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I Have a Horrible Feeling Im Not Going to Qualify!!

1) Have a positive attitude - no matter what2) Stay positive and upbeat when you are contacting guests about your products or services3) Keep a positive attitude when you are fielding questions from potential customers4) Have a business plan - have a plan for each step you take to achieving your goal5) Stay organized - keep your records up to date6) Stay focused - do not get sidetracked7) Stay positive - stay in the moment8) Be persistent and never give up9) Be prepared for setbacks - they will happen10) Persevere - do not give up on your dream
And Im really upset about it. This is going to be a long rant/pout/vent!! Please feel free to ignore!!

I signed as a consultant at the beginning of July. Had some good solid yes's for shows (or so I thought!) Ended up only having one show in July (my own!) Have had one show in Aug and am now looking at only having one show in September!

I am thoroughly bummed about the prospect of not qualifying!! I have about $700 in sales so far, so I know that I could qualify if my one September show is big. I DID have another show planned for Sep and the host just told me today they dont think they will be able to do it till Oct. I had a Mega Show for a salon that had to be pushed back to Oct (MAYBE we will be able to get it in before my 90 day deadline!!)

Im just bummed that there is a slight possibility that I may not qualify. Im rallying and trying hard to make sure I DO qualify, but I just have this nagging feeling!!

I just want to know what may happen if I dont qualify? I really want to do PC so would I have to start from scratch? Would I have to wiat?

I hate to be a Diddy-Downer!! But maybe I need an idea of how HARD IT WILL BE TO START ALL OVER!! Then I will have even more incentive to get qualified. I hate thinking negative, I konw I need to put more positive thoughts into myself. But its hard when I feel like Im letting down my Recruiter and Director. My Recruiter especially, shes been nothing but awesome and I feel bad that her first recruit is abit of a failure!!
You have to have $1250 or 4 shows to qualify... If you don't think you will qualify money wise go for the shows... get a couple catalog shows going.
You don't HAVE to qualify in your first 90 days - you just get more PC dollars if you do. It can take you 6 months to qualify - you just have to do it eventually. You don't need to start over or anything like that. I would try doing some kind of catalog show (either for discontinuing products or for new products) and push that right now as your 3rd show, then your Sept. show will be your 4th and you won't have to worry about the $$ of the show. Hope that makes sense - your recruiter or director should have explained this to you in detail when you signed up.
Do you have family or friends that are out of town who would be willing to do catalog shows for you?

Do you have any friends nearby that you can ask to help you out and host a show for you?

Any fairs or festivals going on where you can do a booth?

Do you know of any clubs or organizations that would be interested in a fundraiser?

Make CC calls to the guests from your July and August shows to see how they are enjoying their producst. Ask them if they would like the opportunity to earn some PC products fro FREE and at a discount....they might be interested in hosting if you ask them.

Good Luck!
Stacey, Let me first say that I am sorry that I did not explain it all to you thoroughly. I dont quiet understand it all myself and I'm sorry you are my *geunie pig*.

Okay, secondly ... YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE! Dont freak out if you dont qualify right away. Your shows will come, it does take time to get a customer base. Send out an email with all the discontinued items last minute and see if anyone would like to order them, then call the people you sent that email to and see if they got it. Hopefully you would get enough orders to qualify as a show and then that can be your third show!

Thirdly, You know you can call me anytime you want to talk/vent whatever ... I'm here for ya, so is cat. Call us for ideas or whatever. We love ya girl :)
I can relate to your feelings here!I have had many up/downs. Right this very minute, my staying active is coming into question w/ no shows booked for the foreseeable future! It is totally my fault for too many reasons to bore you with. Here are a few sheets that help me get back into the IT'S MY BUSINESS DAMN - IT mode. :) Hope they help you get qualified or the shows you need. Remember, be confident that you have value, you are worth it & you have a wonderful experience to share with anyone you meet!
Good luck & this is the best place you can come to find anything you need! :balloon:


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It can take awhile to build up a business... don't let it get you down, and try to focus on your own goals and not the incentives being dangled over you. If you really want to qualify in a certain time period, work every connection you have... definitely call every customer who purchased from your shows, do make that list of 100 and call them all (as painful as that sounds to me! ;) ), try and find a vendor fair where you can get some leads. There are tons of great ideas you'll find on here for how to generate leads. Also, tell people your goal... say something like "Jenny, I know you said you need to move your show to Oct 1, which is fine. I have a goal to qualify my business by Sept 30, so I"m wondering if you would consider kicking off with a catalog show first, or if you know someone else who might be interested in our AWESOME cookware special in September?" Good luck and hang in there... I feel like my business is finally taking off after a difficult summer and I'm cashing in on connections I've spent about six months generating, so try not to get too discouraged, you never know what is around the next corner.
Some of our top consultants did not qualify within their first 3 months. Just keep smiling and telling people that you have started your business.

You can do this!
You are not going to have to start over if you don't qualify in 3 months... the PC Police aren't going to come and reposses your kit!! As long as you stay active, YOU ARE FINE!!! There is a list in the files on here about 100+ ways to get bookings... maybe that will help you with ideas of what to do. And if you haven't done it already (and even if you already have), go to a show or two with your recruiter, director, upline, sister consultant, etc. and see what they are doing to get bookings. I'm trying to increase my # of shows per month so I can quit my PT job, so I'm scheduling time with my director, another consultant and my upline to go to shows with them and get ideas (BTW... my director and upline each earned TPC in sales for the past 8 years IN A ROW, so I know I'm going to learn something!) While you always want your recruiter to be your main source of information and training and such, find someone in your cluster who has his/her business where you want yours to be and talk with them about how they got where they are. The more people you talk to, the more ideas you will learn and the better you will be able to make this business YOURS!!!!
Good luck... YOU CAN DO IT! Remember, cheffers are always available to help each other with whatever you need!
  • #10
I didn't qualify during my superstarter. Nobody freaked out. I have had 2 of my team members who didn't qualify in their superstarters. I didn't freak out as their recruiter. I just told them- do your best, try to make it, but if you don't make it, don't worry too too much. It is an incentive program, and this company offers lots of incentive programs- Sell-a-Thons for season change kits, sales incentives for all sorts of different things, recruiting incentives, trip incentives, ring incentives. There will be tonnes of opportunities to earn all kinds of things. This is only one of them. Keep working at it, and as you build skills and confidence, your business will build and you will be earning more and more incentive rewards all the time.

  • #11
friday said:
I didn't qualify during my superstarter. Nobody freaked out. I have had 2 of my team members who didn't qualify in their superstarters. I didn't freak out as their recruiter. I just told them- do your best, try to make it, but if you don't make it, don't worry too too much. It is an incentive program, and this company offers lots of incentive programs- Sell-a-Thons for season change kits, sales incentives for all sorts of different things, recruiting incentives, trip incentives, ring incentives. There will be tonnes of opportunities to earn all kinds of things. This is only one of them. Keep working at it, and as you build skills and confidence, your business will build and you will be earning more and more incentive rewards all the time.

What a GREAT answer, Alison!!:thumbup: You said that very well! Your team is lucky to have you as their mentor and cheerleader!
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  • #12
OK Im now breathing a rather large sigh of relief!! I guess I misunderstood the way qualification works. I thought that you had to qualify in your first 90days :yuck: OK so I need to ask more...stress less right??? :p

Thanks for everyones ideas and help. Unfortunately I dont have any family in the country (yep you heard that right!!) And not a lot of friends either. The people who are doing shows are my husbands friends or theyre girlfrends/fiances/wives, and one is my past boss.

As for being able to use my cluster mates, recruiter and director...they are a little far away :) my recruiter lives in GA, my director in CA. I havent gotten a Hospitality Director as I am moving in 2mths (well out of our apt in 1mth and to FL in 2mths!). I know it would be beneficial but I really just dont ahve alot of time for that right now. I have great support through phone and email. But Im not able to do the hands on type of stuff.

