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Christmas Decorations: Are You Ready for the Big Day?

In summary, both Rae and her husband are finished decorating their home for Christmas. Rae has one present left to buy, but otherwise everything is completed.
Staff member
My decorating is done! The tree is trimmed. Candles are in the windows.

I still have a bit of wrapping to do, though. I expect to do that over the next couple of days.

How about you? Where are you in the process?

BTW, my house currently smells like Elf Farts. A friend gave me a candle last year for Christmas that's actually labeled "Elf Farts." For the record, they smell kinda cinnamony.

Um... did a little shopping last night! We don't decorate, not enough room, time, etc. I won't start wrapping until it gets closer to Christmas. Still have a few people to buy for.
We are all decorated...tree is up, stocking up, I still have to get the candles in the windows. Done shopping for my son though except for the stocking stuffers.
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  • #4
We have two stockings each. Years ago, when our DS was just a preschooler, I cross-stitched stockings for each of us. Santa knows better than to put anything in those, so we each have a fun fur stocking for filling. We even had a stocking for Jesus. Each year I put in a letter thanking Him for the blessings of the past year and writing down my plan for giving to others in His name for the coming year.
DH and DS are out getting a tree right now.
I have bought ONE Christmas present.

I'm having trouble getting in the holiday spirit this year...
All decorations except tree is up. DH is leaving town on business tomorrow, we will get tree next week. A few presents bought, but not wrapped. My kids are into everything, so we have to put a gate around the tree or it is going to be a mess.
pamperedlinda said:
DH and DS are out getting a tree right now.
I have bought ONE Christmas present.

I'm having trouble getting in the holiday spirit this year...

Same here. DS was asking about putting lights up yesterday, when he saw other houses with lights outside. Things are quite tight around here, so I don't want to think about shopping. What matters most to me around the holidays is spending time with family, but our family is 13 hours away :cry:, and my father's family usually comes up (3.5 hours away) for Christmas, but my sister has to work this year:cry:.

Today is a lazy day, and before I have my DH start putting the tree together, the living room needs to be cleaned, and I do not have the energy for that today. Maybe tomorrow. (or preferably next week).
both our boys and DH are putting lights up on the roof and around the deck and gazebo (they were so excited daddy waited until they came home form college to help)
the inside has been done for 2 weeks.
Just purchased some more presents thanks to online ordering! I'm now down with several people on my list.
  • #10
The entire house outside and inside is decorated!! Our tree is up and we're ready!!
  • #11
Wow Rae, you are on top of the game! DH pulled out the decorations so now it's time to get the tree (probably next weekend). Bought for 1/2 of my list so far. I won't wrap till I have all my shopping done. Good job!
  • #12
Still have some stocking stuffers to buy. I have a small silver tree that I will put up in on the 1st. Our big tree goes up about 2 weeks for Christmas.
  • #13
Rae, the Elf fart thing made me laugh. Surprised nobody else commented on that. :) Oh, and I like your Jesus stocking idea. I should do that, too.

Our tree is up. First year with an artificial one. It came with lights on it. I put up the lights outside on Wednesday. Our Nativity's are up. Christmas plates are above the cupboards. Younger DS is bringing ornaments up from the basement as I type. We'll probably put those on tomorrow after church.
  • #14
I have my house decorated and the tree is up and all pretty I have the stockings hung and we are like Rae I made my kids and me and my hubby stockings out of felt kits when I was pregant with both of them and so we use them as decorations. The lights aren't hung outside cause we are having a cold rain storm and with the presents I have them all wrapped and I only have to shop for 3 more people and get stocking stuff for the kids. I am so glad to be done pretty much just a few days after thanksgiving this year and able to enjoy it with my family and not rushing around getting things done. We are going wednesday to get our family pictures and finish the christmas shopping and stocking purchasing and then I gotta wrap those but then I am DONE !!!!
  • #15
Wow - barely getting started here. No tree until next weekend. DH put up lights outside today - only to discover he forgot to put an electrical outlet back in on the side of the house where he ended the lights - so he had to do that today too! We have a very large inflatable penguin with gifts that he is putting up in the front yard.

