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Overcoming Obstacles: My Struggle with Pampered Chef and How I Keep Going

In summary, Pampered Chef feels like it's going nowhere for Paula. She had a woman call her last week to put an order in and it came to a $750 order. She was so excited...she said she had a couple more people at work that wanted to put in an order too. I told her to get those orders and I would put it all in as a party so she could get a bunch a free stuff....she was excited too. I didn't get her work number but my mom knows who she is and gave me her home number (after three days passed and I didn't hear from her) so anyway....I leave two messages she finally calls me back and tells me she's putting her order on hold
This Pampered Chef thing feels like it's going nowhere. I had a woman call me last week to put an order in and it came to a $750 order. I was so excited...she said she had a couple more people at work that wanted to put in an order too. I told her to get those orders and I would put it all in as a party so she could get a bunch a free stuff....she was excited too. I didn't get her work number but my mom knows who she is and gave me her home number (after three days passed and I didn't hear from her) so anyway....I leave two messages she finally calls me back and tells me she's putting her order on hold because her son had emergency surgery. This has been the story of my life since I started this business. My first show cancelled because she found a lump in her breast and my second party cancelled because her mother-in-law passed away I feel like I'm cursed or something. I'm $250 dollars away from meeting my incentive for this month and I swear I'll cry if tomorrow's party doesn't get that high. I'm so close to getting over $300 in free stuff....UGH!!!!

You'll NEVER guess what just happened now!!! My friend is supposed to be having a Pampered Chef party tomorrow afternoon and she told me it was at her older sister's house....I just called her older sister because I have not been able to get a hold of my friend all week and she just told me that it not at her house!!!!!! So now I have no clue where this party is going to be or if I'm even demo'ing a party tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear I'm close to quitting....if weren't for all the free stuff I probably would have already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hang in there Paula! It's bound to get better! Dont' give up, you are almost at your incentive level! If after your SS months you don't get out of it what you wanted then reconsider your decision. But keep at it and something good has to happen for you!
If in fact you feel it turns out to be not what you wanted--stay active--$200 every 2 months just to get the NEW stuff when it comes out at 1/2 off---I swear I went thru a time like that with illnesses or car wrecks etc..--just keep calling some new contacts every day or do the mass e-mailings---do a neighborhood flyer

wear a button or the clothing--bring it up in conversation wherever you are...
I was ready to quite about 1 yr ago, I did taste of home which helped me out tons, why dont you try doing a fair I do know that they can get kind of Pricy but if you can find one at a resonable price I am pretty sure it will be worth it. Good Luck with everything
I feel like that too! I hear about people on here that have 12 shows booked a month! I get ONE a month or every other month. I talk about booking at my shows, wear my PC swearshirt everywhere, bring it up to anyone I can, e-mail my HUGE list of contacts, and still get NO BOOKINGS. I could just cry. I love PC and I love doing shows but I just can't get any. I know this doesn't help, but I know how you feel.
Its been tough for me. I had my sights on the $4500 level and have five cooking and two catalog shows booked. Well, three of the shows cancelled and one catalog fell through. One lady in the hospital, one girl just flaked out and the other's sone was in a car accident and was very rude, and you what, I'm NOT calling her to rebook. So, I'm barely at the $1500 level. It goes in waves and spurts for me, too. I'm hoping conference helps.

Sometimes when someone wants to push back their show to the next month and I REALLY need the show in the current month, I will tell them that they need to close by the end of the month so their guests get the monthly special. I know its not exactly the truth but it can really make a difference to me.

Good Luck! I hope you stick with it!!
Hey, I've always hear bad things happen in three's, so now maybe you'll be free & clear! No, but really, stay positive & positive things will happen with your business. Don't give up....this is the best job EVER! Try doing some customer care calls to customers you have, check how they like the products, ask if they've ever had a show, see where that takes you. Have you asked all your family & friends yet? You just have to ask, ask, ask...they can't say no until you ask;)
I think the summer is just a tough time for everybody. Looks like I'm not going to make the level 1 incentive or cluster challenge of 2 shows. I do have 2 July shows, 1 August and 2 Sept on my calendar. I'm thinking when the new catalog comes out, it's going to help with bookings alot. I've already had several people asking about the new cat. I say hang in there and see hat September brings! Don't beat up on yourself - sometimes it's just the time of the year and everybody is so focused on their summer activities. I'm only in my 4th month but I still think PC is a great business!

