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Advice on Calling Schools for Fundraisers

In summary, the caller is trying to find a way to fundraise for a school, but is having difficulties. They provide a brief summary of their dilemma and ask for advice.
Gold Member
I'm going to call a bunch of different orgs this week for fundraisers, and I'd like to call schools. But the school thing is a bit complicated to me, so I would love some advice. Here's what's getting me caught up:

- When you call the school, you're likely going to get a secretary. In my experience, most school secretaries are bull dogs with passing through calls of unknown callers etc. I don't really know who'd I'd need to speak to...

- There are SO many different groups to fundraise with at a school! You can do a fundraiser for the whole school, for a specific department, for a group or club, for a sports team, for the PTA...

So where do I begin with this? Who is the best person to speak to? Do I ask for the director of athletics? The director of student activities? Or just tell the secretary that I'd like to offer the school a fundraising opportunity? :confused:

ANY help or thoughts are appreciated! TIA!
Do it just like I told you in the other post for daycare centers. Give the Secretary a brief synopsis of what you have to offer them and let her tell you who the best person is to talk to. I called LOTS of public schools, daycare centers and private schools to offer them the referral program with the Tax Office I was working for. The owner just kept sitting there & shaking his head in amazement at how many "yes" answers I was getting with that method. He had been doing this referral program for YEARS and had never had so many organizations that wanted to participate. I had his marketing rep running around like crazy dropping off the flyers that I was designing & printing for each school to hand out.With the high schools and middle schools, you will have MANY options for an organization to participate: band, cheerleading, football, baseball, soccer, etc.
I have personally called and asked to get the contact information for the PTA, a certain coach or even a social club advisor.

Make it personal, i.e. if you were on the debate team in High School, ask for that advisor, that way you make a connection.

In my experience the Athletic Directors will just half-heartedly listen to you. The boosters for the Football Team, Baseball Team, etc. are all just parents and/ or alumni and will be more apt to listen.

Hope that helps!
Check out the school's website (if they have one). For example, my oldest's HS webpage has the Activities Clubs & Althletics listed along with the staff in charge. For me that would be the place to start. Another option is if you know a staff member or teacher at the school-ask them what the best way is to contact the staff. I would recommend finding out what the fundraising policy is for the borough/county/district. In our district, for a school to do a school wide fundraiser, the fundraiser has to give 50% back to the school. They way around that is to offer the clubs, classes & activites the opportunity.
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I have learned not to call!! Go to the school, they are a lot nicer and you get more info when they see your smiling face!!
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  • #6
Thanks for the advice ladies. I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible, so Sheila I will try your approach- just wanted to be sure it would work well for schools as well!
Once the fundraising information is given out or mailed to the those interested, what do you say when following up with a phone call??? Ideas anyone?
Follow up phone call:Hi, Mrs. Robins!
This is Pam and I dropped off some fundraising information to your mailbox last week. Did you receive it?IF NO: I'm sorry I must have put it in another box - I'll drop off a copy to your box tomorrow; could we talk again on (2 days away)? What time works best for you?IF YES: I wanted you to see the scope and quality of great kitchen tools we offer. Everyone can use a little help in the kitchen, from those just starting in a first apartment, to those who love cooking and are accomplished chefs. Our tools are all tested for durability and quality, and are actually featured in many of our easy and tasty recipes. Could I possibly stop by next week and share a recipe tasting with you, and perhaps take a moment to show you a couple of our top selling tools? YES: set time NO: I understand you are busy. (continue no pause)I did want to offer you the opportunity to raise substantial funds for your (organization) using our simple fundraising plan. My last group made (amount) and my best fundraiser netted (amount) to that organization. [for me, my last group made $425 and my best fundraiser netted $896 to the Interlake PTSA; the parents said how it was such a classy fundraiser]. Our plan is unique because we offer our fundraising clients the same products at the same prices our typical guests purchase - not inflated prices, and because we offer everything we sell--not a limited portion of our product line. Each of our products are thoroughly tested in our test kitchens by a panel of food experts and nutritionists, and we sell thousands of products daily. Are you interested in additional funds for your group?If YES: Setup a time to show a catalog (no food - remember they turned that down!)
If NO: I understand. Is there another organization at your school that you think might benefit from a conversation with me?

Related to Advice on Calling Schools for Fundraisers

What is the best time to call schools for fundraisers?

The best time to call schools for fundraisers is during the school year, preferably in the beginning of the school year when schools are still planning their events and fundraising goals. Avoid calling during school holidays, breaks, or summer vacation.

How should I introduce myself when calling schools for fundraisers?

When introducing yourself, be friendly and professional. Mention your name, your role at Pampered Chef, and explain the purpose of your call. You can also mention any successful fundraisers you have done with other schools to build credibility.

What information should I have ready before calling schools for fundraisers?

Be prepared with information about your products, pricing, and fundraising options. It is also helpful to have information about the school, such as their fundraising goals and past fundraising events. This will allow you to tailor your pitch to their specific needs.

How can I overcome objections when calling schools for fundraisers?

Listen to the school's concerns and address them with solutions. Be prepared to offer alternative options or negotiate to find a solution that works for both parties. Remind them of the benefits of a Pampered Chef fundraiser, such as high-quality products and a high profit margin.

What should I do after the initial call to follow up with schools for fundraisers?

After the initial call, send a follow-up email with more information about your products and fundraising options. You can also include testimonials from past successful fundraisers to showcase the benefits of partnering with Pampered Chef. Follow up again a few weeks later to check in and see if they have any further questions or concerns.

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