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Co-Host? I'm Giving Away the 1/2 Price Item From My Show

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of having a co-host for a consultant-hosted party in order to take advantage of the monthly host special and 1/2 price items. It is mentioned that the guarantee/warranty for products purchased under a co-host's name is only valid for the original purchaser, and that using a co-host may reduce benefits. The conversation also clarifies that a consultant cannot co-host with another consultant as the host.
Gold Member
I just did a Fall Kick Off party. I'm giving away my 1/2 price item to someone else. Can I enter her in as a co-host? Or since I'm a consultant, is that not allowed? I can't figure it out on P3 how to enter in the co-host now. Or should I just put her down as the host and then have the show shipped to me?
I tried answering you on the chatbox- but I think I'm going to change it.

I'm not sure if P3 will let you have a cohost (I really don't see why it wouldn't though) but maybe you can put it in your H's name (if you have one) and your friends name as the co-host so that both of your items are under the guarantee.

I'm 99% sure that the guarantee is only valid for the purchaser; which is why people say that if you're going to give PC items as a gift- order it in that person's name.
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  • #3
She's getting the knife block set, so I really want this to be valid and be in her name. If I have to change the whole show to be with her in as the host, is that right? Or the co-host thing? I'm just unsure.
If she's the co-host and gets the knife block set under her name then it would still be legit and the warranty/guarantee would be good.

If you put the knife block under your name and something happened to it she could not call PC and fix it herself b/c the warranty/guarantee is only valid for YOU (as that's who purchased it).

If you put her down as the sole host and then you ordered other things under her name than your items wouldn't have the guarantee on them.

SO- I would try and put her down as the co-host and see what happens.
I would put both orders under 1 name and add 2 payments. Using a co-host actually reduces the benefits, I'm pretty sure.
If the original show is in your name, you cannot co-host with a consultant as the host.
wadesgirl said:
If the original show is in your name, you cannot co-host with a consultant as the host.

This is correct! It has to be in your name but just make a note on the party and on the guest's name in your contacts so you remember in case of warranty issues. Also give her a receipt with the show info and a note that she got the host benefit so if you lose contact she has something to tell HO.
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  • #8
jessinthekitchen said:
If she's the co-host and gets the knife block set under her name then it would still be legit and the warranty/guarantee would be good. If you put the knife block under your name and something happened to it she could not call PC and fix it herself b/c the warranty/guarantee is only valid for YOU (as that's who purchased it). If you put her down as the sole host and then you ordered other things under her name than your items wouldn't have the guarantee on them. SO- I would try and put her down as the co-host and see what happens.
Exactly, which lead to my logistical question of how to enter in a co-host on a consultant hosted show, and if that was even allowed...
JackieB999 said:
I would put both orders under 1 name and add 2 payments. Using a co-host actually reduces the benefits, I'm pretty sure.
In co-hosting situations, only one of them can get the monthly host special. The free stuff gets split whichever way they want. And the 1/2 price items get split--if they only qualify for one, then only one of them will redeem it. If there's 2, then each could get one. It's up to them how they want to share the rewards. In my situation, I am doing a favor for my mom's co-worker who wants to order a whole bunch of stuff for another girl's party next month, but for now really wants to get the knives. Since I don't care too much about having the 1/2 price item, I'm letting her take advantage of it. I was planning on using all of the free product value though.
wadesgirl said:
If the original show is in your name, you cannot co-host with a consultant as the host.
Okay, that's what I was guessing the problem was since I couldn't figure it out in P3. Thanks for confirming. Just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something and was in fact able to do it.
BethCooks4U said:
This is correct! It has to be in your name but just make a note on the party and on the guest's name in your contacts so you remember in case of warranty issues. Also give her a receipt with the show info and a note that she got the host benefit so if you lose contact she has something to tell HO.
I really hesitate to put them in my name though since it's a lifetime guarantee item. Do you really think HO would honor it years down the road if there's a problem and I'm not a consultant any longer? Would it be bad to change the show to her being the host and just having it shipped to me?
Butttt, there's always a butttt, lol - if you haven't submitted it yet you can make anyone the host that you want to. I would just change her to the host and add your order to hers... and have it shipped to your house.
  • #10
babywings76 said:
I really hesitate to put them in my name though since it's a lifetime guarantee item. Do you really think HO would honor it years down the road if there's a problem and I'm not a consultant any longer? Would it be bad to change the show to her being the host and just having it shipped to me?

What else are you ordering as host? If it's nothing that would matter that's how I'd do it but if you need any warranty info I would just give her the show info and write a note that you gave her the special as a promotion or whatever word works for you.

I gave my DIL the blue pie plate that I earned and when it broke I called and told them I gave it to her as a gift they replaced it no problem. We are allowed to give incentives to our hosts/guests - just be sure to note it somewhere so you and she remembers how/when she got it.

Guests buy items as gifts and HO will honor the replacement. The giftee just has to know who purchased it.
  • #11
RE Warranties: Yes, if HO can track down the purchase, they will honor the warranty. I gave away a bamboo bowl that I had gotten from my upline. When there was a warranty issue, I told HO where I got it, they found it & honored the warranty. Didn't even have to argue with them, they just needed to know which bowl to flag in their system as being replaced. ;) Just write out a separate receipt with your consultant number & the show number, the item & then write really big across the front "CONSULTANT GIFT" so that home office can track down where it is in their system for warranty issues.