I hope everyone's words of encouragement are helping!
  • #10
Hang in there, we have all had bouts of bad luck!! It can only get better, right?? No matter what happens, I still love PC, its the best job I've ever had!!:D Things will turn around and whammm, you'll be so busy you won't know what to do!! GOOD LUCK IS COMING YOUR WAY!!:D
  • #11
I know everyone is busy--but summer is the best time to have a show--they can do it outside --they love that--sometimes they don't even think of it-----Jan and Feb and the summer months are my busiest----as busy as I wanna be anyway
  • #12
Sometimes these bad breaks happen for our hosts and it can get very discouraging when we are trying to reach goals. Overbooking has helped me tremedously! If I want to have 2 shows a week, I try to squeeze 2 to 4 more shows in a month. Someone is bound to cancel whether it be for an emergency or just because they are standing you up :mad:
There are ups and downs with this business just as there are in anything in life. Remember the reasons you started PC in the first place...the free things, the money or any of several reasons why we all started. There are a couple of phrases that help me..."Patience, for all good things will come to those who wait." (patience is not my strong point!!)The other is "Never EVER give up!"
Also posted in my office are two definitions:
Patient: bearing pain or trials without complaints.
Persistence: To go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of difficulties.
My goal was to make at least $450 a month when I started. It took me over a year to get that consistent of a commission. It isn't always easy but now, my commissions run $1000 to $1500 a month. I hope you don't give up, Paula because that next great host and show are right around the corner...hope you don't miss it:) Hang in there!!
  • #13
I know how you feel. I had 6 shows and 2 catalog shows booked this month and one by one they have all cancelled. Yesterday my best friend had scheduled a show. I last talked to her on Monday to finalize everything. So I get up early yesterday, get everything packed, adjust a script (I found here) get all my packets made, go to the store, get the brownie made in the bar pan. So I am driving to her house, about 1/2 way there and call to get specific directions since I have not been to her new house, and her daughter tells me "show, what show, she's at a garage sale". So I call her cell phone and she says, today, not it's next weekend the 24th. And I say, Debbie, today is the 24th!

So I guess it's next weekend, hopefully her guests didn't show up yesterday!

So that was my last hope to make the level 1 incentive. June will be closing with a big fat 0 shows for me!
  • #14
I'm soo... sorry to hear things aren't going good for some of you guys. My April wasn't great due to cancellations, but I kept my head up and prayed for the Lord's will and He has truly blessed. With hard work and persistence I've had a great May and June so far and July is mostly booked. So if you can just get through these bad times, good times are up ahead. April was my SS3 month and I didn't even make it to 1250.00. So please don't quit, just keep making those phone calls. And if there's a fair invest in it and it will pay off.
  • #15
I to am so frustrated and feel as if I should quit. Everybody says how easy bookings are to get and I just want to ask "What booking tree have you fallen out of?" I have a couple of orders right now and waiting on a third to make it a show so they don't have to pay special shipping, why pay $6 shipping when your item only costs $8.75! There have been a couple of fairs in my small town this month that I found out about by accident and have participated in them. I have one booking from the first one that was supposed to be the 7th of july, but got postponed until august. I have about three people wanting me to call back the beginning of July about their parties. I don't call them shows anymore. It's hard to get excited about shows. Parties. Someone at my church said that he will do his Christmas shopping exclusively with me which would be $200-300. I just don't know what to do right now and I'm just getting depressed about it all.
  • #16
Stay positiveI was there too... This is my SS1 and I was so upset that I decided to start in June when things tend to be a little slower. I held my first open house to announce my business and only 3 people attended (2 of the 3 ordered and the other one booked a show). Sales were less than$100 but I pulled together a Wacky Wednesday sale and pushed for orders (almost begged) and it closed around 387 with an additional booking. Then i had my first cooking show have to cancel because of the 30 guests she had invited only 2 were going to show up. We decided to run it as a catalog show just to see. Well, she is now at almost $500 with 6 guests and 1 booking.

