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August Cancellations: How I'm Staying Motivated and Preparing for Fall Sales

In summary, three of the four hosts for the August cooking shows have cancelled. One of the hosts never called me, and her phone was disconnected. I sent her a letter thinking maybe she just switched to a cell phone, but no luck. The other show
Okay I know many of you had this happen in July - but all of my hosts for August have cancelled:( ! So much for my mid-season products!

One of the hosts never called me - and her phone was disconnected. I sent her a letter thinking maybe she just switched to a cell phone, but no luck. The other show was scheduled for tomorrow. She just told me today she has to cancel! I tried getting in touch w/her a couple of times the past week. I understand people have to cancel for many reasons, but she could have called me sooner! The 3rd one was a bridal shower, but the wedding has been postponed and the Mother of the Bride doesn't want to have the shower until the new date is set. She still plans on doing one when they have another date, so maybe all is not lost. The host that was supposed to have a show tomorrow is moving so she may want one when she gets in her new house, but that doesn't help me now! I'm just glad PC is my extra money - not my expense money! I was really hoping for some money in order to pay for the new fall products and supplies - I guess I'm out of luck there! I will be getting on the phone a lot this week looking to book the fall! I have 3 in Sept so far and a lot of people who are interested in October - let's hope they stick!!

I do offer to send the invitations out, but these hosts chose to do it themselves. I think I may make it mandatory from now on. I know it's an expense, but so is the suppplies and postage for mailing out these packages!

I'm hoping things start looking up - it's so hard to stay motivated when you have a month like this one! The only good thing is I plan on getting very organized and prepared for the busy fall selling season! I'm going to work on getting those packets together!
Thanks for listening to my complaining - I know only you all can understand!:D
I totally understand your frustration. I hate it when they call the day before and suddenly "have to cancel"....that tells me they were never gonna go thru with it in the first place and invitations were never sent out - Unless there is a really good excuse! All I can say is to hang in there. Sept will be big with the stoneware sale - talk to everyone you know and get some bookings - easy for me to say - I am having to do the same thing! My summer was horrible! Good Luck!
Hi Rhonda,

Sorry to hear about your August...it IS a hard month. But it's not too late...we're only halfway through the month! I've actually scheduled shows a week in advance (or less!) and those are the ones that don't cancel, because it's so close! They don't have time to forget about it and the excitement is still there. Maybe when you get on the phone, you can offer an incentive for booking a show next week or the week after! A free ice cream dipper or a $10ish product.

I had 2 shows that were booked 4 or 5 days in advance and one was a $550 show and the other was a $700 show. There were only 5-6 guests, but both hosts got a few outside orders, which really added up!!

So don't give up! :D
Yes, you can definitely still have some shows in August! Offer *something* to anyone who will host a cooking show, or even a catalog show!

I did a show for my sister last October. My first Cooking Show! It was a 3 hour drive (each way) to her place, and I was going to be making the drive again the next weekend for her daughter's birthday party... so I said to the guests that I would be in town again anyway and I would LOVE to do another show! ANd one of her friends booked a show! 1 week!!! And it was a $450 show ;) How cool is that, huh?

So it CAN be done! Get on the phone and start booking! Mail the invites for the host, and even offer to send email invites for her, too!

Good Luck :)
Offer an express show where you bring the food already prepared and do a quick (like 20 minutes) demo/show and tell. That way they can tell their friends they will be in and out in an hour - unless they want to stay to chat!
What about trying to squeeze in some catalog shows? It may not be a perfect replacement but it might help.
I can understand your frustrations... that happend to me in June...... I only had one show in July!! Now would be a good time to call past host's and see if they want to renew their 10% discount, and even call guest and see if they would like a 10 % discount for a year........did you keep their comment cards from the parties??? Isaved all of mine, and I keep a cust. file and I write on the back of them what they ordered at the show... makes it helpfull when you make phone calls to have them handy.
Don't feel lonely. I had 4 cooking shows scheduled. One rescheduled for next month when I called her a week in advance. One rescheduled for the end of Aug and hasn't picked up her host packet yet (keeps saying she's coming by my office). My August is looking slim, too, but I am having a Fall Preview 8/26 so I'm hoping that will go over big and help get fall bookings.

