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Are Rising Gas Prices Impacting Daily Commutes Significantly?

In summary, the gas prices went up in my town today from $3.69 a gallon to $4.69 a gallon, in 1 hour! I waited in line at a Kangaroo gas station and got lucky and filled up at $3.55 a gallon. Drove back by 2 hours later and they were sold out. I usually don't go many places during the week, but DH has an hour drive to and from work each day. Our gas budget for each month could pay our house payment. It really stinks. I can't imagine now. He said if it's up still next week, he'll just sleep at the work center. Where he works, there was 1 station that went
Gold Member
Ok. Is anyone else freaking out about the gas prices going up? I don't know what it's like in other parts of the country, but gas went up in my town today from $3.69 a gallon to $4.69 a gallon, in 1 hour! I waited in line at a Kangaroo gas station and got lucky and filled up at $3.55 a gallon. Drove back by 2 hours later and they were sold out. I usually don't go many places during the week, but DH has an hour drive to and from work each day. Our gas budget for each month could pay our house payment. It really stinks. I can't imagine now. He said if it's up still next week, he'll just sleep at the work center. Where he works, there was 1 station that went up over $5 dollars today. EEEKKK. I heard on the news tonight that our governor has enforced a no "gas gouging" warning and that violators will be prosecuted.
No, I didn't notice that today? I actually saw it cheaper than what I paid two days ago (but it was a different area)?? I paid $3.69 and saw it for $3.63. :(
I hope they are! There is no way this gas has gone up in cost with Ike not even on landfall last night! It is around $4 a gallon here. People are topping off tanks and the BP we went to asked to only get 10 gallons per vehicle so they don't run out! It was $3.519 here earlier this week. Tonight it was between $3.859 and $4.099! Really nuts!
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  • #4
yeah, they only let us get 10 gallons as well. We read on the internet last night that the cost was going to be going down and then got a total shock today at the pump. I mean, last week, when the last hurricane came to Louisianna, the gas didn't go up any here, but now it's up, a lot. I am freaking out. Every time the gas goes up, there is a domino effect. Everything goes up. Groceries are still up from 9 months ago. I don't know what we'll do excpet pray.

pcchefjane said:
I hope they are! There is no way this gas has gone up in cost with Ike not even on landfall last night! It is around $4 a gallon here. People are topping off tanks and the BP we went to asked to only get 10 gallons per vehicle so they don't run out! It was $3.519 here earlier this week. Tonight it was between $3.859 and $4.099! Really nuts!
Gas was $3.39 by my house last night, then this evening it jumped to $3.59. I'm happy I have a full tank right now!
I filled up yesterday...thank goodness
It is $3.69 here, I filled up yesterday.
3.21 in NJ---It will go down its the weather-
we were watching a program on the news last night about the fuel prices and Ike~they were explaining that because the majority of oil refineries are in Galveston, fuel was expected to not be available due to the storm. In preparation for this, companies are increasing the price of fuel to the distributors so that there is enough to go around and the distributors are limiting the amount people can get.
One local gas station got a fax from their home office stating that the price per gallon for them would be $5.10! That means that the owner of the gas station would but the fuel at that price, so can you then imagine the cost he would have to charge to make a profit????
The program did state that the prices would fall very quickly once the storm went through and damage could be assesed...let's hope so!
  • #10
Thursday it was 3.69
Friday morning it was 3.99 then by the evening its up to 4.09.
  • #11
Here Thursday it was a nightmare. Every gas station in the area had 50-150 people waiting in to get gas. Clogging up the roads and everything. It was crazy. My mom is a store manager for one of the Kangaroos here and they are on a gas rotation. They got a delivery yesterday and sold it out in a few hours and they will not get another delivery until this afternoon. I have not been out yet this morning but our gas went from about 3.45 to 3.85.
  • #12
$3.899 is our normal rate not counting any changes with Ike so many of those prices are REALLY reasonable. The CHEAPEST I've gotten gas for in the last year is $3.699.(...and that is regular unleaded)Many refineries in Texas has to be shut down and have potential damage which WILL raise them some. If you heard Pres. Bush's speech this a.m. they are putting temporary measures in effect to open the supply from outside the US along with watching and persecuting gouging if anyone does. They are trying to control it.It came to pass...just like hurricane Ike.Hang in there.
  • #13
Well, ours shot up to 4.95 yesterday some places and stations were limiting to 10 gallons. We knew it was going to do this Thursday night and filled up. Gas station lines are crazy!! My husband went to a gas station yesterday to top his car off and they must have mistakenly put the wrong price into the pumps, because he started to pump and noticed that reg. and supreme were over $4, but premium was $1.69!!!!!!! We think it was supposed to be $4.69. So, he got 4 gallons for $7.00, then came got his truck and put in 10 gallons for $17.00!!!!! I'm sure they have fixed it by now though! What luck, huh?!?:D:D:D
  • #14
When I left for my show last night my gas light came on. I was a few miles from my house so I figured I would stop and fill up and noticed that EVERY gas station was full and had cars lined up. So naturally I waited and paid $3.73 for the plus stuff since the unleaded was completely gone here. I'm not sure what it is today but it's crazy out there. it really does remind me of the 04 hurricanes.
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  • #15
Wow, that's lucky. My DH has to fill up at least 3 times a pay period and he drives a pickup truck, so you can imagine. It's always around 90 bucks a pop. I sure wish he could get up on some 1.69 gas. We might could afford a night out on the town if that were the case:)