Inside, we need to move around furniture to make room for a Christmas Tree. I have a few presents bought - and more ordered! I did my Black Friday Shopping in my jammies, on the internet. :p
  • #16
Oh and I bought more wrapping paper and gift tags. I think I'm addicted to wrapping paper. If there is a good price, I'll stock up on it even if I still have some at home! Anyone else have that problem.
  • #17
I went on the wrapping paper frenzy a few years ago. I bought so much then that I haven't had to buy anymore since then!!!

Shopping is about 1/2 done. Outdoor decorations didn't get put up this year. We were waiting another week or so and we've ended up with about 3 ft. of snow in our yard and it's still coming!!!:eek: We are used to the snow, but it's very early this year!

I'm wanting to put the tree up, however we have some furniture to rearrange and I'm not sure I'm ready to deal with the tree and two 6-month-old kittens quite yet....:rolleyes:
  • #18
tree is set up, and lights are on it, but it is not decorated yet- no gifts bought, no holiday baking done, It will all have to wait until I have the Mexico trip earned, until then, it will be all work, no play.
  • #19
mrssyvo said:
tree is set up, and lights are on it, but it is not decorated yet- no gifts bought, no holiday baking done, It will all have to wait until I have the Mexico trip earned, until then, it will be all work, no play.

Way to set your priorities!
  • #20
I decided that I will earn the trip this year- The last few years, I missed the trip by a few thousand points, and I decided, NOT THIS YEAR!!!!!! Once I realized it was within my grasp, I decided no way would I miss it this year. DH and I are empty nesters, with no grandkids yet, so it is a little bit easier to put those things on hold.
  • #21
nothing done here, halloween decorations are still out. I'm not in the mood to do it, and I live with the grinch himself. I did put on a little christmas music today, but that lasted about 3 songs before the grinch heard it... he's not ready for christmas to come lol. None of my shopping is done, I have 3 small gifts and thats all. I do have a couple others figured out, but money is super tight for me, and we would rather eat and stay warm then go christmas shopping. Maybe in the next week or so I'll see about putting the tree up, but I doubt it.
  • #22
We got all the outside lights up yesterday. White Icicle lights on the house. White lights on the trees and front porch. We got an inflatable penquin and polar bear. They are so cute.

Today we went and cut down a 7 1/2 ft Fir. It now has lights and ornaments, happily put on by the kids. I also set up all my snowmen and tommorrow will put up my Nativity.

I just love this time of year.
  • #23
My decorating and shopping and wrapping and baking are done - have been for almost 2 weeks. And we already HAD the gift part of Christmas. My kids come for Thanksgiving so we do it then.

DH and I will exchange small gifts after church Christmas Eve but we already exchanged our main gift to each other (flew the son who couldn't be here this year out so he wouldn't miss it).
  • #24
Well we just started but got alot done in one day. I left for work this morning (never work Saturdays except the month of December and the last Sat in November) and my DH and houseguest were assembling all our wire light up lawn ornaments - have 4 reindeer and 2 trees, assembling the wooden Santa, deer, snowmen Christmas carollers and dragging out our two inflatable figurines - Santa and a snowmen family. I came home and they were all set up and look WONDERFUL! It's so pretty driving up the driveway into the clearing in the woods and seeing the pretty lights. He also got half of the lights up on the house and will finish in the morning. They had to cut it short to take my DS to hockey and it was 5 pm and dark when they got home.

I got home around 7, had dinner, started making shortbread and DH and DS brought up the tree. I started at 9 and finished at midnight but finally have the 7 foot tree assembled and all the lights put on. My DH helps me with the first foot or so at the top and then is smart enough to disappear until I'm finished the lights. 1550 lights takes awhile LOL!!!

