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Countdown to Conference: Only 24 Days Until the Excitement Begins!

In summary, this person is excited for the upcoming conference because they anticipate learning new things, making new friends, and meeting old ones. They are also looking forward to the announcements that are sure to be made.
Silver Member
24 days away, anyone else getting that weird adrenaline thingy going on?
This happens to me every year. It starts about a month before. Most of it is being in a place I like to be rather than at my regular job. Then it also is knowing that I am going to come out of the gate running! My director is always fansinated by what happens after I get back. I have usually done very well in the 3 months following conference. I am excited this year too because I know now, after a year of trial and error, what my new physical limitations are. After I got ill in Dec 2005, 2006 was hard because I wanted to do more but physically I just could not afford to push it. Well, I kinda know now how many shows I can do a month and not get myself sick again. I do have a major mental thing with that though as I know what doing too much can do and I am afraid of that. I am hoping that conference will instill a lot more confidence in me to go to the new limit I set and be OK with that.
So, any one else getting that "excited" feeling and I would love to know why? What are you looking for at conference?
I'm excited about:
New products!
Learning things to help me in my business!
A few days away w/ friends!
Meeting all my new friends from CS!

What I WISH?
That all CS'ers could be in the same Wave!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
That would be so cool...But, as we are Cheffer's, we need to spread the Cheffer Love!
pampered1224 said:
24 days away, anyone else getting that weird adrenaline thingy going on?
This happens to me every year. It starts about a month before. Most of it is being in a place I like to be rather than at my regular job. Then it also is knowing that I am going to come out of the gate running! My director is always fansinated by what happens after I get back. I have usually done very well in the 3 months following conference. I am excited this year too because I know now, after a year of trial and error, what my new physical limitations are. After I got ill in Dec 2005, 2006 was hard because I wanted to do more but physically I just could not afford to push it. Well, I kinda know now how many shows I can do a month and not get myself sick again. I do have a major mental thing with that though as I know what doing too much can do and I am afraid of that. I am hoping that conference will instill a lot more confidence in me to go to the new limit I set and be OK with that.
So, any one else getting that "excited" feeling and I would love to know why? What are you looking for at conference?

What are you sick with?
What are your physical limitations?
I ask because one of my team members has MS and has to work around her own physical limitations...and I have been on & off very sick this year and have had to make some changes in the way I run my business.
I've never been to NC (this month is my 1 year ann with PC) and I'm getting excited butterflies in my tummy!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!
I start getting excited for Conference as soon as the Registration opens in April! I have clothes picked out, although they'll probably change half a dozen times between now and then.

