask. 3. You'll have a chance to make your business better before you even go. You may discover areas where you can change or streamline to make your business what you want it to be.With this information in mind, think about your goal for yourself at NC. What do you hope to get out of it? Fun is fun, and I’m looking forward to lots of fun and foolishness. It’s important to remember, though, that the real purpose of NC is to learn from the workshops and from each other. Be prepared to meet your NC goals.Think about what you want to learn. Here’s an exercise that some coaches use. Look around the room you're in. Now close your eyes and think of everything you saw that was green. Okay, now look around and notice everything that’s green. I’d just about guarantee that you noticed more green things when you were looking for them. Knowing what you hope to learn helps you to notice it when it’s presented.I plan to write down a few questions for each workshop. I’ll look these over before the workshop starts so I’ll remember what I hope to learn. It will also help when they ask for questions at the end of the workshop, in case one of mine is still unanswered.Write down some additional questions you have, and go over them a time or two so you’re ready to ask them of the people who’ve achieved the level to which you’re aspiring. Think about what you do well and what changes you’ve made in the last year that have helped you. This will help you to have an answer ready when someone turns to you for advice. Brand new and don’t feel like you have any advice to offer? Think about one or two things you wish someone had told you when you signed up. This is great info for people who are recruiting.Finally, one of the most important things about NC is implementing the ideas. If you don’t make any changes, if you don’t implement some of what you’ve learned, you’ve simply taken a delightful vacation with your PC friends.
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  • #13
Today is May 21. There are only 56 days until NC.Time to start prepping your phone. Make sure you have your roommates' and teammates' phone numbers programmed into your phone. That will help you keep track of one another and adjust plans if necessary. Many of us Cheffers will share phone numbers. On my old phone I programmed these under "Cheffer - pampered chef consultant," now I have them categorized as a group. Either way makes it easier for my brain to find the person I'm looking for.Finally, I take a hard copy of all of the numbers (roommates, teammates, and Cheffers) just in case I have trouble with my phone. If something happens, I want to be able to use another phone to call.
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  • #14
Today is May 22. There are only 55 days until NC.Very few hotel rooms have enough convenient electrical outlets. If you're staying four to a room, you may want to make sure at least one of you brings along an outlet strip. That way everyone can plug in their cell phone to charge for the night. Also, if the only outlet is under the desk, you'll only have to crawl under there twice (once to plug it in, and once to unplug it) instead of twice a day to plug in and unplug your cell phone.I know I said to do this if you're staying four to a room, but I do this even when I'm traveling alone. It really simplifies things. As a matter of fact, I have two small outlet strips that simply live in my suitcase—one for the main room and one for the bathroom.You might also want to slip a nightlight in your luggage. You can plug it into the outlet in the bathroom to help everyone find their way to the potty in the middle of the night. I do this whenever I travel. Now I rarely have to do the stubbed-toe dance in the middle of the night.
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  • #15
Today is May 23. There are only 54 days until NC.One of the things we’ll probably get when we register at NC is a tote of some kind. There may be an announcement soon about this year’s tote. If you're registering on the first day of NC, take the things you want to be sure to carry with you (paper, pens, and such) in a plastic bag. This way you can fold up the bag or toss it as soon as you get everything situated in your new tote. That said, I always take along a lightweight tote I can use in case they don't provide a tote at registration. That's happened a few times. As you know, I like to be prepared. Years ago Tracy99 had a great suggestion. Take along something with which to mark your bag. Maybe this year's will have the little window for your business card like so many in the past have had. But, a luggage tag or bit of ribbon will really make it easy to pick yours out.Speaking of registration, I love the fact that they're allowing us to register the day before everything starts this year. This will give me a chance to really sort through and look things over before things get started. It also means that this year I won't have to take everything in a plastic bag. I can take my tote back to my room and take my time getting things situated.
  • #16
I haven't even thought of these things! lolUpdate: I just got the following response from the home office.