OK I am making excuses, and I dont want to make excuses for why I havent had alot of shows, I know only I can make my business FABULOUS!! Im going to stop stressing now...not stop trying to get the business, just stop stressing about qualifying. Although I wish Id had more first 4 shows like some of the other first timers on here. Sure would be nice to have those PC dollars!!

Laurie, thanks girl :) I know I have yours and Cats support. I was just having a mini freak out!! :D I have those occasionally :p
  • #13
Stacey, don't worry we all occasionally have freak-outs! I have been doing this for a year and a half and still don't feel like I have a complete handle on things! It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, so just take a deep breath, relax and search around on here for ways to think outside of the box for bookings -- we all have done it occasionally! Good luck! You are so gonna do it!
  • #14
Stacey, I see you are relaxing a little bit and I am sure it has to make you feel better that you don't have to qualify in your first 90 days. It will come when you get it done. It took me several months as I was having one maybe two shows a month when I first started.

If you would really like to get in some more shows before your 90 days are up, try several different things by thinking outsid eth box to book shows. Here are a couple suggestions:

I see you have something planned with a salon but have you thought of Pampering other businesses? Try the bank, post office, doctor's offices, dentist, school, and maybe health clubs. If you need help on how to do a Pamper Your business, let us know.

One place that I haven't heard a lot about but have seen it on another Yahoo Loop was to Pamper Your Firestation. Call them and tell them you would like to Pamper them and thank them for the services they provide for us. See when you could come and ask them to get other friends and family to come by at the same time.

One thing I recall from the Lemonade Lady was to choose a neighborhood you want shows in and start knocking on doors. Yes, you have to be careful about No Solicitation rules but some areas you can do it. Tell them you were in the neighborhood and was wondering if they are familiar with PC, do they have a consultant & are they interested in coming to a show. The way it was described when I attended the workshop is if they want to come to a show - have them write their name and number down. Eventually you may come to a person who is really excited about meeting you ask them if they want to have a show & if they say yes, tell them that you already have a few people in the neighborhood who are interested in attending a show to start on their guest list.

You said your husband's friends and family have done shows. What about doing a lunch show at his work? I have done a quick show or two at my work and those usually help to for me to have a show to turn in.

Good luck and let us know how you get things going.
  • #15
Stacey, since you will be moving soon, this might help as well for you to get aquainted with new neighbors. I received this from a friend of mine to send to one of my consultants that moved to south jersey/


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  • #16
Start taking single orders and whomever puts in the largest order give them the host special and book it under them if that is ok with them. They only need another show of at least 150.00. I would actually try for 2 more shows in September because you do not want to have something happen and not be able to count your last show at the last minute.
  • #17
Glad you are feeling better. You are not a failure in any way. I know one of the things I'm having the hardest time doing is remembering that I'm not asking someone for a favor I'm offering them a great opportunity to get fantastic kitchenware free and discounted.

Do you belong to a church or other house of worship? If so ask if you could do a fundraiser for them. Do you have children? If so give catalogs to all the parents in their class (if permitted) or talk to the teacher about doing a fundraiser for supplies.

Look at your list of 100. Did you include everyone or did you make "guesses" at who would help? Go back over it. Ask everyone again if they'd do a live show or a catalog show or participate in your mystery host show. Remind your friends/family that the holidays are coming up and PC products make fantastic gifts for those that love to cook and/or entertain. Ask relatives overseas if they'd like to order gifts for people they know in the US (you'll even wrap and deliver if they are local). Tell your mom that what you want for xmas is to qualify and you'd love x, y, and z products and would she consider ordering now to help you qualify.
  • #18
I was in a similar situation, I signed on when I knew that I was getting ready to move (I moved about 2 months after I signed up). I did that b/c I knew I had friends and family who would do some shows for me before I moved, but I didn't work super hard at developing new leads before I left since I knew I would be gone. So you might spend some of your time right now thinking about how to generate leads when you get where you're going... that way you can hit the ground running. Do you know anyone there already who you can contact? Can you start looking for vendor fair opportunities? You might feel better about things, even if you don't qualify right away, if you feel like you have a game plan in place for how to move your business.
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  • #19
Hi again everyone...its me, the crazy worrier :p So I wanted to update y'all on my situation, although I know you all have your own problems, I guess I feel like I just need to tell someone...even the computer screen!!
I just submitted what I think will be my last show before my 90 days is up, and I am $70 short of qualifying in my first 90 days :( Im kinda bummed, but definately alot more relaxed knowing that I dont HAVE TO qualify in the next week or so! (wish I could just buy $70 myself, but pretty sure DH would kill me and cover the evidence :p )I have 2 shows for Oct planned, so I hope to qualify by mid Oct. Yahhhh for me :D So I wanted to say all that to also say thank you soooo much to all you cheffers on here. Although I havent made my business the best it can be so far, with all of your guidance and help and advice, I know I will get to where I want to be. You guys are great THANKS!!!
  • #20
Way to go Stacey! Good job!