chefshawna said:
Well, ours shot up to 4.95 yesterday some places and stations were limiting to 10 gallons. We knew it was going to do this Thursday night and filled up. Gas station lines are crazy!! My husband went to a gas station yesterday to top his car off and they must have mistakenly put the wrong price into the pumps, because he started to pump and noticed that reg. and supreme were over $4, but premium was $1.69!!!!!!! We think it was supposed to be $4.69. So, he got 4 gallons for $7.00, then came got his truck and put in 10 gallons for $17.00!!!!! I'm sure they have fixed it by now though! What luck, huh?!?:D:D:D
  • #16
Geesh. I just talked to my brother (he lives in SC) yesterday and he said the prices were skyrocketing there right now too. Almost $5 per gallon, and Thursday they were around $3.50.

The gas station owners are really getting hosed in all of this. (I know...my dad has owned and operated his own gas station for my entire life) He is LUCKY if he makes 1-2 CENTS per gallon...and there are many times when he makes NOTHING or LOSES MONEY depending on how the "price wars" go and how much he paid per gallon when he bought it. Many independent guys (like my dad) are going under in all of the bull crap. (Excuse the language...it just burns my butt how the gas prices, food prices, electric and natural gas prices are going.) All of us "average Joes" can't afford all of these increases!!

I pray that our country would be pulled out of this tailspin that it seems like we are in.
  • #17
Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear declared state of emergency to prevent gas price gouging after reports of skyrocketing prices throughout the state Thursday night and Friday morning. The last I saw was around 4:00 yesterday and it was $3.99
  • #18
I would report price gouging!!
  • #19
It's $4.40/gallon here this morning.

Seems to me that if the government would regulate the oil companies so that they weren't making record profits, they wouldn't have to take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac....everyone could make their house payments with the $$ they would save on the gas!

I know that many refineries shut down because of the hurricane, but the gas going up 50 cents in 2 hours is ridiculous. Someone needs to be in charge of the oil companies! We are all at their mercy --- this is CRAZY!

Who do you report price gouging to?? No one in the goverment can or will do anything. It's an unregulated business. If the oil companies were just making what they were 8 years ago, I would say that it's the fault of the overseas oil prices, but they are making more money than EVER and NO ONE is doing ANYTHING!

We here in Indiana get our gasoline from refineries other than those in Texas....why is our gasoline so high also? Questions that need answers!!
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  • #20
jwpamp said:
It's $4.40/gallon here this morning.

Seems to me that if the government would regulate the oil companies so that they weren't making record profits, they wouldn't have to take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac....everyone could make their house payments with the $$ they would save on the gas!

I know that many refineries shut down because of the hurricane, but the gas going up 50 cents in 2 hours is ridiculous. Someone needs to be in charge of the oil companies! We are all at their mercy --- this is CRAZY!

Who do you report price gouging to?? No one in the goverment can or will do anything. It's an unregulated business. If the oil companies were just making what they were 8 years ago, I would say that it's the fault of the overseas oil prices, but they are making more money than EVER and NO ONE is doing ANYTHING!
We here in Indiana get our gasoline from refineries other than those in Texas....why is our gasoline so high also? Questions that need answers!!

Oil prices rise as a result of the buyer. The buyer gets it from the oil company and sells it at a higher price. Then that buyer sells it to someone else for even more. And so on, and so on. It's a chain of buyers selling it higher to make a profit. Personally, I think they should put a cap on how much mark up on the sale and how many times it can change hands.
  • #21
jwpamp said:
It's $4.40/gallon here this morning.

