Before I send this email to my two recruits...let me know what you think.
Both of them need to turn in SOMETHING to stay active in October!!! Already one went inactive Sept 1st, and has now turned in a small order. They haven't qualified yet...and I really want them to know I am here to support, but not just be a cheerleader!
TIA!! I appreciate it!
Hey guys!
I really hope you are able to come to the meeting tonight!
It seems so long since we've had a meeting, so I'm really looking forward to this one tonight!
I want to challenge you to get TWO shows for October.
November is the Sell-a-thon...our awesome chance to get the Spring Products!!!!
Believe is so nice to have that free stuff...and show it to everyone...when I don't earn the free stuff, it seems overwhelming , so much new stuff that I don't have!
Without October shows....November is going to suffer. Two October shows will most likely turn into 2-4 November shows, or more!
~ Call those on your list of 100 - - if you just mention how wonderfully juicy, tasty and EASY the BBQ pork tenderloin is, people WILL want that Deep Covered Baker for 60% !! ! !
My host from Saturday was talking it up so much to her outside orderers - - she got TWO of them (outside orderers) to want OCTOBER shows!! AND...AT her show, I got ONE Catalog show and ONE Kitchen show for OCTOBER!!!
PLEASE, believe me when I say...People WANT THIS!!! But YOU have to let them know it's the special, and let them know what makes it so useful! Email them the recipe for the BBQ Pork Tend...I'll attach it.
~ Offer them a DOLLAR DAYS booking. This is where they get a product for the price of the day of the month. They book for October 15, they can get a $30 product for $15...basically this is another 1/2 price item for them. If they book for November 1st...they can get it for $1. (Obviously it works best for early month bookings) You choose how you want to do it...maybe you set the item as a $30 product, or a $20 product, you want early month bookings, so you can still fill the rest of the month at that show! Set a limit..."It must be a $400 show" or whatever you decide. When you enter the host's order in, she gets her free stuff, 1/2 price items, etc...and you put that incentive on under her Host Discount, so you aren't paying full price for it anyway, and the part you pay add it as "Consultant Gift" is tax deductible...Your commission on her $400 show is AT LEAST $80, so you are still ahead, and it got you a booking and most likely a couple bookings from that show. You also get commission on the host discounted items, so it's cheaper that way too.
~Call everyone you to everyone you can...Carry that PC coozie cup everywhere...Walmart/grocery store, may lead to a conversation with a stranger...I've heard before..."Ah excuse me, do you sell Pampered Chef? I want to order 2 Measure-All cups" or "I haven't had a show in years, I didn't know anyone who sells it" ...You don't have to say a word, you are a walking billboard!
~ Who were the four hosts you put down on your consultant agreement? Have you contacted them, and asked them if they'd be willing to help you get your business started, and they can get FREE Christmas presents?
~ Offer to get the ingredients for the dessert you make when they book an October show.
~ Put a signature on your emails...maybe add the Host Special for the month you want to book. Or say, "Like a little? Place an order. Like a lot? Book a show! Like it all? Become a consultant!!" or "You book it, I'll cook it" or "Invite the guest, and I'll do the rest" get the gist.
~ If you have any old Spring/Summer catalogs, print a mailing label that says something like "Call me for a NEW catalog with NEW products" stick it on front and leave it at a doctors office, or at the bank with the lady that always helps you, or your grocery store clerk, etc.
~ 3-2-1...this is the Home Office's challenge to us. 3 contact a day, 2 shows a week, 1 recruit a month. Doing this will get us a consistent business. Doing your job once a month, makes it hard and scary. Doing it once or twice a week, it becomes second nature. I started PC doing one show a month. Once I started becoming more consistent, I no longer get nervous. If I go several weeks, I get nervous again! Get the momentum rolling, and it will be a FUN RIDE!! Rollercoasters often start going UP a hill, very slow...then WaHOOO...down the hill, and the rest of the ride is fast and fun!! It's hard at first to get the ball rolling, but it will take off, and you'll have it where you want it.
Let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to help you. Let me know if you want to chat on the phone once a week, once a month, or never...
Please do this...Pick 2 of the eight ideas above, and implement them this week! Call or email me with the two you chose, and I'll call you at the end of the week to see how it went!