Tomorrow we're off shopping, to the Santa Clause Parade my DD is in and then home for dinner, closing two shows and hopefully 3 and we'll drag out the tree ornaments and all the boxes and boxes of decorations for around the house. I'm hoping between tomorrow night and Monday night we'll get it all done because it's my bday Tuesday night and then we're booked for the next 10 nights :eek: with DD and DS's obligations!

Of course I still have to squeeze in more baking, shopping and to even just start wrapping.....UGH! Maybe we didn't get much done!
  • #25
I am almost done shopping, and everything is wrapped. Hope to plug in the tree tomorrow... but that is about all we will be doing this year. I just don't have the energy, and we still need to finish the baby's room. Hopefully she will be here in about 2 weeks(crossing my fingers). Eventhough we knew we weren't going to be able to have a regular Christmas this year, I am feeling a little blue about it, we don't even get to go to any parties.
  • #26
Christmas? Is it Christmas yet, LOL?
  • #27
I have a few decorations that still need to go out in the yard otherwise the house is completely done including the tree. I've shopped for my sister and my son. Still have DD, DH, FIL, MIL, and BIL to do.
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  • #28
No, it's not Christmas yet, but it's close--only 25 days from today. ;)Shana, you may not get to go to parties, but you'll have a wonderful little bundle that will take up all of your time and attention. Congratulations!For those who are having trouble getting into the Christmas spirit this year. It happens. I struggled last year. This year I'm a regular little Christmas elf. Not completely sure of the difference, but I'll take it. The only gift I still have to buy is one for our DS. We plan to pick that up while we're in Dallas.
  • #29
My sister popped the "let's do handmade gifts" thing on us at Thanksgiving. But we don't do gifts for the adults, just the kids. So now I have to get to the craft store and spend a lot of time working on things for those 3 nieces. I'm going to make them beaded lip balm holders. They live in Colorado, and ALWAYS have lip balm with them, so I know they'll use them.
Otherwise, I'm hitting a discount store for the rest of the nieces and nephews during the week. They all just want simple toys, like art supplies and Matchbox cars. So I can get all that done with a single trip to Target.And we don't put a tree up at our house. It freaks out the birds.
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  • #30
Cool gift idea, Ann. Funny, you wouldn't think birds would freak out over a tree. LOL!
  • #31
Tree is up and decorated with all but the breakable ornaments (we're dog sitting til Tuesday so I'll put the breakables up then). Stocklings are up. Garland and cranberries are on the bannisters. I will work on the outdoor decorations today.

Did my Christmas shopping for DH mostly online and I think I am basically done shopping for him. Now I have to work on gifts for the kids and the rest of the family.


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  • #32
Love the pictures, Carolyn. Sounds like you're well on your way to ready.
  • #33
Haven't really started anything yet. Can't get into the holiday spirit thus far. An old friend is going through a horrendous bout with cancer and his birthday is this Wednesday and I can't stop thinking about him. We've reconnected through facebook and I haven't seen him in probably 7 years. He's doing a clinical trial and although I'm praying hard for him - it's not looking hopeful. He also has two young children - 4 and 5 - it just breaks my heart.

Was going to put up the tree today but helped my 6th grader with a project for school. We filmed an episode of Jeopardy that was all about Russia for his social studies class - I think it turned out good. Now it's been snowing all day and I just have a case of the blahs - hoping to get into the spirit and soon!
  • #34
Our tree now has the ornaments on it. The tree skirt is under it, and the stockings are hung above the fireplace. We turned the local radio station on that was playing all Christmas music. I also ate a lot of Festive Cranberry Crunch Bark. DH went out to buy a snow blower, today because it was snowing a lot. We're under a winter snow warning until 4 pm on Monday. One gift is wrapped and under the tree.
  • #35
We cut our tree down yesterday and put the lights and ribbon on it. We will wait until oldest DS comes home on Tuesday to decorate it.

We have all the lights/garland up in the house. The rest will be done this week, especially with my appreciation party this coming Saturday.
  • #36
All my decorating is done - even have all the empty boxes back up in the attic (had to get it done before the snow:))!

