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Comparing Prices for Tupperware Products - Is it Worth It?

In summary, the conversation revolved around comparing prices of kitchen tools and storage items between Pampered Chef and Tupperware. There were discussions about the quality and pricing of each brand, with some participants preferring one over the other. It was also mentioned that Tupperware's fundraiser catalogs have inflated prices and that Pampered Chef offers a lifetime guarantee on their products. Despite the higher prices, many agreed that investing in quality products is worth it in the long run.
I am invited to a tupperware show tomorrow. I have been comparing prices.

Paring Knife PC $29 Tupperware $40.00
Honing tool PC $19.50 Tupperware $95.00 ( I hoe there is a HUGE difference i really cannt tell b/c I do not see a picture)
Juliene Peeler PC $7.50 Tupperware $11.00
Can Openere PC $17.50 Tupperware $30.00
Vegetable Peeler PC $3.50 Tupperware $9.00
Bakers Mat PC $13. 00 Tupperware one is $40 other is 18.50

Just thought you might find these comparisons good to know. I will of course just be buying storage items! And will have to keep my mouth shut if someone pays these prices for things we have cheaper!!

Their fund raiser does give 40% but is shows a different catalog for it, so, i do not know if the prices are different.
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Jennifer, my Tupperware consultant confided to me she likes the tools and knives PC sells better than tupperware but she really loves their storage items. I'm thinking of trying to recruit her to "our" side! Thats good info to know about the knives though, I hadn't gotten to comparing them yet.
Jennifer, I just cringe when I hear (read?) people use the word "cheaper" when comparing our product pricing. Perhaps it is a regional language thing, but to most people, "cheap" denotes lower quality which results in the "cheaper" price tag. Wal-Mart sells cookware and tools that are "cheaper" than ours - their product line is much lower in price than ours because it is, in fact, cheap.Our prices are lower than Tupperware's prices for comparable items but we most certainly are not cheaper.The only time I use that word now is in telling this old joke: What do birds say when they fly over Wal-Mart? "Cheap-cheap-cheap!"
I had a "Man Show" today where one of the guest actually said "Pampered Chef is so expensive. Why should I buy from you guys when I can get it from Walmart?" I told him that is what Walmart wants you to do because you will have to keep doing it and doing it often. Pampered Chef presents a quality product and you will pay for quality. But you will also reap the benefits of quality (i.e. not having to keep buying pots and pans). I let him cook in our "expensive pots and pans" and he actually booked a show b/c he wants to get them!
My father always told me to always buy the best tool I could possibly afford and take care of it. That way, I would only have to buy one. It was a good philosophy and both my brother and I are still using some of his tools that we inherited after he died in 1976.A most excellent answer, Rhonda! Thank you for sharing it and thank you for what you do for us!Edited to add: I don't believe Wally World offers a lifetime guarantee on their cookware, either.
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While the cookware or other products may seem pricey, like the cookware, you only have to buy it once.
Tupperware's Fundraiser Catalogs have inflated prices by the way and that is how they are able to give 40% of the sales to the fundraiser. Be careful when you order through that catalog unless you want to support it that way!

I still think that outside of their storage products Pampered Chef is the way to go! I only order storage items from Tupperware.
rhon228 said:
I had a "Man Show" today where one of the guest actually said "Pampered Chef is so expensive. Why should I buy from you guys when I can get it from Walmart?"
My answer to that would be similar to KG's. Ask them what they consider when they by their tools and go from there.
I honestly don't care too much for Tupperware. The covers are always so stiff and hard to take on and off. I just get rubbermaid or the disposable storage containers.
  • #10
rhon228 said:
I had a "Man Show" today where one of the guest actually said "Pampered Chef is so expensive. Why should I buy from you guys when I can get it from Walmart?" I told him that is what Walmart wants you to do because you will have to keep doing it and doing it often. Pampered Chef presents a quality product and you will pay for quality. But you will also reap the benefits of quality (i.e. not having to keep buying pots and pans). I let him cook in our "expensive pots and pans" and he actually booked a show b/c he wants to get them!