The down side is if she looses the receipt. So it's always best to have the warranty in the correct name when possible. It can really alleviate a huge headache in the end.

Maybe start over in P3, make her the host & you the co-host & see if it will go in that way?
  • #12
Sheila said:
RE Warranties: Yes, if HO can track down the purchase, they will honor the warranty. I gave away a bamboo bowl that I had gotten from my upline. When there was a warranty issue, I told HO where I got it, they found it & honored the warranty. Didn't even have to argue with them, they just needed to know which bowl to flag in their system as being replaced. ;) Just write out a separate receipt with your consultant number & the show number, the item & then write really big across the front "CONSULTANT GIFT" so that home office can track down where it is in their system for warranty issues.

The down side is if she looses the receipt. So it's always best to have the warranty in the correct name when possible. It can really alleviate a huge headache in the end.

Maybe start over in P3, make her the host & you the co-host & see if it will go in that way?

A consultant can NOT be a co-host.
  • #13
Thanks Beth, hadn't tried it & wasn't sure if it would work or not. ;)
  • #14
Sounds like a case of making her the host to me as well. I mean, you have the program and have the order info should you need to replace something. And you know you can have a replacement piece shipped to you so...
And Jackie - just to make sure you know, the host benefits are the same whether there is one or two hosts. The benefit amounts in any category never decrease. If one host would earn $90 and two half priced items for a $500 show, that is what two hosts would earn as well, they just need to decide how to divide it.
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  • #15
I'm thinking I'll put her in as the host then. The other hang up I have on that is what if one of the other guests ends up having an issue with an item and calls HO to get a replacement. If they tell them I was the host, they won't be able to find it in the system. Do I let them all know of the host name change? I wouldn't really want to do that either.Maybe it is better to do as Beth suggested and leave it in my name but write a note on the receipt that it's a consultant gift and tell her to be sure to keep the receipt.
  • #16
babywings76 said:
I'm thinking I'll put her in as the host then. The other hang up I have on that is what if one of the other guests ends up having an issue with an item and calls HO to get a replacement. If they tell them I was the host, they won't be able to find it in the system. Do I let them all know of the host name change? I wouldn't really want to do that either.

Maybe it is better to do as Beth suggested and leave it in my name but write a note on the receipt that it's a consultant gift and tell her to be sure to keep the receipt.

Many people put my name in as "host" on the door prize slip so I wouldn't worry about that. HO would look under you, then the customer name. Host name helps but those that already have their receipts have the show number anyway and HO would see the host name. If you put the packing slip in each order when you sort them they'll all have the correct show info for their guarantee anyway.

Do it the way you are most comfortable.
  • #17
I want to do something like this,too, but...wouldn't it all have to be ordered under the same name to get the discounts?Do I just put all her stuff on my order and then circle the ones that are hers or something?thanks in advance.
  • #18
BlueMoon said:
I want to do something like this,too, but...wouldn't it all have to be ordered under the same name to get the discounts?

Do I just put all her stuff on my order and then circle the ones that are hers or something?

thanks in advance.

There can only be one host and one co-host for a cooking show (one host - NO co-host - if it's a catalog show or the consultant is hosting) so, yes the benefits have to be in those names. If you are dividing the benefits between several people decide who's name it's in and give a receipt for the items that each person gets with it clearly marked that it was a mystery host show and who's name the order was placed in.

HO is stricter than they used to be about the guarantee so be very clear. I also try to put the name of the person who's getting the products that are most likely to need the guarantee in as host or co-host.
  • #19
Do it the way you feel most comfortable, and yes, you can ship the products to your house. I do it all the time for people who live in apartments or who aren't home during the day.

Related to Co-Host? I'm Giving Away the 1/2 Price Item From My Show

1. What is a "Co-Host" and how does it work?

A "Co-Host" is someone who helps you host a Pampered Chef show by inviting their own friends and family to attend. As a thank you, you can offer them the opportunity to win the 1/2 price item from your show.

2. Can anyone be a "Co-Host" or do they have to be a Pampered Chef consultant?

Anyone can be a "Co-Host"! You do not have to be a consultant to invite friends and family to attend your show and be eligible for the 1/2 price item.

3. How do I choose a "Co-Host" for my show?

You can choose anyone you know to be your "Co-Host". It can be a family member, friend, neighbor, or even a coworker. Just make sure they are willing to help you invite guests to your show.

4. Is there a limit to how many "Co-Hosts" I can have for my show?

No, there is no limit to the number of "Co-Hosts" you can have for your show. The more people you have helping you invite guests, the more chances you have of winning the 1/2 price item.

5. How do I make sure my "Co-Host" gets the 1/2 price item if they win?

Once your show is closed and the orders have been placed, you will receive an email with the names of the winners for the 1/2 price item. You can then coordinate with your "Co-Host" to make sure they receive their discounted item from your show.

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