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Conquering My Zicam Addiction - One Nasal Spray at a Time

than 3 days) can actually be addicting. The nasal tissues get really addicted to the stuff, so when you stop using it they get really inflamed and stuffy again. My ENT explained that surgery or steroids can shrink the inflammation, but I'm pretty scared about either of those. Anyway, I'm glad I found out before I got too addicted.
Jean DeVries
Gold Member
....and I'm an addict.

No. Seriously. I can't figure out how I didn't know this. I read everything. I watch the Today show every day. I don't know how I missed this.

So, I've had a stuffy nose since January. It got stuffed up shortly after I moved into my new house, got worse when I was on my cruise, and has been miserable ever since. I have sleep apnea and sleep with a CPAP ( or as my friend so lovingly calls it, my Darth Vader mask...even though I don't look a think like Darth Vader when I wear it...more like Scuba Steve. But I digress....), so I have to have clear passages at night otherwise the CPAP doesn't work and I'm cranky bo-banky the next day.

So, I've been shoving Zicam up my nose at night like there's no tomorrow. I've said many times that it's a good thing you don't have to buy that behind the pharmacy counter like many allergy/sinus drugs these days, or the DEA would be at my house looking for the Zicam-fueled meth lab.

I finally got tired of sniffling (as did EVERYONE I know at this point), so today I went to the ENT. (BTW, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my ENT....he rocks!) I told him my nose had been stuffed up for three months, and he asked how I handled sleeping with my CPAP. I told him I used Zicam.

At which point he giggled and told me he knew exactly what my problem was without even looking up my nose.

I was addicted to Zicam.

Huh? Say wha?

I have never heard of this in my life. Yes, I know it says on the box not to use for more than three days, but it says that on all med boxes. I thought it was standard wording. Besides, obedience without convenience isn't my style :) But I had no idea it was addicting.

So my ENT went on to explain that the nasal tissues get really addicted to the stuff so they stuff up so they get more. Tricky little buggers.

So, me being the Pollyanna, everything-is-fixable person that I am, I said, "OK, cool. How do I fix it?"

"Well," he said, "You have two options. Surgery or steroids."

Huh? Say wha?

It's just nasal spray for crap sake.

Apparently not so much. These things can really mess your nose up.

There's some part in your nose that starts with a t and is a really long name. They get inflamed when you're stuffed up. Zicam (or Afrin) constrict the blood vessels and make that piece less inflamed. BTW - constricted blood vessels also leads to high blood pressure, which many frequent users also experience. You addicted nasal parts inflame that right back up so they can get more Zicam...it's a vicious cycle.

Steroids will shrink the inflammation (everyone quote your favotire line from the movie Son-In-Law here regarding steriods and shrinkage. C'mon...you know you want to...). Surgery can take that inflamed part and saw it down to 50%ish of it's original size. My doc said that if I had surgery I would probably never have a stuffy nose again. While this sounds tempting, I also have to pay for 10% of any surgery, and I've already put out enough in medical bills this year.

So, in the morning, I go on the 'roids for a couple of weeks. I hope they don't make me &itchy...I can't afford that at work.

I also hope they don't make me get the munchies. I can't afford that either (see thread about how I gained 15 pound post-surgery).

I mostly hope that my next support group won't be for 'roid rage-aholics. I can see it now...me, a bunch of WWF wrestlers, and OJ. That'll be a good time.
OMG Jean!!!! Good luck with dealing with this.
OMG Jean...you should do stand-up comedy...you can take even a crappy situation and make it freakin' hilarious!
I love ya girl!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Hi, Jean.

1 day sober?

No, not yet. My doc gave me one more night with the Zicam, then I have to quit cold turkey and start the 'roids in the morning.

I"m going to have my sister squirt the rest of my Zicam and Afrin down the drain.

(where the he** did that expression ever come from???)

*BTW, I am in no way making light of people with more serious addictions. I know how devastating they can be.....I apologize if I have offended anyone.
The best addict jokes I've ever heard came from addicts.
  • Thread starter
  • #7


The things that start with a t and have a really long name are turbinates. They are shown in the picture in the attached.

Nasal sprays (and it's only the ones that clear up your nasal passages immediately, not like Flonase or those kinds....when in doubt, I guess check the package to see if it tells you to use for not more than three days :) cause the area around the inferior turbinate to shrink when swollen from snifflies.