I get excited for:
All the announcements!
new products
bonding with my cluster/extended cluster/CSers!
learning tips to help my business
seeing how excited my team will get (this is the first year I have a recruit going)
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Well...I got cellulitis 11 years ago. Cellulitis is a strep or staph infection that gets into your system via cracks in the skin. It can also hide within the legs cell strucutre. If these are damaged below the skins surface, you would never know it until the symtoms of major swelling, soreness, high fever and the sakes appear. It also causes a high fever, mine was 104.7 when they checked me in, which can cause brain damage, and blood poising that travels up the leg and into your organs. This is how I got diabetis and my doctor told me if it had gotten any higher and gotten into my heart, I would have been a goner! There is also the possibility of loosing the leg all together. Ever since then I get reoccurances. Well, each episode gets worse each time. I went in the hospital on Dec 16, 2005, got discharged on the 23rd and put on bed rest and intervenious drug treatments. (I had something called a "pick line" planted in my arm that I attached these funny looking balls full of meds to each day.) I ended up going back in the hospital on the 30 of Dec. Got out Jan 6. Laid up for 8 weeks. no work, no cooking shows, then pysical theropy for 7 more weeks after that due to a new complication of Edema in my leg where I got the infection. (My leg was as big at the ankle as it is at the hip! And baby, I got big hips!) Basically, I stressed out the leg doing to much. 2005 I did $30,000 in shows, which was $17,000 more than any of the other 5 years prior to that. I also worked a ton of over time at my regular job for about 2 months prior to the out break and just wore out my leg. The leg was swelling some what from standing on it too much before the 16th of Dec. and apparently the tissue under the skin broke just enough to let the infection in. Weird part. IT NEVER BROKE THE SKIN until I got home after the first stint in the hospital. It was between Christmas and New Years that the entire lower part of my leg became one massive icky open sore. Now I have to be careful about how much I am on my legs. Every thing I do, fixing stuff around the house, cooking shows, regular work overtime, has to be carefully watched. All I have to do is stand on it too much or bump it or scrape it and whamo! I just never know what might set it off. The problem now is that I know it's there just waiting to pounce again. And the pain, missery and possibilty of loosing my leg, or worse, my life, is just not worth doing a few extra shows. So I am afraid of it! I spent a year testing it. I know I can handle about 4 shows a month. Does not matter mentally for some reason though. I guess I am still afraid that I might bruise it on a stair or maybe twist it walking across a lawn with my stuff. So, I am hoping that conference will make PC more important to me than the fear. What I do know is that no matter what I can't just stop living. And I love PC. I just have to figure out the happy medium! AND BELEIVE IN IT!
pampered1224 said:
I got cellulitis 11 years ago. Cellulitis is a strep or staph infection that gets into your system via cracks in the skin. It can also hide within the legs cell strucutre. If these are damaged below the skins surface, you would never know it until the symtoms of major swelling, soreness, high fever and the sakes appear. It also causes a high fever, mine was 104.7 when they checked me in, which can cause brain damage, and blood poising that travels up the leg and into your organs. This is how I got diabetis and my doctor told me if it had gotten any higher and gotten into my heart, I would have been a goner! There is also the possibility of loosing the leg all together. Ever since then I get reoccurances. Well, each episode gets worse each time. I went in the hospital on Dec 16, 2005, got discharged on the 23rd and put on bed rest and intervenious drug treatments. (I had something called a "pick line" planted in my arm that I attached these funny looking balls full of meds to each day.) I ended up going back in the hospital on the 30 of Dec. Got out Jan 6. Laid up for 8 weeks. no work, no cooking shows, then pysical theropy for 7 more weeks after that due to a new complication of Edema in my leg where I got the infection. (My leg was as big at the ankle as it is at the hip! And baby, I got big hips!) Basically, I stressed out the leg doing to much. 2005 I did $30,000 in shows, which was $17,000 more than any of the other 5 years prior to that. I also worked a ton of over time at my regular job for about 2 months prior to the out break and just wore out my leg. The leg was swelling some what from standing on it too much before the 16th of Dec. and apparently the tissue under the skin broke just enough to let the infection in. Weird part. IT NEVER BROKE THE SKIN until I got home after the first stint in the hospital. It was between Christmas and New Years that the entire lower part of my leg became one massive icky open sore. Now I have to be careful about how much I am on my legs. Every thing I do, fixing stuff around the house, cooking shows, regular work overtime, has to be carefully watched. All I have to do is stand on it too much or bump it or scrape it and whamo! I just never know what might set it off. The problem now is that I know it's there just waiting to pounce again. And the pain, missery and possibilty of loosing my leg, or worse, my life, is just not worth doing a few extra shows. So I am afraid of it! I spent a year testing it. I know I can handle about 4 shows a month. Does not matter mentally for some reason though. I guess I am still afraid that I might bruise it on a stair or maybe twist it walking across a lawn with my stuff. So, I am hoping that conference will make PC more important to me than the fear. What I do know is that no matter what I can't just stop living. And I love PC. I just have to figure out the happy medium! AND BELEIVE IN IT!

