I came across this seller on Ebay, I just don't understand why it hasn't been shut down.
If you look at her other items it is all brand new pc stuff, and obviously she is selling those cookbooks under the guest special. I tried to list an extra PC product I had on hand, not knowing at the time it was a no-no, and it was pulled in one day. This person is a power seller and has sold over 1200 items, and it's ok???? :grumpy: I don't get it.
If you look at her other items it is all brand new pc stuff, and obviously she is selling those cookbooks under the guest special. I tried to list an extra PC product I had on hand, not knowing at the time it was a no-no, and it was pulled in one day. This person is a power seller and has sold over 1200 items, and it's ok???? :grumpy: I don't get it.