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Is There a Way to Switch Directors?

In summary, your friend's director is pushy and insensitive to her team. She can still find a hospitality director, but if she doesn't like her director, she can try to switch directors.
Gold Member
I'm asking this question for a friend of mine. I love my director but hers is very pushy and over bearing. (sounds like she's concerned about meeting her goals not helping her team) So my question is if you sign under someone are you stuck with that person as you director or do you think she could contact HO and get a new director?
I believe the only way is to go for a year without placing any orders and then sign up again under someone else. Or if her director decides to quit, she will then have her director's director.
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That what I was afraid of I told her to try HO to see if they could help. It boggles my mind that someone can be so pushy and insensitive to their team and can still make director.
Yes, your friend will still technically have her current director unless your friend goes inactive and re-signs or her current director relinquishes her directorship.That being said, she can always find a hospitality director. I like my director as a person, but as a director she's lacking. I go to other director's cluster meetings.
If your director is cool with it (I don't see whay she wouldn't be) why not bring your friend to your cluster meetings? She also has every right to tell her director to back off and that if she needs/wants anything, she'll call her.

I agree with Marg!!

If she doesn't like her director, ask her director to find her a hospitality director. If her director asks why - tell your friend to give a nice, but honest answer...something like "I'd like to talk to someone with leadership skills who will inspire me not push me". :p I wouldn't feel bad at all - it may give her director a wake up call in which she may take her job more seriously and put others needs in front of her own.

It really bothers me to hear other consultants having problems with their directors. You assume that your director will be there to help. I love my director, she lives over 6 hours away but she always keeps in great contact with me and makes me feel included. She is also keeps me excited about my business and inspires me. That is what a director should do! I am taking notes from her!!
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I will suggest this to her. But my understanding is her director is the only one in her area. I would invite her to mine but she lives halfway across the country. I met her here, she didn't ask me to post this but I was hoping I could help get her away from that aweful director and get her one who wants to help her the way most directors do. Thank you for your thoughts. Any and all are appericated.
Your friend could contact her director's director. She might have some insight for her and perhaps she could attend those meetings. if all else fails, she doesn't have to go to meetings or have much contact with her director. Is her director also her recruiter? If not, has she talked to her recruiter about the situation?

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The problem is her director is her recruiter and from my understanding the only PC consultant in the area. You have to understand that this director calls her about once a day and emails her several times daily, plus mails her by snail mail daily. So she doesn't have room to breathe with this director. Every time she talks to her director it's always "well you need more bookings, you have to come to the meetings, you need to be on that training call, she even pushed until she signed (2 months before she was ready to), etc. I was shocked when she told me the way this director behaves. I look at the awesome director I have and want the same for her. No one wants to do business with someone this pushy.
bittersweet goodbyemy husband and i have concluded that i'm going to stop selling pc if i can't switch my recruiter. the one that i have is overbearing, and she's always pushing her way of doing everything onto my family. my husband can't take it anymore, and frankly, neither can i. i love selling pc, but i've had some problems with both my recruiter and director. they're both the same in that they are always pushing pushing pushing. i know its unprofessional and probably immature, but i've even gone as far as unplugging my phone to avoid her calls. i've tried to talk to them about it, but they just push guilt on me for not wanting to make it a full-time thing. (right now its best if i stay at a few catalog shows a month as my life is too hectic for more than that) they're so... pushy. they take assertive to the next lvl (my recruiter is always coaching me on how to run my household and raise my son)..

its sad b'c this is a good way for me to get to know more ppl and make xtra $ but i'm at my wits end. if i quit now, my husband will fight me starting it up again, just b'c i'll have to buy a whole new kit, when i already have the kit now.

oh well. i can make it work out for the best though. i've been inactive for almost 3 months now, so i won't have to wait a full year until i can start up again. and i could just host some parties through my mom's recruiter (the one i wanted to switch to).. i'll still be able to help out the friends that want parties (b'c they can book off me or my mom's recruiter) and if i host as well, i can get some free products and maybe stock up on some inventory so that if i can start back up again next year, i'll have a lot to give away/sell at fairs.

of course, if it's ok, i'll stay on these boards and keep up with the biz so i can be ready for next time. ....such a bittersweet goodbye... [for now anyway..]

Related to Is There a Way to Switch Directors?

1. Can a director be replaced in the middle of a term?

Yes, a director can be replaced in the middle of a term. This can happen if the current director resigns or is unable to fulfill their duties. The board of directors can vote to appoint a new director to fill the vacancy.

2. How can a director be removed from their position?

A director can be removed from their position if they are found to be in violation of the company's bylaws or if they are not fulfilling their responsibilities. This decision would typically be made by a vote of the board of directors.

3. Can a director be switched without their consent?

No, a director cannot be switched without their consent. As a member of the board of directors, they have a legal right to their position and cannot be removed or replaced without their agreement.

4. Is there a specific process for switching directors?

Yes, there is a specific process for switching directors. This process may vary depending on the company's bylaws and state laws. Typically, it involves a vote by the board of directors to appoint a new director and the resignation of the current director.

5. Can a director switch be done quickly?

The timing of a director switch depends on the specific circumstances and the company's bylaws. In some cases, it can be done quickly if all parties are in agreement. However, if there is a dispute or legal issues involved, the process may take longer.

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