I know it's tough and there are times you think it would just be easier to walk away, but don't! Just keep trying to be creative. Try different incentives. People love free stuff. Offer Free shipping, offer 10% off if they spend $50. Ask all your friends and family for referals and then give them a free gift if that referal books a qualifying show.

Keep your chin up cheffer.... it will all be ok!

  • #17
CMackey: I agree with you. I have to WORK to get my bookings. I hear about some others and I have to just sit back in amazement.

In the year I have been doing this I had ONE girl come up to me BEFORE a show and say she wanted to host her own show.

I work the phones (follow up in crucial!) Do what you say you're going to do. Keep your promises. When you say you will call, be sure to call when you said you would. I learned that reading "Build it Big".

I do CC calls. My main purpose with CC calls is to make sure they are happy with the products and to set myelf apart from other direct sellers. I have been to a TON of parties and have NEVER gotten a call from the candle, crystal, or make up reps to make sure everything was OK. Sometimes the conversation will naturally lead to having a show. Regardless of what anyone will tell you, I have found that its the personal contact, not newspaper ads, emails or letters, but you personally asking someone that will yield the best results. These other things may work for others, and that is wonderful, but I know for me its the personal connection that works.

At check out at shows I do three things. 1) Here's a recipe and folder for your receipt. 2) Would you like to host a show of your own? 3) Would you like information on starting your own business? I have three piles of papers and refer to each when I ask the questions.

These actions are how I have gotten most show leads. I have done a couple of events and I would say for me personally, 1 out of 15 people will do a show from the fairs. I got one recruit from a fair and one catalog show that actually was really good. When I do a fair my only objective is exposure and generating leads.

I hope this info help.
  • #18
AJPratt, great advice! Staying positive IS difficult...even for those that have been in this for a length of time. Certain times of the year are much more difficult to get bookings than others. When I am not staying positive, bookings go down. It is hard to sound enthusiastic and to act enthusiastic when I am down. Who wants to have a party with someone who isn't excited? Sometimes I have to fake it until it happens!:(

AJPratt has some excellent ideas! Great ideas can be found on line with Belinda Ellsworth, Karen Phelps, Irene Meckley and more. If you know someone that would let you borrow some of their material or someone that would split the cost of a purchase from any of these ladies, it would be a wise investment.

Once the word gets out that you care about your customers and that your parties are fun...things will pick up. This is a business and I know of no business that went from nothing to unbelievable success without time, a positive outlook and overcoming obsticles. We live in a time that most of us desire a quick result. Success may happen fast for just a few but most of us need to grow a business over a period of time.

For me...I am amazed at results that people have with fairs and such. I now will do only one a year if at all. I find that they are a waste of time for me and that I am more likely to have a better investment of my time by doing a party instead. For others, this brings them overwhelming success. Just keep trying things until you get the results you desire. There are a million ideas out there to try. Stay positive and keep talking to others on this loop. One of the things I love about this business is that we share and help one another. Hang in there and keep reaching.
  • #19
baychef said:
AJPratt, great advice! Staying positive IS difficult...even for those that have been in this for a length of time.

For me...I am amazed at results that people have with fairs and such. I now will do only one a year if at all. I find that they are a waste of time for me and that I am more likely to have a better investment of my time by doing a party instead. For others, this brings them overwhelming success. Just keep trying things until you get the results you desire. There are a million ideas out there to try. Stay positive and keep talking to others on this loop. One of the things I love about this business is that we share and help one another. Hang in there and keep reaching.