Seems to me that if the government would regulate the oil companies so that they weren't making record profits, they wouldn't have to take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac....everyone could make their house payments with the $$ they would save on the gas!

I know that many refineries shut down because of the hurricane, but the gas going up 50 cents in 2 hours is ridiculous. Someone needs to be in charge of the oil companies! We are all at their mercy --- this is CRAZY!

Who do you report price gouging to?? No one in the goverment can or will do anything. It's an unregulated business. If the oil companies were just making what they were 8 years ago, I would say that it's the fault of the overseas oil prices, but they are making more money than EVER and NO ONE is doing ANYTHING!

We here in Indiana get our gasoline from refineries other than those in Texas....why is our gasoline so high also? Questions that need answers!!

I would like to know as well. I was just complaining to DH about this. We have plenty of other sources for our oil.
  • #22
erinb said:
Oil prices rise as a result of the buyer. The buyer gets it from the oil company and sells it at a higher price. Then that buyer sells it to someone else for even more. And so on, and so on. It's a chain of buyers selling it higher to make a profit. Personally, I think they should put a cap on how much mark up on the sale and how many times it can change hands.

Thanks for the explaination, erin. The reform needs to start somewhere. I feel like we are living under some type of 'oil regime'. We are at the mercy of these people who hold our livelyhoods, our families, our lives in their hands.

It's like rubbing salt into a wound. It's just not right.
  • #23
Well the Shell gas station here was at $4.999 this morning...across the street at Texaco, it was $3.899. I will never buy Shell after seeing this! No way is there gas that much... I think the guy thought he would put it up high and people would come... I haven't seen anyone pumping there when I have passed by either!
  • #24
Gas today is $4.19/gal here today! About a week ago it was $3.69! I'm so sick of it!
  • #25
I hope they go back down before my trip to disneyland next month
  • #26
In the up state of South Carolina we are at 3.99.....I'm done with this whole "gas war" stuff. I would be happy at this point to see gas at 2.99 and just stay there.
  • #27
I guess we are lucky here in MA because gas has been around $3.50 - $3.60 a gallon. My DH only works 1.3 miles from home, so he does not have to fill up a lot. I work abut 5 miles from home but I filled up today it cost me $60.00 and that will last me maybe 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. I heat my house with oil too and agree something needs to be done. I have very concerned how I am going to pay all my bills this winter.
  • #28
We're paying 1.37 here a litre which works out to 5.19 a US gallon !!!!!!
  • #29
kcjodih said:
We're paying 1.37 here a litre which works out to 5.19 a US gallon !!!!!!

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:I guess that means us Americans need to hush about our prices, huh?
  • #30
chefmeg said:
:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:I guess that means us Americans need to hush about our prices, huh?

Nah, just wanted to share too! We ALWAYS pay more but right now it's more of a difference from the US than usual. I mean 5.19?!?!?! :mad::eek:
  • #31
Gas here was 3.45 still is in some areas and it jumped to 3.59
not as bad as some of the other posts but its still high!
  • #32
We paid $3.63 yesterday to fill up. My husband and I both work an hour from home. We have looked for jobs closer to home but found none yet. One bonus I stay with my mom during the week and come home on weekends. DH won't stay he likes to keep the home fires burning. We are also going to purchase a pellet stove instead of paying high oil bills. We also switched to an eletric hot water heater. It also didn't help that opec cut oil production last week.

Related to Are Rising Gas Prices Impacting Daily Commutes Significantly?

1. Why are gas prices going up?

The main reason for the increase in gas prices is the current global oil market. Factors such as supply and demand, political instability in oil-producing countries, and natural disasters all contribute to the fluctuation of gas prices.

2. How much will gas prices continue to rise?

It is difficult to predict exactly how high gas prices will go, as they are influenced by numerous factors. However, it is important to stay informed about current events and monitor gas prices in your area to plan accordingly.

3. What is considered a "gas gouging" violation?

Gas gouging is when gas stations raise their prices excessively during times of high demand or when there is a limited supply. Each state has its own laws and regulations regarding gas gouging, so it is important to check with your local government to understand what actions are considered a violation.

4. How can I save money on gas during this time?

There are a few ways to save money on gas, such as carpooling, using public transportation, or investing in a more fuel-efficient vehicle. It is also helpful to plan your trips and errands efficiently to minimize the amount of driving you need to do.

5. Will the gas prices eventually go back down?

While there is no way to guarantee that gas prices will decrease in the future, history has shown that gas prices are constantly fluctuating. It is likely that the prices will eventually go back down, but it is important to be prepared for potential future increases as well.

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