Wow John,
You've REALLY been through HELL with this. I am so sorry. You're one incredibly strong man!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Thanks but...it is just another hurdle to get over. My life is fairly normal. I cut the grass. I go grocery shopping. I guess it becomes second nature so it does not seem like to big a deal. However, it does sit in the back of my mind. That is where the fear comes from. If I could forget about it like I used too, maybe things would be totally normal again. And I do have a physical reminder of it and I think that is why it is harder to be normal this time around. I have to wear a rather cumbersome brace on my leg to prevent the leg from swelling. I wear a brace from my ankle all the way up to my knee. It is three pieces. One is a rubber type stocking. Over which is a, well, it looks like an 8 winged butterfly over that. The wings wrap around the stocking to give the support and tension needed to prevent the swelling. The stocking is to protect my leg from the butterfly thingy. Then, there are 4 additional straps to just reinforce the butterfly. That leg ain't goin' anywhere if I can help it. It's like wearing a cast. Just all the time. I get to go to sleep without it though! Could you imagine wearing that thing around the clock except for bathing? You know what, thank you! I think talking about it made some of the fear go away. You made me realize that I am doing everything I can to prevent a problem. And I already know if it is going to happen, it is going to happen. So, I think I can move forward a little more.
Thank you for letting me talk about it!
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  • #10
So, John-- you comin' to the Wave 1 Meet 'n' Greet? We're having 2!

Sunday and Monday nights, 10:00 p.m.
Kitty O'Shea's, Chicago Hilton (it's the Irish Pub off the lobby)
Look for the rowdy group and my fruit hat :)
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Yep er do!Wouldn't miss it for the world! Besides, with Deb as my up line, I would dare!
  • #12
John, are you going down on Sunday or Monday? I'm taking the megabus ($1 each way) on Monday morning, 6:30 am. No one else is going from my cluster, so I'm the lone ranger this year (but staying at the Hilton with my PC "aunt"). I'm looking forward to meeting my CS family Monday night!
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  • #13
Decided to goon Sunday night this year. I find that the Monday a.m. getting up, getting out, getting in to Chicago, getting to the hotel, getting to McCormick and picking up my pack and getting to the first session is a royal pain in the you know what!!!!!! So this year, I am opting for the relaxed approached. Gonna do a train or maybe the bus on Sunday. Just easier. Just make sure you make the Meet and Greet on Monday at 10 at the Irish Pub in the Hilton.
  • #14
Wow, John, you HAVE been through a lot! It's so exciting that you're coming to conference!!! It's so fun and VERY worthwhile!!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Haven't missed one yet so...I don't plan to do so this year either. This will be my 7th. My start month was Jan of 01. I have to admit the best one was the first one. Not only because PC was still very new to me but it was laso the year about 10 of us from my directors group went. We had a blast! I still have fun with the other two but this year looks like it will be just two of us. That's OK too. At least we like each other! Last year was great. I did however have some trouble. And I went back to work that Thursday. We had a Mon - Wed last year too. By Saturday, I could hardly walk. It was a blast though. (I ended up off work the follwoing Monday and Tuesday just to recoup.) My boss was cool about it thought. He knows PC is important to me.
I feel like the Pointer Sisters is coming to mind! "
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it. I'm about to loose control and I think I like it!"
Now what about this Ruby Ring? TPC for what may I ask? That's awsome!
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  • #16
Come on you guysI really want to know why you like to go to conference?

I have more fun meeting all sorts of new people too! I have gotten some of the best ideas from bus rides and standing outside the nights of the banquets just talking to folks!

I love the announcements about new products but that's an "expected" thing and we all know we will here that. I love the unexpected stuff! Liek the cool ideas from other consultants or meeting someone really neat. Last year I met up with Anne from NJ! She is such a sweety!
  • #17
pampered1224 said:
I don't plan to do so this year either. This will be my 7th. My start month was Jan of 01. I have to admit the best one was the first one. Not only because PC was still very new to me but it was laso the year about 10 of us from my directors group went. We had a blast! I still have fun with the other two but this year looks like it will be just two of us. That's OK too. At least we like each other! Last year was great. I did however have some trouble. And I went back to work that Thursday. We had a Mon - Wed last year too. By Saturday, I could hardly walk. It was a blast though. (I ended up off work the follwoing Monday and Tuesday just to recoup.) My boss was cool about it thought. He knows PC is important to me.
I feel like the Pointer Sisters is coming to mind! "
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it. I'm about to loose control and I think I like it!"
Now what about this Ruby Ring? TPC for what may I ask? That's awsome!

