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aNew Recruit Signed Today. She Wanted to Sign Under One of My

Sheila accidentally tabbed through the section where she needed to change the recruiter's info from Sheila's to Sarah's, so the application was submitted with Sheila as the recruiter.In summary, a new recruit accidentally signed up under the wrong consultant, promoting the wrong person to a higher level. The consultant contacted corporate to see if the mistake could be corrected, but they may have to resort to canceling the contract and starting over. The recruit may also need to send an email explaining the mistake. In the future, indirect recruits can go to the main PC website and enter the recruiter's consultant number and last name to avoid this type of mistake.
Gold Member
A new recruit signed today. She wanted to sign under one of my consultants, promoting her to SC & promoting me to TL. Her friend is still brand new too & doesn't have a web page yet. I told her that she could start the process under me on my web page, but at the very end where she reviews all the info she would need to change it from my info to her friend's info. She accidentally tabbed through that section, submitting the application as having been recruited by me, not her friend. Yikes! I e-mailed corporate to see if there was any way to correct it. I have a feeling they will say no. Has anyone ever encountered this situation before?
Re: DelimaCan't she cancel the agreement and do it over again? I believe each person has 3 days to cancel. That's what the "paperwork" says. ;)
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  • #3
Re: DelimaMan, I am seriously out of it today. I spelled dilemma wrong! Having hubby gone & 2 sick babies is rough. I haven't slept more than 2-3 hours at a time in about a week.Anyway, I spoke to my upline. She said that she's seen it happen ONCE, where the recruit signed up the wrong way. All three involved parties (the recruit, the one who was supposed to have been the recruiter & the one that accidentally got the recruit) all had to write letters to corporate to get it changed in their system. It's 5:29 PM here. They open at 9PM my time. So I'll call as soon as they open & HOPE that they can fix it before it's processed. Otherwise, we might have to do the letter route to get this fixed. I just hope that they can fix it! Oh, wow. I just realized that I put in the original post that this would promote me to TL. I've been a TL since Nov. This would promote me to Director. Man, do I need sleep!!!
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  • #4
Re: DelimaAnd Corporate has already processed the application!
Now I'm just waiting for them to open so that I can call. Hoping & praying that they will still be able to fix this!
If they give me a hard time, I'll definitely bring up the idea of canceling the contract & re-doing it Caressa! Thanks for the idea!!! :D
Re: DelimaCan the new recruit call? She's the one who made the mistake (and will not benefit in the same way as you if a change is made) so they may be more willing to listen to her. She can call and say I need to cancel my contract or change it.
Re: DelimaSheila, I was really surprised when I saw it was you who spelled "dilemma" incorrectly! Hope your babies feel better soon, and that someone offers to come take care of them for a couple of hours, so you can get some sleep.
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  • #7
Re: DelimaLOL at you Sarah! Who in their right mind would want to volunteer to come take care of 2 sick babies and something that's apparently pretty contagious considering I'm super good about washing my hands & using hand sanitizer! I never EVER let germs spread. I'm usually really good about containing them. What ever this germ is, I can testify to the fact that it's pretty stubborn!!! ;)Well, corporate requested an e-mail from the current recruit stating that it was an error & that she meant to sign up under my Consultant, not me. They said for her to e-mail that to Career Solutions & cc me & my Consultant. They will forward it up the chain for review. I mentioned having her cancel the contract & starting over and the poor employee at corporate was stumped. I guess she's never had anyone request to do that. But at least now she knows that we are pretty serious about getting all of this resolved. ;)
Re: DelimaI'm glad to hear that you're working on a solution.

Just for the future, if the recruiting consultant does not have a website, the person signing can just go to the main PC website to start their agreement. She must have the consultant number and name of the person they're signing with, but she won't be able to start the agreement until she puts in the name and ID of the person she's signing under. This eliminates the need to remember to change stuff later.
Re: DelimaI think it will all work out.In the future, have indirect recruits go to pc.com and give them the recruiters consultant # and last name. That's all they need.
  • #10
Re: Delima
DebbieJ said:
I think it will all work out.

In the future, have indirect recruits go to pc.com and give them the recruiters consultant # and last name. That's all they need.

Yes - this is what my newest recruit did to sign her new recruit. :) I still was anxious til it actually came through though!

But - CONGRATULATIONS Sheila! Wahooooo!
  • #11
Re: DelimaSheila,
Thank you for clarifying that it will make you director, not TL. I was like WHAT isn't she already TL, what happened!
Glad it will work out for you. Sorry you are home with two sick babes when hubby is away. That ALWAYS happens to me. Last November my hubby went to Florida. My son had swine flu and gave it to me. Needless to say it was a memorable week.
Try to do something for yourself, you deserve it.
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  • #12
Re: DelimaLisa, I actually had errands to run today & decided to stay home. Hubby says I don't need to be driving with all the crazy stuff I've been doing the last couple of days & I think he's right! The sleep deprivation is really starting to take it's toll on my ability to function. :(Yes, the girl at HO said I should have them go through pc.com in the future. She had no idea that it would work through my web page and tried to tell me it wouldn't until I told her it already had! LOL I guess I'll send them to pc.com in the future! Lesson learned.Now for the waiting ... and wondering ... to see if they will fix this! (((insert Jeopardy theme here)))
  • #13
Re: DelimaCongratulations! It will work out fine, I believe in the positive! Hope everyone is feeling better and you are able to get some rest. It's important for mom's to take care of themselves when possible!
  • #14
Re: DelimaCongrats Sheila, and I hope you and the babies start to feel better, I and old school I guess I still fill out the agreements with them and then I enter it in and my recruits have started the same with their recruits gives us more time with the new recruits.
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Re: Delima
christinaspc said:
Congrats Sheila, and I hope you and the babies start to feel better, I and old school I guess I still fill out the agreements with them and then I enter it in and my recruits have started the same with their recruits gives us more time with the new recruits.