Both of them need to turn in SOMETHING to stay active in October!!! Already one went inactive Sept 1st, and has now turned in a small order. They haven't qualified yet...and I really want them to know I am here to support, but not just be a cheerleader!
TIA!! I appreciate it!
Hey guys!
I really hope you are able to come to the meeting tonight!
It seems so long since we've had a meeting, so I'm really looking forward to this one tonight!
I want to challenge you to get TWO shows for October.
November is the Sell-a-thon...our awesome chance to get the Spring Products!!!!
Believe is so nice to have that free stuff...and show it to everyone...when I don't earn the free stuff, it seems overwhelming , so much new stuff that I don't have!
Without October shows....November is going to suffer. Two October shows will most likely turn into 2-4 November shows, or more!
~ Call those on your list of 100 - - if you just mention how wonderfully juicy, tasty and EASY the BBQ pork tenderloin is, people WILL want that Deep Covered Baker for 60% !! ! !
My host from Saturday was talking it up so much to her outside orderers - - she got TWO of them (outside orderers) to want OCTOBER shows!! AND...AT her show, I got ONE Catalog show and ONE Kitchen show for OCTOBER!!!
PLEASE, believe me when I say...People WANT THIS!!! But YOU have to let them know it's the special, and let them know what makes it so useful! Email them the recipe for the BBQ Pork Tend...I'll attach it.
~ Offer them a DOLLAR DAYS booking. This is where they get a product for the price of the day of the month. They book for October 15, they can get a $30 product for $15...basically this is another 1/2 price item for them. If they book for November 1st...they can get it for $1. (Obviously it works best for early month bookings) You choose how you want to do it...maybe you set the item as a $30 product, or a $20 product, you want early month bookings, so you can still fill the rest of the month at that show! Set a limit..."It must be a $400 show" or whatever you decide. When you enter the host's order in, she gets her free stuff, 1/2 price items, etc...and you put that incentive on under her Host Discount, so you aren't paying full price for it anyway, and the part you pay add it as "Consultant Gift" is tax deductible...Your commission on her $400 show is AT LEAST $80, so you are still ahead, and it got you a booking and most likely a couple bookings from that show. You also get commission on the host discounted items, so it's cheaper that way too.
~Call everyone you to everyone you can...Carry that PC coozie cup everywhere...Walmart/grocery store, may lead to a conversation with a stranger...I've heard before..."Ah excuse me, do you sell Pampered Chef? I want to order 2 Measure-All cups" or "I haven't had a show in years, I didn't know anyone who sells it" ...You don't have to say a word, you are a walking billboard!
~ Who were the four hosts you put down on your consultant agreement? Have you contacted them, and asked them if they'd be willing to help you get your business started, and they can get FREE Christmas presents?
~ Offer to get the ingredients for the dessert you make when they book an October show.
~ Put a signature on your emails...maybe add the Host Special for the month you want to book. Or say, "Like a little? Place an order. Like a lot? Book a show! Like it all? Become a consultant!!" or "You book it, I'll cook it" or "Invite the guest, and I'll do the rest" get the gist.
~ If you have any old Spring/Summer catalogs, print a mailing label that says something like "Call me for a NEW catalog with NEW products" stick it on front and leave it at a doctors office, or at the bank with the lady that always helps you, or your grocery store clerk, etc.
~ 3-2-1...this is the Home Office's challenge to us. 3 contact a day, 2 shows a week, 1 recruit a month. Doing this will get us a consistent business. Doing your job once a month, makes it hard and scary. Doing it once or twice a week, it becomes second nature. I started PC doing one show a month. Once I started becoming more consistent, I no longer get nervous. If I go several weeks, I get nervous again! Get the momentum rolling, and it will be a FUN RIDE!! Rollercoasters often start going UP a hill, very slow...then WaHOOO...down the hill, and the rest of the ride is fast and fun!! It's hard at first to get the ball rolling, but it will take off, and you'll have it where you want it.
Let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to help you. Let me know if you want to chat on the phone once a week, once a month, or never...
Please do this...Pick 2 of the eight ideas above, and implement them this week! Call or email me with the two you chose, and I'll call you at the end of the week to see how it went!