There is no dress code per se at Conference. Typically business casual will do for the meetings and something a bit nicer for the awards ceremony (nothing formal required). Let us know if you have any other questions.
raebates said:
Today is May 23. There are only 54 days until NC.One of the things we’ll probably get when we register at NC is a tote of some kind. There may be an announcement soon about this year’s tote. If you're registering on the first day of NC, take the things you want to be sure to carry with you (paper, pens, and such) in a plastic bag. This way you can fold up the bag or toss it as soon as you get everything situated in your new tote.That said, I always take along a lightweight tote I can use in case they don't provide a tote at registration. That's happened a few times. As you know, I like to be prepared.Years ago Tracy99 had a great suggestion. Take along something with which to mark your bag. Maybe this year's will have the little window for your business card like so many in the past have had. But, a luggage tag or bit of ribbon will really make it easy to pick yours out.Speaking of registration, I love the fact that they're allowing us to register the day before everything starts this year. This will give me a chance to really sort through and look things over before things get started. It also means that this year I won't have to take everything in a plastic bag. I can take my tote back to my room and take my time getting things situated.[/QU
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  • #17
Jasmine said:
I haven't even thought of these things! lol
That's why I do this, Jasmine, so you won't have to.
  • #18
Its great that you are sharing this things, thanks so much :)
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  • #19
Today is May 24. There are only 53 days until NC!Not taking along a bit of technology that will allow you to check your email? Go ahead and set up your email auto response today. A lot of email services let you set a start and end date for vacation responses. I usually set mine to start the day I leave and end a couple of days after I get back. That gives me a little time to get around to reading through all of the emails. Mine has simply said that I’m off learning how to become an even better consultant and getting a sneak peek at the new products that will be out this fall. I leave my phone number so they can get to me if they have a PC emergency.If your email doesn’t allow you to set yours up ahead of time, you might want to set yourself a reminder to do this the day you leave.
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  • #20
Today is May 25. There are only 52 days until NC!Where is your suitcase? Is it stored away in some deep, dark corner of your attic? You might want to think about getting it out sometime soon. Air it out so it doesn't make your clothes smell like, well, a hot, stuffy attic.This might seem early, but I’m going to be suggesting that you start packing before too long.Speaking of packing, you're packing your June and July schedules. I know you are. Don't forget to block out a bit of family time before and after NC. You'll also want to plan for a day or two to absorb all the NC info and start putting new ideas in place.
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  • #21
Today is May 27. There are only 50 days until NC!Travel can cause, um, digestive issues. While at NC, it would be easy to eat too little fiber and drink too little water. Plan ahead. Take some high-fiber snacks with you. Dried fruit, snack bars, and the like are portable and tasty. Make a conscious effort to drink lots of water. If you're picky about your water, take some of your favorite with you. Otherwise, just take along a refillable sport bottle. (The Tervis Tumber we earned would be perfect.) There are usually conveniently placed pitchers of water at each workshop. You'll feel better if you’re well hydrated.
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  • #22
Today is May 28. There are only 49 day until NC!I know there are lots of fun things to in the evening after the sessions. You’re probably already starting to make plans. Just remember to get plenty of sleep. It's hard to believe, but learning is actually one of the main reasons for NC. It's harder to absorb all that great stuff if you're too tired to listen.
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  • #23
Today is May 29. There are only 48 days until NC!If you haven't started a packing list, start it soon. It's probably best to make sure your list is portable so you can jot things down as you think of them. Don't over pack, though. How to strike a balance? Why not talk with your roommates? You can probably share some things.What to pack? Make a plan. You'll need business casual clothing with comfortable shoes for three days of workshops/sessions, something slightly dressier for the awards ceremony, plus attire for anything extra you’re doing while you’re in Rosemont. You’ll also need toiletries, a pen or two, and paper (note pad, loose paper, whatever you feel comfortable taking notes on). In years past they’ve had a great booklet in which to take notes, but I still found my notebook handy. Of course, you might want to use something electronic to take notes on.Okay, so now that you know what type of clothes you'll need, make your plan. Plan out each outfit down to the underthings and jewelry you'll wear. Can you wear the same shoes* for more than one of your outfits? How about the same jewelry? Every decision either takes up more suitcase space or allows you more room.One note about packing light. It is incredibly rude to expect the people with you to help you with your baggage. (The one exception to that is if you have a physical disability or limitation of some sort.) Pack no more than you can comfortably carry by yourself. I don’t mean what you can barely lug from your front door to your car. I mean what you can carry from baggage claim to the shuttle, from the parking garage to the front desk, etc. It’s also a good idea if you’re flying to talk with your travel companions. Ask if they check their baggage or do carry-on only. They may be ticked off if they are planning to head right from the plane to the shuttles but unexpectedly have to wait for you at baggage claim.