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forSale Executive Cookware, Sa Items, Hwc Cups/Plates, and More

In summary, Jennie Rebecca is selling her HWC plate and cups set for $21 on Lets Make a Deal website. She donated her commission in May to the ACS.
Email me for a list of what i have left to sellI have deleted my post and have posted else where. If you would like a list... feel free to email me as i do not check these boards as often as others, as well as dont have time to update as fast as others would like me to.
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are you really asking?Are you seriously asking $35.00 for the HWC plate and cups set? :eek: WOW. Are you giving the difference to the ACS since you are making such a profit?

I don't agree with this. We are all fellow consultants. IMO it just not nice.
  • Thread starter
  • #2
HwcOn lets make a deal, others were offering those at $35 - $40 and they were selling them. So i decided to sell mine at that price. AND actually... YES i do donate my profits to the ACS. AND FYI .... i donated my commission in the month of May to the ACS as my mother is a survivor.

LMAD did post AFTER our postings were already sent out, that they would not allow us to post those for more than what we paid. So i did sell that set for $21.... a couple of pennies less than what i paid with my tax. I hosted a couple of shows in May to get those and to donate my commissions to the ACS.

Thanks for speaking your piece, but it was NICE of me to donate the profits.
ImoJustify it any way you want.
You can not list your items for more than you paid on lets make a deal websight. Why make a profit on your fellow consultants when you can make it on your commissions.

Just My Opinion

Admin Greg said:
Please no sales of current Pampered Chef products.

Did you miss this?
  • Thread starter
  • #4

I KNOW THAT. I just told you on the PM that i sold it for $21 as well as posted that here...... I feel like you jumped the gun on your comment to me, rather than just stating that it should not be sold for more than the $21 that it cost me.... You had to make a comment about me donating profits to the ACS. WHICH i do...

Well i updated what was for sale and what was not for sale as well as what is pending. So once again, the HWC cups sold for $21... which is pennies less than what it cost me to get in the first place......

Trust me, i am NOT trying to make a profit off fellow consultants... as you stated, just was selling for what the going price was on the other boards.

So just one more time to clarify things:
It sold for $21 NOT $35
I did not make a profit off of them
I DID donate all commissions in May to HWC
I do know that we cannot list things on LMAD for more than retail or what we pay as a host

This may come off strong, but I do not appreciate the comments that were made towards me and my ethics. It was kinda like you were saying.... HOW DARE you list your items for that amount... BEFORE even getting the real story. Then making a comment on me donating the profits... ALSO before getting the real story. I dont log on here very often since i normally have issues with signing on here, so i didnt update as fast as you would like me to.

Thank you for letting me say my piece. I understand that you have your opinions, but its ALWAYS good to get the FULL story first as well as NEVER assume ANYTHING.

I have deleted my posting as this posting has gone further than it should have.
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:D Geez already! How about telling the poor girl the rules nicely. Sorry everyone is jumping down your throat.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Thank you luvs2sellitThanks for that comment. I just deleted the original posting as this conversation just went a little to far. So i know the rules.. NOW!! Geesh.... Just trying to let them know that BEFORE making comments about selling for so much and am i going to donate and blah blah blah... Ask ME first.. PM me to ask.. when you assume... we ALL know that does!
Shame on all of you who are jumping all over Jennifer. This is NOT how consultants should be treating one another.
Jennifer: Its no big deal. We have ALL made our fair share of mistakes and have done PLENTY of things before we knew the rules. I'm still learning!

Where's this LMAD site?
Here's the link for LMAD :)

  • Thread starter
  • #10
AJPratt said:
Jennifer: Its no big deal. We have ALL made our fair share of mistakes and have done PLENTY of things before we knew the rules. I'm still learning!

Where's this LMAD site?

Yeah, well i didnt think that i would get such negative comments by posting one little posting! But thank you to those that are leaving kind messages. boy, i will probably never post anything for sale on here again!