On another note, maybe if they weren't called "inferior" all the time, they'd be able to resist the temptation which turns them into Zicam-whores....

(woops. can i say 'whores' on this board?)
No, you can't say whores. It'll come out *****s.
Turbinates?You've only got one head, so you can only wear one turbin.
  • #10
Jean DeVries said:





  • #11
Does Nasonex fall into the same category? I am hoping not...I am already a recipe whore, chocolate whore and CS posting whore - I can't take another label.
  • #12
Oh Jean; I love your sense of humor! I had no idea that stuff was that addictive either. Good luck with the 'roids!
  • #13
I've heard of that before, sort of how they try to say that Carmex puts something in the lip gloss that drys your lips out more so that you keep buying their product. Only your situation is worse. I hope the steroids help!!
  • #14
Make sure you ask the doctor if the steroids are going to affect your immune system. Most steroids lower your immune system, so just make sure to take extra good care of yourself while you're on them!!Do you know if they have meetings for your addiction???
  • #15
Jean, you are too funny! :D

Good luck, hopefully the roids work!
  • #16
Jean DeVries said:
....and I'm an addict.

No. Seriously. I can't figure out how I didn't know this. I read everything. I watch the Today show every day. I don't know how I missed this.

So, I've had a stuffy nose since January. It got stuffed up shortly after I moved into my new house, got worse when I was on my cruise, and has been miserable ever since. I have sleep apnea and sleep with a CPAP ( or as my friend so lovingly calls it, my Darth Vader mask...even though I don't look a think like Darth Vader when I wear it...more like Scuba Steve. But I digress....), so I have to have clear passages at night otherwise the CPAP doesn't work and I'm cranky bo-banky the next day.

So, I've been shoving Zicam up my nose at night like there's no tomorrow. I've said many times that it's a good thing you don't have to buy that behind the pharmacy counter like many allergy/sinus drugs these days, or the DEA would be at my house looking for the Zicam-fueled meth lab.

I finally got tired of sniffling (as did EVERYONE I know at this point), so today I went to the ENT. (BTW, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my ENT....he rocks!) I told him my nose had been stuffed up for three months, and he asked how I handled sleeping with my CPAP. I told him I used Zicam.

At which point he giggled and told me he knew exactly what my problem was without even looking up my nose.

I was addicted to Zicam.

Huh? Say wha?

I have never heard of this in my life. Yes, I know it says on the box not to use for more than three days, but it says that on all med boxes. I thought it was standard wording. Besides, obedience without convenience isn't my style :) But I had no idea it was addicting.

So my ENT went on to explain that the nasal tissues get really addicted to the stuff so they stuff up so they get more. Tricky little buggers.

So, me being the Pollyanna, everything-is-fixable person that I am, I said, "OK, cool. How do I fix it?"

"Well," he said, "You have two options. Surgery or steroids."

Huh? Say wha?

It's just nasal spray for crap sake.

Apparently not so much. These things can really mess your nose up.

There's some part in your nose that starts with a t and is a really long name. They get inflamed when you're stuffed up. Zicam (or Afrin) constrict the blood vessels and make that piece less inflamed. BTW - constricted blood vessels also leads to high blood pressure, which many frequent users also experience. You addicted nasal parts inflame that right back up so they can get more Zicam...it's a vicious cycle.

Steroids will shrink the inflammation (everyone quote your favotire line from the movie Son-In-Law here regarding steriods and shrinkage. C'mon...you know you want to...). Surgery can take that inflamed part and saw it down to 50%ish of it's original size. My doc said that if I had surgery I would probably never have a stuffy nose again. While this sounds tempting, I also have to pay for 10% of any surgery, and I've already put out enough in medical bills this year.

So, in the morning, I go on the 'roids for a couple of weeks. I hope they don't make me &itchy...I can't afford that at work.

I also hope they don't make me get the munchies. I can't afford that either (see thread about how I gained 15 pound post-surgery).

I mostly hope that my next support group won't be for 'roid rage-aholics. I can see it now...me, a bunch of WWF wrestlers, and OJ. That'll be a good time.

OK, Jean you are now scaring me...how do you know my hubby???? :rolleyes:

His name is Steve, he is a Lifeguard Instructor and Scuba Diver and runs the water front at camp. His nickname has been Scuba Steve for YEARS! We even had T-shirts one year that the lifeguards made that said, "I survived Scuba Steve."

