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Who's Ready to Be a Future Director? Recruiting Success!

In summary, Marg and Becky have both successfully recruited two new members to their team, and Marg is now aiming to achieve directorship.
I signed my 2nd recruit this weekend!
Awesome !!Way to go !! Lucky you !! I have been with PC over a year and iam not there yet !! I get one ,lose one ,get one, lose one ! LOL !! Someday !!! Congrats !!
Marg said:
I signed my 2nd recruit this weekend!
Congratulations!!! That's very exciting. What a great reward for a solid business....isn't it wonderful when others see how great this opportunity is and take advantage of it?! I truly believe it changes lives. I know it changed mine. People who don't believe that it can change lives should read Doris Christopher's book. What an impact. I wish you lots of success as you continue to build your team! :)
Tips?Congratulations Marg! That's fantastic - any tips for the rest of us? I have recurited one (my cousin), and had the interest of another....wasn't a good time in her life for her though...
It must be in the air. I am signing my second recruit tomorrow night. She was supposed to sign 2 weeks ago but due to her job had to reschedule. I guess I will be able to change my title to future director as well. I guess. Or how does that work.
Once her agreement is received by the home office and they process it, you're considered a future director!! I thought the two recruits had to qualify first, but they don't. To become a director, all 5 have to qualify first and you sign a director agreement, then it's official. I signed my 5th recruit the other day, so now I'm just waiting for them all to qualify (2 down, 3 to go!), then I'll be official.

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  • #7
That's awesome, Becky! I thought the two recruits had to qualify first as well! Both of their agreements have been processed, so I guess I can call myself future director!My first recruit was a former consultant. She was bitching about her job one day and I said, really only jokingly, have you ever thought about giving PC another try?
She said that yes, it was always in the back of her mind. And I had that special agreement from Conference (you CDN gals know about that), so it was only $90. Well, she thought about it for a day and called me back and I drove down to her work and she signed.
My second recruit is my mum. :) And no, she doesn't live with me, so it's allowed. She has a lot of friends who I get outside orders from pretty frequently. I gave mum a flyer about the $90 Starter Kit special for August to take to work with her. We got to talking about it and she said, why don't I get the kit, you can put through the outside orders from my friends through under me. I don't think my mum will do many kitchen shows, she's more a catalogue show kinda person. But I don't think there will be any problems with her staying active. :)
Stephanie, remember at that recruiting thing we went to in Barrie? When Janice was talking about seeing signs that would make someone a good prospect? She talked about the host that has everything co-ordinated, great decor etc. When she said that, I got an immediate visual of my aunt. I don't know why I didn't think of her before. She is very creative, loves to cook, whenever we have dinner over there, she gives the table such an artistic look. So I briefly chatted about it with her today and she's giving it some serious thought. So definitely do not prejudge anyone!
Thumbs up!Congrats to everyone who is moving up in PC!!! It is so exciting to share the opportunity! I too am trying to work my way up to directorship. Good Luck Becky on your 5th recruit and Marg, you've got 3 to go!!! :D :D
kitchenqueen said:
Congrats to everyone who is moving up in PC!!! It is so exciting to share the opportunity! I too am trying to work my way up to directorship. Good Luck Becky on your 5th recruit and Marg, you've got 3 to go!!! :D :D
Thank you!! :D
  • #10
Congratulations to both Marg and Becky!!!!

Marg, I am so excited for you...gotta love that raise!
Becky--I'm am shooting for directorship also. I am so excited to hear that you will be a director soon! Will you be walking at Leadership? Maybe we'll be walking together!!!!!

I just signed my 3rd tonight---wooooohooooo! I'm hoping to become a director by November 1st--that's my goal. The recruit tonight was on the fence for about 2 months. She was worried so much about scheduling the time between her full time job and two young kids. I am doing a kick-off show for her, and I am setting up her "Everything" binder and quick-start kit to help her get organized. That seemed to ease her mind.

Good luck for everyone who is working their way up in the company--it's so exciting, isn't it!!!!? :D
  • #11
I'm hoping to walk at Leadership. If it's looking like I will then that'll be the final push to make me decide to go. I'm still undecided about going, but probably will. If it's anything like conference (which I'm SURE it is) then I can't pass that up! :D That would be cool if we're walking together! My goal is to promote by November 1st too. I really would love that watch insert for my charm bracelet! The little incentives really motivate me!
  • #12
Well, I'm definately going, either way :) So, whether I walk or not, I'll be there to cheer for you...LOUDLY!

From what I hear, it's not as "excitement filled" as National, but more business-like. However, you are surrounded by the best of the best, so to speak. So, I'm looking forward to it!

Let's ALL walk together! How great would that be!!!!

Related to Who's Ready to Be a Future Director? Recruiting Success!

What is "Future Director, Here I Come!"?

"Future Director, Here I Come!" is a program offered by Pampered Chef that helps consultants on their journey to becoming a Director within the company. It provides resources, tools, and support to help consultants reach their goals and grow their business.

Who can participate in "Future Director, Here I Come!"?

The program is available to all active Pampered Chef consultants who have the goal of becoming a Director within the company. It is open to consultants at any level, whether they are just starting out or have been with the company for a while.

What are the benefits of participating in "Future Director, Here I Come!"?

By participating in the program, consultants will have access to exclusive training materials, personalized coaching and support, and the opportunity to connect with other consultants striving for the same goal. It also provides a clear path and structure for consultants to reach Director status within the company.

How do I join "Future Director, Here I Come!"?

Consultants can join the program by expressing their interest to their team leader or reaching out to the Pampered Chef support team. They will then be provided with the necessary materials and resources to get started on their journey.

Is there a cost to participate in "Future Director, Here I Come!"?

There is no cost to join the program. It is a free resource provided by Pampered Chef to support and empower consultants on their path to becoming a Director within the company.

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