I just can't do the online application for them. I'm a retired police dispatcher & see that as being forgery. They have to be the one to do it for it to be valid.

I'll just have to make a practice of sending them to the main PC web page with the consultant name & ID # vs. letting them do it on my page & change the info at the end. She didn't realize that she was at the end and accidentally tabbed past the part where she could edit the info.

I had an AFLAC representative redo my contract once and he "accidentally" changed my policy to a different plan. :rolleyes: It took me forever to get it straightened out. They actually gave me a copy of application on file & it was a forged signature too. I was NOT happy & was shocked that the moron thought it was okay to forge policies at all ... but for Police Department employees? What an imbecile!
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  • #16
Re: DelimaWell, I had to set my alarm for 1AM, to call, then 2AM & call, then 4AM with the intent to call again ... but I had the e-mail response that it had all been resolved! :D I now have the structure for Director!But I've given away so many shows to new recruits this month, that I only have $400 in outside orders! Not one single show that will be submitted in April!!! LOL 2 went to recruits, #3 looks like it's going to a recruit too. #4 is not being held until the 30th and since the military doesn't get paid until the 1st, we won't close until the 2nd. So now I have to get off my duff & find more April sales to at least hit the $750 mark. I'd rather hit $1,250 but I'm not sure that will happen!!!
  • #17
Re: DelimaWow... definitely work toward that $1250. Beg, if you have to. You don't want to lose your HO leads!
  • #18
Re: Delima
NooraK said:
Wow... definitely work toward that $1250. Beg, if you have to. You don't want to lose your HO leads!

If she only has one month below $1250, then she's still okay. You have to have $1250 in sales 3 out of 4 months. (I know this because of the month I had pneumonia, and only did 2 shows. I had $1001 in sales that month, but didn't lose my Leads...whew!)

CONGRATULATIONS, SHEILA! (or is that Stacey? heehee)
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  • #19
Re: DelimaI've had the $1,250 in the last 3 months, so I wouldn't loose them as long as I still make the $750. I just wouldn't be able to go low again in May, June or July! And with me going home to TX in May, I'd rather not chance having a low May!!! I have the 1 show here & 2 more in TX, but I'd still rather be in the safe zone and not take the chance. ;)
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  • #20
Re: Delima
ChefBeckyD said:
... CONGRATULATIONS, SHEILA! (or is that Stacey? heehee)

Thanks!!! (and don't go there!!! ... LOL)
  • #21
Re: Delima
Sheila said:
I just can't do the online application for them. I'm a retired police dispatcher & see that as being forgery. They have to be the one to do it for it to be valid.

I'll just have to make a practice of sending them to the main PC web page with the consultant name & ID # vs. letting them do it on my page & change the info at the end. She didn't realize that she was at the end and accidentally tabbed past the part where she could edit the info.

I had an AFLAC representative redo my contract once and he "accidentally" changed my policy to a different plan. :rolleyes: It took me forever to get it straightened out. They actually gave me a copy of application on file & it was a forged signature too. I was NOT happy & was shocked that the moron thought it was okay to forge policies at all ... but for Police Department employees? What an imbecile!
Technically HO says we cannot submit them online for this very reason. We can help them fill it out online but they are supposed to be the one to hit submit.
  • #22
Re: DelimaWow, just now reading this post! What a scare, but am soooo glad it was resolved! Sorry everyone is sick, and I hope you have been able to get a few chunks of sleep.

CONGRATS!!!! I am ecstatic! WHOO WHOO!

Related to aNew Recruit Signed Today. She Wanted to Sign Under One of My

1. Can I still receive credit for the recruit if they signed under someone else?

Yes, as long as the recruit used your unique consultant ID when signing up, you will receive credit for their sales and recruits.

2. What if the recruit changes their mind and wants to sign under me instead?

If the recruit decides to change their sponsor, they can do so within the first 10 days of signing up. After that, they will need to wait 6 months before changing sponsors.

3. How do I ensure that my recruit signs under me?

Make sure to clearly communicate your consultant ID to the recruit and provide them with any necessary guidance and support during the sign-up process.

4. Can I still receive credit for my recruit's sales if they sign under someone else?

Yes, you will still receive credit for any sales made by your recruit, regardless of who they signed under.

5. What if there is a dispute over who the recruit should sign under?

In the event of a dispute, Pampered Chef will review the situation and make a final decision based on the policies and guidelines outlined in the consultant agreement.

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