*Since we do so much walking and quite a bit of standing, it would probably be best for your feet if you alternate shoes. Wearing the same shoes several days in a row can worsen foot pain. If your shoes are comfortable except for the fact that the balls of your feet seem to take a pounding, consider cushions. They can save your feet. I actually use them in my cute sneakers, since they have very thin soles.
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  • #24
Today is May 30. There are only 47 days until NC!The following was originally shared years ago by ChefAnn. Some of these we have little control over for NC (like trying to do too much in one day). Not every one applies directly to NC. Still, they’re good general travel tips.8 mistakes that can spoil any trip
1. Winging it. Know where you're going to stay for at least the first night, especially after a long flight. 2. Packing too much. Limit yourself to one suitcase and one carry-on. Put a change of clothes and your daily medication in the carry-on in case your luggage gets lost. 3. Forgetting essential items. Make a list of things you frequently forget and put it in your empty suitcase. 4. Trying to do too much. Limit the number of activities you plan into each day. Schedule free days for long trips. 5. Trying to get too much work done at the last minute. Spread things out. You'll never have enough time to finish everything the day before you leave. 6. Calling the office too much. This can be a sign of insecurity or trying too hard to control everything. Your boss and co-workers know how to reach you in an emergency, right? 7. Misplacing essential items. Keep boarding passes, identification, passports, trip itineraries, and other documents in one small, easy-to-get-to pouch or bag. Put a bright sticker or ribbon on your luggage to make it stand out. 8. Leaving town without making arrangements to have the mail and newspaper picked up - a sure sign to would-be thieves that your house is empty.​
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  • #25
Today is May 31. There are only 46 days until National Conference!Make sure you leave the hotel and conference center info for your family. They'll feel more secure knowing where to reach you in case of an emergency. Cell phones are wonderful, but they aren't perfect. Knowing exactly where you'll be is helpful. I’ve also started leaving an agenda for The Furry Guy. Several years ago he called my cell phone in the middle of the night because he was thinking I’d be home that day. He was concerned when it got late and I hadn’t returned. Knowing my general schedule helps him not to worry.
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  • #26
Today is June 1. There are only 45 days until NC!Traveling by air? Photograph your luggage and its contents just before you leave. If it gets lost, you'll have a record for the airline. (And, just being prepared often wards off this type of bad luck. You know, it’s the same principle as carrying an umbrella so that it won't rain.)It's also a good idea to squeeze the air out of your toiletry bottles before packing them in your luggage. It lessens the likelihood of them exploding because of air pressure changes.
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  • #27
Today is June 2. There are only 44 days until National Conference!Are there things on your list that you’ll need to purchase before you leave? Start purchasing them now. By buying one or two things each week or two, you’ll spread out the expense so that it’s barely noticeable.
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  • #28
Today is June 3. There are only 43 days until NC!Once you've arrived at your hotel room, unpack. I know it's tempting to drop your bags and run out to meet all the other consultants and, especially, the other Cheffers. However, if you'll take just a few minutes to hang up your clothes, put your toiletries in the bathroom, etc., you'll save yourself time in the long run. Plus, if you're sharing the room and you're the first one to arrive, you get to stake out prime real estate for yourself.Also, familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Where are the light switches, and which lights do they control? Where are the AC controls, and how do they work? Where is the emergency exit in relation to your room?One odd thing I do is clean my room. I take along a small travel pack of wipes and use them on the light switches, doorknobs, phone, clock/radio, and remote. These are things that aren’t necessarily cleaned by the housekeeping staff, and I just feel better giving them a quick wipe.
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  • #29
Today is June 4. There are only 42 days until NC!Talk about morning routines with your roommates. Who’s getting up first? Will you go to breakfast together? If so, what time will you leave? Knowing what you'll do helps you to avoid a mad dash in the morning and helps you stay out of one another’s way.