Well, after this year you're not going to be able to say that anymore because you are going to meet all of us cheffers and THAT is sure to be a highlight of any PC career!
  • #18
chefann said:
I start getting excited for Conference as soon as the Registration opens in April! I have clothes picked out, although they'll probably change half a dozen times between now and then.

I get excited for:
All the announcements!
new products
bonding with my cluster/extended cluster/CSers!
learning tips to help my business
seeing how excited my team will get (this is the first year I have a recruit going)

Heck... clothes picked out... I bought a new dress today!!! I even have brand new underwear for my trip and a new lipgloss.

My only trouble is what to pack. I am taking the train this year so luggage has to be kept to a minimum. UGH! This will severly cut into my shoe choices for the conference.
  • #19
Carol, I know it's not as exciting, but I try to plan Conference outfits so I only have to pack 2 pair of shoes - one for workshops, one for the banquet. I wear my athletic shoes on the bus (my group's taking the bus this year instead of the train). And then I take my slippers. I refuse to walk on hotel floors in bare feet. :rolleyes:You're in Northern Detroit suburbs, right? Or am I misremembering that?
  • #20
John, I remember last year or there abouts you talking about being ill. You didn't elaborate much and I didn't want to ask (thanks Carolyn for asking). My goodness!! I'm glad you are managing your illness! I hope to meet you guys at O'Shea's. I'm not much of a bar person, but my roommate wants to go (even though her flight lands at 9pm Sunday night) on both nights.

I would like to officially meet Ann. We were in a class together on the last day, but I didn't know it was her. She was her insightfully smart self. And I was my crass opinionated self. I'm sure I made a huge impression :D!

watch her say she doesn't even remember me..:(
  • #21
I am SO excited!! I have a couple of my downline going. None of them want to room with me and my friend/fellow director though. LOL We stayed up till 3:30am before we walked at leadership this year. But hey - thats where I befriended Tom Marston and amazing things happened because of that! :D

So yeah... hallways at early morning is what I look forward to the most ;)
  • #22
I'm so excited this year for many many reasons:
Have a recruit going for the first time!
My Director gets to Walk as an ADVANCED DIRECTOR
All the Director Perks
My hubby gets to see me WALK!
Meeting up with long lost PC friends!

I can't stop thinking about CHICAGO!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
  • #23
Chef Kearns said:
I would like to officially meet Ann. We were in a class together on the last day, but I didn't know it was her. She was her insightfully smart self. And I was my crass opinionated self. I'm sure I made a huge impression :D!

watch her say she doesn't even remember me..:(
You are so sweet! And I was so excited to be at Leadership finally, that it's all kind of a blur. So unless you actually introduced yourself to me, I have to admit that I probably don't remember. Sorry. But we'll make up for that in Chicago. :)
  • #24
I am excited b/c I will be WALKING!!! I also love the new products and recipes and just the overall excitement.

Like others have said, the best learning is in those hallway/bus/bathroom conversations (I got Scottie Brister's email addy in the women's restroom last year :D). I love getting out and meeting other consultants and barely hang around with my own cluster at conference.
  • Thread starter
  • #25
That's sounds like too much informationWhat the heck was Scottie's e-mail doing on the bathroom wall at conference? Or am I reading WAY TO much into that one?
(I know, I should be smacked for that but I could not resist!)
  • #26
That is what I thought, too! <giggle>
  • #27
No, you silly! I met her in the bathroom! :)
  • #28
I am getting more excited... since last year when I went,, I had not a clue what to expect or what would happen.... and I was very much overwhelmed during conference not to mention extremely tried from lack of sleep but that comes with the territory!! I am really looking forward to meeting everyone and getting to know them... and swapping stories!!
  • #29
*makes a mental note to get John's email address & put it in the ladies bathroom*

  • #30
How lame am I that I'm excited about getting to wear my cute PJ's around people who will appreciate them? My pink VS Flannel PJ's with skulls and crossbones (green bows on their skulls) don't impress my husband. Surely someone out there will think they're cute. So if you see me roaming the halls in my PJ's...... :D
  • #31
Pampered Laura said:
How lame am I that I'm excited about getting to wear my cute PJ's around people who will appreciate them? My pink VS Flannel PJ's with skulls and crossbones (green bows on their skulls) don't impress my husband. Surely someone out there will think they're cute. So if you see me roaming the halls in my PJ's...... :D

