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Thinking About Joining Pampered Chef....

In summary, the conversation is about a loyal customer of PC who is trying to get in touch with her favorite PC Consultant who moved away. She is interested in getting involved with PC and has some questions about the requirements, such as attending staff or training meetings, turning in a certain sales amount or number of kitchen shows, and recruiting people for PC. The other participants in the conversation share that cluster meetings are held monthly and are a great way to learn, get recognized, and stay motivated in their business.
I have been a loyal customer of PC for 10 years. I have always had so much fun doing the kitchen shows. I have a favorite PC Consultant who just moved away. I am trying to get in touch with her but haven't been able to at the moment. I use to work for her as her organizer while she did Pampered Chef. I use to make host packets for her, enter shows into the computer,etc. I told her that if I ever wanted to get involved with PC I would let her know. I have some questions though. I am married, with no children. I am very active in my congregation, so I am only looking for part-time work. I am not looking to get rich off of PC. I just looking to make some money on my own time.

1. Are you required to attend staff or training meetings each week or each
2. Are you required to turn in a certain sales amount ($$) each month or a
certain number of kitchen shows (4) each month?
3. Am I required to recruit people for PC?

Anything anyone else would like to share with me please feel free to do so.
Sincerely, TriciaAnn
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Good Luck finding your consultant. It is honorable that you are working so hard to find her. I know she will appreciate it!

We do have cluster meetings that will be put on by your Director. Required?? Well, PC won't kick you out if you do not go however, they will only help your business never hurt it. It is a great way to learn, get recognized for your accomplishments and stay motivated.

After your first 4 shows are submitted, you are at your own pace. To stay "active" you must submit $200.00 in any two month period.

Recruiting will only help you. No, you are not "required", however, this is an amazing opportunity for so many and why would you not want to help them get started with something that could change their life?? You do not have to seek out potentials but I would recommend that you always help those that approach you.

I hope this helps some.

TriciaAnn said:
I have been a loyal customer of PC for 10 years. I have always had so much fun doing the kitchen shows. I have a favorite PC Consultant who just moved away. I am trying to get in touch with her but haven't been able to at the moment. I use to work for her as her organizer while she did Pampered Chef. I use to make host packets for her, enter shows into the computer,etc. I told her that if I ever wanted to get involved with PC I would let her know. I have some questions though. I am married, with no children. I am very active in my congregation, so I am only looking for part-time work. I am not looking to get rich off of PC. I just looking to make some money on my own time.

1. Are you required to attend staff or training meetings each week or each
2. Are you required to turn in a certain sales amount ($$) each month or a
certain number of kitchen shows (4) each month?
3. Am I required to recruit people for PC?

Anything anyone else would like to share with me please feel free to do so.
Sincerely, TriciaAnn
  • Thread starter
  • #3
How often are cluster meetings? Thanks so much for all your honest answers. I really appreciate them.
Cluster meetings are usually held once a month. The one I attend is always on the second Saturday of the month. This time of year however I do not go to many due to football games and kid activities. They really give you great boosts to your business. I always get motivated when I go and come home very excited about my business. Any other questions? :D
:) generally cluster meetings are monthly, mine are anyway...they are a lot of fun and you learn neat tips from each other...I like to look at it as the real-life version of this website, we all kind of tell each other new things we learned and effective/not so effective things. You also tend to get lots of recognition for the things you accomplish so it kind of makes you feel good about yourself as u now know that there are people who are proud of you for a job well done. once you get a hold of the person you are looking for, ask who her director is and about where and when her clusters are normally held. Mine are the 2nd monday of every month at a church hall. I wish you the best of luck and I know you will do very well with The Pampered Chef...you've already helped yourself just by coming here...I love this place and don't know what I would do with out the help of all these wonderful consultants ( and future consultants)!!!!!! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Thanks for the feedback !!I love this web-site. It is a great help to me in deciding whether to join PC or not.
TriciaAnn said:
I have a favorite PC Consultant who just moved away. I am trying to get in touch with her but haven't been able to at the moment.

Are you having trouble locating her? Maybe the home office could help you find her. Good luck.:) I hope this helped.
I think it's great your considering becoming a consultant. It's such a great company!! And everyone on this website is very helpful, so feel free to post your questions.