Oh, and he has the SAME problem with nasal sprays!!! The only thing that can be used for him is Flonase.
  • #17
Thanks for the morning chuckle. I am glad you can look at the situation with humor, and I hope the 'roids help, without any addiction...
  • #18
Just stay out of Jean's way at conference, in case the 'roid rage kicks in. :)
  • #19
wadesgirl said:
I've heard of that before, sort of how they try to say that Carmex puts something in the lip gloss that drys your lips out more so that you keep buying their product. Only your situation is worse. I hope the steroids help!!
Carmex is probably one of the best products out there, especially for what it does.

It's a small operation in a little town, and Carmex is all they make. The rumors about it are almost always started by people who are jealous of the success of a one horse operation like Carmex.
  • #20
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Carmex is probably one of the best products out there, especially for what it does.

It's a small operation in a little town, and Carmex is all they make. The rumors about it are almost always started by people who are jealous of the success of a one horse operation like Carmex.
Oh I know, I just think it's funny how people are and how things like that spread.
  • #21
Why are people so quick to jump on something bad, even if untrue, rather than spreading good news about someone/something?
  • #22
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Why are people so quick to jump on something bad, even if untrue, rather than spreading good news about someone/something?

I figure you are asking that as a rhetorical question, otherwise, I could write a long essay on that one! ;)
  • #23
The sky is falling... One of those things?
  • #24
I worked for a Sinus Doctor for years, and I totally have seen patients like you!!! Best of luck with the Steroids. We always gave our patients a Shot instead of the oral steroids. Good luck!!

Nasonex will not harm you!! You can use it daily!! It actually needs to be used daily to work right.
  • #25
StacieB said:
I worked for a Sinus Doctor for years, and I totally have seen patients like you!!! Best of luck with the Steroids. We always gave our patients a Shot instead of the oral steroids. Good luck!!

Nasonex will not harm you!! You can use it daily!! It actually needs to be used daily to work right.
I think a shot of Jack Daniels or Jim Beam is a great idea.
  • #26
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I think a shot of Jack Daniels or Jim Beam is a great idea.

Jim Beam was a "sister company" of my former employer, Master Lock...both were owned by Master Brands. I often wondered what their "company discount" was like.

Also, a little history, before I worked there, it ended in the 80's I believe, there used to be a conference room at Master Lock with a fully stocked bar. It is where the upity-ups of the time made the big decisions and they'd often hold little parties after work. Due to our sue-happy, liability-ridden society, those have since disappeared in almost everyone company (and Fire Station) around the U.S.
  • #27
In a previous life, I knew Mrs. Soreff.Master Lock is, sadly, all gone. The combination of market forces, local business atmosphere, lack of government support, labor issues and their location finally drove them out.
  • #28
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
In a previous life, I knew Mrs. Soreff.

Master Lock is, sadly, all gone. The combination of market forces, local business atmosphere, lack of government support, labor issues and their location finally drove them out.

Harry Soref would be a neat guy to have met. I have a replica lock at home of the lion's head.

I had to be a part of the "migration to Mexico" in 1998, although I didn't make the decisions, I had to go from supervising on the floor in the union environment to being the IE that set up all the processes and methods in the Mexico plant in 1997 for go-live in 1998. It was a good "project". I sat at a test facility in Racine and developed fixtures and processes and other things. Then after that project I had to come back and be productive in the union environment again. Luckily, I had no issues with that and a good relationship with the people. Now, 10 years later Nogales is not like it used to be. I e-mailed down there about a year or so ago and couldn't even get a response from them.

It is sad to see...other than the Metcalf Park issues and bullets occasionally flying between buildings on off hours, I loved the old building, the people, the technology and what we MADE IN AMERICA. I had toured there in college and the place stuck with me. I enjoyed working there and still know people there but haven't visited in about 7 years. Haven't seen the new building on 38 except in passing either...
  • #29
I have been addicted to nose spray for about 20 yrs, ever since high school...I have horrible sinus issues and allergies..my mom was also addicted to it while I was young, so I am sure I picked up the habit from watching her...she has since been able to get off it, she quit cold turkey..

I know some of you may snicker at the thought of being addicted to nose spray, but it is very real..I use the 12 hr and unless I have a cold or allergies, I only use it in the morning when I get up and then again in the evening while I am going to bed...I can make a bottle last a couple months.