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  • #30
Today is June 5. There are only 41 days until NC!Traveling by bus? Check to make sure what their boarding procedures are. On many lines there aren't assigned seats, and they tend to overbook. It may be necessary for you to line up for departure as much as an hour before your departure time. You don't want to delay your arrival because you didn't get a seat. Heck, you could miss out on meeting some of your fellow Cheffers.
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  • #31
Today is June 6. There are only 40 days until National Conference!Once you get to your hotel be sure to ask for the phone number for a good cab company. Program that number into your phone. That way you can call for a cab without any problem, no matter where you are. You may not need it, but it could be a lifesaver if you do.
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  • #32
Today is June 7. There are only 39 days until National Conference!While you're in Rosemont, be sure to carry your hotel's address with you. After all, there is more than one Sheraton or Hilton in the area. And, while PC is very important, not every cab driver will know where we're staying. This is important whether you’re planning to take a cab or not. Things happen. It’s better to be safe. I simply print the info on a small piece of paper and tuck it in my wallet.
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  • #33
Today is June 8. There are only 38 days until NC!Think about the workshops you’ve signed up for. Take (or re-take) any online courses related to those topics. Most of our speakers pack a lot of information in their workshops. If you already know the basics won’t be too overwhelmed by what they have to say. You can dial down on the details easier this way.Take some time to familiarize yourself with any guest speakers you might be hearing. Google them and read through what they offer. If they have a free enewsletter, sign up for that. This way you will know a little about what to expect from them at NC.
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  • #34
Today is June 9. There are only 37 days until NC!We've been concentrating on our arrival, but departure is important, too. Get everything but the bare essentials packed the night before you leave NC. It will save you time that last morning when things may be a bit rushed. It will also lessen the likelihood of leaving something behind.
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  • #35
Today is June 10. There are only 36 days until NC!Remember to pack light. Check out the Rosemont weather a few days before you leave, that way you won't feel a need to bring clothes for everything from snow to a heat wave.Now, I’m a natural list-maker. I keep my lists on an app so that all I need to do is update my National Conference Packing List from last year. However, if you’re not like me, I’ve found a great website. It’s http://www.packwhiz.com. It asks you a few opening questions, then generates a general list. You can add or delete items. You can rearrange the list. It’s pretty user-friendly. It even has a list of things to do before you leave.
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  • #36
Today is June 11. There are only 35 days until NC!Peanuts? Granola bars? What snack helps keep you going? You might want to bring some along. With everything going on at NC, a healthy snack to boost your energy mid-morning and/or mid-afternoon may be just what you need to stay alert and get the most out of those great workshops. I'm sorry, but sodas, donuts, and candy bars don't count. Think protein and complex carbs.In case you’re wondering, my favorites are RXBars. They're delicious and easy to carry. They aren’t available at many retail outlets, so I order them online. Just be sure that you don’t confuse them with MetRX Bars; they aren’t the same.
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  • #37
Today is June 12. There are only 34 days until NC!Whether you're traveling by plane, bus, or train, be sure to have your identification handy. Depending on your mode of travel, you may need to show that ID several times. You may need more than one form of ID. You will most likely also need ID handy in order to check in at the hotel.
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  • #38
Today is June 13. There are only 33 days until NC!You might want to check with the hotel (or others who have stayed at your hotel in the past) to see what amenities they offer. Some offer a hair dryer, an iron and ironing board, etc. If you're not picky about those things, you could leave yours at home. That will give you more suitcase room for your shopping spoils.
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  • #39
Today is June 14. There are only 32 days until NC!Want to make things easiest on yourself while you're getting ready in the morning at NC? Pack your clothes in outfits. Fold together all of the clothes (slacks/skirt, top, undies, etc.) that you're planning to wear on a particular day. Need to hang things up when you arrive? Put everything for that day on the same hanger—underthings and all. No need to rummage through your suitcase when it's your turn in the bathroom.Some people pack their own hangers. If you have 4 people in your room, you might not have enough hangers for everyone—especially if everyone hangs pieces separately. This would be a good thing to discuss with your roommates.
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  • #40