The LMAD site is http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/lets_make_a_deal/

I hope that works. You just have to register yourself and they ask you some questions just to make sure you are a PC consultant. Its really cool. Once you join, you will get emails on others that are ISO or Selling. I have gotten quite a few retired items as well as lots of HWC items since I put together gift baskets for a couple of survivors that I know. Let me know if you cant access that link. Email me at [email protected] and i can help you get on there.

I am really new to LMAD, just under a month, but its a great site!
  • #11
Thanks alot Jennifer. haha. Since I stood up for you now I am getting grumpy emails from Jennie Becca. I don't understand the big deal. So touchy!!!:confused: Her exact words in my private message were " I don't appreciate you jumping all over me when you don't know the half of it". I think Jennie must have been having a raunchy day, seriously, did it sound like I jumped all over her.
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  • #12
Ok, now Jennie has deleted her post. She jumped all over Jennifer for trying to sell something and make a profit. :eek: How dreadful!!!! Then got mad because Jennifer deleted the post , then sent me a long private message going on and on about this issue and then deleted her own post so all of you reading have no idea what we are talking about. rofwmp!!!!! :D :D :D :D
  • #13
luvs2sellit said:
Ok, now Jennie has deleted her post. She jumped all over Jennifer for trying to sell something and make a profit. :eek: How dreadful!!!! Then got mad because Jennifer deleted the post , then sent me a long private message going on and on about this issue and then deleted her own post so all of you reading have no idea what we are talking about. rofwmp!!!!! :D :D :D :D

This is keeping me very entertained :D What does rofwmp stand for?
  • #14
I read this just to see were the sight was so that I could check it out Thanks all of you.
  • #16
I'll guess Rolling On the Floor Wetting My Pants.

Anyone else want to guess??

  • #17
I'll agree with Julie on that one...LOL
  • #18
That's just what I was going to suggest Julie. LOL

I have seen LMBO, LMAO, ROTFLMBO.......
  • #19
Sorry, I use Aol instant messaging to talk to all of my out of town friends and there are all kinds of these. rofwmp is short for roll on floor wet my pants. Basically laughing my you know what off!! or Lmao!!!:D
  • #20
enough is enoughI did delete my posts because i'm tired of getting the brunt of this.

I stated from the beginning that it was In My Own Opinion. Yes I thought it was wrong to sell something to a fellow consultant for double what you paid for it. this isn't ebay.

LUVS2SELLIT You'd be better off if you spending your time making customer calls than trying to stir up trouble.
  • #21
okay....this was very entertaining, but it was all one sided. It is very obvious that some posts were deleted. While I agree that we should not sell things to other consultants for more than what we paid for them, it is up to each individual consultant to decide if they want it bad enough to pay more for it. I would not pay 35.00, but I don't care if someone else wants to. And, even though the cost was only 19.00 you still had to pay sales tax and shipping which would have brought the cost up to around 25.00. We should not feel guilty charging the full price that we paid. Also, these items are only available during the month of May. You can no longer get them, so they are probably worth more now than they were in May. And, I have to admit that I have not read the entire rule book for LMAD. I just skimmed the top and follow HO guidelines. At times I wonder if the information I get from these types of sites is worth all the negative comments I have to read. There is always someone who wants to complain. I say, run your business like you want to....it is yours.....if you want to sell your HWC items for 1000.00 and someone wants to pay that much, more power to you.
  • #22
Now, I hadn't planned on getting in the middle of this, especially after I got into such a heated debate over the $5 site fee, but Jennie_Becca, if you're going to post your opinion than you need to have the gumption to stand behind it, not delete it so people can believe you totally blameless and innocent. I too did not think it was a good idea to sell the HWC stuff for such an inflated price, but we live in the world of Supply & Demand and since they were only available during May and can do longer be purchased I understand that their price is going to go up! For you to attack Laura (luv2sellit) as you just did is ridiculous. I devote business time each day to check the site for ideas and to answer questions from other members, as do other members I'm sure. If you didn't want to "bear the brunt" of it you should have sent a private message and not spread your opinion across a PUBLIC message board for ALL TO SEE!
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  • #23
i give upI GIVE UP. I've tried to explain. Discuss this all you want. I'm done with it.