I don't know if I would be keen to surgery or steroids to get off it, but I know it's very damaging to my nasal cavity. :yuck:
  • #30
There was a King of Queens episode where the father was addicted to nose spray. It was pretty funny.
  • Thread starter
  • #31
daniellemorgan said:
Do you know if they have meetings for your addiction???

I don't know. If not, I'm going to start one. We only meet on beaches in warm climates.

(With no known allergens..no sense tempting fate....)
  • #32
Jean DeVries said:
I don't know. If not, I'm going to start one. We only meet on beaches in warm climates.

(With no known allergens..no sense tempting fate....)

Then Scuba Steve (with the same issue with nasal sprays) can go Scuba diving after meetings. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #33
janetupnorth said:
OK, Jean you are now scaring me...how do you know my hubby???? :rolleyes:

His name is Steve, he is a Lifeguard Instructor and Scuba Diver and runs the water front at camp. His nickname has been Scuba Steve for YEARS! We even had T-shirts one year that the lifeguards made that said, "I survived Scuba Steve."

Oh, and he has the SAME problem with nasal sprays!!! The only thing that can be used for him is Flonase.

Scuba Steve always sticks out with me because it's in some Adam Sandler movie where he's trying to raise this little boy. The little boy won't take a bath or someting, so Adam Sandler dresses up like this boy's favorite action figure, Scuba Steve to get him to go take a bath. Cute movie (although not for the easily offended).

BTW, I got my pack of steriods last night, and the label said to take them as directed. The packet insert says to take them as directed by your doctor.

Who gave me no direction on how to take them.

I'm beginning to understand how 'roid rage starts....

But at least I get another night with my fix, Zicam......
  • Thread starter
  • #34
chefsteph07 said:
I don't know if I would be keen to surgery or steroids to get off it, but I know it's very damaging to my nasal cavity. :yuck:

My doc said it's only like a 10 minute surgery that he can do right in the office. I will definitely go that route if I have to. I don't need to damage any more body parts than I already have :)

Consider it...it may be better than the alternative!

I was surprised when I googled zicam addiction and found out how many people suffer from this. I had seriously never heard of it. (How's that for egocentric...I've never heard of it, so it must not exist :). Some of their DT stories were pretty scary....
  • #35
OK, maybe I'm weird. But this is my thinking on nasal medicines.

If God wanted me to put things into my nose, the holes wouldn't be going down.

Good luck, getting "clean"
  • #36
Speaking of noses, did you know what the #1 cause of nosebleeds is?A: Digital Traumaa.k.a. finger picking :yuck:
  • #37
while i was pregnant w/ #3 my DH would tell me a was addicted to those nose strips & the Vicks "sniffer thing" I just couldn't get through the night w/out it....maybe he was right!

Although I'll never admit it :)

  • #38
Ok, I get severe sinus headaches from time to time and I had absolutely no idea they even made spray that took away the stuffiness immediately! I have been using old fashioned saline solution. But, now that I know what damage the immediate gratification can do, I think I'll pass.

Along the same lines, did you know your eyes can get addicted to Visene in the same fashion? If you use it on a regular basis, your tear ducts get so used to not having to produce tears, that they dry up. Weird...

By the way, am I the only one who feels my nose stuffing up as I read this thread? The power of suggestion is a...well, powerful thing. Hey, anyone else thirsty????
  • #39
janetupnorth said:
Speaking of noses, did you know what the #1 cause of nosebleeds is?

A: Digital Trauma

a.k.a. finger picking :yuck:
According to a survey, 85% of respondents say they never pick their noses.

Another study says 90% of respondents lie on suveys.
  • #40
Do you have a netti pot??? They are the best things ever. That should help with the stuffy issue as well.
  • #41
So you're the reason they have the warnings on those boxes. Of course you read it and didn't listen...HaHaHa Just Joking!!!!
  • #42
By the way, yes Neti pots are awesome!
  • Thread starter
  • #43
daniellemorgan said:
Do you have a netti pot??? They are the best things ever. That should help with the stuffy issue as well.

I do. The problem is, my nose is so stuffed up, the stuff goes in one nostril, then down my throat instead of out the other nostril.

Maybe my aim is off....
  • #44
THey are supposed to go down your throat, not down the other nostril.

