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aDay in the Life of Laura... Lol!

Pampered Laura
(I copied this thread from the other forum because I'm a huge dork and posted in the wrong spot. Woops!)

Good gosh I need a drink! You might want one too, after reading this! LOL

I had a show about an hour away this evening. While on my way, I made a recruit lead followup call, and talked to her for about 20 mins while I was driving. After talking to her for a bit, she emailed me her consultant agreement information while I was on the phone. She's going to make a fantastic consultant and her husband is SO great - totally supportive. They are too cute, I know they'll have fun with this.

So, I get to my party tonight 10 mins late :eek: (I got lost....doh, shouldnt talk/drive at the same time!) and the BEST crowd is there, these ladies are a riot. Pork tenderloin was YUM-O. Sales are awesome ($750) and at the end, I'm sitting with them chatting while they're chatting, and I go in to my "casual recruiting" deal. ;)

The host and a guest both piped up and said they were very interested. Mind you, I've asked my hostess before and she didn't really sound all that interested, but I just knew she'd be so great... recruiters - you know those "feelings" you get when you talk to someone peppy and very organized and just generally awesome? She is that type. She is totally great.
When she realized what her sales were, and that 3 of her friends wanted to book shows, she jumped on it.

Anyway, long story short, she closed her show this evening after the party AND signed her consultant agreement form. I raced home, got home at 11:47pm CST, and submitted her party at 11:57pm CST. :cool: Yay for mid-month paychecks & happy customers that don't wait forever for their stuff!

Then, submitted her consultant agreement ... at 12:00:09am CST. DOH! Bummer. Oh well. LOL!

So... for June, I have signed 5 consultants so far, and 1 more is signing this weekend. I have a couple more leads to follow up on this month. I have a show tomorrow night.

I want the DREAM PATROL to come to my director's house, dangit!! :D:eek:

Thanks for reading! I get kind of a "high" when I get home from a show, so 'scuse me if I type a little hyper! hee!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It sounds like maybe we'll be reading about you next month! Great job!!!What is your casual recruiting deal?
Pampered Chef Technical Committee member
What's that?
OMG!!!:eek: :D Laura this is soooooooooooo great! I would be so freakin pumped if I could get 5 to sign in one month! I've been to almost 4! The 4th one signed on the 1st day of the next month!
How totally cool is this!:cool: :D
You rock! I can just tell by looking at you and from reading your posts that you must be a kick in the pants and I'd love to see one of your shows!
I sumbitted in a great show tonight! And it moved me to level 2! I had really wanted $6000 in sales this month but I think, after some seriously ridiculous hosts, that $3000 will be the goal!
Oh and I have 3 people on the fence! All of them want to sign at the end of July or beginning of August! We'll see! 1 is in the middle of moving, and 2 have vacations planned in July and I don't blame them for wanting to not start until they can give it their all! I wish we could still sign them and pick the month they want to start, because I think I could have got 2 of them to sign now!
ughhh! But you are a true inspiration! Great job Laura, I can feel your excitement! Thanks for sharing!;)
Wow, Laura. Amazing night! Congratulations!
Pampered Laura said:
(I copied this thread from the other forum because I'm a huge dork and posted in the wrong spot. Woops!)

Good gosh I need a drink! You might want one too, after reading this! LOL

I had a show about an hour away this evening. While on my way, I made a recruit lead followup call, and talked to her for about 20 mins while I was driving. After talking to her for a bit, she emailed me her consultant agreement information while I was on the phone. She's going to make a fantastic consultant and her husband is SO great - totally supportive. They are too cute, I know they'll have fun with this.

So, I get to my party tonight 10 mins late :eek: (I got lost....doh, shouldnt talk/drive at the same time!) and the BEST crowd is there, these ladies are a riot. Pork tenderloin was YUM-O. Sales are awesome ($750) and at the end, I'm sitting with them chatting while they're chatting, and I go in to my "casual recruiting" deal. ;)

The host and a guest both piped up and said they were very interested. Mind you, I've asked my hostess before and she didn't really sound all that interested, but I just knew she'd be so great... recruiters - you know those "feelings" you get when you talk to someone peppy and very organized and just generally awesome? She is that type. She is totally great.
When she realized what her sales were, and that 3 of her friends wanted to book shows, she jumped on it.