Oh just wait til ya see mine - I have these AWFUL red waffle knit union-suit one-piece PJs that are actually DH's but he doesn't wear them - so they're a size mens XL (I am 5' 2" and 105 lbs) - they're freakin' hilarious but they're my faves!
  • #32
Bleh - I wish you were in Wave 1, Carolyn! :mad:
  • #33
Pampered Laura said:
Bleh - I wish you were in Wave 1, Carolyn! :mad:

You should stay for wave 2!!!
  • #34
Hey... I know this isn't my Wave, and I am bummed I don't get to see you, John, but I am glad you are up to going!
  • Thread starter
  • #35
Me too, Me too!Anne! I'z gonna miss ya up to the old 'Cormick place!
Oops, forgot to put my smarts in this morning! Sorry!
Yeah, I am bummed too! Especially since we get two nights to cruise Chicago instead of one! It would have been fun to go to dinner or something. I still haven't been to Navy Pier! I think we need to protest this seperation of directors like that! It's totally unfair and totally ruthless! How dare they make us make friends then never see them again for how long!

Now Deb! You you should have stopped at the last comment as now I am worried casue you is talking in the can! Do you ladies do that?? I mean guys walk in, walk out. Don't look down, don't look side ways and never ever talk!
It's just wierd!
OK now I am really stoked for this party!
  • #36
I know what you mean, John!
  • #37
pampered1224 said:
Anne! I'z gonna miss ya up to the old 'Cormick place!
Oops, forgot to put my smarts in this morning! Sorry!
Yeah, I am bummed too! Especially since we get two nights to cruise Chicago instead of one! It would have been fun to go to dinner or something. I still haven't been to Navy Pier! I think we need to protest this seperation of directors like that! It's totally unfair and totally ruthless! How dare they make us make friends then never see them again for how long!

Now Deb! You you should have stopped at the last comment as now I am worried casue you is talking in the can! Do you ladies do that?? I mean guys walk in, walk out. Don't look down, don't look side ways and never ever talk!
It's just wierd!
OK now I am really stoked for this party!

Even though it is a bathroom, it is a room full of gals... why would you think we wouldn't talk? THAT is just weird!
  • #38
Pampered Laura said:
I am SO excited!! I have a couple of my downline going. None of them want to room with me and my friend/fellow director though. LOL We stayed up till 3:30am before we walked at leadership this year. But hey - thats where I befriended Tom Marston and amazing things happened because of that! :D

So yeah... hallways at early morning is what I look forward to the most ;)

You met Tom Marston:D ???!!!! yeah you can tell that I am a little star struck hehe I am so flipping lame huh???
  • #39
Pampered Laura said:
I am SO excited!! I have a couple of my downline going. None of them want to room with me and my friend/fellow director though. LOL We stayed up till 3:30am before we walked at leadership this year. But hey - thats where I befriended Tom Marston and amazing things happened because of that! :D

So yeah... hallways at early morning is what I look forward to the most ;)

Just for the record, I'm planning to befriend Laura and see what amazing things happen for me... Let's see if this plan works!
  • #40
dannyzmom said:
Oh just wait til ya see mine - I have these AWFUL red waffle knit union-suit one-piece PJs that are actually DH's but he doesn't wear them - so they're a size mens XL (I am 5' 2" and 105 lbs) - they're freakin' hilarious but they're my faves!

Pajamas? We have to wear pajamas???? ;)
  • #41
janetupnorth said:
Pajamas? We have to wear pajamas???? ;)
Your roommates (and bed-mate, especially!) would appreciate it, I'm sure.
  • #42
Speaking of bathroom meetings. At parent orientation I met someone that I knew briefly in 1997 as she was coming out and I was going in. She recognized me. Took my card and said she'll contact me to book a show. - I had left my purse with my friend so I didn't get her info.

Note to self: Never go to ladies room without paper and pencil. lol
  • #43
I also want to express my concern for your health John and my prayer that recurrences are few and short.