Been there. Since time is short to do cooking shows in August, why not concentrate on catalog shows? When I need to squeeze in extra bookings I'll offer to treat a catalog show as a cooking show. I give them an extra $15 in free product (which only costs me $12.00 when added to their host order). Just be sure to make it a conditional on closing the show before the end of the month.
  • #10
I had an awful August, too. Two small catalog shows and only one cooking show I'm hosting tomorrow. I just called two of my past guests who orderd the Stainless Bowl set and asked them if they wanted to complete the set for $19.20. Both said yes! How? I told them they could either have a late-August cooking show at their homes, or hold an August catalog show. Both were so happy I called them to let them know. They love the bowls and are really excited to be able to get this exclusive bowl to complete their sets. They both agreed to do catalog shows - I'll take it!

I had to try something to make it happen this month. I'm in SSII and wanted the $1250 for Super Starter month 2 bonus plus the mid season products!

It's not too late to make something happen for August.
  • #11
Hey have you thought about calling up some past hosts or maybe even a couple of the ones who cancelled and trying to arrange a MEGA SHOW for the last weekend in August??
I got the idea on here somewhere, and I just tryed it myself on saturday, and it turned out pretty good! i didn't really give much notice, but I had 3 hosts there, all with between 5 and 7 guests. Did one demo, and the hosts were responsible for taking orders at their table. I had finger foods and a QSP of iced tea on each table and a bowl of tortilla chips on each table, the demo was southwestern salsa, so they had something to munch on during the demo and I gave them all salsa for the chips after the demo.
i borrowed my friends clubhouse at her condo complex to do this in, my house is way too small to try anything like that there.
My sales are at around $850 for the day (separated into 3 shows)
just a thought. You just may be able to pull this together! If you had 4 or more hosts, you might get your mid season stuff!!

the people at my show weren't spending much but they had a good time and I think they would do it again. i even had one of the guests call me last night to thank me for putting it on and to let me know what a good time she had and how much she appreciated all that I put into it. Wasn't that nice of her??
i don't think ive ever had someone who i just met, go out of their way to call me just to say something like that! She even had to call the host for my number! it made me feel very nice.

Im doing another Mega show in November and hoping to have 6 hosts. Im starting the planning for that one right away.
  • #12
Where would you hold a Mega Show? I live in an apartment and hosting a regular show is crowded.... LOL

Oh... and today I did a show for a friend and booked another show for another friend that will be held on the 28th. I'll let her know that we need to close on the 31st, and I know she will! We'll probably even close it the day of her show ;)

My August won't be anything spectacular, but it will keep me from going inactive (I had 0 sales last month because I just needed the month off!!!). If I don't earn the mid-season, it's my own fault because I haven't done well with customer care this month. I'm working a lot of extra hours, plus traveling for work, so I'm exhausted every day! OK... enough with the excuses! I'll get some calls made this week if it kills me! LOL
  • #13
So here is a question for you, I got my sales up at my show, but how do I increase my attendance? I did the reminder calls, and sent out the invites, my host yesterday invited 13 people and only TWO showed up!!!but my guest sales were 153.34!! So I guess that isn't so bad is it? any other suggestions???
  • #14
regarding guest "thank you" call
Veevahchef said:
i even had one of the guests call me last night to thank me for putting it on and to let me know what a good time she had and how much she appreciated all that I put into it. Wasn't that nice of her??
i don't think ive ever had someone who i just met, go out of their way to call me just to say something like that! She even had to call the host for my number! it made me feel very nice.

Hmmmmm. Is that a red flag?!?
  • #15
I'd be saying that's a big red flag. I hope you call her back and take her out for coffee and see if she's interested in doing Pampered Chef.

My August was really hard to book, had one but it changed to September, now so far I have three in September and one pending. Still need to make more phone calls so I do at least 5 shows.

  • #16
I feel everyones pain for a very harsh summer! I had only 1 show for July and 2 for August so far! Still waiting to close on both! I have my list of possible bookings I need to call on this weekend and hope to fill my Fall!