  • #24
luvs2sellit said:
:D Geez already! How about telling the poor girl the rules nicely. Sorry everyone is jumping down your throat.[/QUOTE

:D Jennie, this is all I said! Notice the smiley face as well at the beginning of my post.
  • #25
I think it's time for EVERYONE to DROP THIS TOPIC - honestly I think the moderators should delete the entire thread. What a waste of time everyone is spending debating this garbage. Start posting on how to better our business - BE POSITIVE and ENCOURAGING - that is what we are all here for!!!
  • #26
Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!Yes let's drop this topic....but first let me read the entire thread.....LOL :D

Oh come on now. I agree with Shawna and DZ mom. Not everyone hosted a show in May, not everyone got these cool pink cups!! I got three sets!!!
They are like gold. I sold two sets to a neighbor for $45 each!!!!
Am I wrong, am I bad, should I be ashamed of myself.....NO WAY!!! She asked me how much I would be willing to part with them since she wanted them really badly. We just bought the kids an above ground pool and we needed a filter that happened to cost $90 used. She bought the cups and squares and we bought our filter!! She knew they only cost $40 somthing dollars!! And she knew I got them for $19 something.
She didn't care!!
She loves them and I love my new pool and filter!!
It's ok to make a proft, that's how this country works!! Buy low, sell high!! I make a profit on eBay all the time. My husband finds really great Christian books that are in demand really cheap at garage sales, estate sales, flea markets, plus lots of other items and we make a great profit.
I once sold a Pilgrim's progress game (paid $2 for it) for $40 plus shipping and handling. It's a great way to earn some money!
Jennifer gave her profits to what was important to her, that is great!! She didn't have to. Ok that's my two cents!! ROFLWTDTIAN
(Rolling on Floor Laughing While Toddler Daughter Thinks I Am NUTS!!!
Debbie :D
  • #27
Well nowwww............................................ ..How bout them Cubbies?!
  • #28
smarteez2 said:
How bout them Cubbies?!

They still suck!! And I say that with all of the love in the world as I am a huge Cubs fan...

Do I need to quit my job so that I can try to keep the peace on here...;) ;) ;) ?
  • #29
That would be great Andrea. :D I stay at home all day long and as you can see I was seriously bored today.
  • #30
Don't delete this thread!I think the most important thing is to stand up for what you believe in and defend those who need the help, and that's what we did.

Just remember "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."

I know some think this is a wate of time and that we could better benefit our businesses doing something else, but I think through this thread, people are learning how to handle conflict, learning what's appropriate and seeing that people who don't even know you will stick up for you.

AND PLEASE, don't delete your posts (unless there is something vulgar). It makes the rest of us look like nuts. :eek: :eek:
  • #31
Shawnna said:
And, even though the cost was only 19.00 you still had to pay sales tax and shipping which would have brought the cost up to around 25.00.

actually, since you could only get them as a hostess-you wouldn't have paid the shipping-right?

and my favorite is: ROFLMAOPMP

anyone catch that one?
  • #32
I thought it was funny.
  • #33
Rolling on floor laughing my A$$ off Peeing my Pants!

I got it, I got it! What's my prize?
  • #34
jessica_momof6 said:
actually, since you could only get them as a hostess-you wouldn't have paid the shipping-right?QUOTE]

Ok, I have to step into that one, you would have to pay shipping if you were a past host purchasing them at another show, and you would have to pay shipping to ship it to whoever purchased them from you after the fact.
  • #35
Ok, I have to ask because I never get this right. How in the world do you get just a part of someones quote from a previous post? Also, how do you get it to show up in the shaded box as a quote? I know this is a lame question but I just have not figured it out.
  • #36
jdavis said:
...and you would have to pay shipping to ship it to whoever purchased them from you after the fact.

