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Handling a Meanie Head After a Show

I would be sorry to see her go, but I would not apologize for the way things went and would not offer her anything. Apologize for my negligence and say you will do better next time.
Gold Member
So I'm at my show last night... the invitations I use invite guests to do sort of a scavanger hunt and get tickets for door prizes.... well after the 4th guest arrived and I gave her her tickets, I ran out! I decided to do the door prizes a different way.....

Show was going well, first guest to walk in the door books a show and I spent an hour after the show with a recruit lead who is excited about joining.

BUT.... this woman gets really really mad that I ran out of tickets and did the giveaways a different way. She was a guest at the show this show was booked from and she was a meanie head there too, but what she did floored me. I had to hold the bottom of my chair to keep myself from standing up and confronting her. She got mad that I wanted to clean up my table cloth and pack up while she was chitt chatting. I asked nicely. Then she threw yes threw her check at me with out so much as a single word. Then she goes over and says to the host and past host what a horrible consultant I am because I should have known better to get more tickets and that she is going to tell the person who booked NOT to have a party with me because I can't do my job. "I'm over Pampered Chef's crappy stuff and I'm over this terrible consultant."

The past host and current host and I were sitting at the dining room table and they were talking about how silly it was that she got all mad over not winning a silly little door prize. I told them that I was really offended as this is my business and I take it very seriously. They told me not to worry about it and nothing makes that woman happy (clearly).... so here's what I'm going to do... I don't really care about losing this customer, however, I think I'm going to write her a note and attach it to her reciept, appologizing for my negligence to do my job and give her a free rub or something small with her order.

Is that appropriate or snarky? How would you handle it?
Wow. Why in the world did she go to either party?! She even purchased stuff? I think you're idea of a letter and a free something small is appropriate. I would be sure to let her know you take your business very seriously and you are always wanting to improve, etc. You could end it with something like "just went to the Dollar Store this morning and picked up 1000 tickets. You can be sure I won't run out next time!" Then tell her to take a hike! (well, maybe not, but you can think it!).
When you work your business with integrity and acknowledge when you messed up (not like it was a big deal though), you will be remembered for it in a positive way.
A rub is too expensive. Do something less. How much do you spend on your door prizes? A SB is fine, esp. since she said she's done with PC (lucky you!!!!) so likely won't remain a customer. I know it's hard to take and to let it go, but people like that clearly are unhappy in their lives. She just took it out on you. It was good to talk with the host and past host to get their perspective. Have you confirmed your show with the booking you got? Make sure you do so those nasty remarks aren't sticking in her head.
Becca_in_MD said:
A rub is too expensive. Do something less. How much do you spend on your door prizes? A SB is fine, esp. since she said she's done with PC (lucky you!!!!) so likely won't remain a customer. I know it's hard to take and to let it go, but people like that clearly are unhappy in their lives. She just took it out on you. It was good to talk with the host and past host to get their perspective. Have you confirmed your show with the booking you got? Make sure you do so those nasty remarks aren't sticking in her head.

I agree with this. People LOVE SB..so I would just do that and call it good.
I have to disagree. You do not need to apologize to Ms. Meanie nor reward her for being so nasty. Don't feed into her negativity. Ignore her! Instead, attach a note to the potential's paperwork saying you're looking forward to working with her as she builds her business. Concentrate on the ones who appreciate you and how you conduct your biz.
I would be the better person and send her a note and a SB. That is a very professional way of putting her in her place.
chefa said:
I have to disagree. You do not need to apologize to Ms. Meanie nor reward her for being so nasty. Don't feed into her negativity. Ignore her! Instead, attach a note to the potential's paperwork saying you're looking forward to working with her as she builds her business. Concentrate on the ones who appreciate you and how you conduct your biz.