Nope, as you heard there is no recruiting requirement. It's funny, I got into this thinking I'd try it for awhile, get some free products and a paycheck and probably not get into it. I told myself I'd never focus on getting tons of bookings and I'd just do a little bit just to get by. Well, things have changed and 2 1/2 years later I'm hopefully about to become a director. I've gotten SO MUCH MORE out of this than I ever anticipated. I never in a million years thought I'd want to recruit and build my own team. But as I realized what a difference PC has made in my life, I was so excited to share the opportunity with others. That's why I get so excited when I hear someone is contemplating becoming a consultant. It's the best job! It's taught me skills I didn't know I had and I would expect that MOST people find things out about themselves they didn't know.

So, good luck as you make your decision. Hopefully if you locate your consultant, she'll fill you in on the current new consultant promotion and all the great things you can expect to earn for free!! If you need any more help weighing the pros and cons, just post stuff here or feel free to email me if you want to. Have a great time learning all about Pampered Chef!! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Will Pampered Chef take up too much of my time????I appreciate your comments. My biggest concern in starting with PC is that I want to keep it a part-time job. I don't mind recruiting or even going to a cluster meeting once a month. But I have a life and other important things going on. I am a very friendly person. I get a long well with people. I don't have any major concerns about being a PC consultant. I just want to do my research and find out what it all involves before signing up. I'm not someone who wants to sign up and then drop it all a few months later. My biggest concern is if it will take up too much time in my schedule. I am an extremely organized person. That's one reason I think I would do well with PC. Plus having worked in the past as an organizer for a PC consultant gave me a "behind the scences" look at the responsibiblities of a PC consultant. I'm just still wondering about how much time I would have to dedicate to PC. My thoughts about the kitchen shows, is that I wouldn't mind doing no more than 1 a week. That doesn't seem like too much time. But I know there's paperwork involved and transmitting orders in to the main office. Well, if anyone has any comments, throw them at me, gently......
  • #10
The Best Thing about PCis that it is your business and you run it the way you want to ! I have two children 2 and 5 . I am a stay at home mom,my day is full with the kids ! I average one show a week. There is not really any paper work , it is all done on the computer , which is simple. I have my 5 year old help me out once a month stuffing host packets and guest folders. I put together all my folders a month in advance , to save me time, I have 11 folders put together for October, i have a couple ready for November to. That way when i get a booking , my folder is ready to give to the host. When i get back form a show i refill the guest folders with order forms, so they are all ready for the next show. I like to really be oganized as well ! Over all there is not much time involved in doing all of that. I set aside a hour twice a week to make phone calls to potential hosts , follow up calls , ect. I have been with Pc for over a year and really like it ! Iam glad I did it ! When i signed i was only going to do 4 shows get my free stuff and be done, but I really liked it and still had more shows booked so i had to do them. Iam still going strong , iam acually looking to kick this up a notch ! I see a fellow consultant in my clusters pay checks and keep thinking what i could do with $2300.00 a month!!! Any ways.. you are looking into a GREAT company who takes real good care of its consultants !! You will love it !! Good Luck !!! :D
  • #11
Hi, Tricia Ann!

Welcome to Chef Success! It looks as tho' you're getting lots of good feedback about PC and hope you'll consider joining us!

I usually tell my prospective consultants to expect to spend about 4 hours per show, which includes time at the show and time for host coaching and closing paperwork before and after. It's a pretty good rule of thumb to go by and if you want to add time per week for making customer service calls, 1 hour a week (or 5 calls a day) should cover you.

I know you're anxious about "sticking to your decision" and not throwing in the towel once you've decided to join. I'm very much the same way and so I gave myself a year to decide whether or not this was for me and that was 5 years ago! :D But the beauty of this business is that it is truly a "try me" opportunity...we don't ask for a lifelong (or a year long, for that matter) commitment. As long as you fulfill the requirements of the consultant agreement, you have can walk away without regret, because you made the decision to give it a try. The only regret you could have would be not to try!

We hope you'll make the decision to join us! Let us know if you have any other questions that we can help you with.