Good luck to everyone !
  • #17
I am noticing a pattern so far in my short little PC career--good month, bad month,good month, now bad month! I know your pain! I have gotten myself into my bookings are late in the month, so then I have a hard time getting bookings in the early part of the next month and so on. But, I just keep on keepin' on and try harder every show!
  • #18
TO get bookings a little earlier in the month, maybe when you do your shows at the end of August, try to book a couple for early October. That might help stop the cycle. I know a lot of people don't want to do a show on short notice. They want a full month to plan, etc... just a thought ;)
  • #19
You could try the Stoneware strategy. I can't remember the name of it. But the idea is that you offer a piece of stoneware (I assume you put a retail price limit on it) for the price of the day of the month. For example, book and hold a show on the 5th of the month and pick one piece of stoneware (up to $30.00) for $5.00. I hope I explained that well. I am going to try that one myself. I seem to be in the same boat. Everyone wants to push shows out to the end of the month. I did book a Sept. show at the end of July and it is at the beginning of the month. I also booked an Oct. show at the same July show and it is the 1st weekend of the month. So booking shows out a bit will also help get your shows closer to the beginning of the month. Hope this helps!
  • Thread starter
  • #20
Thanks everyone for the good advice. I think I'll try to get on the phone tomorrow night and offer some incentives to have a show this month to some leads I got from a fair. I do have a lot of items to offer since I won a shopping spree at Conference! I think I'll ask them if they want to have a "good bye to summer" party:).
  • #21
mommyhugz1978 said:
So here is a question for you, I got my sales up at my show, but how do I increase my attendance? I did the reminder calls, and sent out the invites, my host yesterday invited 13 people and only TWO showed up!!!but my guest sales were 153.34!! So I guess that isn't so bad is it? any other suggestions???

Hi Leah,

It is really important to invite more people because turnout is usually 1/4 to 1/3! Brainstorm with the host who else she could invite. Use the 40 guests in 4 minutes sheet with her. (I'll attach that..I got it off this site some time ago). Also, if you send out invites, do you put on the invites that if the guest brings a friend, she'll get a gift? Whenever I emphasize that, I'll usually end up with 2-4 additional guests!

Hope that helps!


  • 40guests4min.doc
    21.5 KB · Views: 293
  • #22
cat said:
Hi Leah,

It is really important to invite more people because turnout is usually 1/4 to 1/3! Brainstorm with the host who else she could invite. Use the 40 guests in 4 minutes sheet with her. (I'll attach that..I got it off this site some time ago). Also, if you send out invites, do you put on the invites that if the guest brings a friend, she'll get a gift? Whenever I emphasize that, I'll usually end up with 2-4 additional guests!

Hope that helps!

Thanks.... I sware to god if I hear one more time from a host, I don't know 40 people... I am going to flippin scream!!! That is so frustrating for me to hear. My mom said well I am not sure if I have the time or not many, I look at her straight in the eye and said ya know what I can thiunk of 15 people that you can invite to a party right off the top of my head, she looked at me and goes really??? I said yes I do... she said she would think about it...hmmm I am gonna talk to her at work tommrow about it though. But anyways.... had to vent, but thanks for attaching that, that will help me so much with working with my hostest!!!
  • #23
I've decided that I have to change how I give out my host packets and follow what some of you have said you do. I'm going to require that they give me their guest list and I send out the invites before I give them their host packets. This will stop some of this giving host packets and postponing 2 times. I'm also going to tell hosts who postpone once that if they can't hold it on the 2nd date set, I'll do a catalog show with them (but I'm not setting another date for a cooking show). Does that sound harsh or is that fair? I just don't like reserving dates and then them cancelling within a week or two.

  • #24
mommyhugz1978 said:
Thanks.... I sware to god if I hear one more time from a host, I don't know 40 people... I am going to flippin scream!!! That is so frustrating for me to hear.

This is from notes on Tom Marston's demo (he is a very successful consultant) he never lets a host send less than 40 invites, if they say they don't know that many people he will say "come on. . .if you died tomorrow there would be more than 40 people there" if they say there wouldn't be then he has that person find a co-host and they each send out 20 invites.

Be prepared to have them find a co-host. The first person I tried this on told me there wouldn't be 40 people at their funeral.:rolleyes:
  • #25
chefjeanine said:
This is from notes on Tom Marston's demo (he is a
chefjeanine said:
chefjeanine said:
This is from notes on Tom Marston's demo (he is a very successful consultant) he never lets a host send less than 40 invites, if they say they don't know that many people he will say "come on. . .if you died tomorrow there would be more than 40 people there" if they say there wouldn't be then he has that person find a co-host and they each send out 20 invites.