Today is June 15. There are only 31 days until NC!Remember that a bag of wadded up dirty laundry takes up more room than neatly folded laundry. I know it sounds weird, but fold your dirty laundry before you put it in your laundry bag. It will make it easier to get your suitcase zipped before you leave.Oh, and here’s something to watch for. Make sure you only bring home your own laundry. Several years ago one of my roommates used a PC bag for her dirty laundry. So did I. We were packing near one another to go. I thought I’d packed my laundry, but there it was, right by my suitcase. When I got home I realized I had two laundry bags. That’s right; I’d brought home her dirty laundry, too.
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  • #41
Today is June 16. National Conference starts one month from today!Label each piece of your luggage, both inside and out, with your name and phone number, but don’t put your home address on the outside. This can be a safety issue. If an address is required by your transportation, try not to use your home address. Use your office address, a post office, etc., if possible. Flying? Don't forget to remove old claim checks to avoid confusion. After all, you may want to return to your last vacation spot, but do you really want your luggage to return before you do?
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  • #42
Today is June 17. Only 29 days until NC!If you haven’t already done so, print out all of your paperwork now—hotel confirmation, NC registration & workshop list, travel stuff (plane/bus reservations, maps, etc). Gather everything together so that you’ll have all you need in one convenient place. If you don't do paper, make sure that all of your digital stuff is conveniently collected in one easy-to-access place.
  • Thread starter
  • #43
Today is June 18. Only 28 days until NC!Think about your wallet. Take only what you’ll need while you’re gone—one or two credit cards, your id, cash. Don’t take along your children’s Social Security Cards or other vital information that you won’t need. Now, lay the contents of your pared-down wallet in orderly fashion on the glass of a copier. Make a copy of the front and back of everything including your driver’s license. Leave the copy at home in a secure place. Imagine how grateful you will be if your wallet is lost or stolenYou might also want to carry your plastic separate from your cash. This way if you get robbed there’s a good chance you still have either the plastic or cash so you won’t be stranded.I’m not trying to say that Rosemont or NC is unsafe. It’s just that it’s a good idea to be prepared. To be honest, I’m much more likely to lose my wallet than to have it stolen. These ideas would still come in handy for a lost wallet.
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  • #44
Today is June 19. Only 27 days until NC!What not to take is as important as what to take. Leave the family heirlooms at home. While your hotel should be secure, theft does happen. If it's an irreplaceable piece of family history, you may want to rethink bringing it along. If you're being recognized for a special achievement, and you really want to wear great aunt Bertha's diamond-encrusted brooch, ask about the hotel safe.
  • Thread starter
  • #45
Today is June 20. There are only 26 days until NC!Make sure of the carry-on rules. I don't know about buses or trains, but airlines have strict carry-on policies. You don't want to have to leave things you've carefully chosen behind. Contact your airline or bus company for their rules. Don't forget that the Transportation Security Administration has some rules in place, too. Questions? Get the answers at www.tsa.gov or 866-289-9673.
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  • #46
Today is June 21. There are only 25 days until NC!Okay, so you have your list done. Gather together the clothes you're planning to take. Check each piece carefully.
  • Does anything need a good cleaning? Check for spots and stains.
  • Is everything in good repair? Check for dropped hems, hanging threads, and seams in need of repair.
  • Do you have everything you need to complete each outfit? Don't forget any special undergarments (slips, strapless bras, etc.). [Sorry guys. I'd include any special undergarments for you men, but I just keep picturing some of our CS guys in strapless bras. ]
You don't want to be at NC, in the process of getting ready, and realize that you've forgotten something or that something needs to be cleaned or repaired.
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  • #47
Today is June 22. There are only 24 days until NC!While you're checking all of your clothing to make sure they’re clean and in good repair, why not see if you can eliminate an item or two. Instead of bringing different shoes for each and every outfit, can you get by with just a couple of changes? If you're bringing sweaters or jackets in case the rooms are chilly, do you have one that will work with every outfit? Remember, the less you take with you, the more room you'll have to bring stuff back.Speaking of shoes, DO NOT take brand new shoes to NC. We will be doing a lot of walking. If you buy new shoes for NC, be sure to take at least one day to really walk in them. Make sure it’s a day of serious walking on concrete—like power shopping. This way you’ll know if they’re comfortable enough to wear all day and whether or not they rub in any areas. If they’re miserable, don’t take them. It’s not worth it. If they simply have an area or two that rubs, you can probably get by with wearing a bandage in that area. If they’re fine but the ball of your foot aches, try an insert. If that’s the route you go, try taking a second day to wear them with the bandages and/or inserts to see if that works. I’m serious. Miserable feet can ruin NC.