  • #12
Welcome to the site!
I know that time is a concern for most new consultants. Many of us got started either to supplement our full time job, or find a way to make some money without taking away time from our family. This business can fit into any schedule!

Personally, I put 5 hours into every kitchen show. That includes 30 minutes of emails or host coaching calls before the show, and making sure I have everything for the show together, 1 hour pre-show setup time, 2 hours of show presentation, 1 hour of closing the show/taking orders/driving home/doing my dishes, and 30 minutes for submitting the show, following up with my host, and following up with my guests.

Outside of the show, I set up 1 hour a day to do "just Pampered Chef". That is the hour where I am making my host coaching calls, customer care calls, making copies, submit shows, etc. So, to break down my week, I have one hour each day that I do "just Pampered Chef", and I'm at my host's homes for Kitchen Shows for 3 hours. Does that make sense? :)

This business can take much more time if you let it. But if you are organized, you can control the time you put into it. Set aside one hour a day for Pampered Chef time, and set up certain days that you want to have shows. Control your schedule, and control your day. That way, you won't feel consumed by Pampered Chef. Many beginning consultants feel overwhelmed by starting a new business, but if you take one step at a time, working one hour a day, you will build your business in no time!

We're here to help!
  • #13
How much time you spend on your business really does depend on you. A show takes about 4-5 hours of your time. 1 hour total for the host coaching and planning, 2 hours to set up, demo and take orders, 1/2 - 1 hour average for travel and 1/2 hour to close and submit the show. You can also do the planning and setting up of several shows at once to save time.

Making set office hours every week to set up packets and make calls is a very important time saver.

Here's what I suggest:

1. Finish your research here and at the PC main web site <www.pamperedchef.com> but don't get frozen in the planning mode. ;)
2. When you're ready, submit your agreement with PC. You only need your recruiter's name and consultant # and 6 dates that you would like to do shows in the next month or so.
3. While waiting for your kit to arrive, set your goals and start filling your calendar for the next 2 months. It's wise to put in a couple extra shows or at least some catalog shows in case life happens and the host needs to reschedule. Be sure to include training and office time on your calendar.
4. When the kit arrives, READ the Recipe for Success and organize your supplies. Be sure to put your name and contact information on everything.
5. Choose your family menus from Pampered Chef recipes. You get to practice at the same time and spend no extra time on it. And the ingredients are deductable.
6. Have fun! Remember that our job is a party that we get paid to be at!

I also suggest that you start with your own kitchen show to announce your business. Do it about 10 days after ordering the kit so you have time to organize before the party. I also suggest starting at least one catalog show as soon as you order the kit - your recruiter can get you the catalogs and host planner and a co-worker or friend will do that for you. That's your first 2 shows! - half way to qualifying!!
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  • Thread starter
  • #14
I am so encouraged by you all !!!!All the comments and replies have been so helpful and insightful. I am feeling really good about this. I have saved many PC files off of this web-site. I guess you could say that I have been educating myself.
Thanks !!!!!! ;) ;)

Related to Thinking About Joining Pampered Chef....

What are the benefits of joining Pampered Chef?

Joining Pampered Chef offers a variety of benefits, including flexible work hours, the opportunity to work from home, the ability to earn free products and trips, and the chance to build your own business and earn income. You will also have access to training and support from experienced consultants and the company itself.

How much does it cost to join Pampered Chef?

The cost to join Pampered Chef is $99, which includes a starter kit with over $450 worth of products, training materials, and business supplies. There are also optional upgrade packages available for an additional cost.

Do I need to have previous sales experience to join Pampered Chef?

No, you do not need to have previous sales experience to join Pampered Chef. The company provides training and support to all consultants, and many successful consultants had no prior sales experience before joining.

What is the earning potential as a Pampered Chef consultant?

The earning potential as a Pampered Chef consultant is limitless. Your income will depend on your sales, team building, and dedication to your business. Many consultants have been able to achieve full-time income with Pampered Chef.

Is there a monthly sales quota or requirement as a Pampered Chef consultant?

There is no monthly sales quota or requirement as a Pampered Chef consultant. You have the flexibility to work at your own pace and set your own goals. However, there are incentives and rewards for reaching certain sales levels and building a team, so it is encouraged to stay active and consistent in your business.

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