Anyway, long story short, she closed her show this evening after the party AND signed her consultant agreement form. I raced home, got home at 11:47pm CST, and submitted her party at 11:57pm CST. :cool: Yay for mid-month paychecks & happy customers that don't wait forever for their stuff!

Then, submitted her consultant agreement ... at 12:00:09am CST. DOH! Bummer. Oh well. LOL!

So... for June, I have signed 5 consultants so far, and 1 more is signing this weekend. I have a couple more leads to follow up on this month. I have a show tomorrow night.

I want the DREAM PATROL to come to my director's house, dangit!! :D:eek:

Thanks for reading! I get kind of a "high" when I get home from a show, so 'scuse me if I type a little hyper! hee!

That's SO awesome Laura! WAY TO GO!!!
Wow Laura, you are inspiring! Congratulations on an awesome half-month!:D Do share your "casual recruiting" pretty please!
Congratulations (AGAIN) Laura!

If you can get your recruits recruiting like you, you'll be having your own banquet at NC in a few years! :)
What a fun post to read.....but now I'm curious too about your "casual recruiting"???

Congrats! and you still have time for the Dream Patrol to come to your door!
  • #10
How cool is that. CONGRATS!!!!!!! Please, let us in on your "casual recruiting".
  • #11
  • #12
That's incredible, Laura!! I'm so excited for you!:D
  • #13
Congrats Laura! That is SO Exciting...I hope Dream Patrol goes to your house. You are so inspiring! I would love any tips you have on recruiting if you are willing to share....
I'm so happy for you :)
  • #14
Tell us more about casual recruiting - Inquiring minds want to know
  • #15
O Laura, PLEASE tell us your secret, that is SO awesome!!
  • #16
Yes, we're all EYES for your casual recruiting bit....Please share. I would be happy recruitng 5 in one year let alone 1 month. Can you say TPC?!! Congratulations, Laura!
  • Thread starter
  • #17
Congrats Laura! This is what it is all about! Having fun and enjoying what we do!

  • #18
Awesome, Laura! I, too, am listening :)

I hope you are going to have time to join us other Cheffers in the lounge Sunday or Monday night! I'd love to meet you IRL! I love your energy!
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  • #19
WOW! That is great!! :)
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  • #20
Okay, about “casual recruiting”! :D Its just a nickname I gave it because I am just super casual. Recruiting doesn’t have to be a “shpiel” that we give, a bunch of witty one-liners, well-timed gimmicks, or a big production.

First thing to note is: You can’t fake it. You have to truly believe that what you have is worth offering. Someone shared The Pampered Chef with you. What has it offered you? What have you gained from your business? Not just money… how about self esteem? Freedom? Friendships? Confidence? Or, if you’re a brand new consultant – think about what The Pampered Chef CAN offer you. Imagine, you have the ability to offer something to someone that can make a dramatic difference in their life. That is incredibly rewarding, and really… it’s almost selfish to NOT share the opportunity with everyone that you can. No one is going to run up to you and say “change my life with what you have!”. It’s up to us to offer it to them, and have them say “yes… that’s exactly what I have been looking for”.

A casual approach takes the pressure off everyone. I use this approach when I’m talking with hosts, anyone that tosses up a red flag, and even during shows.

At the end of my shows, I will actually sit down with the guests and “casually recruit” them.

I let them know that I’ve enjoyed visiting with them, and I thank the hostess for being so hospitable and thank the guests for being so welcoming. I try to recap some of the show highlights: (“Wasn’t that 10 minute BBQ pork tenderloin easy? I couldn’t believe how tender and delicious it was the first time I made it – it’s now a staple in my house!”) I go ahead and tell them that I’m pretty casual and that I want to be totally honest with them about something… I tell them that I absolutely adore The Pampered Chef and truly love what I do. I let them know that I have a ridiculous amount of fun at my “job”, and I love training new consultants to have fun while embarking on either a really great hobby or a fantastic career. I tell them that I know many of them came to the show looking for kitchen tools to enhance their life – but “what I don’t know is how many of you are sitting there fretting over that VISA bill. Or if you need a new car. Or if it’s been way too long since your last vacation. Or if an extra $15,000 a year would make whatever situation you’re in, better. Or if you’d just really love to make a few new friends and have a fun career doing something that you really love. I’m here to offer what I have, to you. It’s fun and very easy to get started as a consultant with The Pampered Chef, and I encourage you to give it a try!”