I agree. I think that's what the one poster meant.
  • #37
luvs2sellit said:
Ok, I have to ask because I never get this right. How in the world do you get just a part of someones quote from a previous post? Also, how do you get it to show up in the shaded box as a quote? I know this is a lame question but I just have not figured it out.

Well, to get a quote in the little shaded box, you click on Quote in whoever's comment you want to Quote. Then it will bring you to the Post Reply screen with their post in it, and you can go and delete whatever isn't important to what you are replying to.

Does that make sense?
  • #38
Ah, delete. Never thought of that. I would click on the quote, click and shade the area I wanted but it never worked. Will have to try it. Thanks.
  • #39
Does that make sense?[/QUOTE]

See, my quote is not shaded like the others. Hmm???
  • #40
jdavis said:
jessica_momof6 said:
actually, since you could only get them as a hostess-you wouldn't have paid the shipping-right?

Ok, I have to step into that one, you would have to pay shipping if you were a past host purchasing them at another show, and you would have to pay shipping to ship it to whoever purchased them from you after the fact.

no-because whoever buys it would be paying the shipping on top of the price they bought it for.
and the OP stated that she held her own shows to buy the HWC plates/cups, so she wouldn't have paid shipping on them as the host.
  • #41
DZmom said:
Rolling on floor laughing my A$$ off Peeing my Pants!

I got it, I got it! What's my prize?

I will have to think one up!

how about this..
put it in your avatar!
  • Thread starter
  • #42
Oh MyWOW!! I just FINALLY got to log on here and didnt even think that this posting got this far.

Like I said before, I saw others listing and selling for $35 - $40 a set, so i thought that I would try it. Then on LMAD, the moderator sent out an email stating that it was a NO NO and they would delete all the postings that were in violation. So i DID sell my set for $21....... Not the $35 that i HAD posted. Then "someone" wanted to say their Opinion, which i never got upset about since i know EVERYONE has an opinion. BUT what i was REALLY bothered with, was that she could have Nicely, PM'd me and said those things. Also, gather the Facts BEFORE sending that message. It just made her look bad when she made that smart comment about me donating... WELL I DO!! My mother is a STRONG SURVIVOR and i do anything and EVERYTHING to support to find a cure. I do relays, donate any chance i get and also spread the word to others about self breast exams and mamograms.

I guess all i am trying to say is, that OK, so i posted something at a higher price than what i paid... BUT it is a RARE item now and ONLY host could get them (or we could earn ONE set from our sales). I hosted a show JUST to get those as well as all the FREE products that i earned..... what do you think i got? YUP thats right.... cutting boards and clips. And where are those?? YUP you guessed it again! Donated! Of course i gave my mom a couple of sets for her and her friends as well as kept a set for myself to remind me each day when i use that cutting board and paring knife, that my mother is a strong women among OTHER strong women who have faught the battle and WON.

Ok, that was my piece. To those that are bashing on the kind ladies that showed their support for me, please stop. These boards have helped me with my sales and to motivate me for the next show. I would hate to not want to log in anymore since i would be afraid to hear some negative.

Thank you,
  • #43
luvs2sellit said:
See, my quote is not shaded like the others. Hmm???

Don't delete the first bracket with the quote=name of cheffer in it and don't delete the end bracket.

Try again and if you need to delete some of the words, go ahead but don't touch the brackets!:D :D :D
  • #44
Jenn, you've inspired so many!
  • #45
Wow...how did I miss all of this? :eek: :D Probably better that I did!:D :D
  • #46
Marlene you crack me up!!! :D As soon as I saw you replied I thought " Ooh, this will be good" .

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