I sent all my Christmas cards on Wednesday - I was determined to get these done early this year. I was so late the past two years!

I have almost all the shopping and wrapping done as well:)! I am determined to enjoy the month of December w/o a lot of stree this year! I want to sit down at night with the fireplace burning and the Christmas tree lit and just listen to Christmas music or watch Christmas movies.
  • #37
I have most of my shopping done, just need to finish a few things. Nothing is wrapped yet. That may take awhile. The only decorating left to do is the tree that goes in our bedroom. I need to do that in the next couple of days. I do have 5 homemade scrapbook calendars that have to be done before Christmas and haven't started on them. Maybe I should get off here and get them started????!!!
  • #38
Gina M said:
Haven't really started anything yet. Can't get into the holiday spirit thus far. An old friend is going through a horrendous bout with cancer and his birthday is this Wednesday and I can't stop thinking about him. We've reconnected through facebook and I haven't seen him in probably 7 years. He's doing a clinical trial and although I'm praying hard for him - it's not looking hopeful. He also has two young children - 4 and 5 - it just breaks my heart.

Was going to put up the tree today but helped my 6th grader with a project for school. We filmed an episode of Jeopardy that was all about Russia for his social studies class - I think it turned out good. Now it's been snowing all day and I just have a case of the blahs - hoping to get into the spirit and soon!
So sorry to hear about your friend. I will keep him and his family in my prayers. Trying to get in the Christmas spirit myself; just lazy more than anything. Will have to start soon!
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  • #39
Gina, I'm so sorry for your friend. This is such a tough time of year for so many people. The family will be in my prayers.
  • #40
Put up lights outside last week when it was nice & dh was off work. Got the tree up & decorated last evening (well, the kiddos decorated!). Now just need to put up all the other decorations. Shopping...that's another story...I'm not stressing though. I usually work hard in Nov so I have an awesome paycheck to shop with.
  • #41
Ann, the lip balm cases are awesome! Cool idea! How much would you charge for those? LOL

I have MOST of my shopping done, of course, overspent on Friday as usual for DH and DD. I'm going to approach my parents and sister to see if they want to "buy" some of the gifts off me to give! I am getting out my decorations today and the tree will go up in 2 weekends, when stepson is here again. I bought a bunch more ornaments at Hallmark on Friday (I am addicted to ornaments and I think I spend about $200 a year on new ones!)
and some stocking stuffers. I have to buy for my dad yet and my 12 yr old stepson...other than that, I do think I'm done! Now I need to pay someone to wrap them all, I hate that part! :yuck:
  • #42
Usually our Christmas tree and decoration goodies would be ready to take out, but we are heading out west to Calif(We are in Fl) for 2 weeks and spending our Christmas with DH's family! We are very excited about our trip. Since we have several Bulldogs and will have a housesitter, I don't trust those 4 legged terrors when we aren't home.LOL..So, Mantel and Nativity will be decorated, and a globe outside..Thats it...:balloon:
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  • #43
We don't decorate outside. Living in the geographical center of nowhere has its advantages. LOL!
  • #44
Ha, my parents live in the country, but you can see their lights on the house from a mile away!
  • #45
chefsteph07 said:
Ann, the lip balm cases are awesome! Cool idea! How much would you charge for those? LOL

I have MOST of my shopping done, of course, overspent on Friday as usual for DH and DD. I'm going to approach my parents and sister to see if they want to "buy" some of the gifts off me to give! I am getting out my decorations today and the tree will go up in 2 weekends, when stepson is here again. I bought a bunch more ornaments at Hallmark on Friday (I am addicted to ornaments and I think I spend about $200 a year on new ones!)
and some stocking stuffers. I have to buy for my dad yet and my 12 yr old stepson...other than that, I do think I'm done! Now I need to pay someone to wrap them all, I hate that part! :yuck:
I've only actually made one of the lip balm cases for myself - to see if I could. There are literally thousands of beads hand stitched together to make it - and no fabric. Just little teeny beads and thread. That pic is from Etsy, where I purchased one. The artisan who made it has a shop http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5049143. And based on how long it took me to make the one, her prices are VERY reasonable.

