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Why attend the National Conference for Pampered Chef?

In summary, the conversation discusses the benefits of attending the National Conference, including the value of training, excitement, building friendships, potential savings, and receiving goodies. The financial benefits are also mentioned, as well as the opportunity to learn life lessons and strike up conversations with strangers. The conversation ends with an agreement that the National Conference is a valuable and energizing experience.
Staff member
If you're on the fence about going to National Conference, I'd like to help you get off that fence. After all, fence-sitting is an uncomfortable position to be in.First, there's the training. Yes, the HO will be sharing the basics of the training with everyone on CC. However, I've noticed that much of what I get from any training event comes from give and take with the participants. They ask questions that lead to insight. They share fantastic ideas with one another. Even the discussion afterward as we're heading to the next activity or as we're riding in elevators at the hotel can be full of business-building information. Next, there's the excitement. I've been a consultant for over 11 years. I must admit that there are times when I'm not quite as excited about my PC business as I was in the beginning. I inevitably come back from NC excited and ready to get to work. There are the friendships. I've made some good friends at NC and solidified some CS friendships as well. It's also a great time to draw closer to your team members if you're traveling together.There are the savings. Merrill is there with logo products. Often they have deals going on, but at the very least you save shipping. They've also brought back the surprise packs. You buy a box of discontinued PC products for a set amount of money. The catch is that they're all in a box, so you don't have any idea what you're getting. That's when the fun begins. People open their boxes and start trading. This is a great way to get stuff you want to keep and stuff you want to give as gifts, and stuff you can donate to charity auctions. There has often been an opportunity to purchase catalogs and mini-catalogs as well--sometimes at a discount, but always saving shipping costs.There are the goodies. I've usually come home with new products, mini-catalogs, and fun stuff. With this being a big anniversary year, I'm betting the haul will be substantial. Those are the ones that immediately come to mind. NC veterans, do you have anything more to add?If you are still undecided, do you have any questions?
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Oh, and if you're wondering about whether it's a good financial decision, The Furry Guy and I have run the numbers several times. My business always gets a boost in the months just after NC. I can't remember a year when I didn't increase enough in the few months after NC to make up for the monies spent. Add to that the boost that I usually get leading up to NC when I'm pushing extra hard to get ready for NC, and it's a definite win when it comes to the financials.
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Oh, and I completely forgot about the unveiling. If you've never been in a room filled with thousands of people all oohing and ahing over Pampered Chef products, you have no idea what you're missing. It is amazing.
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Another thing came to mind today that I almost always get from NC--life lessons. I meet people who share recipes, money-saving tips, time-saving tips, healthy living suggestions. You never know where a conversation might lead.Speaking of which, if you're a little more quiet than I (which, if you are like 98.7% of the population of the United States, you are), you might feel a bit uneasy about striking up conversations with strangers. If so, jot a few opening questions on some index cards and carry them with you. When you find yourself waiting in a line (which will happen a lot) or sitting near someone you don't know, pull out your questions and ask away. Tell them you were instructed to do this. After all, you have been. I just instructed you to do just that.
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This is a post from last year, but the points are still valid.
I agree with Rae. it's just very energizing and tons of fun.
I wish I could go. I'm glad they brought NC back!!

Related to Why attend the National Conference for Pampered Chef?

1. Why should I attend National Conference?

Attending National Conference is a great opportunity to learn new skills, network with other consultants, and get motivated and inspired by the top leaders in the company. It is also a chance to see new product launches and get the latest updates on the company.

2. Will attending National Conference help me grow my business?

Absolutely! National Conference offers valuable training sessions and workshops that can help you improve your sales, marketing, and business strategies. You will also have the chance to hear success stories from other consultants and gain new ideas to implement in your business.

3. What can I expect at National Conference?

At National Conference, you can expect a fun and energetic atmosphere with lots of learning opportunities, product demonstrations, and networking events. You will also have access to top executives and leaders in the company, as well as the chance to attend workshops and training sessions.

4. Is National Conference only for top-performing consultants?

No, National Conference is open to all consultants regardless of their level or experience. It is a great opportunity for new consultants to learn from more experienced ones and for all consultants to network and gain new insights and ideas for their business.

5. How do I register for National Conference?

You can register for National Conference through the Pampered Chef website or by contacting your team leader. Make sure to register early as spots tend to fill up quickly. There is also an early bird discount for those who register by a certain date.

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