At fairs and expos--the key is the door prize slip---and since I added a spot for their e-mail address--you wouldn't believe...---I just asks for name --phone (1st line ) e-mail (2nd line)
Would you like to host your own catalog show or inhome Cooking show and earn FREE products?! YES______ NO___________ MAYBE________
If it is at a fundraiser I put--this FUNDRAISER earns $20 for each booking

Also like I posted somewhere else--I did 2 expos in one weekend and got like 58 e-mail addresses for people that said NO to booking---you never know they may order sometime--14 at each that said maybe--I have held 2 so far--and this week 1 host is signing after her show closes--will wait til sat. for the July recruiting incentive!!!!
  • #20
Anne - first of all, I can't wait to meet you at Conference - your posts are always inspiring. Second, when you make your customer care calls, is it strictly with the purpose of touching base and making sure they are happy or do you actually ask each person for a booking. This is definitely my big area of struggle and hearing what other people do makes it easier!
  • #21
I'll tell you a little secretSOMETIMES IT REALLY SUCKS! Sorry for being so crude but it is the truth. There are times when I wish I could "hurt" some of the people I deal with and sometimes I just want to hug others. It can be an emotional roller coaster. Especially if you are trying real hard to hit a certain level.
I have been doing this for 5.5 years and it never comes easy. When you have a full time job to work around not to mention keeping up with household chores, and I ain't talking dishes but plumbing repairs and a palster ceiling that decided to drop and lawn work and, well, you know. It can be difficult to find time to just make calls. So here is what I had to do. I HAD TO CHANGE MY OUTLOOK! I realized it wasn't anything I could controll all the time. Like getting sick and laid up for 2 months. Try working around that one. I simply STOPPED making expectations for myself. If it happens, it happens. If not, oh well! I simply could not handle the stress of stressing about it.
Now it is so much more fun because when I put in my totals for the month to my director, she'll say something like, "Oh wow, You got such and such". I just say "Huh?" I don't keep track any more. The funny thing is, I usually hit goals even though I don't try to any more. The only person you can rely on is you. So...
  • #22
all of the advice is great and wonderful and I appreciate all of it. you all are so uplifting. I ask people at the shows, when I have them, if they want to host a show of their own and no body does! I have done the fairs and I have one booking for august and am trying to wrangle in some catalog shows. When it is this hard it is very hard to stay encouraged and not think I have just made the biggest mistake doing PC. I love the products and am a firm believer in their worth. When I see people buying kitchen gadgets etc. at Wal-mart i want to tell them put that junk back and get this! I just need to figure out a way to stay positive and hopefully the bookings will come.

By the way, I had someone at my show in January tell me she went through FOUR wal-mart food choppers in one year and she bought a new one that day!
  • #23
I recently decided to have my hosts help get bookings for me. All this Summer, I am offering a piece of stoneware to each host that has 3 bookings for me before the show. People will book shows to help a friend, when they will not for me. So far, so good. I got 3 bookings from my last show, and then the host wants to to another one in 6 months, so 4 bookings from 1 show. Works for me !!!!!
  • #24
loreedfk said:
Anne - first of all, I can't wait to meet you at Conference - your posts are always inspiring. Second, when you make your customer care calls, is it strictly with the purpose of touching base and making sure they are happy or do you actually ask each person for a booking. This is definitely my big area of struggle and hearing what other people do makes it easier!

Awww... shucks!

When I make CC calls I start small. My goal is I want them to know I care. I thank them for their order. I ask them about problems---I want to know about problems. Lets face it some products are better than others. Depending on the conversation I will ask "Have you ever thought of hosting your own show? I would love to do a show for you."

I also try to think of things for people. Something very flattering... I saw this such and such and I thought of you. That means a lot to people. Now, you can't help it if you saw the same thing and thought of 10 other people.

I also tell people that I only do a few shows a week. I guage the call. If I like the person, I'll ask for the show. If they are mean, why bother... Its my business.