I got beads for those today, along with a splurge for myself (I had a coupon good for 15% off the sale price of a Cricut machine - and I got a Disney cartridge, so I can make name tags, etc. if anybody wants some). Then, with a trip to Target, I got a LOT of the other stuff on my list (lip balms for the holders, toy cars, crayons, a robe for DH, bath toys...). I am making another run to Michael's today to get other art stuff that Target didn't have, and a couple of boxes for the toy cars. And then I'm done! woo-hoo!!
  • #46
Well, that is just too neat...
  • #47
I received my first Christmas card today. . .does that count as a decoration. :D
  • #48
We put our tree up yesterday and I have all the wrapping done. Will probably pick up a few odds and ends here and there. But i do believe I am done.
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  • #49
chefjeanine said:
I received my first Christmas card today. . .does that count as a decoration. :D

It does if you display it in some way. :thumbup:
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  • #50
My wrapping is now done. All of the bags for my little ones at church are filled. (They'll go to my counterpart this Sunday so she can add what she's giving them.) The gifts for our fellow children's ministry workers are done. We've done the same thing for the last few years. Each household gets a bag of microwave popcorn and two envelopes of cocoa mix. The following is attached:This world can be a cold and difficult place, yet you warm the hearts of children with God's love and compassion--just as cocoa takes the chill away on a cold day. You show children the richness of God's Word, and it tastes sweet and good to their souls.The fragrance of Christ you carry with you is as enticing and unmistakable as freshly popped popcorn. And like these tiny corn kernels, you plant seeds of truth--seeds that'll one day explode into righteous living and overflow with the glory of God.Thanks for all you do to touch kids' lives.
<h2>1. When should I start decorating for Christmas?</h2><p>It's completely up to personal preference, but many people start decorating for Christmas after Thanksgiving. Some may start even earlier, while others wait until closer to Christmas Day.</p><h2>2. How can I make my Christmas decorations unique?</h2><p>One way to make your Christmas decorations stand out is by incorporating DIY elements or personal touches. You can also try using non-traditional decorations, like adding a pop of color or incorporating unique textures.</p><h2>3. How can I save money on Christmas decorations?</h2><p>Consider using items you already have in your home, like wrapping paper or ribbons, to create festive decorations. You can also shop for sales or clearance items and look for DIY ideas online.</p><h2>4. Is it necessary to have a Christmas tree for decorations?</h2><p>No, a Christmas tree is not necessary for holiday decorations. You can create a festive atmosphere with other decorations like wreaths, garlands, or candles.</p><h2>5. How can I make my home smell like Christmas?</h2><p>There are many ways to make your home smell like Christmas, such as using scented candles or essential oils, baking holiday treats, or simmering fragrant ingredients like cinnamon, cloves, and orange peels on the stove.</p>

Related to Christmas Decorations: Are You Ready for the Big Day?

1. When should I start decorating for Christmas?

It's completely up to personal preference, but many people start decorating for Christmas after Thanksgiving. Some may start even earlier, while others wait until closer to Christmas Day.

2. How can I make my Christmas decorations unique?

One way to make your Christmas decorations stand out is by incorporating DIY elements or personal touches. You can also try using non-traditional decorations, like adding a pop of color or incorporating unique textures.

3. How can I save money on Christmas decorations?

Consider using items you already have in your home, like wrapping paper or ribbons, to create festive decorations. You can also shop for sales or clearance items and look for DIY ideas online.

4. Is it necessary to have a Christmas tree for decorations?

No, a Christmas tree is not necessary for holiday decorations. You can create a festive atmosphere with other decorations like wreaths, garlands, or candles.

5. How can I make my home smell like Christmas?

There are many ways to make your home smell like Christmas, such as using scented candles or essential oils, baking holiday treats, or simmering fragrant ingredients like cinnamon, cloves, and orange peels on the stove.

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