I have to agree!
I'm in the minority here. You do not have to apologize and if you don't feel you did anything negligent at your shows you definitely shouldn't admit to doing so just to appease her. And I certainly wouldn't reward her behavior with a gift! You are only reinforcing the attitude and teaching her that if she throws a big enough fit people will give her freebies.I have a Mother-in-law who is NEVER freaking satisfied with anything. She complains in every store, every restaurant, etc. We were at a group dinner one night and she complained so much that my friends vowed to never go eat with her in public again. 5 years later they still won't go if she's going. MIL is THAT bad. The night of the group dinner, MIL complained to the Manager about the waitress. I had to go track down the Manager and the waitress & clarify that everyone else at the table was perfectly happy with the waitress and her performance and that MIL is just one of those people who can never be satisfied. The waitress was so happy, she actually started crying and the Manager thanked me for clarifying that. He had never received a complaint on this particular waitress & was baffled until I spoke with him. Now that I'm back in the states & living in the same town with MIL, I've had to sit down & lay out some boundaries. One example: she had my children while I was on the Toronto trip and took my daughter for a haircut without my knowledge or permission because she thought it would be fun to "have a spa day"! They butchered her bangs!!! :( Sometimes you just have to put your foot down, say enough is ENOUGH and not let people run over you.Bless & release. That's my 2 cents of advice ~ for what it's worth. ;)
Sheila said:
I'm in the minority here. You do not have to apologize and if you don't feel you did anything negligent at your shows you definitely shouldn't admit to doing so just to appease her. And I certainly wouldn't reward her behavior with a gift! You are only reinforcing the attitude and teaching her that if she throws a big enough fit people will give her freebies.

I agree. I wouldn't apologize for something you didn't do and which is clearly HER problem, and I certainly wouldn't reward her behavior. Otherwise, she'll show up at your NEXT show and do it all over again and expect you to reward her again. ;) I agree with Sheila on this one (and a few others)... I don't give my kids candy when they throw a tantrum, I wouldn't give her anything more than a 'Thank you for your business'.
  • #10
Getting rewarded for bad behavior doesn't sound like a good plan with kids or adults!
  • #11
i wouldn't apologize either! like someone said earlier, don't reward bad behavior - it will just make her worse the next time around.
  • #12
I have to agree with all of those who say to not reward bad behavior. I know people like that who throw temper tantrums to manipulate, and see what they can get out of it. She's probably the same type of person who complains at restaurants in order to get a free meal, and complains at stores about miniscule or microscopic flaws to get deep discounts. It sounds like it's a lifestyle for her, and everyone in attendance already knows that and doesn't give her credence anyway. Wonder why she gets invited to the parties?

I'd just hope and pray she doesn't attend the next party also. :p
  • #13
ShellBeach said:
Getting rewarded for bad behavior doesn't sound like a good plan with kids or adults!

I agree with this...just let it go and focus on the potential recruit and your business
  • #14
Since you've already "lost a customer" I would say writing a heartfelt letter (not neccesarily an apology) letting her know how she offended you and telling her that you work very hard at your job and you didn't agree with her disrespect.
Be polite though. And do NOT send her anything for free. She doesn't deserve it.
  • #15
I think sending her any additional communication is playing to her and I say don't do it. Bless and release and put it behind you.
  • #16
Just to add, it sounds like anyone who knows her, knows not to take what she says to heart. So if she does complain about you to someone, I wouldn't be too concerned.
  • #17
I would not apologize and I'd lose her contact info if I were you.
  • #18
Hey, on 2nd thought ... send her a BIG metal chicken! (http://thebloggess.com/2011/06/and-thats-why-you-should-learn-to-pick-your-battles/) Bwahaha!!! Who wouldn't want one of THOSE as a doorprize? (I know, technically it's a rooster, but not according to the blogger.)
  • #19
Sheila said:
Hey, on 2nd thought ... send her a BIG metal chicken! (http://thebloggess.com/2011/06/and-thats-why-you-should-learn-to-pick-your-battles/)

Bwahaha!!! Who wouldn't want one of THOSE as a doorprize? (I know, technically it's a rooster, but not according to the blogger.)

YYYEEESSSS!!! :thumbup::thumbup: *LOL* That would be poetic justice ;)
  • #20
Sheila said:
Hey, on 2nd thought ... send her a BIG metal chicken! (http://thebloggess.com/2011/06/and-thats-why-you-should-learn-to-pick-your-battles/)

Bwahaha!!! Who wouldn't want one of THOSE as a doorprize? (I know, technically it's a rooster, but not according to the blogger.)

I just laughed ALL THE WAY through that post! Hilarious!
  • #21
I've had it up for DAYS so that I can laugh multiple times each day. It's good for the soul! :D
  • #22
Now that chicken thing is funny. FUNNY! My dd is checking on me to see what I'm laughing about.
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Sheila said:
Hey, on 2nd thought ... send her a BIG metal chicken! (http://thebloggess.com/2011/06/and-thats-why-you-should-learn-to-pick-your-battles/)

Bwahaha!!! Who wouldn't want one of THOSE as a doorprize? (I know, technically it's a rooster, but not according to the blogger.)