Last night, I used exactly those words. Both the hostess as well as two of her guests raised their hands and laughed after every one of my “if you…” statements. The host got a few guests to book shows with her for June and July, and signed up immediately after the show. Her friends (the ones that raised their hands, too) will be signing up under the hostess next month after their own parties.

This month, I’ve signed 6 new consultants (4 agreements in, 2 completed agreements sitting here on my desk waiting for shows to be processed) and I am working on 3 more very firm leads for June.
I'm now entering my 2nd year as a consultant and this has been my approach. Recruiting has been where I feel the most comfortable and where I’ve experienced the greatest sense of fulfillment in my business. I love knowing that I could be planting seeds for other people to make a positive change in their life.
I’m intentional, but casual. I try to be informative, but not intimidating.

I just want other consultants to know that recruiting really doesn’t have to be “programmed” or something really hard to do. There is no "secret" to recruiting. It's believing in what you have, realizing it could help someone else, and making it about THEM. Not you. Recruiting (and everything else in this business) just needs to be from the heart. I have found that a heartfelt casual approach really helps make everyone (including me!) more at ease and keeps it real.

Hope that helps ;)
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  • #21
Wanted to add that I'd guess 9 out of the 10 shows that I actually SIT DOWN with the guests and casually recruit them, I have either someone sign up right away, or multiple strong leads. Maybe a coincidence... maybe not. :)
  • #22
You are AWESOME!!! Do you do any type of "why bag" too or just this awesome closing? No wonder you're doing so well! :)
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  • #23
I don't do a why bag.. I had to make one and present it during a cluster training, and I thought it was cute, but I don't use it.
I dunno why I don't. Not because it doesn't work, because I've heard that it works really well as a strong visual for closing. I dunno, I just usually have me myself and I... talking and listening.
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  • #24
MGG said:
Pampered Chef Technical Committee member
What's that?

Sorry for not answering this! I got invited to be a committee member until 2009 on the Home Office Tech Committee. I will get to test technical products and give my opinions/suggestions to the tech. team at the home office as part of a select panel of consultants. :D
  • #25
  • #26
That's an awesome-powerful closing statement Laura, thanks for sharing!
  • #27
Okay...if you don't mind me asking...what did you do before PC Laura? And do you feel like it better prepared you to recruit and/or sale?
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  • #28
Thank you, I'm glad you can use some of what I say! I hope it helps you in some way! :D

I've was a stay-at-home wife before we had kids (we married when I was 17), and am currently still a stay-at-home mom. In college (before kids, just taking classes mainly for something to do... dropped out when I got preg with my son when I was 19. We always knew I'd stay home with the kids) I took a lot of psychology classes. Dunno if that helped or not, but the power of positive thinking is pretty relevant to PC I think. :)

I'm just generally excitable and enthusiastic about stuff that I like. I am passionate about things, I guess... so maybe that helps. :)

Edited because I can't spell gud! :D
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  • #29
Pampered Laura said:
First thing to note is: You can’t fake it. You have to truly believe that what you have is worth offering. Someone shared The Pampered Chef with you. What has it offered you? What have you gained from your business? Not just money… how about self esteem? Freedom? Friendships? Confidence? Or, if you’re a brand new consultant – think about what The Pampered Chef CAN offer you. Imagine, you have the ability to offer something to someone that can make a dramatic difference in their life. That is incredibly rewarding, and really… it’s almost selfish to NOT share the opportunity with everyone that you can. No one is going to run up to you and say “change my life with what you have!”. It’s up to us to offer it to them, and have them say “yes… that’s exactly what I have been looking for”.

Let me first say that I don't want to turn this thread into something about me, but I am struggling with this and want some help.