John: You crack me up... sometimes there's just no mojo.
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  • #25
Me too!!!I know all about the no bookings problem. I started in November and was doing great until April. Then, it was one show a month...I did have two this month, but they were only $300 shows. So, not even the smallest package of new fall products for me. I don't know if it is the area that I'm in, but NO ONE wants to book a show! I pass around my booking binder, go over the specials, everything...no one is interested. And, it seems like lately, people are spending only about $15-$20 at a show! I only had one order for over $60 at both of my shows this month. I just don't know what to do either! The posts have had some good ideas. I especially like the idea of offering a piece of stoneware for 3 referrals.
  • #26
AmyLee: Where are you in NJ?
  • #27
Jayne, you are so true. I have been doing this for about 10 months and this has been my slowest month yet. I will be just over $2,000 for the month and my usual months are just under $4,000. I had one lady cancel because of a funeral and 2 cancel because their guests were out of town, etc.. It is June, everyone is busy with graduations, weddings, vacations, etc. It just happens. My July is looking a little slower too, but also have several people I am still waiting on for dates and my August is looking great as well as fall. I already have bookings set for October. Things do turn around. You make or break your sales with attitude and mindpower. I just keep trying. I tell everyone what I do and go from there. It sure does make a difference.
  • Thread starter
  • #28
You guys are all great. Thanks for all the great words of encouragement. Just to update on the original post. I did end up demo'ing a party on Sunday the location had changed. NO ONE showed up for the first 1/2 hour. Then two people showed up. One ordered. She (my friend) assured me she could get me a $600 show before the 30th. Guess what....SHE DID!!! Now all I need is for her to pick out what she wants and pay me for her order and I made my quota for this month. The only problem is I'm cutting it soooo close to the end of the month and it's been like pulling teeth to get her to give me her order. I've decided I'm not going to stress over it anymore. There's nothing more I can do. The party is all entered in PP waiting for her to give me her order...then I hit send....now the question is....will it happen before the 3oth....LOL We shall see. Thanks again for all the wonderful advice.
  • #29
This summer's been rough, but I have been able to keep my head above water so far...

Gas prices this morning in our area are at $3.09, and that has taken a huge toll on my business! I too have seen a great drop in my sales per customer. Hey, if I was going to a PC Show for a friend, I couldn't spend more than $20, so why should I expect it from anyone else?

I feel blessed to have the amount of shows I have (avg 6-7). I work my business every day and I try to treat every person the way I want to be treated, so I am happy in my situation. Some good old pharses to remember:
What goes around comes around, perseverence always pays off, and let His will be done! :)
  • #30
Gas prices have taken a huge toll, but I wished I only had to pay $3.09. I am paying $3.36 last night when I filled up. This is a decent month for me, but I have had to work 3 times as hard to get the sales that I did.
  • #31
I have to admit I never make customer care calls. It is mostly because my shows are always with the same circle of people that I see all the time, so if they had a problem they would just tell me. I still should make them, but I can't get up the nerve. Also it is intimidating since most of them are my Mom's friends and see me as a little kid and not as a peer.
  • #32
I'm just going to ramp it up for the next sell a thon. I'm still in my first year, so level one was OK for me.
  • #33
I just thought i would update everyone on my situation. It has actually gotten worse. I had a lady who was going to do a catalog show for me a few months ago and has just quit work b/c she has no one to care for her son and does not want to do daycare. Can't blame her, me neither. Called today to chat with the lady who is doing my one August show and a gentleman who answered said the show was canceled because she is in the hospital. Well, it's still five weeks away. I told him I would need to speak to her and would call back at a later time. I have some women who said they would do catalog shows for me, just getting them to do is one thing. I have a newsletter that I just put together to send out to past customers hoping that it generates some leads, but right now not to optimisitc.
  • #34
I'm sorry cmackey. Maybe ask the woman who just quit her job if she wants some info about joining PC. Then she might have a show for you to get credit for her kit. I know how you are feeling and it really sucks. I am just trying to be "out there" and get some shows booked. I ordered WAY too many catalogs because I thought I was going to have a really good HWC campaign. I have now made myself a promise that I will give out EVERY SINGLE CATALOG before the new one comes out. I have over 100 for sure, and it is a really big goal. I am going to give them to anyone I can, but I have to talk to each person I give one to (or the friend they get it from). I am really excited to not feel like I "wasted" them by not giving them out in time. If I can reap some benefits of getting catalogs out that would be great too!

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