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  • #48
Today is the last day to register so if you haven't done so get over there and get it done! There are so many benefits open to you and as things go in the industry our company offers an amazing amount for the cost!
  • Thread starter
  • #49
Today is June 23. There are only 23 days until NC!Don’t arrive at NC all frazzled. Take a good look at your schedule leading up to your departure. Have you been realistic? Be honest. Can you really get everything done in the time allotted without driving yourself insane? If not, be ruthless. Eliminate. Delegate. Do whatever it takes to make sure you get some rest and a little time with your family before you leave. You’ll get more out of NC if you aren’t exhausted.
  • #50
raebates said:
Today is June 11. There are only 35 days until NC!Peanuts? Granola bars? What snack helps keep you going? You might want to bring some along. With everything going on at NC, a healthy snack to boost your energy mid-morning and/or mid-afternoon may be just what you need to stay alert and get the most out of those great workshops. I'm sorry, but sodas, donuts, and candy bars don't count. Think protein and complex carbs.In case you’re wondering, my favorites are RXBars. They're delicious and easy to carry. They aren’t available at many retail outlets, so I order them online. Just be sure that you don’t confuse them with MetRX Bars; they aren’t the same.
This is great! Bringing health snacks will help keeping alert too, my favorite bars are larabars, the fiber in them keep me feeling full for a long time, but not sluggish
<h2>1. What is the purpose of National Conference and why should I attend?</h2><p>The purpose of National Conference is to bring together Pampered Chef consultants from all over the country for a weekend of training, inspiration, and networking. It's a great opportunity to learn new skills, hear from top leaders in the company, and connect with other consultants. Attending NC can help you grow your business and take it to the next level.</p><h2>2. When and where is National Conference 2015 being held?</h2><p>National Conference 2015 will be held on July 16-18 in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Indiana Convention Center. This is the main location for all general sessions, workshops, and vendor booths.</p><h2>3. How do I register for National Conference?</h2><p>You can register for National Conference through your Pampered Chef consultant account. Simply log in, go to the Events tab, and click on National Conference. From there, you can select your registration package and pay the registration fee. Keep in mind that registration closes on June 30th, so make sure to register before then.</p><h2>4. What is the dress code for National Conference?</h2><p>The dress code for National Conference is business casual. This means no jeans or sneakers, but you don't have to wear a formal business suit either. Choose comfortable yet professional attire that reflects your personal style.</p><h2>5. What should I bring with me to National Conference?</h2><p>Some items you may want to bring with you to National Conference include a notebook and pen for taking notes during workshops, comfortable shoes for walking around the convention center, business cards to exchange with other consultants, and a small bag or backpack to carry any materials or samples you may receive. It's also a good idea to bring a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day.</p>

Related to Countdown to National Conference 2015

1. What is the purpose of National Conference and why should I attend?

The purpose of National Conference is to bring together Pampered Chef consultants from all over the country for a weekend of training, inspiration, and networking. It's a great opportunity to learn new skills, hear from top leaders in the company, and connect with other consultants. Attending NC can help you grow your business and take it to the next level.

2. When and where is National Conference 2015 being held?

National Conference 2015 will be held on July 16-18 in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Indiana Convention Center. This is the main location for all general sessions, workshops, and vendor booths.

3. How do I register for National Conference?

You can register for National Conference through your Pampered Chef consultant account. Simply log in, go to the Events tab, and click on National Conference. From there, you can select your registration package and pay the registration fee. Keep in mind that registration closes on June 30th, so make sure to register before then.

4. What is the dress code for National Conference?

The dress code for National Conference is business casual. This means no jeans or sneakers, but you don't have to wear a formal business suit either. Choose comfortable yet professional attire that reflects your personal style.

5. What should I bring with me to National Conference?

Some items you may want to bring with you to National Conference include a notebook and pen for taking notes during workshops, comfortable shoes for walking around the convention center, business cards to exchange with other consultants, and a small bag or backpack to carry any materials or samples you may receive. It's also a good idea to bring a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day.

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