Be prepared to have them find a co-host. The first person I tried this on told me there wouldn't be 40 people at their funeral.:rolleyes:

thanks for the suggestions!!!!
  • #26
I learned yesterday to never give up on your month. I had 2 shows cancel for August, and was wondering if I would make my $1250 for mid-season products, and I was trying to reach a host for a catalog show for September, and she called back, saying she decided she would rather have a kitchen show, and I told her if she had one in August for me, I would buy the ingredients. BINGO- she is doing an August show. !!!
  • #27
That's great advice Ladies! I'm doing a fair next week, so hopefully that will help bulk my calendar! This is my first fair,so I'm a little nervous, but a girl that I really like is doing it with me(plus she's like a pro or something) so I'll get to learn from her! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for Aug. it could go either way for the mid-season......
  • #28
Just have to tell you that I'm going to see Tom in Northern VA in Sept. and I can't wait to see him.... just hearing about him from others on here makes me excited to hear what he has to say! That's a great line to use with hosts--if you were to die tomorrow more than 40 people would show up--that's a great idea!
  • #29
soccermama said:
Where would you hold a Mega Show? I live in an apartment and hosting a regular show is crowded.... LOL

Oh... and today I did a show for a friend and booked another show for another friend that will be held on the 28th. I'll let her know that we need to close on the 31st, and I know she will! We'll probably even close it the day of her show ;)

My August won't be anything spectacular, but it will keep me from going inactive (I had 0 sales last month because I just needed the month off!!!). If I don't earn the mid-season, it's my own fault because I haven't done well with customer care this month. I'm working a lot of extra hours, plus traveling for work, so I'm exhausted every day! OK... enough with the excuses! I'll get some calls made this week if it kills me! LOL

Do you have a party room in your Apt complex that you are alowed to use for events and stuff?

I can't fit that many people in my tiny 950 square foot house, so i had my friend book the clubhouse (Party room) at her condo complex for me. It was perfect. (and free!)
  • #30
ihavethetools said:
I'd be saying that's a big red flag. I hope you call her back and take her out for coffee and see if she's interested in doing Pampered Chef.

My August was really hard to book, had one but it changed to September, now so far I have three in September and one pending. Still need to make more phone calls so I do at least 5 shows.


Hmmmmm, never thought of that. She is an older lady, and I guess she is one of those people that some of us would assume shouldn;t even be asked... I dunno.
  • #31
Veevahchef said:
Hmmmmm, never thought of that. She is an older lady, and I guess she is one of those people that some of us would assume shouldn;t even be asked... I dunno.

Please, talk to her. Send her the new catalog and one piece of recruitment information. Follow-up with a phone call and see is she'd be willing to meet you for coffee (or whatever) to hear more about the business or booking her own show.

Check out the Empowering Women magazine. There are profiles in there of Consultants who may not be "traditional".
  • #32
HEH! No, no party room, no community room... lol I'm the manager here, and I'd love to see one get built, but we're also an affordable housing building, so limited funding to do anything like that....

I'll just have to look around for somewhere to hold a Mega Show......
  • #33
I totally feel your pain. I have had tons of cancellations this month. So I decided to have my own show. I primarily invited teacher friends. Then the first one emailed me back that is was Meet-the-Teacher. Unfortunately, every school does it a different night, but still that was over half of my guest list. I am really bummed because this is my last super starter month. Hopefully, I will still have a few show that night.
  • #34
jenf said:
I totally feel your pain. I have had tons of cancellations this month. So I decided to have my own show. I primarily invited teacher friends. Then the first one emailed me back that is was Meet-the-Teacher. Unfortunately, every school does it a different night, but still that was over half of my guest list. I am really bummed because this is my last super starter month. Hopefully, I will still have a few show that night.

I am attaching something called 40 guest in 4 mins when do your guest list, see what happens you might be supprised!! :) Good Luck!!


  • 40guests4min.doc
    21 KB · Views: 293
  • #35
Veevahchef said:
Hmmmmm, never thought of that. She is an older lady, and I guess she is one of those people that some of us would assume shouldn;t even be asked... I dunno.

LOL, I just signed a lady who is 63 years old and is doing it to get out of the house away from her husband once a week! Everyone has a different reason!

(ps I'm from Edmonton originally, live in Scotland now...but hello!)

Oh, and I feel your pain for August. I have one show left, from a total of 6 booked at the beginning of the month. I've had a good look at my host coaching and have implemented some new ideas, but then today there was a message from one of my September hosts cancelling her party. Can't win!!!

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