I have been in the business for almost 4 years now. I cannot truly say that I've gained money, confidence, or freedom from the Pampered Chef. Friendships and fun most definitely. My husband for the most part is supportive, but he is now telling me he wants me to go ahead and start teaching because "this Pampered Chef thing just isn't going to take off". We both realize that to see any real money you have to promote. It is just not happening for me.

I don't feel as though I give a negative view of the business opportunity, but it hasn't been for me all that it's been for you. I know part of your success with your recruiting is your excitement. Some of mine has fizzled out. I'm feeling a little cynical. I still LOVE to do the parties and I LOVE LOVE the products, but I don't know. I guess some of my passion is gone because I see what I want, but something (I know it's me, but I don't know how) is blocking me from getting there.

When I started my business it wasn't for the money (and good thing) and it still isn't. I started to earn the products for free. My director immediately began pushing me towards directorship. When I signed my contract my husband was travelling 80% of the time, my 3rd child was 10 days old, and I was finishing my degree at a school that was a 1 hour drive (one way). I only wanted to earn the Super Starter products and call it a day. I loved doing the parties though and that is what kept me. I wanted to please her so I took all sorts of recruiting training and classes. I have the information, but I don't have the "skills". Maybe if I did need PC for the money I would have more...I don't know?!

Basically what I'm saying is HELP!! If you don't mind.

Thank you very much!

Congratulations on all of your achievements! Don't underplay them, you've worked extremely hard to get there. Nobody gave them to you you EARNED it!! Enjoy the accolades!
  • #30
Thanks for those great tips Laura! I'm sure you make the hosts/guests feel much more comfortable; I'm going to have to do this. I'm guessing this is basically after your demo is done & they're eating....you really are inspiring. :)
  • #31
I have a show Friday. When do you collect the orders? Do you walk around and chat and then do it? I find that some people are just in a hurry to get home.
  • #32
Laura, Congrats on your success! It's been amazing to read your threads lately & I'm so glad you've been doing well! If people are jealous of your achievements, let that motivate THEM to do better too!

I have a question about your closing. Do you do this before they eat? Do you ask the host ahead of time for an extra chair, because many of my shows only have enough chairs for the guests, if that! After you give your talk, do you stand up & start cleaning up, etc??

Sorry for the questions, but I'm a visual person so I have to see in my head what you do!
  • #33
Chef Kearns said:
I don't feel as though I give a negative view of the business opportunity, but it hasn't been for me all that it's been for you. I know part of your success with your recruiting is your excitement. Some of mine has fizzled out. I'm feeling a little cynical. I still LOVE to do the parties and I LOVE LOVE the products, but I don't know. I guess some of my passion is gone because I see what I want, but something (I know it's me, but I don't know how) is blocking me from getting there.

You're not alone. I've been doing this 2 years & have 1 recruit. She was an outside order who mentioned to the host she was interested. She joined in Feb & hasn't done any sales yet, so I really don't even consider her a recruit. She won't answer my emails (moved & this is the only contact info I have now).

My background is teaching & I was excited to promote because I wanted to help others. But I've had such a hard time with it that I think some of my passion has fizzled out too. I'm hoping conference will light a fire b/c I just can't seem to get into a groove with recruiting talks, etc., at my shows, so now I just barely even mention it anymore. My sales & bookings are fine, but it's just the recruiting that has been a struggle. I only have ever even had many one handful, possibly two, of people even show interest in this. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
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  • #34
Chef Kearns said:
My husband for the most part is supportive, but he is now telling me he wants me to go ahead and start teaching because "this Pampered Chef thing just isn't going to take off". We both realize that to see any real money you have to promote. It is just not happening for me.

This is sad that he chose to say that... even though it may be how you (and he) were feeling, there is nothing about The Pampered Chef that CAN'T take off unless you don't want it to take off. There is no requirement to be someone in particular before you can be successful in PC. It's not happening for you, because you're not making it happen. :)

Chef Kearns said:
I don't feel as though I give a negative view of the business opportunity, but it hasn't been for me all that it's been for you. I know part of your success with your recruiting is your excitement. Some of mine has fizzled out. I'm feeling a little cynical.