I must be addicted to my Astelin, too (prescription strength antihistamine) - if I go off of it for a day, I get a sinus infection. If you get off of yours, I'll try to get off of mine! Good luck!
  • #45
cathyskitchen said:
THey are supposed to go down your throat, not down the other nostril.

I must be addicted to my Astelin, too (prescription strength antihistamine) - if I go off of it for a day, I get a sinus infection. If you get off of yours, I'll try to get off of mine! Good luck!

That's the addiction part Cathy...you use it to treat sinus issues, then when the nose is addicted and you try to stop it, it acts like it has an infection.

DH runs FAR away from nose stuff...with the exception of Flonase...but still tried to rarely use that...
  • #46
Jean DeVries said:
....and I'm an addict.

No. Seriously. I can't figure out how I didn't know this. I read everything. I watch the Today show every day. I don't know how I missed this.

So, I've had a stuffy nose since January. It got stuffed up shortly after I moved into my new house, got worse when I was on my cruise, and has been miserable ever since. I have sleep apnea and sleep with a CPAP ( or as my friend so lovingly calls it, my Darth Vader mask...even though I don't look a think like Darth Vader when I wear it...more like Scuba Steve. But I digress....), so I have to have clear passages at night otherwise the CPAP doesn't work and I'm cranky bo-banky the next day.

So, I've been shoving Zicam up my nose at night like there's no tomorrow. I've said many times that it's a good thing you don't have to buy that behind the pharmacy counter like many allergy/sinus drugs these days, or the DEA would be at my house looking for the Zicam-fueled meth lab.

I finally got tired of sniffling (as did EVERYONE I know at this point), so today I went to the ENT. (BTW, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my ENT....he rocks!) I told him my nose had been stuffed up for three months, and he asked how I handled sleeping with my CPAP. I told him I used Zicam.

At which point he giggled and told me he knew exactly what my problem was without even looking up my nose.

I was addicted to Zicam.

Huh? Say wha?

I have never heard of this in my life. Yes, I know it says on the box not to use for more than three days, but it says that on all med boxes. I thought it was standard wording. Besides, obedience without convenience isn't my style :) But I had no idea it was addicting.

So my ENT went on to explain that the nasal tissues get really addicted to the stuff so they stuff up so they get more. Tricky little buggers.

So, me being the Pollyanna, everything-is-fixable person that I am, I said, "OK, cool. How do I fix it?"

"Well," he said, "You have two options. Surgery or steroids."

Huh? Say wha?

It's just nasal spray for crap sake.

Apparently not so much. These things can really mess your nose up.

There's some part in your nose that starts with a t and is a really long name. They get inflamed when you're stuffed up. Zicam (or Afrin) constrict the blood vessels and make that piece less inflamed. BTW - constricted blood vessels also leads to high blood pressure, which many frequent users also experience. You addicted nasal parts inflame that right back up so they can get more Zicam...it's a vicious cycle.

Steroids will shrink the inflammation (everyone quote your favotire line from the movie Son-In-Law here regarding steriods and shrinkage. C'mon...you know you want to...). Surgery can take that inflamed part and saw it down to 50%ish of it's original size. My doc said that if I had surgery I would probably never have a stuffy nose again. While this sounds tempting, I also have to pay for 10% of any surgery, and I've already put out enough in medical bills this year.

So, in the morning, I go on the 'roids for a couple of weeks. I hope they don't make me &itchy...I can't afford that at work.

I also hope they don't make me get the munchies. I can't afford that either (see thread about how I gained 15 pound post-surgery).

I mostly hope that my next support group won't be for 'roid rage-aholics. I can see it now...me, a bunch of WWF wrestlers, and OJ. That'll be a good time.

You crack me up!! I wonder if I'm addicted to Pepto Bismol.........My doctor just said it was IBS...but maybe my body just wants everyone to "think" it's IBS. Hmmmm- this is worth some pondering!

((((((Sending you pumped up hugs and a box of Puffs))))))
  • #47
Kitchen Diva said:
You crack me up!! I wonder if I'm addicted to Pepto Bismol.........My doctor just said it was IBS...but maybe my body just wants everyone to "think" it's IBS. Hmmmm- this is worth some pondering!