GREAT response Rhonda!!
  • #11
I was surprised at Tupperware's prices too. I leave my catalogs out on the counter at my in-laws mechanic station. The other day I noticed someone left a TW catalog. I got to looking at it (I had never looked at one before!) and was really surprised!
I am a believer that you get what you pay for. I am always telling my customers that sure you can buy a scraper for $1 at Wally, but in a few months they'll be back there buying another one. Or, they can spend a few more dollars with PC, and have that scraper for many years to come.
  • #12
OK... I am ALL OVER the Tupperware modulars! LOVE EM!!!
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  • #13
Well, went to the show today. The consultant really got me to wanting some of the storage items! It was a really fun show. I got three gifts that are very usable and one was something I was planning to order.

All she talked about was the storage items, she did not mention the knives and things. This could have been b/c the host is a PC consultant as well.

I won a free show, and am seriously considering doing it to get the storage items - they have some neat ones!

Do you think that would be wrong of me to host a TW show with me being a PC consultant?
  • #14
jrstephens said:
Do you think that would be wrong of me to host a TW show with me being a PC consultant?

I don't think so!! I would go for it. I am a closet lover of TW:)
  • #15
Heck, no! Go for it!

But I'd ask the consultant if she could focus on items that are not in our product line, too. Especially since the guests will be your friends and family and should be buying them from you. :)
  • #16
I think that some of the storage ideas for TW are great. The modulars, you can't find anywhere else. Other products, I agree, I would rather just get the Rubbermaid version. When TW lost their patent, everyone was able to reproduce what they had.

I LOVE the OLD cake taker from TW. The one I have is soooo old, it's the Marigold color from the 70's! It's still working! And I don't like the new one. It's prettier, but I don't like the style.

As far as having a show, I don't see why not if you want to. It's not like you are going to be hosting a show with her or doing both at the same time. I think that each product line has something that the other doesn't, and I would just ask your TW cons. to concentrate on that! Just like you would do, if you had a show and she was the host.

  • #17
chefann said:
Heck, no! Go for it!

But I'd ask the consultant if she could focus on items that are not in our product line, too. Especially since the guests will be your friends and family and should be buying them from you. :)
I agree completely!
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Thanks for your opinions. I was thinking about asking her to focus on all storage items like she did at the show I was at yesterday. I am glad you all suggested that too - that tell me you do not think I will offend her by doing so.
  • #19
rhon228 said:
I had a "Man Show" today where one of the guest actually said "Pampered Chef is so expensive. Why should I buy from you guys when I can get it from Walmart?" I told him that is what Walmart wants you to do because you will have to keep doing it and doing it often. Pampered Chef presents a quality product and you will pay for quality. But you will also reap the benefits of quality (i.e. not having to keep buying pots and pans). I let him cook in our "expensive pots and pans" and he actually booked a show b/c he wants to get them!

Whenever a man asks this question I tell him, "For the same reason you buy Craftsman, Makita, or other good tools instead of picking them up at Wal-Mart. Quality tools make the job easier, and they cost less in the long run."
  • #20
raebates said:
Whenever a man asks this question I tell him, "For the same reason you buy Craftsman, Makita, or other good tools instead of picking them up at Wal-Mart. Quality tools make the job easier, and they cost less in the long run."

That does not work for me as my husband is just as likely to buy whatever is cheapest at home depot - or walmart if it is closer.
  • #21
Tell him you're tired of Wal-Mart and you're going to trade up. ;)
  • #22
He was very impressed with the knives although I think he is afraid of them which may not be a bad thing. I'm supposed to get my 1st piece of cookware any day now with the 2nd box of my SS1. He loves the way the challah has been coming out now that I'm baking it regularly. Anything that makes me start doing more of the cooking he is very much in favor of. :D
  • #23
I love TW products and have a ton of their stuff. I would rather buy their stuff for the same reason other people should buy PC, the warranty and quality. I always start my show off with some line about why the should buy PC products over other "cheaper" versions. I point out the warranty & how they can see them throughout the book, the quality is better, and tell them that they can't call up the cashier at wal-mart and ask them questions if they have a problem. Plus, with almost all our products they get a recipe. This opens up peoples eyes and make them soon love PC. I do have to say that I enjoy our veggi/fruit trays better than TW!! I also have never heard TW cookware or other products mentioned at a show (been to 3). Hmmmm... probably b/c their consultants can't even afford it!! Oh- the honing tool looks like a long file.
  • #24
rhon228 said:
I had a "Man Show" today where one of the guest actually said "Pampered Chef is so expensive. Why should I buy from you guys when I can get it from Walmart?" I told him that is what Walmart wants you to do because you will have to keep doing it and doing it often. Pampered Chef presents a quality product and you will pay for quality. But you will also reap the benefits of quality (i.e. not having to keep buying pots and pans). I let him cook in our "expensive pots and pans" and he actually booked a show b/c he wants to get them!