Here's my take on this... please don't take it the wrong way, because when I was going through a negative patch in my business I didn't recognize it. It lasted about a week before my husband gave me a slight "nudge" and basically told me to "get a grip". ;)
You may not THINK you have a negative attitude about your business, but you certainly may. Sometimes we don't see it in ourselves. This business is the same outline for every single consultant. We go to shows, look for red flags, and ASK people. That's the basics of recruiting. The consultants who say "no one gives me a red flag" don't know what to look for. The consultants who say "no one is interested" are asking the wrong people. There *is* something that's holding you back in your business...but it's hard to determine what that is from a couple of paragraphs. I'd really suggest having your Director or other upline (or another consultant that has an opinion that you'd respect) attend a couple of your shows and analyze what the hang up is. Maybe include your directors on a 3way recruiting interview phone call. There may be a negative tone in your voice that you're not catching on to that someone else may see.

Something else very important to recognize is that while you may very well not be "negative", are you "positive"? Or are you just "ho-hum" about the whole thing?
Look at it this way: If I'm inviting you to go to a hamburger joint that I say "yeah, there's this place down the street I go to eat. I go there alot and it's okay. Maybe you could stop by there and grab a burger sometime."
Would you be jumping up and down excited to go?? Prolly not.

But, if I say "Oh my gosh! There is this hamburger joint that I know about that has the most delicious hamburgers EVER and their customer service is fabulous. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced before! You have just GOT to come with me so I can show you!! I would love to know what you think after you give it a try!" Wouldnt you be a little more excited? ;)

Chef Kearns said:
When I started my business it wasn't for the money (and good thing) and it still isn't. I started to earn the products for free. My director immediately began pushing me towards directorship.

This is a huge eye opener for me... should be for you too. This business is NOT about what your Director wants. So your Director pushed you. Either she doesn't know what your goals are (have you told her?) or she thought you said you'd like to be a Director and she's simply trying to help you get there.
Either way, you don't have to do what she wants you to do. She can light a fire under you, but she can not fire you.
You need to decide exactly what YOU want from The Pampered Chef. If YOU want to be a Director, go for it. If you're content with where your business is right now, then that's what you go for. Whatever it is, write out YOUR goals. Like literally put it down on paper with pen. Don't just THINK it... write it down. Everything you do for your business (talking on the phone, going to a show, preparing host packets, etc) should be working towards that goal in some way.

Directorship is not all about money either.
Some people want to be a director for more free products. Some want it because they truly love helping other people start their own business. If it's not about money, that's great. For a lot of us, it's not about the money either. You need to figure out what your "why" is. What is your big reason for doing Pampered Chef? What is the REAL reason...the one that you have to really dig down deep in your heart for?

Chef Kearns said:
I wanted to please her so I took all sorts of recruiting training and classes. I have the information, but I don't have the "skills".

You have the same skills as any other top recruiter out there. You have 2 ears for listening to others' needs, and a mouth to ask them "Have you ever considered joining The Pampered Chef?". All those Circle of Honor recruiters? Those are the two needed skills that they also possess --- they just USE those skills to reach their goals. None of those top recruiters grew up and said "I wanna be a Pampered Chef top recruiter when I grow up!". They simply saw a goal up ahead and went for it. You can do that too, there is NO reason that you can't. If you WANT TO.

So, you have the skills and the information. You know HOW to recruit. You need to know WHY you want to recruit (or do you want to?). Maybe you just simply need a little more passion, maybe a more positive attitude for your business...even when it is not going the way you want it to.... and an absolute goal in mind to aim for. THAT is the combination that will get you where you want to go. Wherever that may be.

And that is ALL up to you, m'lady. ;)
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  • #35
After that last post - I TOTALLY understand why & how you have succeeded Laura! Thanks for making me think more deeply about my motivation and my own road-blocks!
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  • #36
AJPratt said:
I have a show Friday. When do you collect the orders? Do you walk around and chat and then do it? I find that some people are just in a hurry to get home.

Depends on the dynamics of the show... but typically I sit down with them after my "demo" and before I explain the prize drawing slips. I hold them in my hand and have everyone gather around so that I can explain "how the drawing works". While they're listening, I tell them I have these slips, and they will need to fill them out, BUT there is a question on there that I want them to take seriously..........