Ha Ha! I should do that! It would be worth the money just to see the look on her face!

Thanks for all the advice everyone! Glad to know I have buddies I know I can count on in any situation!
  • #24
Laughed when I read it yesterday. Laughed again today. The Furry Guy even laughed with sound, meaning he was literally LOL! :D

Oh, and his comment when he saw the picture? "Cool. It's rebar, metal sheeting . . ." I think he may be considering making one. ;)
  • #25
You will definitely need to post a photo if he makes one!!!
  • #26
Please do not give this woman one more thing!! She doesn't deserve it. If you like, write her a thank you note for the host to put in her bag when she comes to pick up her order and make sure there are 20 tickets taped to the note! She wanted a ticket??? Now she has 20 of em! (I'm a smarty pants..you'll hafta forgive me ;-)
  • #27
Sheila, I reminded The Furry Guy that he didn't need to add anything else to his list of things to do. If he finds one at a rummage/auction/roadside stand for $20, I'm sure it will soon be in our yard. :D
  • #28
Kisha1210 said:
Please do not give this woman one more thing!! She doesn't deserve it. If you like, write her a thank you note for the host to put in her bag when she comes to pick up her order and make sure there are 20 tickets taped to the note! She wanted a ticket??? Now she has 20 of em! (I'm a smarty pants..you'll hafta forgive me ;-)

Ha! I like this idea. Let her know she can use them at the next party :)
  • #29
Ha! I like this idea. Let her know she can use them at the next party

Bwahahaha! Wouldn't it kill someone like that to know that she has the tickets but she's already been a crab and sworn off all your parties? OMG! And then when she doesn't show up, be sure to have the first ticket drawn be hers! "Oh, sorry you were so crabby with me and swore off PC parties. I gave away a DCB at that party and YOUR number was drawn. Too bad that you weren't there!" I am so spiteful to crabby people sometimes, I just might have to do that, if it were me. If nothing else, you can dream about it!
  • #30
You shouldn't apologize or give her anything, it is just rewarding bad behavior. I would send her the metal chicken though!
  • #31
Sheila said:
Hey, on 2nd thought ... send her a BIG metal chicken! (http://thebloggess.com/2011/06/and-thats-why-you-should-learn-to-pick-your-battles/)

Bwahaha!!! Who wouldn't want one of THOSE as a doorprize? (I know, technically it's a rooster, but not according to the blogger.)

Haha! Freaking awesome!!!
  • #32
chefa said:
I have to disagree. You do not need to apologize to Ms. Meanie nor reward her for being so nasty. Don't feed into her negativity. Ignore her! Instead, attach a note to the potential's paperwork saying you're looking forward to working with her as she builds her business. Concentrate on the ones who appreciate you and how you conduct your biz.

I agree 100%!! I have had a host like that. Nothing made her happy, she was constantly giving me a hard time & turning around what I said. She still owes me money, bc she said I was tryin 2 scam her out of money!! I think everybody runs into one like that sooner or later. She turned her whole family against me & they had hosted parties before her without any problems!! I will never bother with that bunch again!!

Related to Handling a Meanie Head After a Show

1. What should I do if a guest gets upset about not receiving enough tickets for door prizes?

If a guest gets upset about not receiving enough tickets for door prizes, it's important to remain calm and professional. Apologize for the inconvenience and explain that you ran out of tickets, but still wanted to give everyone a chance to win. You can also offer them a consolation prize or a chance to enter a different drawing.

2. How should I handle a difficult or rude guest at a show?

When dealing with a difficult or rude guest at a show, it's important to remain calm and professional. Try to diffuse the situation by listening to their concerns and addressing them calmly. If necessary, you can also involve the host or another guest to help mediate the situation.

3. Is it appropriate to confront a rude guest at a show?

No, it is not appropriate to confront a rude guest at a show. Confrontation can escalate the situation and make things more uncomfortable for everyone involved. It's best to address the issue calmly and professionally, and try to find a resolution.

4. Should I apologize to a guest if they are upset about something at a show?

Yes, it is always appropriate to apologize to a guest if they are upset about something at a show. Even if the issue was out of your control, it's important to show empathy and apologize for any inconvenience or disappointment they may have experienced.

5. How can I make amends with a guest who had a negative experience at a show?

If a guest had a negative experience at a show, you can make amends by apologizing, offering a small gift or discount on their next purchase, and ensuring them that their feedback will be taken into consideration for future shows. It's important to show that you value their satisfaction and are willing to make things right.

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