I am so excited to meet you all! I don't want to name names because I would be hurt if a list is made and my name was missed so I don't want to do that to any of you. Just remember, I'll be the one with the chocolate cake (or brownie).

Katie, how is that list of cell numbers coming?

I picked up two frames this week for the exchange (one for Sun and one for Mon). I LOVE one of them but I got the last one. Now I'm still on a search for something as nice for the other night. The other one is okay but...
  • #44
Hey John, So glad you are coming and I hope your legs will be just fine! BTW, have you thought about getting one of those motorized carts at McCormick? Then for sure we'd all recognize you....you could even charge for rides!
  • #45
pamperedlinda said:
Hey John, So glad you are coming and I hope your legs will be just fine! BTW, have you thought about getting one of those motorized carts at McCormick? Then for sure we'd all recognize you....you could even charge for rides!
We would have to decorate it with streamers and a horn!
  • #46
I am most excited to go to conference just to remind myself why I love this business and to get rejuvenated. I have been letting way too many excuses get in my way lately. I also really need a break from my kids. I know it sounds terrible .... and I feel like a horrible mom for saying it bit it has been really tough lately.

Of course getting to meet you all is an awesome bonus! I can't wait!!!

Who is collecting cell #s? I can pass mine along.
  • #47
Paulette, Katie (katie0128) is collecting Wave 1 numbers.
  • #48
I didnt' know we were exchanging Cell numbers.....I will pass mine along.... I am really excited to see everyone in a couple of weeks.........
  • #49
chefann said:
Paulette, Katie (katie0128) is collecting Wave 1 numbers.
Do you know if she going to make a master list and send one to each of us? I'll send her mine.
  • #50
pamperedlinda said:
Do you know if she going to make a master list and send one to each of us? I'll send her mine.
I believe so.
<h2>1. What is the Countdown to Conference?</h2><p>The Countdown to Conference is the period of time leading up to the annual Pampered Chef conference, where consultants and leaders come together to learn, network, and celebrate their achievements.</p><h2>2. How many days are left until conference?</h2><p>There are currently 24 days left until the start of conference. This is a highly anticipated event among Pampered Chef consultants and leaders.</p><h2>3. Does anyone else experience an adrenaline rush leading up to conference?</h2><p>Yes, many consultants and leaders experience a surge of energy and excitement as conference draws near. This is likely due to the anticipation of being in a familiar and enjoyable environment, as well as the excitement of coming back and applying new knowledge and strategies to their business.</p><h2>4. What can I expect at conference?</h2><p>At conference, you can expect to attend workshops and training sessions to enhance your skills and knowledge, network with other consultants and leaders, and celebrate your achievements as a Pampered Chef consultant. It is also a great opportunity to learn about new products and upcoming promotions.</p><h2>5. How can conference help me after I return?</h2><p>Many consultants and leaders have found that they have had a significant increase in sales and success after attending conference. The new skills, strategies, and motivation gained at conference can help you grow your business and reach your goals in the months following the event.</p>

Related to Countdown to Conference: Only 24 Days Until the Excitement Begins!

1. What is the Countdown to Conference?

The Countdown to Conference is the period of time leading up to the annual Pampered Chef conference, where consultants and leaders come together to learn, network, and celebrate their achievements.

2. How many days are left until conference?

There are currently 24 days left until the start of conference. This is a highly anticipated event among Pampered Chef consultants and leaders.

3. Does anyone else experience an adrenaline rush leading up to conference?

Yes, many consultants and leaders experience a surge of energy and excitement as conference draws near. This is likely due to the anticipation of being in a familiar and enjoyable environment, as well as the excitement of coming back and applying new knowledge and strategies to their business.

4. What can I expect at conference?

At conference, you can expect to attend workshops and training sessions to enhance your skills and knowledge, network with other consultants and leaders, and celebrate your achievements as a Pampered Chef consultant. It is also a great opportunity to learn about new products and upcoming promotions.

5. How can conference help me after I return?

Many consultants and leaders have found that they have had a significant increase in sales and success after attending conference. The new skills, strategies, and motivation gained at conference can help you grow your business and reach your goals in the months following the event.

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