After the prize drawing, I take orders while people are eating or mingling, or whatever. I have my laptop set up before they get there, so most of the time I find that people put their orders on my laptop if I'm busy chatting with the guests. :)
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  • #37
MomToEli said:
I hope you are going to have time to join us other Cheffers in the lounge Sunday or Monday night! I'd love to meet you IRL! I love your energy!

I'll be there on one of those nights... or both. Depending on where my team is going! ;)
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  • #38
pamperedgirl3 said:
I have a question about your closing. Do you do this before they eat? Do you ask the host ahead of time for an extra chair, because many of my shows only have enough chairs for the guests, if that! After you give your talk, do you stand up & start cleaning up, etc??

Details details details! :D
I will sit on the floor if I have to, I don't care. I just want to be "at their level" and not be the SALES PITCH person when I'm talking to them about this. After I sit with them then yeah, I will get up or go along with wherever that part takes me. Last time, a couple of girls were fighting with each other over which month to host a show, so I had to get my calendar and let them have at it while I talked to the host and answered some of her questions in front of the other guests ;)

Oh and... I have been really trying lately to make my shows look EASY. So, I usually only have to clean one dish and maybe a knife if I'm doing the pork tenderloin. EASY = Doable to those guests who are really considering what I do.
  • #39
Pampered Laura said:
Details details details! :D
I will sit on the floor if I have to, I don't care. I just want to be "at their level" and not be the SALES PITCH person when I'm talking to them about this. After I sit with them then yeah, I will get up or go along with wherever that part takes me. Last time, a couple of girls were fighting with each other over which month to host a show, so I had to get my calendar and let them have at it while I talked to the host and answered some of her questions in front of the other guests ;)

Oh and... I have been really trying lately to make my shows look EASY. So, I usually only have to clean one dish and maybe a knife if I'm doing the pork tenderloin. EASY = Doable to those guests who are really considering what I do.

Sorry--like I said, I'm a visual person!!!:D

Thanks for the info. I have been working on my recruiting, which is one of two areas of my biz that have been frustrating. (The other lately has been finding time at home for PC--it was easy when DD was 5-12 months old, but has been getting harder & harder as she's gotten older--now 2.) I've done the Step Up class with my NED, which helped b/c I learned red flags & such--which I TOTALLY missed before! I've also been working with my director on this too. My problem is when I've tried doing the recruiting talks, etc., at shows, it just came across so staged & fake sounding. But I like they way you put your talk & how you kind of stop the show to sit & chat with them. I have a show next week that I want to try it at--so thank you!
  • #40
You are SO INSPIRING!!! I really wish you were in wave 2 or I was in wave1!!
Thanks for all of your tips and advice. My goal for this year was to reach Directorship and I did! yea! It is TPC in recruiting for next year and you have inspired me...I hope to meet you one day, hopefully on a PC trip! You are AWESOME, don't let anyone tell you different! You have great energy also!
Have a blast at conference!! Enjoy all your glory!
  • #41
Yes, Laura, this has been quite inspiring and educational. It's so much better when you can just be yourself and be okay with it. That is what it sounds like you are doing. Maybe, I'll meet you at conference. It will be great to put faces with names.
  • #42
Laura, thanks for sharing so much info. And you're right, it is all stuff we know, but you broke it down and made it that much more clear for me! No wonder you have accomplished so much in your biz!
  • #43
THanks for all your insight Laura! Enjoy all the spotlight you get, cause you deserve it:) By reading all the advise here, I am sure you are a great director!
  • #44

I'd love to take you to breakfast one morning while we are in Chicago, if you're game. My treat.

And I wonder if you sound anything like I've decided you sound like :D
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  • #45
Um, a Texas Valley Girl? Probably so! Haha! Ooomm breakfast. You have this girl all figured out, that's fo sho'! :D
  • #46
Wow Laura, is all I can say! I wish you were a cooking show live person on CD so we could purchase on supply order to see how you do our shows! Or do a workshop at confrence! You are so inspiring!
  • #47
You ARE so inspiring!! I'm sure we'll see your name LOTS in the company and you totally deserve all that attention (even if it feels weird to you!!!:) )

I have shows Thursday and Friday nights and I"m going to try a different approach...especially with how you do the drawing slips. I usually do my why bag somewhere in the five minutes before I wrap up and do the drawing, but I love the idea of sitting down amongst them and explaining the slip and especially saying there's one portion in particular I really want them to think about. I love that laid-back approach. NOW I just need to get some of my leads to take the leap and actually DO it!!! That's exactly why I"m taking the conference workshop "Getting from Maybe to Yes" because that's the predicament I'm in. I have a whole bunch of leads, but they rarely go anywhere. I'd say I even have about 5 pretty hot leads, but helping them see the big picture and helping them understand if they start NOW they'll get more out of it by the end of the year is just not happening.