Since you are only $70 away, keep your ears open the next few days. Someone you meet might be looking for a personal order betweem now and midnight on Sunday.

Congrats on your October shows!

--Jenny L
  • #21
Go to the grocery store with a cookbook as your list. Someone WILL ask about it. Then tell them about the cookbook special. I bet you'll sell enough to make your goal.
  • #22
Get on the phone & call everyone you know to get the $70 in orders! You are too close to not get it. Go for it!
  • #23
chefann said:
Go to the grocery store with a cookbook as your list. Someone WILL ask about it. Then tell them about the cookbook special. I bet you'll sell enough to make your goal.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again . . .

Ann, you're a genius!
  • #24
Ann is amazing isn't she? I wonder if she ever sleeps? Huh Ann... do you??
end hijack! :)
  • #25
realtorsI'm taking some packets to my local realtors today and tomorrow. I'll attach the sheet that I'm taking to them. I put it together with parts from posts here... thanks everyone! That might be a great place for you to get some new leads and orders ... where you are now and after you move.


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  • #26
quiverfull7 said:
Ann is amazing isn't she? I wonder if she ever sleeps? Huh Ann... do you??
end hijack! :)
Aw... you ladies are sweet. I do sleep. :indif: I just check CS as soon as I get out of the shower in the morning, while I'm waiting for DH to finish his shower (so I can get back into the bathroom to dry my hair).
  • Thread starter
  • #27
See what I mean?!?!?!? You guys are great :D Thanks, youve given me the push to get that $70 and qualify!!!!
  • #28
You will keep us updated, won't you?

--Jenny L
  • Thread starter
  • #29
Certainly will :)
  • #30
You can get $70 in orders... call everyone, tell them your goal and how close you are, and ask them if they would like a cookbook full of great new under 30 recipes... and remind them what great Christmas gifts they make. You can do it! People like feeling like they are helping others so don't be shy telling them you need help!

Related to I Have a Horrible Feeling Im Not Going to Qualify!!

1. What happens if I don't qualify as a consultant for my direct sales company?

If you do not meet the qualification requirements for your direct sales company, you may lose your consultant status and any associated benefits or discounts. However, each company's policies may differ so it is best to check with your specific company for their guidelines.

2. Will I have to start from scratch if I don't qualify as a consultant?

It depends on your specific company's policies. Some companies may allow you to reapply as a consultant after a certain period of time, while others may require you to start from the beginning.

3. Do I have to wait to reapply if I don't qualify as a consultant?

Again, this will depend on your company's policies. Some may allow you to reapply immediately, while others may have a waiting period before you can reapply.

4. How hard will it be to start all over if I don't qualify as a consultant?

Starting over as a consultant may require a lot of effort and time on your part, as well as potentially losing any progress or sales you had made before. It is important to stay positive and motivated, and to learn from any mistakes or challenges you may have faced in your first attempt.

5. How can I prevent not qualifying as a consultant in the future?

To increase your chances of qualifying as a consultant, it is important to set realistic goals and to consistently work towards them. This may include setting a minimum number of shows or sales per month, actively promoting your business, and staying organized and motivated. Additionally, it is important to communicate with your team and seek support and guidance from your recruiter or director when needed.

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