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A Pleasant Surprise - Celebrating with an Open House (Postponed!)

In summary, Came home from work today, and low and behold...THERE IT WAS!!! ...and it's HUGE!! Just in time for my Open House tonight... (but we're in the middle of tornado/severe storms, so no show!! It's on again for Saturday- I planned two sessions...oh well, got a clean house and great practice cooking!!)
Came home from work today, and low and behold...THERE IT WAS!!! ...and it's HUGE!! Just in time for my Open House tonight... (but we're in the middle of tornado/severe storms, so no show!! It's on again for Saturday- I planned two sessions...oh well, got a clean house and great practice cooking!!)
Anyone else pleasantly surprised?!?
I was totally surprised at how LARGE this table cloth is! Pampered Chef sure always seems to amaze me!
I absolutely love it!!! :)
I was so excited when I got it out. It fits my dining room table perfect!

Pampered Chef is awesome!!!!!!!! :)
Bummed!!I haven't gotten mine yet! I can't wait to see it in person.
I got my tablecloth yesterday too! I wasn't so much surprised by the size as the quality of the material! :)
tableclothI got mine yesterday as well and was pleasantly surpised with the size and quality of material. I'm using it tonight at my maguaritaville party. I know it doesn't really go with the theme but I'll use it to promote the June host special!
Got mine...I got my tablecloth yesterday...I too was surprised with how BIG it is! Not so much the quality of material as it is the same as the towels....anyway.....PC is GREAT!
TableclothI love my new tablecloth!!! The colors are beautiful!!! Now I want to save all of the rest of my shows and go gangbusters for my June sales to earn lots of new Fall product!!!!
No Tablecloth YetI'm in SS month #1 and accidentally earned my tablecloth. I didn't even know I could get it, but I submitted my 2 shows and then my director gave me the good news. I can't wait to get it.

You mentioned an open house? What is that and what do you do?
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  • #10
PCmomof4 said:
I'm in SS month #1 and accidentally earned my tablecloth. I didn't even know I could get it, but I submitted my 2 shows and then my director gave me the good news. I can't wait to get it.

You mentioned an open house? What is that and what do you do?

Well, whatever I did sure didn't work...so I wouldn't listen to me for tips on Open Houses. I'm going to look for/start another tag about successful open houses in just a minute...look for other's answers on that... :)
  • #11
Open House
PamperYourKitchen said:
Came home from work today, and low and behold...THERE IT WAS!!! ...and it's HUGE!! Just in time for my Open House tonight... (but we're in the middle of tornado/severe storms, so no show!! It's on again for Saturday- I planned two sessions...oh well, got a clean house and great practice cooking!!)
Anyone else pleasantly surprised?!?
I'm sorry this doesn't have to do with the table clothe. I am new with PC and to this site. Can you tell me what you do for an open house? I need to do something to make my June goal, but I'm not sure what an open house entails. Thanks.
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  • #12
I wouldn't look to me for answers on Open Houses...mine, unfortunatly, was not successful. Yes, it may have been in part that one of the days I scheduled it, there were tonadoes :-D, but I'm sure it was for other reasons, as well. Do a search for 'Open Houses' and I'm sure you'll find TONS of resources on them here...and if not, just start a new thread with your questions!!
  • #13
I just did an Open House last Monday...didnt know if a Monday would work out but tried it anyway. I had it with a few others ex: Home Interior, Tastefully Simple, Stampin Up etc. We got together and did a mailing list sending out 400 invitations (flyers). It was called a "Round Robin Open House" from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Since it was a round robin this made all customers have to go to everyones booth to check out their products...then if they had been to all booths (Had to carry a paper around to get all our stamps on it..they got to put it in a drawing for the grand prize!) Then it was up to each individual what we wanted for our drawing..mine was a Mystery Hostess drawing. We ended up having about 100 people. I had $800 + in sales which wasnt bad, considering they had about 11 booths to choose from to spend their money. This was my most successful Open House as have had them in the past with not much response...not sure why was so well attended this time but am definately doing again!
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  • #14
WOW! That sounds pretty successful to me!! Great idea! You might post that somewhere else besides under the tablecloth thread so more people can see that idea!
  • #15
I Love It!!I, too, earned the tablecloth, and I absolutely loved it. My husband was even surprised. It fits my dining room table perfectly. I can't wait to start using it at my June shows. Promotes summer very well. I love the PC. :rolleyes:

Related to A Pleasant Surprise - Celebrating with an Open House (Postponed!)

1. What is an open house?

An open house is a social event where guests are invited to view and purchase products from Pampered Chef in a casual and relaxed setting. It's a great opportunity to try out new products, learn about their uses, and ask questions to a Pampered Chef consultant.

2. Why was the open house postponed?

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the open house has been postponed to a later date. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we will notify everyone as soon as a new date is scheduled.

3. Can I bring a friend to the open house?

Of course! The more the merrier. Feel free to invite your friends, family, and anyone else who may be interested in learning about Pampered Chef products.

4. Will there be food at the open house?

Yes, there will be delicious food samples prepared using Pampered Chef products. It's a great opportunity to taste and see the products in action.

5. Do I need to RSVP for the open house?

While RSVPs are not required, they are greatly appreciated. This helps us prepare enough food and materials for all attendees. You can RSVP by contacting your Pampered Chef consultant or through the event invitation on our website.

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