I also loved your post on having a non-negative/"ho-hum" attitude about the biz vs. having an inspirational/motivating/positive attitude about the biz. GREAT words!! I may have to borrow some of that wording when I run into the same situations with some consultants.:)

Thanks so much for sharing!! I know it takes time to sit down and do that, but it's well worth it for all of the people you're inspiring!! Way to go!!!
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  • #48
You guys are so sweet. I don't have any more wisdom than any of you. ;) Thank you for giving me a forum to put in to words what I do! :D
  • #49
Pampered Laura said:
Um, a Texas Valley Girl? Probably so! Haha! Ooomm breakfast. You have this girl all figured out, that's fo sho'! :D

Pick the day ... any day but Monday. I have to catch a bus to the HO at 6:30.

Do normal people really get up at 6:30 am?!? I am very spoiled :rolleyes:
  • Thread starter
  • #50
Oh you're too sweet! Actually, on Monday I have the Director's training event in the morning and Day 2 is our general breakfast w/recognition for RUFTH/HWC achievers (I think?) and day 3 is general breakfast also, but I promised my downline that since this is the only breakfast I'll be able to eat WITH them, I really should. You are so sweet to ask me though. How about if you see me, come say hi and chat with me for a while! 2am in the hallways of the Hilton or at a piano bar will probably be a good place to find me at nighttime. LOL :D
<h2>1. How do you balance your work and personal life as a Pampered Chef consultant?</h2><p>Balancing work and personal life can be challenging, but I make sure to prioritize and schedule my time effectively. I also have a supportive team and family who help me out when needed.</p><h2>2. How do you handle difficult customers or hostesses?</h2><p>I always make sure to listen to their concerns and address them in a calm and professional manner. I also try to find a solution that satisfies both parties and maintain a positive attitude throughout the process.</p><h2>3. How do you generate leads and find new customers?</h2><p>I utilize social media, word of mouth, and attend local events to connect with potential customers. I also offer incentives for referrals and follow up with previous customers to stay in touch and see if they are interested in hosting a party or becoming a consultant.</p><h2>4. What is the best part of being a Pampered Chef consultant?</h2><p>The best part is definitely the flexibility and the opportunity to meet new people and make connections. I also love being able to share my passion for cooking and helping others create delicious meals.</p><h2>5. How do you stay motivated and successful in your business?</h2><p>I stay motivated by setting goals and continuously challenging myself to improve. I also attend trainings and conferences to learn new skills and techniques. Having a positive attitude and a strong support system also helps me stay successful in my business.</p>

Related to aDay in the Life of Laura... Lol!

1. How do you balance your work and personal life as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Balancing work and personal life can be challenging, but I make sure to prioritize and schedule my time effectively. I also have a supportive team and family who help me out when needed.

2. How do you handle difficult customers or hostesses?

I always make sure to listen to their concerns and address them in a calm and professional manner. I also try to find a solution that satisfies both parties and maintain a positive attitude throughout the process.

3. How do you generate leads and find new customers?

I utilize social media, word of mouth, and attend local events to connect with potential customers. I also offer incentives for referrals and follow up with previous customers to stay in touch and see if they are interested in hosting a party or becoming a consultant.

4. What is the best part of being a Pampered Chef consultant?

The best part is definitely the flexibility and the opportunity to meet new people and make connections. I also love being able to share my passion for cooking and helping others create delicious meals.

5. How do you stay motivated and successful in your business?

I stay motivated by setting goals and continuously challenging myself to improve. I also attend trainings and conferences to learn new skills and techniques. Having a positive attitude and a strong support system also helps me stay successful in my business.

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