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Balancing a Job and Pampered Chef

In summary, Angela is facing a problem where she needs to balance a job, PC work, and a child's school schedule. She has read about using a "Balance TPC and Another Job" tape from TPC, but finds it disappointing.
Gold Member
Hi All,
Okay, I need some help...
I have been for the past year balancing a 24hr/7day a week job (I'm in maritime shipping in regards to daily operations of vessels), so I work with during the week from 7:30 - 7:30 and I'm on call all the time..
I've been steadily doing about 2-3 PC shows a month and recently, just started my own company with web designing..(hours vary on my time and projects deadline).
Here's the plan:
I'm doing PC (I love PC) but doing it to have an income and work from home when I have children (currently we are working on that, no luck so far...), and I started the web design company (also love to do) to also work from home and get some extra income when we have children..
The problem is: I still have the job in maritime, which I went to school for and worked hard to have literally climbed the ladder.
I haven't built my team up yet, although I'm working on it, so the "income" isn't there yet (although its been quite nice these last few months) and I'm still slowly building customers for the web design/destop publishing company, so the income isn't there yet either...
Okay so I babble, the real question is I need my 24hr/7day job at the moment to make income and build my two home business...my real issue is balancing all 3 without effecting the others and affecting me (to where I get burned out). I used to be organized, but I have 8 shows in Oct., and feel like my hosting skills are nil...either that or I overbooked myself as my norm is usually 2-3...so I need some major organizational ideas!!!
Currently, I know there are things to do..but I feel so wiped out, that I can't seem to get to it...so I really need a good system to balance all this stuff.
How do ya'll balance a 9-5 job and PC? How do ya'll balance kids, 9-5 job, and PC? All ideas are welcome...please share!!!
Thanks for letting share this problem with ya'll...I've been "out of the loop" lately, and have just had some time to get back into it and check all the msgs...great neat ideas guys..thanks!!
I know that there is a tape that you can order from TPC on your supply order from that's called "Balance TPC and Another Job" (AV28) for $2.00. Maybe it will have some tips for you!

Just a thought!
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Thanks so much! I actually listened to the cd..and to be honest..it wasn't very helpful. It was a great CD though, and had fantastic tips, but it really didn't mention too much about balancing the job and PC...at least I didn't think so...I'll listen to it again and see if I missed something!
Thanks again!
Mostly what I have read in here and have tried at times on my own is to set aside 1 hr every day to just do PC stuff. ex: put folders together, stamp catalogs, make phone calls. You would be suprised at all you would accomplish in 1 hr. I have been in PC for 8 yrs now. At one time I worked at a school full time, was getting my Master's at night (driving an hour to and from classes) and selling PC. If you set your mind to it...you can do it! You dont have to have that many shows in a month to succeed...you are in this for yourself...do what you can. Set down with your Planner and highlite the dates that you can do show. Then when it comes time to set dates let them know what dates you have open. If you can only do three shows a month because of your work load then tell them that. If you feel like you neglect your hosts because you scheduled 8 shows in a month, cut it back down to 2-3. You are your own boss, do what you think is most comfortable to you without getting burned out. Good Luck!
Hi Angela,First of all, I want to commend you for your hard work and dedication to balancing multiple businesses and a demanding job. It can be a challenge, but I'm sure with some organization and planning, you can find a way to make it work.One suggestion I have is to prioritize your tasks and schedule your time accordingly. Make a list of your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks for each business and your job, and then assign a specific time slot for each task. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you are not neglecting any of your responsibilities.Another tip is to delegate tasks whenever possible. If you have employees or team members for your businesses, delegate some tasks to them to lighten your workload. And if you don't have a team yet, consider hiring a virtual assistant to help you with administrative tasks or a marketing consultant to assist with promoting your businesses.It's also important to take breaks and practice self-care. Burnout is a real issue, so make sure to schedule some time for yourself to rest and recharge. This will help you stay focused and motivated in all aspects of your life.Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for help or advice from other consultants in the Pampered Chef community. We are all here to support each other and share ideas. You can also reach out to your upline or mentor for guidance and support.I hope these suggestions help, and I wish you all the best in balancing your multiple businesses and job. Remember to take it one day at a time and stay organized. You got this!Best,

Related to Balancing a Job and Pampered Chef

1. How can I balance my job with my Pampered Chef business?

Balancing a job and Pampered Chef can be challenging, but it is possible with proper time management and prioritization. Set aside specific blocks of time for your Pampered Chef business, such as evenings and weekends, and stick to a schedule. Delegate tasks to family members or hire help if needed. Also, make use of technology and social media to streamline your business and save time.

2. Is it possible to be successful in both my job and Pampered Chef?

Yes, it is definitely possible to be successful in both your job and Pampered Chef. Many consultants have successfully managed to balance both and achieve their goals. It may require some extra effort and dedication, but with a strong work ethic and efficient time management, you can achieve success in both areas.

3. How can I handle the stress of balancing a job and Pampered Chef?

Balancing a job and Pampered Chef can be stressful at times, but it is important to take care of yourself and manage your stress levels. Make sure to prioritize your tasks and take breaks when needed. Also, communicate openly with your employer and Pampered Chef team about your workload and any potential conflicts. Remember to also take time for self-care and relaxation to help manage stress.

4. Can my Pampered Chef business interfere with my job responsibilities?

It is important to maintain a balance between your job and Pampered Chef business to ensure that one does not interfere with the other. Be sure to communicate with your employer and schedule your Pampered Chef tasks around your job responsibilities. If any conflicts do arise, be open and honest with both parties and find a solution that works for all involved.

5. How can I use my job to promote my Pampered Chef business?

Your job can be a great way to promote your Pampered Chef business, as you likely have a network of coworkers, clients, and customers. Make use of networking opportunities and share your business with those who may be interested. You can also offer Pampered Chef products or services as gifts or prizes through your job, which can help generate interest and potential sales.

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