((((((Sending you pumped up hugs and a box of Puffs))))))

If that's the case I'm an addict as well. I don't go anywhere without my Pepto!!!
  • #48
That's not saying a lot for your shows. :eek:
  • #49
daniellemorgan said:
Make sure you ask the doctor if the steroids are going to affect your immune system. Most steroids lower your immune system, so just make sure to take extra good care of yourself while you're on them!!

Do you know if they have meetings for your addiction???
And you have to be very careful about going out in the sun while on those 'roids, and if you do get a cold for up to 12 months after your last dose, you have to call your doctor just to be safe... I was on steriods for 2 years off and on, and I ended up getting very ill from them.

The side effects from the on again off again use- as perscribed by my doctors, caused me to get androgen deficiency (when your body stops producing 2 or more hormones on its own) I also had burnt out adrenals and I was boarder line to having Addisons Disease, and I also became insulin resistant. I'm on HRT right now, and have been for 1.5 years. My body makes too much estrogen, and doesn't make any testosterone, or cortisol or progesterone on its own...so I have to take those hormones topically and orally. The only way to fix the lack of cortisol is to take steriods, which I can't do, so I just have to watch what I eat, and exercise,and taking the other 'mones that I take will eventually fix that issue.

The sad thing is you feel AWESOME when you are on the steriods, but in my case, it was very damaging to my body and out of the 7 doctors I was seeing for my back injury not ONE of them told me about these side effects...oh, and for some reason it also caused my ovaries to shut down, but that's another story. Sorry for the partial hijack- I just wanted to give you a heads up. But it doesn't sound like you'll be on them and off them, and on them and off them for 2 years straight, so you should be fine! :)
  • #50
rennea said:
If that's the case I'm an addict as well. I don't go anywhere without my Pepto!!!

Great....after reading more of the thread, I just found out I'm also addicted to chapstick! I can't go more than 2 minutes without something on my lips or they feel like they've been marinating in Tabasco sauce! Super... so I'm now a pepto Ho and a carmex ho! Just super! And here I prided myself on being so angelic and pure!

<h2>1. What is Zicam and why would someone use it?</h2><p>Zicam is a nasal spray that is used to relieve congestion and stuffy noses. It is often used by individuals with sleep apnea who need clear nasal passages to use CPAP machines.</p><h2>2. Is it safe to use Zicam for a prolonged period of time?</h2><p>No, it is not safe to use Zicam for more than three days in a row. Prolonged use can lead to addiction and other potential health risks.</p><h2>3. How does Zicam addiction occur?</h2><p>Zicam (and other nasal sprays) can constrict blood vessels in the nasal passages, providing temporary relief from congestion. However, this can lead to rebound congestion and a reliance on the spray for relief, creating a cycle of addiction.</p><h2>4. What are the consequences of Zicam addiction?</h2><p>Zicam addiction can lead to chronic congestion, high blood pressure, and potential damage to the nasal tissues. It can also become a costly habit, as frequent use of the spray can add up in expenses.</p><h2>5. How can Zicam addiction be treated?</h2><p>There are two options for treating Zicam addiction: surgery or steroids. Surgery can permanently reduce the size of the inflamed nasal tissues, while steroids can provide temporary relief. It is important to consult with a doctor to determine the best course of treatment for individual cases.</p>

Related to Conquering My Zicam Addiction - One Nasal Spray at a Time

1. What is Zicam and why would someone use it?

Zicam is a nasal spray that is used to relieve congestion and stuffy noses. It is often used by individuals with sleep apnea who need clear nasal passages to use CPAP machines.

2. Is it safe to use Zicam for a prolonged period of time?

No, it is not safe to use Zicam for more than three days in a row. Prolonged use can lead to addiction and other potential health risks.

3. How does Zicam addiction occur?

Zicam (and other nasal sprays) can constrict blood vessels in the nasal passages, providing temporary relief from congestion. However, this can lead to rebound congestion and a reliance on the spray for relief, creating a cycle of addiction.

4. What are the consequences of Zicam addiction?

Zicam addiction can lead to chronic congestion, high blood pressure, and potential damage to the nasal tissues. It can also become a costly habit, as frequent use of the spray can add up in expenses.

5. How can Zicam addiction be treated?

There are two options for treating Zicam addiction: surgery or steroids. Surgery can permanently reduce the size of the inflamed nasal tissues, while steroids can provide temporary relief. It is important to consult with a doctor to determine the best course of treatment for individual cases.

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