Really... Tell this person, that after comparing many other direct sell companies, Pampered Chef is VERY reasonable when you see how many items are under $10.00 in the catalog, and our shipping is less than most others and etc...

  • #25
Since the topic pf people saying PC products are so expensive seems to be on more than one thread here is a document with 100 PC products under $10.


  • Under10Dollars_1_[1].doc
    78.5 KB · Views: 287
  • #26
tlennhoff said:
He was very impressed with the knives although I think he is afraid of them which may not be a bad thing.

That is so funny! My husband is the same way. When I pull out my santoku knife he leaves the kitchen..lol.
  • #27
schel said:
Pampered Chef is VERY reasonable when you see how many items are under $10.00 in the catalog

Most of my complaints are not that there aren't items in a lower dollar category, but that comparable (so they think) items cost less at the discount or *gasp* dollar store. Sure, we've got things that are less than $10, but a lot of the guests I've encountered don't want to spend $10 for a scraper when they saw one yesterday at the dollar store. (Yes, I explain that our is guaranteed and won't melt into your food, etc., but some people don't understand the concept of investing money into higher quality tools. :rolleyes: )
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  • #28
janel kelly said:
Since the topic pf people saying PC products are so expensive seems to be on more than one thread here is a document with 100 PC products under $10.

We need to keep this in our purses/bags and when someone says they cannot afford anything of ours PULL IT OUT and show them they CAN!!! ha!

The shipping at the show was $2.75 or 10% of the order which ever was GREATER of course.
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  • #29
chefann said:
Most of my complaints are not that there aren't items in a lower dollar category, but that comparable (so they think) items cost less at the discount or *gasp* dollar store. Sure, we've got things that are less than $10, but a lot of the guests I've encountered don't want to spend $10 for a scraper when they saw one yesterday at the dollar store. (Yes, I explain that our is guaranteed and won't melt into your food, etc., but some people don't understand the concept of investing money into higher quality tools. :rolleyes: )

I must admit until I became a consultant I was like this too! Now I am throwing away all my "dollar store" items and replacing them with PC and telling everyone about it! My goal is to having NOTHING but PC in my kitchen. .......Well, and now some Tupperware storage items!
  • #30
I LOVE my Tupperware!!!!!! Modular Mates I could not live without!!!!! I buy my flour in 25# bags, so I split it between a couple of the BIG mods and I don't have to worry about anything getting into it! I have even started putting my bags of beans, still in the bags, into a mod because I kept finding bags that had been chewed through by mice! UGH!!!!! I hate those little critters....

Also... I have thrown away every piece of Rubbermaid, Ziploc and Gladware (and other knock-off brands) I used to have. And I had a LOT! I have replaced it all with Tupperware's Rock n Serve! Have you checked that stuff out? IT DOESN'T STAIN!!!!!!!! The first piece I bought was solely for taco meat. We always have it in the fridge and it always stains the container.... but not the rock n serve! Awesome stuff!!!!!

So if you were to open my kitchen cupboards the only thing you would see is Pampered Chef and Tupperware! I won't buy anything else! No need when these 2 companies offer great service and warranties along with their great products!!!!!
  • #31
tlennhoff said:
He was very impressed with the knives although I think he is afraid of them which may not be a bad thing. I'm supposed to get my 1st piece of cookware any day now with the 2nd box of my SS1. He loves the way the challah has been coming out now that I'm baking it regularly. Anything that makes me start doing more of the cooking he is very much in favor of. :D
You're in less danger of cutting yourself with sharp knives than you are with dull ones, because the knife does all the work. With dull knives, you're pushing too hard and that's when accidents occur.

The same is true of dull cutting tools you buy at WALLY WORLD. ;)
  • #32
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
You're in less danger of cutting yourself with sharp knives than you are with dull ones, because the knife does all the work. With dull knives, you're pushing too hard and that's when accidents occur.

The same is true of dull cutting tools you buy at WALLY WORLD. ;)

That is true when cutting that one is more likely to get hurt with a dull knife. I'm not sure that is true when cleaning by hand.
  • #33
I get a Tupperware e-mail newsletter. They seem to be having some sort of sale all the time. I think they overinflate the prices so they can have great sales so you think you're getting a deal.

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